uuid: a294a190-0263-495a-ab20-bcdd30f7aabb langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_subjects_name - node.type.islandora_object - taxonomy.vocabulary.conference - taxonomy.vocabulary.corporate_body - taxonomy.vocabulary.family - taxonomy.vocabulary.person _core: default_config_hash: V-roMos0KYV0TJvFANJVrUxMdBjRJPVtnUUAXZySZ5U id: node.islandora_object.field_subjects_name field_name: field_subjects_name entity_type: node bundle: islandora_object label: 'Subject (Name)' description: 'Any new term added by typing it here will be added to the Person taxonomy. If you need to, create a new Family, Conference, or Corporate Body taxonomy term. ' required: false translatable: false default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: handler: 'default:taxonomy_term' handler_settings: target_bundles: conference: conference corporate_body: corporate_body family: family person: person sort: field: name direction: asc auto_create: true auto_create_bundle: person field_type: entity_reference