CS4820-Winter2020 student project to create a COUNTER SUSHI R5 harvester and related functionality app for Windows and Mac
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"""This module handles all operations involving fetching reports.
The process of fetching reports is made up of these steps:
1. Each vendor is queried for its supported reports using the SUSHI API
2. The vendor is then queried for each supported report, also using the SUSHI API
3. The raw JSON response is converted to JsonModel objects that make it easier to work with the JSON data.
4. The model objects are then used to create create row objects that will be in the final TSV file.
5. The row objects are then sorted by their primary columns, for example, item reports are sorted by the item column.
6. The sorted rows are then used to create and save a final TSV report file that adheres to the COUNTER 5 standards.
7. After all reports are processed, the database is updated with the new data
.. NOTE::
All fetch operations are multi-threaded. Each vendor has it's own thread, each report for that vendor
also has it's own thread. The maximum concurrent vendors and reports (per vendor) can be changed in the settings tab
on the GUI
from os import path, makedirs
import csv
import json
import requests
import platform
import copy
import ctypes
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, QThread, pyqtSignal, QDate, Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QStandardItemModel, QStandardItem
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QPushButton, QDialog, QWidget, QProgressBar, QLabel, QVBoxLayout, QDialogButtonBox, \
QCheckBox, QDateEdit, QFrame, QHBoxLayout, QSizePolicy, QLineEdit, QListView, QRadioButton, QButtonGroup
import GeneralUtils
from ui import FetchReportsTab, FetchSpecialReportsTab, FetchProgressDialog, ReportResultWidget, VendorResultsWidget
from GeneralUtils import JsonModel
from ManageVendors import Vendor
from Settings import SettingsModel
from ManageDB import UpdateDatabaseWorker
from Constants import *
# region Models
class SupportedReportModel(JsonModel):
"""Models a SUSHI Supported Report"""
def __init__(self, report_id: str):
self.report_id = report_id
def from_json(cls, json_dict: dict):
report_id = str(json_dict["Report_ID"]).upper() if "Report_ID" in json_dict else ""
return cls(report_id)
class PeriodModel(JsonModel):
"""Models a SUSHI Period"""
def __init__(self, begin_date: str, end_date: str):
self.begin_date = begin_date
self.end_date = end_date
def from_json(cls, json_dict: dict):
begin_date = json_dict["Begin_Date"] if "Begin_Date" in json_dict else ""
end_date = json_dict["End_Date"] if "End_Date" in json_dict else ""
return cls(begin_date, end_date)
class InstanceModel(JsonModel):
"""Models a SUSHI Instance"""
def __init__(self, metric_type: str, count: int):
self.metric_type = metric_type
self.count = count
def from_json(cls, json_dict: dict):
metric_type = json_dict["Metric_Type"] if "Metric_Type" in json_dict else ""
count = int(json_dict["Count"]) if "Count" in json_dict else 0
return cls(metric_type, count)
class PerformanceModel(JsonModel):
"""Models a SUSHI Performance"""
def __init__(self, period: PeriodModel, instances: list):
self.period = period
self.instances = instances
def from_json(cls, json_dict: dict):
period = PeriodModel.from_json(json_dict["Period"]) if "Period" in json_dict else None
instances = get_models("Instance", InstanceModel, json_dict)
return cls(period, instances)
class TypeValueModel(JsonModel):
"""Models SUSHI models that are made up of Type and value"""
def __init__(self, item_type: str, value: str):
self.item_type = item_type
self.value = value
def from_json(cls, json_dict: dict):
item_type = str(json_dict["Type"]) if "Type" in json_dict else ""
value = str(json_dict["Value"]) if "Value" in json_dict else ""
return cls(item_type, value)
class NameValueModel(JsonModel):
"""Models SUSHI models that are made up of Name and value"""
def __init__(self, name: str, value: str):
self.name = name
self.value = value
def from_json(cls, json_dict: dict):
name = str(json_dict["Name"]) if "Name" in json_dict else ""
value = str(json_dict["Value"]) if "Value" in json_dict else ""
return cls(name, value)
class ExceptionModel(JsonModel):
"""Models a SUSHI Exception"""
def __init__(self, code: int, message: str, severity: str, data: str):
self.code = code
self.message = message
self.severity = severity
self.data = data
def from_json(cls, json_dict: dict):
code = int(json_dict["Code"]) if "Code" in json_dict else 0
message = json_dict["Message"] if "Message" in json_dict else ""
severity = json_dict["Severity"] if "Severity" in json_dict else ""
data = json_dict["Data"] if "Data" in json_dict else ""
return cls(code, message, severity, data)
class ReportHeaderModel(JsonModel):
"""Models a SUSHI Report Header"""
def __init__(self, report_name: str, report_id: str, release: str, institution_name: str, institution_ids: list,
report_filters: list, report_attributes: list, exceptions: list, created: str, created_by: str):
self.report_name = report_name
self.report_id = report_id
self.release = release
self.institution_name = institution_name
self.institution_ids = institution_ids
self.report_filters = report_filters
self.report_attributes = report_attributes
self.exceptions = exceptions
self.created = created
self.created_by = created_by
# Not part of JSON
self.major_report_type = None
def from_json(cls, json_dict: dict):
report_name = json_dict["Report_Name"] if "Report_Name" in json_dict else ""
report_id = str(json_dict["Report_ID"]).upper() if "Report_ID" in json_dict else ""
release = json_dict["Release"] if "Release" in json_dict else ""
institution_name = json_dict["Institution_Name"] if "Institution_Name" in json_dict else ""
created = json_dict["Created"] if "Created" in json_dict else ""
created_by = json_dict["Created_By"] if "Created_By" in json_dict else ""
institution_ids = get_models("Institution_ID", TypeValueModel, json_dict)
report_filters = get_models("Report_Filters", NameValueModel, json_dict)
report_attributes = get_models("Report_Attributes", NameValueModel, json_dict)
exceptions = get_models("Exceptions", ExceptionModel, json_dict)
return cls(report_name, report_id, release, institution_name, institution_ids, report_filters,
report_attributes, exceptions, created, created_by)
class ReportModel(JsonModel):
"""Models a SUSHI Report"""
def __init__(self, report_header: ReportHeaderModel, report_items: list):
self.report_header = report_header
self.report_items = report_items
# Not part of JSON
self.exceptions = []
def from_json(cls, json_dict: dict):
exceptions = ReportModel.process_exceptions(json_dict)
report_header = ReportHeaderModel.from_json(json_dict["Report_Header"])
report_type = report_header.report_id
major_report_type = get_major_report_type(report_type)
report_header.major_report_type = major_report_type
report_items = []
if "Report_Items" in json_dict:
report_item_dicts = json_dict["Report_Items"]
if len(report_item_dicts) > 0:
