You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
475 lines
14 KiB
475 lines
14 KiB
function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); } |
function _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } |
function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); } |
function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } |
function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) { var _i = arr == null ? null : typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && arr[Symbol.iterator] || arr["@@iterator"]; if (_i == null) return; var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _s, _e; try { for (_i =; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } |
function _arrayWithHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; } |
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } |
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; |
export default { |
state: {// slice: 'mirador' // Configure the top-level slice of state for mirador selectors |
}, |
canvasNavigation: { |
// Set the height and width of canvas thumbnails in the CanvasNavigation companion window |
height: 50, |
width: 50 |
}, |
selectedTheme: 'light', |
// dark also available |
themes: { |
dark: { |
palette: { |
type: 'dark', |
primary: { |
main: '#4db6ac' |
}, |
secondary: { |
main: '#4db6ac' |
}, |
shades: { |
dark: '#000000', |
main: '#424242', |
light: '#616161' |
} |
} |
}, |
light: { |
palette: { |
type: 'light' |
} |
} |
}, |
theme: { |
// Sets up a MaterialUI theme. See |
palette: { |
type: 'light', |
primary: { |
main: '#1967d2' // Controls the color of the Add button and current window indicator |
}, |
secondary: { |
main: '#1967d2' // Controls the color of Selects and FormControls |
}, |
shades: { |
// Shades that can be used to offset color areas of the Workspace / Window |
dark: '#eeeeee', |
main: '#ffffff', |
light: '#f5f5f5' |
}, |
error: { |
main: '#b00020' |
}, |
notification: { |
// Color used in MUI Badge dots |
main: '#ffa224' |
}, |
hitCounter: { |
"default": '#bdbdbd' |
}, |
highlights: { |
primary: '#ffff00', |
secondary: '#00BFFF' |
}, |
section_divider: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)', |
annotations: { |
hidden: { |
globalAlpha: 0 |
}, |
"default": { |
strokeStyle: '#00BFFF', |
globalAlpha: 1 |
}, |
hovered: { |
strokeStyle: '#BF00FF', |
globalAlpha: 1 |
}, |
selected: { |
strokeStyle: '#ffff00', |
globalAlpha: 1 |
} |
}, |
search: { |
"default": { |
fillStyle: '#00BFFF', |
globalAlpha: 0.3 |
}, |
hovered: { |
fillStyle: '#00FFFF', |
globalAlpha: 0.3 |
}, |
selected: { |
fillStyle: '#ffff00', |
globalAlpha: 0.3 |
} |
} |
}, |
typography: { |
body1: { |
fontSize: "1rem", |
letterSpacing: "0em", |
lineHeight: "1.6em" |
}, |
body2: { |
fontSize: "0.878rem", |
letterSpacing: "0.015em", |
lineHeight: "1.6em" |
}, |
button: { |
fontSize: "0.878rem", |
letterSpacing: "0.09em", |
lineHeight: "2.25rem", |
textTransform: "uppercase" |
}, |
caption: { |
fontSize: "0.772rem", |
letterSpacing: "0.033em", |
lineHeight: "1.6rem" |
}, |
body1Next: { |
fontSize: "1rem", |
letterSpacing: "0em", |
lineHeight: "1.6em" |
}, |
body2Next: { |
fontSize: "0.878rem", |
letterSpacing: "0.015em", |
lineHeight: "1.6em" |
}, |
buttonNext: { |
fontSize: "0.878rem", |
letterSpacing: "0.09em", |
lineHeight: "2.25rem" |
}, |
captionNext: { |
fontSize: "0.772rem", |
letterSpacing: "0.33em", |
lineHeight: "1.6rem" |
}, |
overline: { |
fontSize: "0.678rem", |
fontWeight: 500, |
letterSpacing: "0.166em", |
lineHeight: "2em", |
textTransform: "uppercase" |
}, |
h1: { |
fontSize: "2.822rem", |
letterSpacing: "-0.015em", |
lineHeight: "1.2em" |
}, |
h2: { |
fontSize: "1.575rem", |
letterSpacing: "0em", |
lineHeight: "1.33em" |
}, |
h3: { |
fontSize: "1.383rem", |
fontWeight: 300, |
letterSpacing: "0em", |
lineHeight: "1.33em" |
}, |
h4: { |
fontSize: "1.215rem", |
letterSpacing: "0.007em", |
