EBSCO Discovery module. Used on the library.upei.ca website. The bento box modules leverages the auth parts of this module.

561 lines
20 KiB

* EBSCO Response class
* PHP version 5
* Copyright [2014] [EBSCO Information Services]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
require_once 'sanitizer.class.php';
* EBSCOResponse class
class EBSCOResponse
* A SimpleXml object
* @global object
private $response;
* Constructor
* Sets up the EBSCO Response
* @param none
* @access public
public function __construct($response)
$this->response = $response;
* Returns the XML as an associative array of data
* @param none
* @return array An associative array of data
* @access public
public function result()
if (!empty($this->response->AuthToken)) {
return $this->buildAuthenticationToken();
} else if (!empty($this->response->SessionToken)) {
return (string) $this->response->SessionToken;
} else if (!empty($this->response->SearchResult)) {
return $this->buildSearch();
} else if(!empty($this->response->Record)) {
return $this->buildRetrieve();
} else if(!empty($this->response->AvailableSearchCriteria)) {
return $this->buildInfo();
} else { // Should not happen, it may be an exception
return $this->response;
* Parse the SimpleXml object when an AuthenticationToken API call was executed
* @param none
* @return array An associative array of data
* @access private
private function buildAuthenticationToken()
$token = (string) $this->response->AuthToken;
$timeout = (integer) $this->response->AuthTimeout;
$result = array(
'authenticationToken' => $token,
'authenticationTimeout' => $timeout
return $result;
* Parse a SimpleXml object and
* return it as an associative array
* @param none
* @return array An associative array of data
* @access private
private function buildSearch()
$hits = (integer) $this->response->SearchResult->Statistics->TotalHits;
$searchTime = (integer) $this->response->SearchResult->Statistics->TotalSearchTime / 1000;
$records = array();
$facets = array();
if ($hits > 0) {
$records = $this->buildRecords();
$facets = $this->buildFacets();
$results = array(
'recordCount' => $hits,
'searchTime' => $searchTime,
'numFound' => $hits,
'start' => 0,
'documents' => $records,
'facets' => $facets
return $results;
* Parse a SimpleXml object and
* return it as an associative array
* @param none
* @return array An associative array of data
* @access private
private function buildRecords()
$results = array();
$records = $this->response->SearchResult->Data->Records->Record;
foreach ($records as $record) {
$result = array();
$result['ResultId'] = $record->ResultId ? (integer) $record->ResultId : '';
$result['DbId'] = $record->Header->DbId ? (string) $record->Header->DbId : '';
$result['DbLabel'] = $record->Header->DbLabel ? (string) $record->Header->DbLabel : '';
$result['An'] = $record->Header->An ? (string) $record->Header->An : '';
$result['PubType'] = $record->Header->PubType ? (string) $record->Header->PubType : '';
$result['AccessLevel'] = $record->Header->AccessLevel ? (string) $record->Header->AccessLevel : '';
$result['id'] = $result['An'] . '|' . $result['DbId'];
$result['PLink'] = $record->PLink ? (string) $record->PLink : '';
if (!empty($record->ImageInfo->CoverArt)) {
foreach ($record->ImageInfo->CoverArt as $image) {
$size = (string) $image->Size;
$target = (string) $image->Target;
$result['ImageInfo'][$size] = $target;
} else {
$result['ImageInfo'] = '';
if ($record->FullText) {
$availability = (integer) $record->FullText->Text->Availability == 1;
$links = array();
//RF 2012-12-18
if (isset($record->FullText->Links))
foreach ($record->FullText->Links->Link as $link) {
$type = (string) $link->Type;
$url = (string) $link->Url;
// If we have an empty url when type is pdflink then just return something so
// that the UI check for empty string will pass.
