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2 years ago
'use strict';
exports.__esModule = true;
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
var _lazyResult = require('./lazy-result');
var _lazyResult2 = _interopRequireDefault(_lazyResult);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
* Contains plugins to process CSS. Create one `Processor` instance,
* initialize its plugins, and then use that instance on numerous CSS files.
* @example
* const processor = postcss([autoprefixer, precss]);
* processor.process(css1).then(result => console.log(result.css));
* processor.process(css2).then(result => console.log(result.css));
var Processor = function () {
* @param {Array.<Plugin|pluginFunction>|Processor} plugins - PostCSS
* plugins. See {@link Processor#use} for plugin format.
function Processor() {
var plugins = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];
_classCallCheck(this, Processor);
* @member {string} - Current PostCSS version.
* @example
* if ( result.processor.version.split('.')[0] !== '6' ) {
* throw new Error('This plugin works only with PostCSS 6');
* }
this.version = '6.0.23';
* @member {pluginFunction[]} - Plugins added to this processor.
* @example
* const processor = postcss([autoprefixer, precss]);
* processor.plugins.length //=> 2
this.plugins = this.normalize(plugins);
* Adds a plugin to be used as a CSS processor.
* PostCSS plugin can be in 4 formats:
* * A plugin created by {@link postcss.plugin} method.
* * A function. PostCSS will pass the function a @{link Root}
* as the first argument and current {@link Result} instance
* as the second.
* * An object with a `postcss` method. PostCSS will use that method
* as described in #2.
* * Another {@link Processor} instance. PostCSS will copy plugins
* from that instance into this one.
* Plugins can also be added by passing them as arguments when creating
* a `postcss` instance (see [`postcss(plugins)`]).
* Asynchronous plugins should return a `Promise` instance.
* @param {Plugin|pluginFunction|Processor} plugin - PostCSS plugin
* or {@link Processor}
* with plugins
* @example
* const processor = postcss()
* .use(autoprefixer)
* .use(precss);
* @return {Processes} current processor to make methods chain
Processor.prototype.use = function use(plugin) {
this.plugins = this.plugins.concat(this.normalize([plugin]));
return this;
* Parses source CSS and returns a {@link LazyResult} Promise proxy.
* Because some plugins can be asynchronous it doesn’t make
* any transformations. Transformations will be applied
* in the {@link LazyResult} methods.
* @param {string|toString|Result} css - String with input CSS or
* any object with a `toString()`
* method, like a Buffer.
* Optionally, send a {@link Result}
* instance and the processor will
* take the {@link Root} from it.
* @param {processOptions} [opts] - options
* @return {LazyResult} Promise proxy
* @example
* processor.process(css, { from: 'a.css', to: 'a.out.css' })
* .then(result => {
* console.log(result.css);
* });
Processor.prototype.process = function process(css) {
var opts = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
return new _lazyResult2.default(this, css, opts);
Processor.prototype.normalize = function normalize(plugins) {
var normalized = [];
for (var _iterator = plugins, _isArray = Array.isArray(_iterator), _i = 0, _iterator = _isArray ? _iterator : _iterator[Symbol.iterator]();;) {
var _ref;
if (_isArray) {
if (_i >= _iterator.length) break;
_ref = _iterator[_i++];
} else {
_i =;
if (_i.done) break;
_ref = _i.value;
var i = _ref;
if (i.postcss) i = i.postcss;
if ((typeof i === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(i)) === 'object' && Array.isArray(i.plugins)) {
normalized = normalized.concat(i.plugins);
} else if (typeof i === 'function') {
} else if ((typeof i === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(i)) === 'object' && (i.parse || i.stringify)) {
throw new Error('PostCSS syntaxes cannot be used as plugins. ' + 'Instead, please use one of the ' + 'syntax/parser/stringifier options as ' + 'outlined in your PostCSS ' + 'runner documentation.');
} else {
throw new Error(i + ' is not a PostCSS plugin');
return normalized;
return Processor;
exports.default = Processor;
* @callback builder
* @param {string} part - part of generated CSS connected to this node
* @param {Node} node - AST node
* @param {"start"|"end"} [type] - node’s part type
* @callback parser
* @param {string|toString} css - string with input CSS or any object
* with toString() method, like a Buffer
* @param {processOptions} [opts] - options with only `from` and `map` keys
* @return {Root} PostCSS AST
* @callback stringifier
* @param {Node} node - start node for stringifing. Usually {@link Root}.
* @param {builder} builder - function to concatenate CSS from node’s parts
* or generate string and source map
* @return {void}
* @typedef {object} syntax
* @property {parser} parse - function to generate AST by string
* @property {stringifier} stringify - function to generate string by AST
* @typedef {object} toString
* @property {function} toString
* @callback pluginFunction
* @param {Root} root - parsed input CSS
* @param {Result} result - result to set warnings or check other plugins
* @typedef {object} Plugin
* @property {function} postcss - PostCSS plugin function
* @typedef {object} processOptions
* @property {string} from - the path of the CSS source file.
* You should always set `from`,
* because it is used in source map
* generation and syntax error messages.
* @property {string} to - the path where you’ll put the output
* CSS file. You should always set `to`
* to generate correct source maps.
* @property {parser} parser - function to generate AST by string
* @property {stringifier} stringifier - class to generate string by AST
* @property {syntax} syntax - object with `parse` and `stringify`
* @property {object} map - source map options
* @property {boolean} map.inline - does source map should
* be embedded in the output
* CSS as a base64-encoded
* comment
* @property {string|object|false|function} map.prev - source map content
* from a previous
* processing step
* (for example, Sass).
* PostCSS will try to find
* previous map
* automatically, so you
* could disable it by
* `false` value.
* @property {boolean} map.sourcesContent - does PostCSS should set
* the origin content to map
* @property {string|false} map.annotation - does PostCSS should set
* annotation comment to map
* @property {string} map.from - override `from` in map’s
* `sources`
module.exports = exports['default'];