uuid: 5e66b731-de72-43ae-ad98-1ea3bfa2f3f1 langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_place_published_country - node.type.islandora_object - taxonomy.vocabulary.country _core: default_config_hash: NpwizIZgL-Ui19aqXM6UnOvfG8GtRGFdUP11fwUvxYM id: node.islandora_object.field_place_published_country field_name: field_place_published_country entity_type: node bundle: islandora_object label: 'Place Published (Jurisdiction)' description: 'Choose the narrowest applicable place (usually a province or state) from the MARC Country codes vocabulary. If the correct code is not present, add it to the vocabulary. ' required: false translatable: false default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: handler: 'default:taxonomy_term' handler_settings: target_bundles: country: country sort: field: name direction: asc auto_create: false auto_create_bundle: '' field_type: entity_reference