$url = empty($url) && $type == 'pdflink' ? 'http://content.ebscohost.com' : $url;
$links[$type] = $url;
$result['FullText'] = array(
'Availability' => $availability,
'Links' => $links
if ($record->CustomLinks) {
$result['CustomLinks'] = array();
foreach ($record->CustomLinks->CustomLink as $customLink) {
$category = $customLink->Category ? (string) $customLink->Category : '';
$icon = $customLink->Icon ? (string) $customLink->Icon : '';
$mouseOverText = $customLink->MouseOverText ? (string) $customLink->MouseOverText : '';
$name = $customLink->Name ? (string) $customLink->Name : '';
$text = $customLink->Text ? (string) $customLink->Text : '';
$url = $customLink->Url ? (string) $customLink->Url : '';
$result['CustomLinks'][] = array(
'Category' => $category,
'Icon' => $icon,
'MouseOverText' => $mouseOverText,
'Name' => $name,
'Text' => $text,
'Url' => $url
if($record->Items) {
$result['Items'] = array();
foreach ($record->Items->Item as $item) {
$name = $item->Name ? (string) $item->Name : '';
$label = $item->Label ? (string) $item->Label : '';
$group = $item->Group ? (string) $item->Group : '';
$data = $item->Data ? (string) $item->Data : '';
$result['Items'][$name] = array(
'Name' => $name,
'Label' => $label,
'Group' => $group,
'Data' => $this->toHTML($data, $group)
$results[] = $result;
return $results;
* Parse a SimpleXml object and
* return it as an associative array
* @param none
* @return array An associative array of data
* @access private
private function buildFacets()
$results = array();
$facets = $this->response->SearchResult->AvailableFacets->AvailableFacet;
foreach ($facets as $facet) {
$values = array();
foreach ($facet->AvailableFacetValues->AvailableFacetValue as $value) {
$this_value = (string) $value->Value;
$this_value = str_replace(array('\(','\)'), array('(', ')'), $this_value);
$this_action = (string) $value->AddAction;
$this_action = str_replace(array('\(','\)'), array('(', ')'), $this_action);
$values[] = array(
'Value' => $this_value,
'Action' => $this_action,
'Count' => (string) $value->Count
$id = (string) $facet->Id;
$label = (string) $facet->Label;
if (!empty($label)) {
$results[] = array(
'Id' => $id,
'Label' => $label,
'Values' => $values,
'isApplied' => false
return $results;
* Parse a SimpleXml object and
* return it as an associative array
* @param none
* @return array An associative array of data
* @access private
private function buildInfo()
// Sort options
$elements = $this->response->AvailableSearchCriteria->AvailableSorts->AvailableSort;
$sort = array();
foreach ($elements as $element) {
$sort[] = array(
'Id' => (string) $element->Id,
'Label' => (string) $element->Label,
'Action' => (string) $element->AddAction
// Search fields
$elements = $this->response->AvailableSearchCriteria->AvailableSearchFields->AvailableSearchField;
$tags = array();
foreach ($elements as $element) {
$tags[] = array(
'Label' => (string) $element->Label,
'Code' => (string) $element->FieldCode
// Expanders
$elements = $this->response->AvailableSearchCriteria->AvailableExpanders->AvailableExpander;
$expanders = array();
foreach ($elements as $element) {
$expanders[] = array(
'Id' => (string) $element->Id,
'Label' => (string) $element->Label,
'Action' => (string) $element->AddAction,
'selected' => false // Added because of the checkboxes
// Limiters
$elements = $this->response->AvailableSearchCriteria->AvailableLimiters->AvailableLimiter;
$limiters = array();
$values = array();
foreach ($elements as $element) {
if ($element->LimiterValues) {
$items = $element->LimiterValues->LimiterValue;
foreach($items as $item) {
$values[] = array(
'Value' => (string) $item->Value,
'Action' => (string) $item->AddAction,
'selected' => false // Added because of the checkboxes
$limiters[] = array(
'Id' => (string) $element->Id,
'Label' => (string) $element->Label,
'Action' => (string) $element->AddAction,
'Type' => (string) $element->Type,
'Values' => $values,
'selected' => false
$result = array(
'sort' => $sort,
'tags' => $tags,
'expanders' => $expanders,
'limiters' => $limiters
return $result;
* Parse a SimpleXml object and
* return it as an associative array
* @param none
* @return array An associative array of data
* @access private
private function buildRetrieve()
$record = $this->response->Record;
if ($record) {
$record = $record[0]; // there is only one record
$result = array();
$result['DbId'] = $record->Header->DbId ? (string) $record->Header->DbId : '';
$result['DbLabel'] = $record->Header->DbLabel ? (string) $record->Header->DbLabel : '';
$result['An'] = $record->Header->An ? (string) $record->Header->An : '';
$result['id'] = $result['An'] . '|' . $result['DbId'];
$result['PubType'] = $record->Header->PubType ? (string) $record->Header->PubType : '';
$result['AccessLevel'] = $record->Header->AccessLevel ? (string) $record->Header->AccessLevel : '';
$result['PLink'] = $record->PLink ? (string) $record->PLink : '';
if (!empty($record->ImageInfo->CoverArt)) {
foreach ($record->ImageInfo->CoverArt as $image) {
$size = (string) $image->Size;
$target = (string) $image->Target;
$result['ImageInfo'][$size] = $target;
} else {
$result['ImageInfo'] = '';
if ($record->FullText) {
$availability = (integer) ($record->FullText->Text->Availability) == 1;
$links = array();
foreach ($record->FullText->Links->Link as $link) {
$type = (string) $link->Type;
$url = (string) $link->Url;
// If we have an empty url when type is pdflink then just return something so
// that the UI check for empty string will pass.
