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Drupal lando install

#drupal #lando


current info from Lando site for Drupal 10:

Initialize a drupal10 recipe

mkdir my-first-drupal10-app
&& cd my-first-drupal10-app
&& lando init
--source cwd
--recipe drupal10
--webroot web
--name my-first-drupal10-app

Create latest drupal10 project via composer

lando composer create-project drupal/recommended-project:10.x tmp && cp -r tmp/. . && rm -rf tmp

Composer can timeout on install for some machines, if that happens, run the following command and then re-run the previous lando composer command:

lando composer config --global process-timeout 2000

Start it up

lando start

Install a site local drush

lando composer require drush/drush

Install drupal

lando drush site:install --db-url=mysql://drupal10:drupal10@database/drupal10 -y

List information about this app

lando info