"use strict"; var etag = require("etag"); var fresh = require("fresh"); var fs = require("fs"); var path = require("path"); var zlib = require("zlib"); var minifiedScript = path.join(__dirname, "dist", "index.js"); var unminifiedScript = path.join(__dirname, "dist", "index.js"); /** * Does the current request support compressed encoding? * @param {Object} req * @returns {boolean} */ function supportsGzip(req) { var accept = req.headers["accept-encoding"]; return accept && accept.indexOf("gzip") > -1; } /** * Set headers on the response * @param {Object} res * @param {String} body */ function setHeaders(res, body) { res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=0"); res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/javascript"); res.setHeader("ETag", etag(body)); } /** * @param {Object} req * @returns {String} */ function isConditionalGet(req) { return req.headers["if-none-match"] || req.headers["if-modified-since"]; } /** * Return a not-modified response * @param {Object} res */ function notModified(res) { res.removeHeader("Content-Type"); res.statusCode = 304; res.end(); } function processItems(items) { return [].concat(items) .filter(Boolean) .reduce((stringOutput, item) => { if (typeof item === 'string') { return stringOutput + item; } if (typeof item === 'function') { return stringOutput + item(); } return stringOutput; }, ""); } /** * Public method for returning either a middleware fn * or the content as a string * @param {Object} options * @param requestBody * @param {String} type - either `file` or `middleware` * @returns {*} */ function init(options, requestBody, type) { /** * If the user asked for a file, simply return the string. */ if (type && type === "file") { return processItems(requestBody); } /** * Otherwise return a function to be used a middleware */ return function(req, res) { /** * default to using the uncompressed string * @type {String} */ var output = processItems(requestBody); /** * Set the appropriate headers for caching */ setHeaders(res, output); var resHeaders = res.getHeaders ? res.getHeaders() : res._headers; if (isConditionalGet(req) && fresh(req.headers, resHeaders)) { return notModified(res); } /** * If gzip is supported, compress the string once * and save for future requests */ if (supportsGzip(req)) { res.setHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); var buf = Buffer.from(output, "utf-8"); zlib.gzip(buf, function(_, result) { res.end(result); }); } else { res.end(output); } }; } module.exports.middleware = init; module.exports.plugin = init; module.exports.minified = function() { return fs.readFileSync(minifiedScript, "utf8"); }; module.exports.unminified = function() { return fs.readFileSync(unminifiedScript, "utf8"); };