if major_report_type == MajorReportType.PLATFORM:
for report_item_dict in report_item_dicts:
elif major_report_type == MajorReportType.DATABASE:
for report_item_dict in report_item_dicts:
elif major_report_type == MajorReportType.TITLE:
for report_item_dict in report_item_dicts:
elif major_report_type == MajorReportType.ITEM:
for report_item_dict in report_item_dicts:
report_model = cls(report_header, report_items)
report_model.exceptions = exceptions
return report_model
def process_exceptions(cls, json_dict: dict) -> list:
"""Gets all exception models in a JSON dict, returns them as a list
:param json_dict: A JSON dict
:raises ReportHeaderMissingException: When the report header is missing
:raises RetryLaterException: When a retry later exception model is received
:raises UnacceptableCodeException: When the report cannot be processed based on the exception code
exceptions = []
if "Exception" in json_dict:
code = int(json_dict["Code"]) if "Code" in json_dict else ""
message = json_dict["Message"] if "Message" in json_dict else ""
data = json_dict["Data"] if "Data" in json_dict else ""
severity = json_dict["Severity"] if "Severity" in json_dict else ""
if code:
exceptions.append(ExceptionModel(code, message, severity, data))
if "Report_Header" in json_dict:
report_header = ReportHeaderModel.from_json(json_dict["Report_Header"])
if len(report_header.exceptions) > 0:
for exception in report_header.exceptions:
raise ReportHeaderMissingException(exceptions)
for exception in exceptions:
if exception.code in RETRY_LATER_CODES:
raise RetryLaterException(exceptions)
elif exception.code not in ACCEPTABLE_CODES:
raise UnacceptableCodeException(exceptions)
return exceptions
class PlatformReportItemModel(JsonModel):
"""Models a SUSHI Platform Report Item"""
def __init__(self, platform: str, data_type: str, access_method: str, performances: list):
self.platform = platform
self.data_type = data_type
self.access_method = access_method
self.performances = performances
def from_json(cls, json_dict: dict):
platform = json_dict["Platform"] if "Platform" in json_dict else ""
data_type = json_dict["Data_Type"] if "Data_Type" in json_dict else ""
access_method = json_dict["Access_Method"] if "Access_Method" in json_dict else ""
performances = get_models("Performance", PerformanceModel, json_dict)
return cls(platform, data_type, access_method, performances)
class DatabaseReportItemModel(JsonModel):
"""Models a SUSHI Database Report Item"""
def __init__(self, database: str, publisher: str, item_ids: list, publisher_ids: list, platform: str,
data_type: str, access_method: str,
performances: list):
self.database = database
self.publisher = publisher
self.item_ids = item_ids
self.publisher_ids = publisher_ids
self.platform = platform
self.data_type = data_type
self.access_method = access_method
self.performances = performances
def from_json(cls, json_dict: dict):
database = json_dict["Database"] if "Database" in json_dict else ""
publisher = json_dict["Publisher"] if "Publisher" in json_dict else ""
platform = json_dict["Platform"] if "Platform" in json_dict else ""
data_type = json_dict["Data_Type"] if "Data_Type" in json_dict else ""
access_method = json_dict["Access_Method"] if "Access_Method" in json_dict else ""
item_ids = get_models("Item_ID", TypeValueModel, json_dict)
publisher_ids = get_models("Publisher_ID", TypeValueModel, json_dict)
performances = get_models("Performance", PerformanceModel, json_dict)
return cls(database, publisher, item_ids, publisher_ids, platform, data_type, access_method, performances)
class TitleReportItemModel(JsonModel):
"""Models a SUSHI Title Report Item"""
def __init__(self, title: str, item_ids: list, platform: str, publisher: str, publisher_ids: list, data_type: str,
section_type: str, yop: str, access_type: str, access_method: str, performances: list):
self.title = title
self.item_ids = item_ids
self.platform = platform
self.publisher = publisher
self.publisher_ids = publisher_ids
self.data_type = data_type
self.section_type = section_type
self.yop = yop # Year of publication
self.access_type = access_type
self.access_method = access_method
self.performances = performances
def from_json(cls, json_dict: dict):
title = json_dict["Title"] if "Title" in json_dict else ""
platform = json_dict["Platform"] if "Platform" in json_dict else ""
publisher = json_dict["Publisher"] if "Publisher" in json_dict else ""
data_type = json_dict["Data_Type"] if "Data_Type" in json_dict else ""
section_type = json_dict["Section_Type"] if "Section_Type" in json_dict else ""
yop = json_dict["YOP"] if "YOP" in json_dict else ""
access_type = json_dict["Access_Type"] if "Access_Type" in json_dict else ""
access_method = json_dict["Access_Method"] if "Access_Method" in json_dict else ""
item_ids = get_models("Item_ID", TypeValueModel, json_dict)
publisher_ids = get_models("Publisher_ID", TypeValueModel, json_dict)
performances = get_models("Performance", PerformanceModel, json_dict)
return cls(title, item_ids, platform, publisher, publisher_ids, data_type, section_type, yop, access_type,
access_method, performances)
class ItemContributorModel(JsonModel):
"""Models a SUSHI Item Contributor"""
def __init__(self, item_type: str, name: str, identifier: str):
self.item_type = item_type
self.name = name
self.identifier = identifier
def from_json(cls, json_dict: dict):
item_type = json_dict["Type"] if "Type" in json_dict else ""
name = json_dict["Name"] if "Name" in json_dict else ""
identifier = json_dict["Identifier"] if "Identifier" in json_dict else ""
return cls(item_type, name, identifier)
class ItemParentModel(JsonModel):
"""Models a SUSHI Item Parent"""
def __init__(self, item_name: str, item_ids: list, item_contributors: list, item_dates: list, item_attributes: list,
data_type: str):
self.item_name = item_name
self.item_ids = item_ids
self.item_contributors = item_contributors
self.item_dates = item_dates
self.item_attributes = item_attributes
self.data_type = data_type
def from_json(cls, json_dict: dict):
item_name = json_dict["Item_Name"] if "Item_Name" in json_dict else ""
data_type = json_dict["Data_Type"] if "Data_Type" in json_dict else ""
item_ids = get_models("Item_ID", TypeValueModel, json_dict)
item_contributors = get_models("Item_Contributors", ItemContributorModel, json_dict)
item_dates = get_models("Item_Dates", TypeValueModel, json_dict)
item_attributes = get_models("Item_Attributes", TypeValueModel, json_dict)
return cls(item_name, item_ids, item_contributors, item_dates, item_attributes, data_type)
class ItemComponentModel(JsonModel):
"""Models a SUSHI Item Component"""
def __init__(self, item_name: str, item_ids: list, item_contributors: list, item_dates: list, item_attributes: list,
data_type: str, performances: list):
self.item_name = item_name
self.item_ids = item_ids
self.item_contributors = item_contributors
self.item_dates = item_dates
self.item_attributes = item_attributes
self.data_type = data_type
self.performances = performances
def from_json(cls, json_dict: dict):
