Perform periodic fixity checks on selected files.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

119 lines
3.7 KiB

namespace Drupal\dgi_fixity;
use Drupal\Core\Batch\BatchBuilder;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\PluralTranslatableMarkup;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup;
use Drupal\dgi_fixity\Form\SettingsForm;
* Generates a fixity_check for all previously created files.
class FixityCheckBatchGenerate {
* Creates a batch for this service.
* @param int $batch_size
* The number of of files to process at a time.
* If not specified it will default to the modules configuration.
public static function build($batch_size = NULL) {
if (is_null($batch_size)) {
$batch_size = \Drupal::config(SettingsForm::CONFIG_NAME)->get(SettingsForm::BATCH_SIZE);
$builder = new BatchBuilder();
return $builder
->setTitle(new TranslatableMarkup('Generating Fixity Checks for previously created files'))
->setInitMessage(new TranslatableMarkup('Starting'))
->setErrorMessage(new TranslatableMarkup('Batch has encountered an error'))
->addOperation([static::class, 'generate'], [$batch_size])
->setFinishCallback([static::class, 'finished'])
* Generates fixity_check entity for previously created files.
* @param int $batch_size
* The number of of files to process at a time.
* @param array|object $context
* Context for operations.
public static function generate($batch_size, &$context) {
/** @var \Drupal\dgi_fixity\FixityCheckStorageInterface $storage */
$storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('fixity_check');
$sandbox = &$context['sandbox'];
$results = &$context['results'];
if (!isset($results['successful'])) {
$results['successful'] = 0;
$results['failed'] = 0;
$results['errors'] = [];
$sandbox['remaining'] = $storage->countMissing();
$files = $storage->getMissing(0, $batch_size);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$check = $storage->create(['file' => $file->id()]);
try {
catch (\Exception $e) {
$results['errors'][] = new TranslatableMarkup('Encountered an exception: @exception', [
'@exception' => $e,
$remaining = $storage->countMissing();
$progress_halted = $sandbox['remaining'] == $remaining;
$sandbox['remaining'] = $remaining;
// End when we have exhausted all inputs or progress has halted.
$context['finished'] = empty($files) || $progress_halted;
* Batch Finished callback.
* @param bool $success
* Success of the operation.
* @param array $results
* Array of results for post processing.
* @param array $operations
* Array of operations.
public static function finished($success, array $results, array $operations) {
$messenger = \Drupal::messenger();
$messenger->addStatus(new PluralTranslatableMarkup(
$results['successful'] + $results['failed'],
'Processed @count item in total.',
'Processed @count items in total.'
$messenger->addStatus(new PluralTranslatableMarkup(
'@count was successful.',
'@count were successful.',
$messenger->addStatus(new TranslatableMarkup(
'@count failed.', ['@count' => $results['failed']]
$error_count = count($results['errors']);
if ($error_count > 0) {
$messenger->addMessage(new PluralTranslatableMarkup(
'@count error occurred.',
'@count errors occurred.',
foreach ($results['errors'] as $error) {