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'#max_filesize': '2' '#file_extensions': 'gif jpg png svg' personal_information: '#title': 'Your Personal Information' '#type': webform_section first_name: '#title': 'First Name' '#type': textfield '#required': true last_name: '#type': textfield '#title': 'Last Name' '#required': true country: '#type': select '#title': Country '#options': country_names languages: '#type': select '#title': 'Languages Spoken' '#description': 'Select one or more languages you speak.' '#multiple': true '#select2': true '#options': languages sex: '#type': webform_radios_other '#title': Sex '#options': sex biography: '#type': text_format '#title': Biography '#description': 'Please include a short blurb about yourself to let us know who you are outside of Drupal.' website: '#type': url '#title': Website irc: '#type': textfield '#title': IRC '#description': 'The nickname you use on various channels of irc.freenode.net' twitter: '#type': textfield '#title': Twitter '#description': 'Your Twitter handle.' github: '#type': textfield '#title': GitHub '#description': 'Your GitHub user name.' work_information: '#title': 'Your Work Information' '#type': webform_section current_organization: '#type': textfield '#title': 'Current Organization' current_title: '#type': textfield '#title': 'Current Job Title' organizations: '#type': textarea '#title': 'Past Organizations' '#description': 'List companies or institutions you have worked for.' industries: '#type': webform_select_other '#title': 'Industries Worked In' '#options': industry '#multiple': true '#select2': true email_settings: '#title': 'Email addresses' '#type': webform_section email: '#type': email '#title': 'Primary E-mail Address' '#description': 'Enter your primary email addresses, which will be used for all email communications.' emails: '#type': webform_email_multiple '#title': 'Secondary E-mail Addresses' '#description': 'Enter multiple email addresses separated by commas.' regional_settings: '#title': 'Regional Settings' '#type': webform_section time_zone: '#type': select '#title': Timezone '#options': time_zones language: '#type': select '#title': 'Preferred Language' '#description': 'This account''s default language for emails, and preferred language for site presentation.' '#options': languages actions: '#type': webform_actions '#title': 'Submit button(s)' '#submit__label': Register css: '' javascript: '' settings: ajax: false ajax_scroll_top: form ajax_progress_type: '' ajax_effect: '' ajax_speed: null page: true page_submit_path: '' page_confirm_path: '' page_theme_name: '' form_title: source_entity_webform form_submit_once: false form_exception_message: '' form_open_message: '' form_close_message: '' form_previous_submissions: true form_confidential: false form_confidential_message: '' form_disable_remote_addr: false form_convert_anonymous: false form_prepopulate: false form_prepopulate_source_entity: false form_prepopulate_source_entity_required: false form_prepopulate_source_entity_type: '' form_reset: false form_disable_autocomplete: false form_novalidate: false form_disable_inline_errors: false form_required: false form_unsaved: false form_disable_back: false form_submit_back: false form_autofocus: false form_details_toggle: false form_access_denied: default form_access_denied_title: '' form_access_denied_message: '' form_access_denied_attributes: { } form_file_limit: '' form_method: '' form_action: '' form_attributes: { } share: false share_node: false share_theme_name: '' share_title: true share_page_body_attributes: { } submission_label: '' submission_log: false submission_views: { } submission_views_replace: { } submission_user_columns: { } submission_user_duplicate: false submission_access_denied: default submission_access_denied_title: '' submission_access_denied_message: '' submission_access_denied_attributes: { } submission_exception_message: '' submission_locked_message: '' submission_excluded_elements: { } submission_exclude_empty: false submission_exclude_empty_checkbox: false previous_submission_message: '' previous_submissions_message: '' autofill: false autofill_message: '' autofill_excluded_elements: { } wizard_progress_bar: true wizard_progress_pages: false wizard_progress_percentage: false wizard_progress_link: false wizard_progress_states: false wizard_auto_forward: true wizard_auto_forward_hide_next_button: false wizard_keyboard: true wizard_start_label: '' wizard_preview_link: false wizard_confirmation: true wizard_confirmation_label: '' wizard_track: '' wizard_prev_button_label: '' wizard_next_button_label: '' wizard_toggle: false wizard_toggle_show_label: '' wizard_toggle_hide_label: '' preview: 0 preview_label: '' preview_title: '' preview_message: '' preview_attributes: { } preview_excluded_elements: { } preview_exclude_empty: true preview_exclude_empty_checkbox: false draft: none draft_multiple: false draft_auto_save: false draft_saved_message: '' draft_loaded_message: '' draft_pending_single_message: '' draft_pending_multiple_message: '' confirmation_type: page confirmation_title: '' confirmation_message: '' confirmation_url: '' confirmation_attributes: { } confirmation_back: true confirmation_back_label: '' confirmation_back_attributes: { } confirmation_exclude_query: false confirmation_exclude_token: false confirmation_update: false limit_total: null limit_total_interval: null limit_total_message: '' limit_total_unique: false limit_user: null limit_user_interval: null limit_user_message: '' limit_user_unique: false entity_limit_total: null entity_limit_total_interval: null entity_limit_user: null entity_limit_user_interval: null purge: none purge_days: null results_disabled: false results_disabled_ignore: false results_customize: false token_view: false token_update: false token_delete: false serial_disabled: false access: create: roles: - anonymous - authenticated users: { } permissions: { } view_any: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } update_any: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } delete_any: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } purge_any: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } view_own: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } update_own: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } delete_own: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } administer: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } test: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } configuration: roles: { } users: { } permissions: { } handlers: email_notification: id: email label: 'Email Notification' notes: '' handler_id: email_notification status: true conditions: { } weight: 1 settings: states: - completed to_mail: _default to_options: { } cc_mail: '' cc_options: { } bcc_mail: '' bcc_options: { } from_mail: '[webform_submission:values:email:raw]' from_options: { } from_name: '[webform_submission:values:first_name] [webform_submission:values:last_name]' subject: _default body: _default excluded_elements: { } ignore_access: false exclude_empty: true exclude_empty_checkbox: false exclude_attachments: false html: true attachments: false twig: false theme_name: '' parameters: { } debug: false reply_to: '' return_path: '' sender_mail: '' sender_name: '' variants: { }