item_name = json_dict["Item_Name"] if "Item_Name" in json_dict else ""
data_type = json_dict["Data_Type"] if "Data_Type" in json_dict else ""
item_ids = get_models("Item_ID", TypeValueModel, json_dict)
item_contributors = get_models("Item_Contributors", ItemContributorModel, json_dict)
item_dates = get_models("Item_Dates", TypeValueModel, json_dict)
item_attributes = get_models("Item_Attributes", TypeValueModel, json_dict)
performances = get_models("Performance", PerformanceModel, json_dict)
return cls(item_name, item_ids, item_contributors, item_dates, item_attributes, data_type, performances)
class ItemReportItemModel(JsonModel):
"""Models a SUSHI Item Report model"""
def __init__(self, item: str, item_ids: list, item_contributors: list, item_dates: list, item_attributes: list,
platform: str, publisher: str, publisher_ids: list, item_parent: ItemParentModel,
item_components: list, data_type: str, yop: str, access_type: str,
access_method: str, performances: list):
self.item = item
self.item_ids = item_ids
self.item_contributors = item_contributors
self.item_dates = item_dates
self.item_attributes = item_attributes
self.platform = platform
self.publisher = publisher
self.publisher_ids = publisher_ids
self.item_parent = item_parent
self.item_components = item_components
self.data_type = data_type
self.yop = yop # Year of publication
self.access_type = access_type
self.access_method = access_method
self.performances = performances
def from_json(cls, json_dict: dict):
item = json_dict["Item"] if "Item" in json_dict else ""
platform = json_dict["Platform"] if "Platform" in json_dict else ""
publisher = json_dict["Publisher"] if "Publisher" in json_dict else ""
data_type = json_dict["Data_Type"] if "Data_Type" in json_dict else ""
yop = json_dict["YOP"] if "YOP" in json_dict else ""
access_type = json_dict["Access_Type"] if "Access_Type" in json_dict else ""
access_method = json_dict["Access_Method"] if "Access_Method" in json_dict else ""
item_parent = ItemParentModel.from_json(json_dict["Item_Parent"]) if "Item_Parent" in json_dict else None
item_ids = get_models("Item_ID", TypeValueModel, json_dict)
item_contributors = get_models("Item_Contributors", ItemContributorModel, json_dict)
item_dates = get_models("Item_Dates", TypeValueModel, json_dict)
item_attributes = get_models("Item_Attributes", TypeValueModel, json_dict)
publisher_ids = get_models("Publisher_ID", TypeValueModel, json_dict)
item_components = get_models("Item_Component", ItemComponentModel, json_dict)
performances = get_models("Performance", PerformanceModel, json_dict)
return cls(item, item_ids, item_contributors, item_dates, item_attributes, platform, publisher, publisher_ids,
item_parent, item_components, data_type, yop, access_type, access_method, performances)
# endregion
# region Custom Exceptions
class RetryLaterException(Exception):
"""An exception raised when a retry later exception code is received in an exception model"""
def __init__(self, exceptions: list):
self.exceptions = exceptions
class ReportHeaderMissingException(Exception):
"""An exception raised when a report header is missing from a report"""
def __init__(self, exceptions: list):
self.exceptions = exceptions
class UnacceptableCodeException(Exception):
"""An exception raised when a report cannot be processed based on an exception code"""
def __init__(self, exceptions: list):
self.exceptions = exceptions
# endregion
def exception_models_to_message(exceptions: list) -> str:
"""Formats a list of exception models into a single string """
message = ""
for exception in exceptions:
if message: message += "\n\n"
message += f"Code: {exception.code}" \
f"\nMessage: {exception.message}" \
f"\nSeverity: {exception.severity}" \
f"\nData: {exception.data}"
return message
def get_models(model_key: str, model_type, json_dict: dict) -> list:
"""This converts json lists into a list of the specified SUSHI model type
:param model_key: The target key to get the list of JSONObjects
:param model_type: The target model type, e.g PerformanceModel
:param json_dict: The JSON dict to get the list from
# Some vendors sometimes return a single dict even when the standard specifies a list,
# we need to check for that
models = []
if model_key in json_dict and json_dict[model_key] is not None:
if type(json_dict[model_key]) is list:
model_dicts = json_dict[model_key]
for model_dict in model_dicts:
elif type(json_dict[model_key]) is dict:
return models
def get_major_report_type(report_type: str) -> MajorReportType:
"""Returns a major report type that a report type falls under"""
if report_type == "PR" or report_type == "PR_P1":
return MajorReportType.PLATFORM
elif report_type == "DR" or report_type == "DR_D1" or report_type == "DR_D2":
return MajorReportType.DATABASE
elif report_type == "TR" or report_type == "TR_B1" or report_type == "TR_B2" \
or report_type == "TR_B3" or report_type == "TR_J1" or report_type == "TR_J2" \
or report_type == "TR_J3" or report_type == "TR_J4":
return MajorReportType.TITLE
elif report_type == "IR" or report_type == "IR_A1" or report_type == "IR_M1":
return MajorReportType.ITEM
def get_month_years(begin_date: QDate, end_date: QDate) -> list:
"""Returns a list of month-year (MMM-yyyy) strings within a date range"""
month_years = []
if begin_date.year() == end_date.year():
num_months = (end_date.month() - begin_date.month()) + 1
num_months = (12 - begin_date.month() + end_date.month()) + 1
num_years = end_date.year() - begin_date.year()
num_months += (num_years - 1) * 12
for i in range(num_months):
return month_years
class SpecialReportOptions:
"""This holds all the parameters that are used to process a special report
The options are stored as tuples, (option has non-default value, option type, option name, list of option values)
def __init__(self):
# PR, DR, TR, IR
self.data_type = False, SpecialOptionType.AP, "Data_Type", [DEFAULT_SPECIAL_OPTION_VALUE]
self.access_method = False, SpecialOptionType.AP, "Access_Method", [DEFAULT_SPECIAL_OPTION_VALUE]
self.metric_type = False, SpecialOptionType.POS, "Metric_Type", [DEFAULT_SPECIAL_OPTION_VALUE]
self.exclude_monthly_details = False, SpecialOptionType.TO, None, None
# TR, IR
current_date = QDate.currentDate()
self.yop = False, SpecialOptionType.ADP, "YOP", [DEFAULT_SPECIAL_OPTION_VALUE]
self.access_type = False, SpecialOptionType.AP, "Access_Type", [DEFAULT_SPECIAL_OPTION_VALUE]
# TR
self.section_type = False, SpecialOptionType.AP, "Section_Type", [DEFAULT_SPECIAL_OPTION_VALUE]
# IR
self.authors = False, SpecialOptionType.AO, "Authors", [DEFAULT_SPECIAL_OPTION_VALUE]
self.publication_date = False, SpecialOptionType.AO, "Publication_Date", [DEFAULT_SPECIAL_OPTION_VALUE]
self.article_version = False, SpecialOptionType.AO, "Article_Version", [DEFAULT_SPECIAL_OPTION_VALUE]
self.include_component_details = False, SpecialOptionType.POB, None, None
self.include_parent_details = False, SpecialOptionType.POB, None, None
class ReportRow:
"""This models a row in the generated report, it contains every possible column
:param begin_date: The begin date of the request, used to populate the month columns in the report
