# vre2024 - Drupal 10 Base Theme. ## Sassless Theme Native css has progressed to include variables and property nesting so this theme does not reqire preprocessing an make liberal used of css variables ## Theme Configuration Varables Many of the stylist details are set in `site-variables.css` ## Subtheme Creation Script php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme --starterkit vre2024 name_of_subtheme ## Proxy Server For Local Theme Dev Against Live Site edit variables in `bs.js` and run: npm install node bs.js this runs a proxy server using Browser-sync, serving your local files against the live proxied site. Css file are watched or changes and are automatically reloaded on file save. ## Suckerfish Main Menu when placed in the 'primary menu' region, suckerfish.js is enabled for the dropdrowns ## Mobile Header Nav On mobile, the header-top regions stack and the primary-menu region becomes a pop-out vertical menu ## Icon Libraries enable/disable fontawesome4,5 or Bootstrap Icons in vre2024.info.yml ## Logos Both the white and colored UPEI shields are included as svgs ## Landing Page Regions top & bottom content regions that only appear on the landing page ## Header Search Form Search box region enables a dropdown search box ## Scroll To Top Bottom automatic on long pages