lineHeight: "1.45em" |
}, |
h5: { |
fontSize: "1.138rem", |
letterSpacing: "0.005em", |
lineHeight: "1.55em" |
}, |
h6: { |
fontSize: "1.067rem", |
fontWeight: 400, |
letterSpacing: "0.01em", |
lineHeight: "1.6em" |
}, |
subtitle1: { |
fontSize: "0.937rem", |
letterSpacing: "0.015em", |
lineHeight: "1.6em", |
fontWeight: 300 |
}, |
subtitle2: { |
fontSize: "0.878rem", |
fontWeight: 500, |
letterSpacing: "0.02em", |
lineHeight: "1.75em" |
}, |
useNextVariants: true // set so that console deprecation warning is removed |
}, |
overrides: { |
MuiListSubheader: { |
root: { |
'&[role="presentation"]:focus': { |
outline: 0 |
} |
} |
}, |
MuiTooltip: { |
// Overridden from |
tooltipPlacementLeft: _defineProperty({}, '@media (min-width:600px)', { |
margin: 0 |
}), |
tooltipPlacementRight: _defineProperty({}, '@media (min-width:600px)', { |
margin: 0 |
}), |
tooltipPlacementTop: _defineProperty({}, '@media (min-width:600px)', { |
margin: 0 |
}), |
tooltipPlacementBottom: _defineProperty({}, '@media (min-width:600px)', { |
margin: 0 |
}) |
}, |
MuiTouchRipple: { |
childPulsate: { |
animation: 'none' |
}, |
rippleVisible: { |
animation: 'none' |
} |
} |
}, |
props: { |
MuiButtonBase: { |
disableTouchRipple: true |
}, |
MuiLink: { |
underline: 'always' |
} |
} |
}, |
language: 'en', |
// The default language set in the application |
availableLanguages: { |
// All the languages available in the language switcher |
ar: 'العربية', |
de: 'Deutsch', |
en: 'English', |
fr: 'Français', |
ja: '日本語', |
kr: '한국어', |
lt: 'Lietuvių', |
nl: 'Nederlands', |
'nb-NO': 'Norwegian Bokmål', |
pl: 'Polski', |
'pt-BR': 'Português do Brasil', |
vi: 'Tiếng Việt', |
'zh-CN': '中文(简体)', |
'zh-TW': '中文(繁體)', |
it: "Italiano", |
sr: 'Српски', |
sv: 'Svenska' |
}, |
annotations: { |
htmlSanitizationRuleSet: 'iiif', |
// See src/lib/htmlRules.js for acceptable values |
filteredMotivations: ['oa:commenting', 'oa:tagging', 'sc:painting', 'commenting', 'tagging'] |
}, |
createGenerateClassNameOptions: { |
// Options passed directly to createGenerateClassName in Material-UI |
productionPrefix: 'mirador' |
}, |
requests: { |
preprocessors: [// Functions that receive HTTP requests and manipulate them (e.g. to add headers) |
// (url, options) => (url.match('info.json') && { ...options, myCustomThing: 'blah' }) |
], |
postprocessors: [// Functions that receive HTTP responses and manipulates them before adding to store |
// An example of manipulating the response for an annotation request |
// (url, action) => { |
// if (action.annotationId) { |
// action.annotationJson = {}; |
// } |
// } |
] |
}, |
translations: {// Translations can be added to inject new languages or override existing labels |
}, |
window: { |
//global window defaults |
allowClose: false, |
// Configure if windows can be closed or not |
allowFullscreen: false, |
// Configure to show a "fullscreen" button in the WindowTopBar |
allowMaximize: false, |
// Configure if windows can be maximized or not |
allowTopMenuButton: false, |
// Configure if window view and thumbnail display menu are visible or not |
allowWindowSideBar: true, |
// Configure if side bar menu is visible or not |
authNewWindowCenter: 'parent', |
// Configure how to center a new window created by the authentication flow. Options: parent, screen |
sideBarPanel: 'search', |
// Configure which sidebar is selected by default. Options: info, attribution, canvas, annotations, search |
defaultSidebarPanelHeight: 201, |
// Configure default sidebar height in pixels |
defaultSidebarPanelWidth: 235, |
// Configure default sidebar width in pixels |
defaultView: 'single', |
// Configure which viewing mode (e.g. single, book, gallery) for windows to be opened in |
forceDrawAnnotations: false, |
hideWindowTitle: true, |
// Configure if the window title is shown in the window title bar or not |
highlightAllAnnotations: false, |
