uuid: 92088203-577a-47cb-ab14-c0fa3ddf602b langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - search_api _core: default_config_hash: LqXAZO_yZPho3Pueh85e-NzQ3DmI5rNBf6_q8McKUqc id: search-api-index-processors label: 'Processors used for this index' module: search_api routes: - route_name: entity.search_api_index.processors tips: search-api-index-processors-introduction: id: search-api-index-processors-introduction plugin: text label: 'Processors used for this index' weight: 1 body: "Processors customize different aspects of an index's functionality. They can keep items from being indexed, change how certain fields are indexed and influence searches." search-api-index-processors-enable: id: search-api-index-processors-enable plugin: text label: 'Enable processors' weight: 2 selector: '#edit-status' body: 'This lists all processors available for this index and lets you choose the ones that should be active. (Note: Some processors cannot be disabled.)' search-api-index-processors-weights: id: search-api-index-processors-weights plugin: text label: 'Processor order' weight: 3 selector: '#edit-weights' body: 'This shows you which enabled processors will be active in the different parts of the indexing/searching workflow, and lets you re-arrange them. This should usually not be necessary, and only be used by advanced users as some processors will lead to unexpected results when used in the wrong order.' search-api-index-processors-settings: id: search-api-index-processors-settings plugin: text label: 'Processor settings' weight: 4 selector: .form-type-vertical-tabs body: 'Some processors have additional configuration available, which you are able to change here.'