:param end_date: The end date of the request, used to populate the month columns in the report
def __init__(self, begin_date: QDate, end_date: QDate):
self.database = ""
self.title = ""
self.item = ""
self.publisher = ""
self.publisher_id = ""
self.platform = ""
self.authors = ""
self.publication_date = ""
self.article_version = ""
self.doi = ""
self.proprietary_id = ""
self.online_issn = ""
self.print_issn = ""
self.linking_issn = ""
self.isbn = ""
self.uri = ""
self.parent_title = ""
self.parent_authors = ""
self.parent_publication_date = ""
self.parent_article_version = ""
self.parent_data_type = ""
self.parent_doi = ""
self.parent_proprietary_id = ""
self.parent_online_issn = ""
self.parent_print_issn = ""
self.parent_linking_issn = ""
self.parent_isbn = ""
self.parent_uri = ""
self.component_title = ""
self.component_authors = ""
self.component_publication_date = ""
self.component_data_type = ""
self.component_doi = ""
self.component_proprietary_id = ""
self.component_online_issn = ""
self.component_print_issn = ""
self.component_linking_issn = ""
self.component_isbn = ""
self.component_uri = ""
self.data_type = ""
self.section_type = ""
self.yop = ""
self.access_type = ""
self.access_method = ""
self.metric_type = ""
self.total_count = 0
self.month_counts = {}
# This only works with 12 months
# for i in range(12):
# curr_date: QDate
# if QDate(begin_date.year(), i + 1, 1) < begin_date:
# curr_date = QDate(end_date.year(), i + 1, 1)
# else:
# curr_date = QDate(begin_date.year(), i + 1, 1)
# self.month_counts[curr_date.toString("MMM-yyyy")] = 0
# self.total_count = 0
# This works with more than 12 months
for month_year_str in get_month_years(begin_date, end_date):
self.month_counts[month_year_str] = 0
class RequestData:
"""This holds the data about a report request
:param vendor: The vendor being processed
:param target_report_types: The report types to attempt to fetch
:param begin_date: The begin date to specify in the request
:param end_date: The end date to specify in the request
:param save_location: Where the generated report should be saved
:param settings: The system's settings object
:param special_options: Special options if fetching a special report
def __init__(self, vendor: Vendor, target_report_types: list, begin_date: QDate, end_date: QDate,
save_location: str, settings: SettingsModel, special_options: SpecialReportOptions = None):
self.vendor = vendor
self.target_report_types = target_report_types
self.begin_date = begin_date
self.end_date = end_date
self.save_location = save_location
self.settings = settings
self.special_options = special_options
class ProcessResult:
"""This holds the results of an fetch process
:param vendor: The target vendor
:param report_type: The target report type
def __init__(self, vendor: Vendor, report_type: str = None):
self.vendor = vendor
self.report_type = report_type
self.completion_status = CompletionStatus.SUCCESSFUL
self.message = ""
self.retry = False
self.file_name = ""
self.file_dir = ""
self.file_path = ""
self.protected_file_path = ""
self.year = ""
class FetchReportsAbstract:
def __init__(self, vendors: list, settings: SettingsModel, widget: QWidget):
"""This contains common functionality shared between classes that fetch reports
:param vendors: The list of vendors in the system
:param settings: The system's user settings
:param widget: The widget of the tab that this class controls
# region General
self.widget = widget
self.vendors = []
self.selected_data = [] # List of ReportData Objects
self.retry_data = [] # List of (Vendor, list[report_types])>
self.vendor_workers = {} # <k = worker_id, v = (VendorWorker, Thread)>
self.started_processes = 0
self.completed_processes = 0
self.total_processes = 0
self.begin_date = QDate()
self.end_date = QDate()
self.selected_options = None
self.save_dir = ""
self.is_cancelling = False
self.is_yearly_fetch = False
self.settings = settings
self.database_report_data = []
# endregion
# region Fetch Progress Dialog
self.fetch_progress_dialog: QDialog = None
self.progress_bar: QProgressBar = None
self.status_label: QLabel = None
self.scroll_contents: QWidget = None
self.scroll_layout: QVBoxLayout = None
self.ok_button: QPushButton = None
self.retry_button: QPushButton = None
self.cancel_button: QPushButton = None
self.vendor_result_widgets = {} # <k = vendor name, v = (VendorResultsWidget, VendorResultsUI)>
# endregion
# region Update Database Dialog
self.is_updating_database = False
self.add_to_database = True
self.database_thread = None
self.database_worker = None
# endregion
def on_vendors_changed(self, vendors: list):
"""Handles the signal emitted when the system's vendor list is updated
:param vendors: An updated list of the system's vendors
def update_vendors(self, vendors: list):
""" Updates the local copy of vendors that support report fetching (SUSHI)
:param vendors: A list of vendors
self.vendors = []
for vendor in vendors:
if vendor.is_non_sushi: continue
def update_vendors_ui(self):
"""Updates the UI to show vendors that support report fetching (SUSHI)"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def fetch_vendor_data(self, request_data: RequestData):
"""Initiates the process to fetch reports from a vendor
This creates a new thread to work on this vendor
:param request_data: The request data for this vendor request
worker_id = request_data.vendor.name
if worker_id in self.vendor_workers: return # Avoid processing a vendor twice
vendor_worker = VendorWorker(worker_id, request_data)
vendor_thread = QThread()
self.vendor_workers[worker_id] = vendor_worker, vendor_thread
if self.settings.show_debug_messages: print(f"{worker_id}: Added a process, total processes: {self.total_processes}")
def update_results_ui(self, vendor: Vendor, vendor_result: ProcessResult = None, report_results: list = None):
"""Updates the fetch progress dialog to show results
:param vendor: The vendor being updated
:param vendor_result: The result of the vendor
:param report_results: The results of the vendor's reports
self.progress_bar.setValue(int((self.completed_processes / self.total_processes) * 100))
if not self.is_cancelling and self.completed_processes != self.total_processes:
self.status_label.setText(f"Vendor progress: {self.completed_processes}/{self.total_processes}")
if vendor.name in self.vendor_result_widgets:
vendor_results_widget, vendor_results_ui = self.vendor_result_widgets[vendor.name]
vertical_layout = vendor_results_ui.results_frame.layout()
status_label = vendor_results_ui.status_label
vendor_results_widget = QWidget(self.scroll_contents)
vendor_results_ui = VendorResultsWidget.Ui_VendorResultsWidget()
vertical_layout = vendor_results_ui.results_frame.layout()
status_label = vendor_results_ui.status_label
frame = vendor_results_ui.results_frame
expand_button = vendor_results_ui.expand_button
collapse_button = vendor_results_ui.collapse_button
expand_button.clicked.connect(lambda: frame.show())
collapse_button.clicked.connect(lambda: frame.hide())