$url = empty($url) && $type == 'pdflink' ? 'http://content.ebscohost.com' : $url;
$links[$type] = $url;
$value = $this->toHTML($record->FullText->Text->Value);
$result['FullText'] = array(
'Availability' => $availability,
'Links' => $links,
'Value' => $value
if ($record->CustomLinks) {
$result['CustomLinks'] = array();
foreach ($record->CustomLinks->CustomLink as $customLink) {
$category = $customLink->Category ? (string) $customLink->Category : '';
$icon = $customLink->Icon ? (string) $customLink->Icon : '';
$mouseOverText = $customLink->MouseOverText ? (string) $customLink->MouseOverText : '';
$name = $customLink->Name ? (string) $customLink->Name : '';
$text = $customLink->Text ? (string) $customLink->Text : '';
$url = $customLink->Url ? (string) $customLink->Url : '';
$result['CustomLinks'][] = array(
'Category' => $category,
'Icon' => $icon,
'MouseOverText' => $mouseOverText,
'Name' => $name,
'Text' => $text,
'Url' => $url
if($record->Items) {
$result['Items'] = array();
foreach ($record->Items->Item as $item) {
$name = $item->Name ? (string) $item->Name : '';
$label = $item->Label ? (string) $item->Label : '';
$group = $item->Group ? (string) $item->Group : '';
$data = $item->Data ? (string) $item->Data : '';
$result['Items'][$name] = array(
'Name' => $name,
'Label' => $label,
'Group' => $group,
'Data' => $this->toHTML($data, $group)
return $result;
* Parse a SimpleXml element and
* return it's inner XML as an HTML string
* @param SimpleXml $element A SimpleXml DOM
* @return string The HTML string
* @access protected
private function toHTML($data, $group = null)
// Any group can be added here, but we only use Au (Author)
// Other groups, not present here, won't be transformed to HTML links
$allowed_searchlink_groups = array('au');
// Map xml tags to the HTML tags
// This is just a small list, the total number of xml tags is far more greater
$xml_to_html_tags = array(
'<jsection' => '<section',
'</jsection' => '</section',
'<highlight' => '<span class="highlight"',
'<highligh' => '<span class="highlight"', // Temporary bug fix
'</highlight>' => '</span>', // Temporary bug fix
'</highligh' => '</span>',
'<text' => '<div',
'</text' => '</div',
'<title' => '<h2',
'</title' => '</h2',
'<anid' => '<p',
'</anid' => '</p',
'<aug' => '<p class="aug"',
'</aug' => '</p',
'<hd' => '<h3',
'</hd' => '</h3',
'<linebr' => '<br',
'</linebr' => '',
'<olist' => '<ol',
'</olist' => '</ol',
'<reflink' => '<a',
'</reflink' => '</a',
'<blist' => '<p class="blist"',
'</blist' => '</p',
'<bibl' => '<a',
'</bibl' => '</a',
'<bibtext' => '<span',
'</bibtext' => '</span',
'<ref' => '<div class="ref"',
'</ref' => '</div',
'<ulink' => '<a',
'</ulink' => '</a',
'<superscript' => '<sup',
'</superscript'=> '</sup',
'<relatesTo' => '<sup',
'</relatesTo' => '</sup'
// Map xml types to Search types used by the UI
$xml_to_search_types = array(
'au' => 'Author',
'su' => 'Subject'
// The XML data is XML escaped, let's unescape html entities (e.g. &lt; => <)
$data = html_entity_decode($data);
// Start parsing the xml data
if (!empty($data)) {
// Replace the XML tags with HTML tags
$search = array_keys($xml_to_html_tags);
$replace = array_values($xml_to_html_tags);
$data = str_replace($search, $replace, $data);
// Temporary : fix unclosed tags
$data = preg_replace('/<\/highlight/', '</span>', $data);
$data = preg_replace('/<\/span>>/', '</span>', $data);
$data = preg_replace('/<\/searchLink/', '</searchLink>', $data);
$data = preg_replace('/<\/searchLink>>/', '</searchLink>', $data);
// Parse searchLinks
if (!empty($group)) {
$group = strtolower($group);
if (in_array($group, $allowed_searchlink_groups)) {
$type = $xml_to_search_types[$group];
$path = url('ebsco/results', array('query' => array('type' => $type)));
$link_xml = '/<searchLink fieldCode="([^\"]*)" term="%22([^\"]*)%22">/';
$link_html = "<a href=\"{$path}&lookfor=$2\">";
$data = preg_replace($link_xml, $link_html, $data);
$data = str_replace('</searchLink>', '</a>', $data);
// Replace the rest of searchLinks with simple spans
$link_xml = '/<searchLink fieldCode="([^\"]*)" term="%22([^\"]*)%22">/';
$link_html = '<span>';
$data = preg_replace($link_xml, $link_html, $data);
$data = str_replace('</searchLink>', '</span>', $data);
// Parse bibliography (anchors and links)
$data = preg_replace('/<a idref="([^\"]*)"/', '<a href="#$1"', $data);
$data = preg_replace('/<a id="([^\"]*)" idref="([^\"]*)" type="([^\"]*)"/', '<a id="$1" href="#$2"', $data);
$sanitizer = new HTML_Sanitizer;
$data = $sanitizer->sanitize($data);
return $data;