// Configure whether to display annotations on the canvas by default |
showLocalePicker: false, |
// Configure locale picker for multi-lingual metadata |
sideBarOpen: true, |
// Configure if the sidebar (and its content panel) is open by default |
switchCanvasOnSearch: true, |
// Configure if Mirador should automatically switch to the canvas of the first search result |
panels: { |
// Configure which panels are visible in WindowSideBarButtons |
info: false, |
attribution: false, |
canvas: false, |
annotations: false, |
search: true, |
layers: false |
}, |
views: [{ |
key: 'single', |
behaviors: ['individuals'] |
}, { |
key: 'book', |
behaviors: ['paged'] |
}, { |
key: 'scroll', |
behaviors: ['continuous'] |
}, { |
key: 'gallery' |
}], |
elastic: { |
height: 400, |
width: 480 |
} |
}, |
windows: [// Array of windows to be open when mirador initializes (each object should at least provide a manifestId key with the value of the IIIF presentation manifest to load) |
/** |
Example Window: |
{ |
manifestId: '', |
canvasId: '', |
thumbnailNavigationPosition: 'far-bottom', |
} |
// ../state/actions/window.js `defaultOptions` |
// ../lib/MiradorViewer.js `windowAction` |
*/ |
], |
thumbnails: { |
preferredFormats: ['jpg', 'png', 'webp', 'tif'] |
}, |
thumbnailNavigation: { |
defaultPosition: 'off', |
// Which position for the thumbnail navigation to be be displayed. Other possible values are "far-bottom" or "far-right" |
displaySettings: true, |
// Display the settings for this in WindowTopMenu |
height: 130, |
// height of entire ThumbnailNavigation area when position is "far-bottom" |
width: 100 // width of one canvas (doubled for book view) in ThumbnailNavigation area when position is "far-right" |
}, |
workspace: { |
draggingEnabled: true, |
allowNewWindows: true, |
id: uuid(), |
isWorkspaceAddVisible: false, |
// Catalog/Workspace add window feature visible by default |
exposeModeOn: false, |
// unused? |
height: 5000, |
// height of the elastic mode's virtual canvas |
showZoomControls: false, |
// Configure if zoom controls should be displayed by default |
type: 'mosaic', |
// Which workspace type to load by default. Other possible values are "elastic". If "mosaic" or "elastic" are not selected no worksapce type will be used. |
viewportPosition: { |
// center coordinates for the elastic mode workspace |
x: 0, |
y: 0 |
}, |
width: 5000 // width of the elastic mode's virtual canvas |
}, |
workspaceControlPanel: { |
enabled: false // Configure if the control panel should be rendered. Useful if you want to lock the viewer down to only the configured manifests |
}, |
galleryView: { |
height: 120, |
// height of gallery view thumbnails |
width: null // width of gallery view thumbnails (or null, to auto-calculate an aspect-ratio appropriate size) |
}, |
osdConfig: { |
// Default config used for OpenSeadragon |
alwaysBlend: false, |
blendTime: 0.1, |
preserveImageSizeOnResize: true, |
preserveViewport: true, |
showNavigationControl: false |
}, |
"export": { |
catalog: true, |
companionWindows: true, |
config: true, |
elasticLayout: true, |
layers: true, |
// filter out anything re-retrievable: |
manifests: { |
filter: function filter(_ref) { |
var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2), |
id = _ref2[0], |
value = _ref2[1]; |
return !id.startsWith('http'); |
} |
}, |
viewers: true, |
windows: true, |
workspace: true |
}, |
audioOptions: { |
// Additional props passed to <audio> element |
controls: true, |
crossOrigin: 'anonymous' |
}, |
videoOptions: { |
// Additional props passed to <audio> element |
controls: true, |
crossOrigin: 'anonymous' |
}, |
auth: { |
serviceProfiles: [{ |
profile: '', |
external: true |
}, { |
profile: '', |
kiosk: true |
}, { |
profile: '' |
}, { |
profile: '' |
}, { |
profile: '', |
external: true |
}, { |
profile: '', |
kiosk: true |
}, { |
profile: '' |
}, { |
profile: '' |
}] |
} |