self.vendor_result_widgets[vendor.name] = vendor_results_widget, vendor_results_ui
if vendor_result is None: return
result_widget = self.get_result_widget(vendor, vendor_results_widget, vendor_result)
for report_result in report_results:
result_widget = self.get_result_widget(vendor, vendor_results_widget, report_result)
def get_result_widget(self, vendor: Vendor, vendor_widget: QWidget, process_result: ProcessResult) -> QWidget:
"""This creates a result widget for either a vendor or a vendor's report
:param vendor: The target vendor
:param vendor_widget: The vendor's widget in the fetch progress dialog
:param process_result: The result to show
completion_status = process_result.completion_status
report_result_widget = QWidget(vendor_widget)
report_result_ui = ReportResultWidget.Ui_ReportResultWidget()
if process_result.message:
if process_result.report_type is not None: # If this is a report result, not vendor
if completion_status == CompletionStatus.SUCCESSFUL or completion_status == CompletionStatus.WARNING:
lambda: GeneralUtils.open_file_or_dir(process_result.file_dir))
report_result_ui.file_label.setText(f"Saved as: {process_result.file_name}")
report_result_ui.file_label.mousePressEvent = \
lambda event: GeneralUtils.open_file_or_dir(process_result.file_path)
report_result_ui.report_type_label.setText("Target Reports")
if completion_status == CompletionStatus.FAILED:
lambda checked_state: self.on_report_to_retry_toggled(checked_state, vendor, process_result.report_type))
return report_result_widget
def on_vendor_worker_finished(self, worker_id: str):
"""Handles the signal emmited when a vendor worker has finished
:param worker_id: The worker ID of the vendor
self.completed_processes += 1
thread: QThread
worker: VendorWorker
worker, thread = self.vendor_workers[worker_id]
self.update_results_ui(worker.vendor, worker.process_result, worker.report_process_results)
if self.is_yearly_fetch:
process_result: ProcessResult
for process_result in worker.report_process_results:
if process_result.completion_status != CompletionStatus.SUCCESSFUL:
self.database_report_data.append({'file': process_result.protected_file_path,
'vendor': process_result.vendor.name,
'year': process_result.year})
self.vendor_workers.pop(worker_id, None)
if self.started_processes < self.total_processes and not self.is_cancelling:
request_data = self.selected_data[self.started_processes]
self.started_processes += 1
elif len(self.vendor_workers) == 0: self.finish_fetching_reports()
def start_progress_dialog(self, window_title: str):
"""Sets up and shows the fetch progress dialog
:param window_title: The title of the fetch progress dialog
self.vendor_result_widgets = {}
if self.fetch_progress_dialog: self.fetch_progress_dialog.close()
self.fetch_progress_dialog = QDialog(self.widget, flags=Qt.Window | Qt.WindowTitleHint | Qt.CustomizeWindowHint)
fetch_progress_ui = FetchProgressDialog.Ui_FetchProgressDialog()
self.progress_bar = fetch_progress_ui.progress_bar
self.status_label = fetch_progress_ui.status_label
self.scroll_contents = fetch_progress_ui.scroll_area_widget_contents
self.scroll_layout = fetch_progress_ui.scroll_area_vertical_layout
self.ok_button = fetch_progress_ui.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok)
self.retry_button = fetch_progress_ui.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Retry)
self.cancel_button = fetch_progress_ui.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel)
self.retry_button.setText("Retry Selected")
self.ok_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.fetch_progress_dialog.close())
self.retry_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.retry_selected_reports(window_title))
def on_report_to_retry_toggled(self, checked_state: int, vendor: Vendor, report_type):
"""Handles the signal emmited when a report result's retry checkbox is toggled
The report is added the the list of reports to be retried when the 'retry selected reports' button is clicked
:param checked_state: The new checked state
:param vendor: The vendor that this report belongs to
:param report_type: The report type of the report
if checked_state == Qt.Checked:
found = False
for i in range(len(self.retry_data)):
v, report_types = self.retry_data[i]
if v == vendor:
found = True
if not found:
self.retry_data.append((vendor, [report_type]))
elif checked_state == Qt.Unchecked:
for i in range(len(self.retry_data)):
v, report_types = self.retry_data[i]
if v == vendor:
if len(report_types) == 0: self.retry_data.pop(i)
def retry_selected_reports(self, progress_window_title: str):
"""Retries the selected reports to retry
:param progress_window_title: The title of the fetch progress dialog
if len(self.retry_data) == 0:
GeneralUtils.show_message("No report selected")
self.selected_data = []
for vendor, report_types in self.retry_data:
request_data = RequestData(vendor, report_types, self.begin_date, self.end_date, self.save_dir,
self.settings, self.selected_options)
self.retry_data = []
self.total_processes = len(self.selected_data)
self.started_processes = 0
concurrent_vendors = self.settings.concurrent_vendors
while self.started_processes < len(self.selected_data) and self.started_processes < concurrent_vendors:
request_data = self.selected_data[self.started_processes]
self.started_processes += 1
def finish_fetching_reports(self):
"""Finishes up the fetch process"""
self.started_processes = 0
self.completed_processes = 0
self.total_processes = 0
self.is_cancelling = False
# Start updating database...
if self.is_yearly_fetch and len(self.database_report_data) > 0:
if not self.start_updating_database(): self.finish_updating_database()
def finish_updating_database(self):
"""Finishes up the database update process"""
self.is_updating_database = False
self.database_report_data = []
if self.settings.show_debug_messages: print("Fin!")
def cancel_workers(self):
"""Sends a cancel signal to all vendor workers, updates the UI accordingly"""
self.is_cancelling = True
self.total_processes = self.started_processes
self.status_label.setText(f"Cancelling... (Waiting for started requests to finish)")
for worker, thread in self.vendor_workers.values():
def is_yearly_range(self, begin_date: QDate, end_date: QDate) -> bool:
"""Checks if a date range will retrieve all available reports for one year
:param begin_date: The begin date
:param end_date: The end date
current_date = QDate.currentDate()
if begin_date.year() != end_date.year() or begin_date.year() > current_date.year():
return False
if begin_date.year() == current_date.year():
if begin_date.month() == 1 and end_date.month() == max(current_date.month() - 1, 1):
return True
if begin_date.month() == 1 and end_date.month() == 12:
return True
return False
def start_updating_database(self) -> bool:
"""Starts a thread to update the database. Returns True if successfully started"""
if self.is_updating_database:
if self.settings.show_debug_messages: print("Database is already updating")
return False
self.is_updating_database = True
self.status_label.setText("Updating database...")
