uuid: eb2779c1-4931-47c8-ba6e-1677af16ff89 langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.storage.media.field_media_use - media.type.document - taxonomy.vocabulary.islandora_media_use _core: default_config_hash: TJZ3dn9Mw-JJQxNvcLzm0GEyyOFz-_HbmyrZD0Jg8IM id: media.document.field_media_use field_name: field_media_use entity_type: media bundle: document label: 'Media Use' description: "Defined by Portland Common Data Model: Use Extension. 'Original File' will trigger creation of derivatives. 'Service File' will be shown on the node. Selecting multiple values is accepted. Derivatives where both the source and target terms are on the same media will be skipped." required: false translatable: true default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: handler: 'default:taxonomy_term' handler_settings: target_bundles: islandora_media_use: islandora_media_use sort: field: name direction: asc auto_create: false auto_create_bundle: '' field_type: entity_reference