var pluginPath = '../src/index'; var scssLintPlugin = require(pluginPath); var chai = require('chai'); var Vinyl = require('vinyl'); var PluginError = require('plugin-error'); var fs = require('fs'); var expect = chai.expect; var proxyquire = require('proxyquire'); var sinon = require('sinon'); var getFixtureFile = function (path) { return new Vinyl({ path: './test/fixtures/' + path, cwd: './test/', base: './test/fixtures/', contents: fs.readFileSync('./test/fixtures/' + path) }); } describe('gulp-scss-lint', function() { it('invalid scss file', function(done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('invalid.scss'); var stream = scssLintPlugin(); stream .on('data', function (file) { expect(file.scsslint.success); expect(file.scsslint.issues).to.have.length(4); expect(file.scsslint.warnings).to.equal(4); expect(file.scsslint.errors).to.equal(0); expect(file.scsslint.issues[0].line).to.exist; expect(file.scsslint.issues[0].column).to.exist; expect(file.scsslint.issues[0].length).to.exist; expect(file.scsslint.issues[0].severity).to.exist; expect(file.scsslint.issues[0].reason).to.exist; }) .once('end', function() { done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); it('if scss-lint is not available throw an error', function(done) { var execStub = sinon.stub(); execStub.callsArgWith(2, {error: true, code: 127}); var scssLintPluginWithProxy = proxyquire(pluginPath, { 'child_process': { exec: execStub, '@global': true } }); var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('invalid.scss'); var fileCount = 0; var stream = scssLintPluginWithProxy(); var error = false; stream .on('data', function (file) { fileCount++; }) .on('error', function (issue) { expect(issue.message).to.equal('You need to have Ruby and scss-lint gem installed'); error = true; }) .once('end', function() { expect(fileCount).to.equal(0); expect(error); done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); it('if scss_lint_reporter_checkstyle is not available throw an error', function(done) { var execStub = sinon.stub(); execStub.callsArgWith(2, {error: true, code: 69}); var childProcessStub = {exec: execStub, '@global': true}; var scssLintPluginWithProxy = proxyquire(pluginPath, {'child_process': childProcessStub}); var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('invalid.scss'); var fileCount = 0; var stream = scssLintPluginWithProxy(); var error = false; stream .on('data', function (file) { fileCount++; }) .on('error', function (issue) { expect(issue.message).to.equal('You need to have the scss_lint_reporter_checkstyle gem installed'); error = true; }) .once('end', function() { expect(fileCount).to.equal(0); expect(error); done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); it('validate multi scss files', function(done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('invalid.scss'); var fakeFile2 = getFixtureFile('invalid-error.scss'); var stream = scssLintPlugin(); var results = [ {'issues': 4, 'warnings': 4, 'errors': 0}, {'issues': 1, 'warnings': 0, 'errors': 1}, ]; stream .on('data', function (file) { var result = results.shift(); expect(file.scsslint.success); expect(file.scsslint.issues).to.have.length(result.issues); expect(file.scsslint.warnings).to.equal(result.warnings); expect(file.scsslint.errors).to.equal(result.errors); }) .once('end', function() { done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.write(fakeFile2); stream.end(); }); it('valid scss file', function(done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('valid.scss'); var stream = scssLintPlugin(); stream .on('data', function (file) { expect(file.scsslint.success); expect(file.scsslint.issues).to.have.length(0); expect(file.scsslint.warnings).to.equal(0); expect(file.scsslint.errors).to.equal(0); }) .once('end', function() { done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); it('default report call', function(done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('invalid.scss'); var defaultReportSpy = sinon.spy(); var defaultReport = function (file) { expect(file.scsslint.success); expect(file.relative)'invalid.scss'); defaultReportSpy(); }; var scssLintPluginWithProxy = proxyquire(pluginPath, { './reporters': { "defaultReporter": defaultReport, '@global': true } }); var stream = scssLintPluginWithProxy(); stream .once('end', function() { expect(defaultReportSpy.calledOnce); done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); it('custom report call', function(done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('invalid.scss'); var customReportSpy = sinon.spy(); var customReport = function (file, stream) { expect(stream.end).to.exist; expect(file.scsslint.success); expect(file.relative)'invalid.scss'); customReportSpy(); }; var stream = scssLintPlugin({"customReport": customReport}); stream .once('end', function() { expect(customReportSpy.calledOnce); done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); it('custom report throw an exception', function(done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('invalid.scss'); var error = false; var customReport = function (file, stream) { stream.emit('error', new PluginError("scss-lint", "some error")); }; var