self.database_thread = QThread()
self.database_worker = UpdateDatabaseWorker(self.database_report_data, False)
def on_progress_changed(progress: int):
self.progress_bar.setValue(int((progress / len(self.database_report_data)) * 100))
def on_worker_finished(code):
return True
class FetchReportsController(FetchReportsAbstract):
"""Controls the Fetch Reports tab
This class fetches master and standard reports with default parameters. The generated TSV files only include
the mandatory columns for each report type
:param vendors: The list of vendors in the system
:param settings: The system's user settings
:param widget: The fetch reports widget
:param fetch_reports_ui: The UI for the fetch reports widget
def __init__(self, vendors: list, settings: SettingsModel, widget: QWidget,
fetch_reports_ui: FetchReportsTab.Ui_fetch_reports_tab):
super().__init__(vendors, settings, widget)
# region General
current_date = QDate.currentDate()
begin_date = QDate(current_date.year(), 1, 1)
end_date = QDate(current_date.year(), max(current_date.month() - 1, 1), 1)
self.fetch_all_begin_date = QDate(begin_date)
self.adv_begin_date = QDate(begin_date)
self.fetch_all_end_date = QDate(end_date)
self.adv_end_date = QDate(end_date)
self.is_last_fetch_advanced = False
# endregion
# region Start Fetch Buttons
self.fetch_all_btn = fetch_reports_ui.fetch_all_data_button
self.fetch_adv_btn = fetch_reports_ui.fetch_advanced_button
# endregion
# region Vendors
self.vendor_list_view = fetch_reports_ui.vendors_list_view_fetch
self.vendor_list_model = QStandardItemModel(self.vendor_list_view)
self.select_vendors_btn = fetch_reports_ui.select_vendors_button_fetch
self.deselect_vendors_btn = fetch_reports_ui.deselect_vendors_button_fetch
# endregion
# region Report Types
self.report_type_list_view = fetch_reports_ui.report_types_list_view
self.report_type_list_model = QStandardItemModel(self.report_type_list_view)
for report_type in ALL_REPORTS:
item = QStandardItem(report_type)
self.select_report_types_btn = fetch_reports_ui.select_report_types_button_fetch
self.deselect_report_types_btn = fetch_reports_ui.deselect_report_types_button_fetch
self.report_types_help_btn = fetch_reports_ui.report_types_help_button
lambda: GeneralUtils.show_message("Only reports supported by each respective vendor will be retrieved, "
"and unsupported reports will be listed in \"Expand\" results"))
# endregion
# region Custom Directory
self.custom_dir_frame = fetch_reports_ui.custom_dir_frame
self.custom_dir_message_frame = fetch_reports_ui.frame
self.custom_dir_message_frame2 = fetch_reports_ui.frame_2
self.custom_dir_frame_message1 = fetch_reports_ui.label_38
self.custom_dir_frame_message2 = fetch_reports_ui.label
self.custom_dir_edit = fetch_reports_ui.custom_dir_edit
self.custom_dir_button = fetch_reports_ui.custom_dir_button
self.date_range_help_btn = fetch_reports_ui.date_range_help_button
lambda: GeneralUtils.show_message("Reports run for date ranges that represent a normal Jan-Dec calendar"
" year, or Jan-last month for calendar years in progress, will be added"
" to (or updated in) the search database. All other date ranges will be "
"saved in the specified folder but not added to the search database."))
self.date_range_help_btn2 = fetch_reports_ui.date_range_help_button2
lambda: GeneralUtils.show_message("Reports run for date ranges that represent a normal Jan-Dec calendar"
" year, or Jan-last month for calendar years in progress, will be added"
" to (or updated in) the search database. All other date ranges will be "
"saved in the specified folder but not added to the search database."))
self.date_range_help_btn3 = fetch_reports_ui.date_range_help_button3
lambda: GeneralUtils.show_message("See Other Reports Directory setting in Settings for default"))
# endregion
# region Date Edits
self.all_date_edit = fetch_reports_ui.All_reports_edit_fetch
self.begin_date_edit_year = fetch_reports_ui.begin_date_edit_fetch_year
self.begin_date_edit_year.dateChanged.connect(lambda date: self.on_date_year_changed(date, "adv_begin"))
self.end_date_edit_year = fetch_reports_ui.end_date_edit_fetch_year
self.end_date_edit_year.dateChanged.connect(lambda date: self.on_date_year_changed(date, "adv_end"))
self.begin_month_combo_box = fetch_reports_ui.begin_month_combo_box
for month in MONTH_NAMES:
lambda index: self.on_date_month_changed(index + 1, "adv_begin"))
self.begin_month_combo_box.setCurrentIndex(self.adv_begin_date.month() - 1)
self.end_month_combo_box = fetch_reports_ui.end_month_combo_box
for month in MONTH_NAMES:
lambda index: self.on_date_month_changed(index + 1, "adv_end"))
self.end_month_combo_box.setCurrentIndex(self.adv_end_date.month() - 1)
# endregion
def update_vendors_ui(self):
"""Updates the UI to show vendors that support report fetching (SUSHI)"""
for vendor in self.vendors:
item = QStandardItem(vendor.name)
def on_fetch_all_date_changed(self, date: QDate):
"""Handles the signal emitted when the 'fetch all' date is changed
:param date: The new date
current_date = QDate.currentDate()
if date.year() == current_date.year():
self.fetch_all_begin_date = QDate(current_date.year(), 1, 1)
self.fetch_all_end_date = QDate(current_date.year(), max(current_date.month() - 1, 1), 1)
elif date.year() < current_date.year():
self.fetch_all_begin_date = QDate(date.year(), 1, 1)
self.fetch_all_end_date = QDate(date.year(), 12, 1)
def on_date_year_changed(self, date: QDate, date_type: str):
"""Handles the signal emitted when a date's year is changed
:param date: The new date
:param date_type: The date to be updated
if date_type == "adv_begin":
self.adv_begin_date = QDate(date.year(), self.adv_begin_date.month(), self.adv_begin_date.day())
elif date_type == "adv_end":
self.adv_end_date = QDate(date.year(), self.adv_end_date.month(), self.adv_end_date.day())
if self.is_yearly_range(self.adv_begin_date, self.adv_end_date):
if self.custom_dir_frame_message_show(self.adv_begin_date, self.adv_end_date):
def on_date_month_changed(self, month: int, date_type: str):
"""Handles the signal emitted when a date's month is changed
:param month: The new month
:param date_type: The date to be updated
if date_type == "adv_begin":
self.adv_begin_date = QDate(self.adv_begin_date.year(), month, self.adv_begin_date.day())
elif date_type == "adv_end":
self.adv_end_date = QDate(self.adv_end_date.year(), month, self.adv_end_date.day())
if self.is_yearly_range(self.adv_begin_date, self.adv_end_date):
if self.custom_dir_frame_message_show(self.adv_begin_date, self.adv_end_date):
def custom_dir_frame_message_show(self, begin_date: QDate, end_date: QDate) -> bool:
"""Checks which message will show on the custom dir frame
:param begin_date: The begin date
:param end_date: The end date
current_date = QDate.currentDate()
if begin_date.year() == end_date.year() == current_date.year():
if begin_date.month() == 1 and end_date.month() == 12:
return True
return False
def on_custom_dir_clicked(self):
"""Handles the signal emitted when the choose custom directory button is clicked"""
dir_path = GeneralUtils.choose_directory()
if dir_path: self.custom_dir_edit.setText(dir_path)
def select_all_vendors(self):
"""Checks all vendors in the vendors list view"""
for i in range(self.vendor_list_model.rowCount()):
def deselect_all_vendors(self):
"""Un-checks all vendors in the vendors list view"""
for i in range(self.vendor_list_model.rowCount()):
def select_all_report_types(self):
"""Checks all report types in the report types list view"""
for i in range(self.report_type_list_model.rowCount()):
def deselect_all_report_types(self):
"""Un-checks all report types in the report types list view"""
for i in range(self.report_type_list_model.rowCount()):
def fetch_all_basic_data(self):
"""Fetches all reports for the selected year"""
if self.total_processes > 0:
GeneralUtils.show_message(f"Waiting for pending processes to complete...")
