var Stream = require('stream') var postcss = require('postcss') var applySourceMap = require('vinyl-sourcemaps-apply') var fancyLog = require('fancy-log') var PluginError = require('plugin-error') var path = require('path') module.exports = withConfigLoader(function (loadConfig) { var stream = new Stream.Transform({ objectMode: true }) stream._transform = function (file, encoding, cb) { if (file.isNull()) { return cb(null, file) } if (file.isStream()) { return handleError('Streams are not supported!') } // Protect `from` and `map` if using gulp-sourcemaps var isProtected = file.sourceMap ? { from: true, map: true } : {} var options = { from: file.path, to: file.path, // Generate a separate source map for gulp-sourcemaps map: file.sourceMap ? { annotation: false } : false } loadConfig(file) .then(function (config) { var configOpts = config.options || {} // Extend the default options if not protected for (var opt in configOpts) { if (configOpts.hasOwnProperty(opt) && !isProtected[opt]) { options[opt] = configOpts[opt] } else { 'gulp-postcss:', file.relative + '\nCannot override ' + opt + ' option, because it is required by gulp-sourcemaps' ) } } return postcss(config.plugins || []) .process(file.contents, options) }) .then(handleResult, handleError) function handleResult (result) { var map var warnings = result.warnings().join('\n') file.contents = new Buffer(result.css) // Apply source map to the chain if (file.sourceMap) { map = map.file = file.relative map.sources = [], function (source) { return path.join(path.dirname(file.relative), source) }) applySourceMap(file, map) } if (warnings) {'gulp-postcss:', file.relative + '\n' + warnings) } setImmediate(function () { cb(null, file) }) } function handleError (error) { var errorOptions = { fileName: file.path, showStack: true } if ( === 'CssSyntaxError') { errorOptions.error = error errorOptions.fileName = error.file || file.path errorOptions.lineNumber = error.line errorOptions.showProperties = false errorOptions.showStack = false error = error.message + '\n\n' + error.showSourceCode() + '\n' } // Prevent stream’s unhandled exception from // being suppressed by Promise setImmediate(function () { cb(new PluginError('gulp-postcss', error, errorOptions)) }) } } return stream }) function withConfigLoader(cb) { return function (plugins, options) { if (Array.isArray(plugins)) { return cb(function () { return Promise.resolve({ plugins: plugins, options: options }) }) } else if (typeof plugins === 'function') { return cb(function (file) { return Promise.resolve(plugins(file)) }) } else { var postcssLoadConfig = require('postcss-load-config') var contextOptions = plugins || {} return cb(function(file) { var configPath if (contextOptions.config) { if (path.isAbsolute(contextOptions.config)) { configPath = contextOptions.config } else { configPath = path.join(file.base, contextOptions.config) } } else { configPath = file.dirname } return postcssLoadConfig( { file: file, options: contextOptions }, configPath ) }) } } }