Manage Your Scholar Profile
Need to put the existing profile here, I need access to a variable (ID?) that I can use to grab the correct profile page for insertion
{{ drupal_entity('taxonomy_term', scholar_tid) }}
{% if page.header_top_left or page.header_top_right %} {% include '@vre2024/template-parts/header/header-top.html.twig' %} {% endif %} {% include '@vre2024/template-parts/header/header.html.twig' %} {% if not is_front and page.page_header %} {% include '@vre2024/template-parts/header/header-page.html.twig' %} {% endif %} {% if page.highlighted %} {% include '@vre2024/template-parts/highlighted.html.twig' %} {% endif %} {% set scholar_tid = 7737 %}