if self.settings.show_debug_messages: print(f"Waiting for pending processes to complete...")
if len(self.vendors) == 0:
GeneralUtils.show_message("Vendor list is empty")
self.begin_date = self.fetch_all_begin_date
self.end_date = self.fetch_all_end_date
if self.begin_date > self.end_date:
GeneralUtils.show_message("\'Begin Date\' is earlier than \'End Date\'")
self.is_yearly_fetch = True
self.save_dir = self.settings.yearly_directory
self.selected_data = []
for i in range(len(self.vendors)):
if self.vendors[i].is_non_sushi: continue
request_data = RequestData(self.vendors[i], ALL_REPORTS, self.begin_date, self.end_date,
self.save_dir, self.settings)
self.is_last_fetch_advanced = False
self.start_progress_dialog("Fetch Reports Progress")
self.retry_data = []
self.total_processes = len(self.selected_data)
self.started_processes = 0
concurrent_vendors = self.settings.concurrent_vendors
while self.started_processes < len(self.selected_data) and self.started_processes < concurrent_vendors:
request_data = self.selected_data[self.started_processes]
self.started_processes += 1
def fetch_advanced_data(self):
"""Fetches reports based on the selected options in the advanced view of the UI"""
if self.total_processes > 0:
GeneralUtils.show_message(f"Waiting for pending processes to complete...")
if self.settings.show_debug_messages: print(f"Waiting for pending processes to complete...")
if len(self.vendors) == 0:
GeneralUtils.show_message("Vendor list is empty")
self.begin_date = self.adv_begin_date
self.end_date = self.adv_end_date
if self.begin_date > self.end_date:
GeneralUtils.show_message("\'Begin Date\' is earlier than \'End Date\'")
self.selected_data = []
selected_report_types = []
for i in range(len(ALL_REPORTS)):
if self.report_type_list_model.item(i).checkState() == Qt.Checked:
if len(selected_report_types) == 0:
GeneralUtils.show_message("No report type selected")
self.is_yearly_fetch = self.is_yearly_range(self.adv_begin_date, self.adv_end_date)
custom_dir = self.custom_dir_edit.text()
if not custom_dir: custom_dir = self.settings.other_directory
self.save_dir = custom_dir if not self.is_yearly_fetch else self.settings.yearly_directory
for i in range(self.vendor_list_model.rowCount()):
if self.vendor_list_model.item(i).checkState() == Qt.Checked:
request_data = RequestData(self.vendors[i], selected_report_types, self.begin_date, self.end_date,
self.save_dir, self.settings)
if len(self.selected_data) == 0:
GeneralUtils.show_message("No vendor selected")
self.start_progress_dialog("Fetch Reports Progress")
self.is_last_fetch_advanced = False
self.retry_data = []
self.total_processes = len(self.selected_data)
self.started_processes = 0
concurrent_vendors = self.settings.concurrent_vendors
while self.started_processes < len(self.selected_data) and self.started_processes < concurrent_vendors:
request_data = self.selected_data[self.started_processes]
self.started_processes += 1
class FetchSpecialReportsController(FetchReportsAbstract):
def __init__(self, vendors: list, settings: SettingsModel, widget: QWidget,
fetch_special_reports_ui: FetchSpecialReportsTab.Ui_fetch_special_reports_tab):
super().__init__(vendors, settings, widget)
# region General
self.selected_report_type = None
self.selected_options = SpecialReportOptions()
current_date = QDate.currentDate()
self.begin_date = QDate(current_date.year(), 1, 1)
self.end_date = QDate(current_date.year(), max(current_date.month() - 1, 1), 1)
# endregion
# region Start Fetch Button
self.fetch_special_btn = fetch_special_reports_ui.fetch_special_data_button
# endregion
# region Vendors
self.vendor_list_view = fetch_special_reports_ui.vendors_list_view_special
self.vendor_list_model = QStandardItemModel(self.vendor_list_view)
self.select_vendors_btn = fetch_special_reports_ui.select_vendors_button_special
self.deselect_vendors_btn = fetch_special_reports_ui.deselect_vendors_button_special
# endregion
# region Options
self.options_frame = fetch_special_reports_ui.options_frame
self.options_layout = self.options_frame.layout()
help_message = "The 'show' checkboxes will break down your data by displaying extra columns with the " \
"selected attributes (usually results in more lines per item)\n" \
"Filters will limit your data to just the selected options (implies also showing that " \
"attribute).\n" \
"You can show the attribute breakdown without selecting filtering to specific values."
lambda: GeneralUtils.show_message(help_message)
# endregion
# region Report Types
self.pr_radio_button = fetch_special_reports_ui.pr_radio_button
self.dr_radio_button = fetch_special_reports_ui.dr_radio_button
self.tr_radio_button = fetch_special_reports_ui.tr_radio_button
self.ir_radio_button = fetch_special_reports_ui.ir_radio_button
self.pr_radio_button.clicked.connect(lambda checked: self.on_report_type_selected(MajorReportType.PLATFORM))
self.dr_radio_button.clicked.connect(lambda checked: self.on_report_type_selected(MajorReportType.DATABASE))
self.tr_radio_button.clicked.connect(lambda checked: self.on_report_type_selected(MajorReportType.TITLE))
self.ir_radio_button.clicked.connect(lambda checked: self.on_report_type_selected(MajorReportType.ITEM))
# endregion
# region Date Edits
self.date_range_help_btn = fetch_special_reports_ui.date_range_help_button
lambda: GeneralUtils.show_message("Many vendors do not support a date range longer than 12 consecutive months."))