stream = scssLintPlugin({"customReport": customReport}); stream .on('error', function (issue) { expect(issue.message)"some error"); error = true; }) .once('end', function() { expect(error); done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); it('file pipe output', function(done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('invalid.scss'); var stream = scssLintPlugin({"filePipeOutput": "test.json"}); stream .on('data', function (data) { expect(data.contents.toString('utf-8')).to.have.length.above(20); expect(data.path)'test/fixtures/test.json'); }) .once('end', function() { done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); it('xml pipe output', function(done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('invalid.scss'); var stream = scssLintPlugin({"filePipeOutput": "test.xml", 'reporterOutputFormat': 'Checkstyle'}); stream .on('data', function (data) { expect(data.contents.toString('utf-8')).to.have.string(''); expect(data.path)'test/fixtures/test.xml'); }) .once('end', function() { done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); it('scss-lint src success', function(done) { var stream = scssLintPlugin({src: 'test/fixtures/valid.scss'}); stream .on('data', function (file) { expect(file.scsslint.success); }) .once('end', function() { done(); }); }); it('valid xml pipe output', function(done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('valid.scss'); var stream = scssLintPlugin({"filePipeOutput": "test.xml", 'reporterOutputFormat': 'Checkstyle'}); stream .on('data', function (data) { expect(data.contents.toString('utf-8')).to.have.string(''); expect(data.path)'test/fixtures/test.xml'); }) .once('end', function() { done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); it('should not fail without files', function(done) { var stream = scssLintPlugin(); var fileCount = 0; stream .on('data', function (file) { fileCount++; }) .on('error', function(error){ expect(error).to.equal(null); }) .once('end', function() { expect(fileCount).to.equal(0); done(); }); stream.end(); }); it('should not fail with files with spaces', function(done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('file with spaces.scss'); var stream = scssLintPlugin(); stream .on('data', function (file) { expect(file.scsslint.success); expect(file.scsslint.issues).to.have.length(0); expect(file.scsslint.warnings).to.equal(0); expect(file.scsslint.errors).to.equal(0); }) .on('error', function(error){ expect(error).to.equal(null); }) .once('end', function() { done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); it('config file param', function (done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('valid.scss'); var stream = scssLintPlugin({'config': './test/fixtures/default.yml'}); stream .on('data', function (file) { expect(file.scsslint.success); }) .once('end', function() { done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); it('invalid config file', function (done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('valid.scss'); var stream = scssLintPlugin({'config': './test/fixtures/invalid-default.yml'}); var error = false; stream .on('error', function (issue) { expect(issue.message).to.have.length.above(1); error = true; }) .once('end', function() { expect(error); done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); it('confil file does not exist', function (done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('valid.scss'); var stream = scssLintPlugin({'config': './test/fixtures/no-exist.yml'}); var error = false; stream .on('error', function (issue) { expect(issue.message)'Config file did not exist or was not readable'); error = true; }) .once('end', function() { expect(error); done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); it('write the json output', function(done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('invalid.scss'); var stream = scssLintPlugin({reporterOutput: 'test.json'}); stream .once('end', function() { var fileContent = fs.readFileSync('test.json', 'utf8'); expect(fileContent).to.have.length.above(1); fs.unlinkSync('test.json'); done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); it('write the xml output', function(done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('invalid.scss'); var stream = scssLintPlugin({reporterOutput: 'test.xml', reporterOutputFormat: 'Checkstyle'}); stream .once('end', function() { var fileContent = fs.readFileSync('test.xml', 'utf8'); expect(fileContent).to.have.length.above(1); fs.unlinkSync('test.xml'); done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); it('scss-lint src', function(done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('invalid.scss'); var stream = scssLintPlugin({src: 'test/fixtures/invalid.scss'}); stream .on('data', function (file) { expect(file.scsslint.success); }) .once('end', function() { done(); }); }); it('should create correct bundle exec command', function (done) { var fakeFile = getFixtureFile('valid.scss'); var stream = scssLintPlugin({'bundleExec': true}); stream .on('data', function (file) { expect(file.scsslint.success); }) .once('end', function() { done(); }); stream.write(fakeFile); stream.end(); }); });