self.begin_date_edit_year = fetch_special_reports_ui.begin_date_edit_special_year
self.begin_date_edit_year.dateChanged.connect(lambda date: self.on_date_year_changed(date, "begin_date"))
self.end_date_edit_year = fetch_special_reports_ui.end_date_edit_special_year
self.end_date_edit_year.dateChanged.connect(lambda date: self.on_date_year_changed(date, "end_date"))
self.begin_month_combo_box = fetch_special_reports_ui.begin_month_combo_box
for month in MONTH_NAMES:
lambda index: self.on_date_month_changed(index + 1, "begin_date"))
self.begin_month_combo_box.setCurrentIndex(self.begin_date.month() - 1)
self.end_month_combo_box = fetch_special_reports_ui.end_month_combo_box
for month in MONTH_NAMES:
lambda index: self.on_date_month_changed(index + 1, "end_date"))
self.end_month_combo_box.setCurrentIndex(self.end_date.month() - 1)
# endregion
# region Custom Directory
self.custom_dir_frame = fetch_special_reports_ui.custom_dir_frame
self.custom_dir_edit = fetch_special_reports_ui.custom_dir_edit
self.custom_dir_button = fetch_special_reports_ui.custom_dir_button
self.custom_dir_help_btn = fetch_special_reports_ui.custom_dir_help_button
lambda: GeneralUtils.show_message("See Other Reports Directory setting in Settings for default."))
# endregion
def update_vendors_ui(self):
"""Updates the UI to show vendors that support report fetching (SUSHI)"""
for vendor in self.vendors:
item = QStandardItem(vendor.name)
def on_date_year_changed(self, date: QDate, date_type: str):
"""Handles the signal emitted when a date's year is changed
:param date: The new date
:param date_type: The date to be updated
if date_type == "begin_date":
self.begin_date = QDate(date.year(),self.begin_date.month(),self.begin_date.day())
# if self.begin_date.year() != self.end_date.year():
# self.end_date.setDate(self.begin_date.year(),
# self.end_date.month(),
# self.end_date.day())
# self.end_date_edit.setDate(self.end_date)
elif date_type == "end_date":
self.end_date = QDate(date.year(),self.end_date.month(),self.end_date.day())
# if self.end_date.year() != self.begin_date.year():
# self.begin_date.setDate(self.end_date.year(),
# self.begin_date.month(),
# self.begin_date.day())
# self.begin_date_edit.setDate(self.begin_date)
def on_date_month_changed(self, month: int, date_type: str):
"""Handles the signal emitted when a date's month is changed
:param month: The new month
:param date_type: The date to be updated
if date_type == "begin_date":
self.begin_date = QDate(self.begin_date.year(), month, self.begin_date.day())
elif date_type == "end_date":
self.end_date = QDate(self.end_date.year(), month, self.end_date.day())
def on_report_type_selected(self, major_report_type: MajorReportType):
"""Handles the signal emitted when a report type is selected
:param major_report_type: The major report type (Only master reports are supported)
if major_report_type == self.selected_report_type: return
self.selected_report_type = major_report_type
self.selected_options = SpecialReportOptions()
# Remove existing options from ui
for i in reversed(range(self.options_layout.count())):
widget = self.options_layout.itemAt(i).widget()
# remove it from the layout list
# remove it from the gui
# Add new options
self.options_layout.addWidget(QLabel("Show", self.options_frame), 0, 0)
self.options_layout.addWidget(QLabel("Filters", self.options_frame), 0, 1)
special_options = SPECIAL_REPORT_OPTIONS[major_report_type]
for i in range(len(special_options)):
option_name = special_options[i][1]
checkbox = QCheckBox(option_name, self.options_frame)
lambda is_checked, option=option_name: self.on_special_option_toggled(option, is_checked))
self.options_layout.addWidget(checkbox, i + 1, 0)
option_type: SpecialOptionType = special_options[i][0]
if option_type == SpecialOptionType.AP or option_type == SpecialOptionType.POS\
or option_type == SpecialOptionType.ADP:
line_edit = QLineEdit(DEFAULT_SPECIAL_OPTION_VALUE, self.options_frame)
button = QPushButton("Choose", self.options_frame)
if option_type == SpecialOptionType.ADP:
lambda c, so=special_options[i], edit=line_edit:
self.on_special_date_parameter_option_button_clicked(so, edit))
lambda c, so=special_options[i], edit=line_edit:
self.on_special_parameter_option_button_clicked(so, edit))
self.options_layout.addWidget(line_edit, i + 1, 1)
self.options_layout.addWidget(button, i + 1, 2)
def on_special_option_toggled(self, option: str, is_checked: bool):
"""Handles the signal emitted when a special option is checked or un-checked
:param option: The special option
:param is_checked: Checked or un-checked
option = option.lower()
__, option_type, option_name, curr_options = self.selected_options.__getattribute__(option)
self.selected_options.__setattr__(option, (is_checked, option_type, option_name, curr_options))
def on_special_parameter_option_button_clicked(self, special_option, line_edit):
"""Handles the signal emitted when a special option with parameters clicked
:param special_option: The special option
:param line_edit: The line edit to show the selected parameters for this option
option_type, option_name, option_list = special_option
is_selected, option_type, option_name, curr_options = self.selected_options.__getattribute__(option_name.lower())
dialog = QDialog(self.options_frame, flags=Qt.Window | Qt.WindowTitleHint | Qt.CustomizeWindowHint)
dialog.setWindowTitle(option_name + " options")
layout = QVBoxLayout(dialog)
list_view = QListView(dialog)
model = QStandardItemModel(list_view)
for option in option_list:
item = QStandardItem(option)
if option in curr_options:
def on_ok_button_clicked():
checked_list = []
for i in range(model.rowCount()):
if model.item(i).checkState() == Qt.Checked:
if len(checked_list) == 0:
self.selected_options.__setattr__(option_name.lower(), (is_selected, option_type, option_name, checked_list))
button_box = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel, dialog)
button_box.rejected.connect(lambda: dialog.close())
def on_special_date_parameter_option_button_clicked(self, special_option, line_edit):
"""Handles the signal emitted when a date special option is clicked
:param special_option: The special option
:param line_edit: The line edit to show the selected date parameters for this option
option_type, option_name = special_option
is_selected, option_type, option_name, selected_options = self.selected_options.__getattribute__(option_name.lower())
dialog = QDialog(self.options_frame, flags=Qt.Window | Qt.WindowTitleHint | Qt.CustomizeWindowHint)
dialog.setWindowTitle(option_name + " options")
layout = QVBoxLayout(dialog)
radio_button_group = QButtonGroup(dialog)
default_frame = QFrame(dialog)
default_frame.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)
default_layout = QHBoxLayout(default_frame)
default_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
default_radio_btn = QRadioButton(default_frame)
default_label = QLabel(DEFAULT_SPECIAL_OPTION_VALUE, dialog)
single_date_frame = QFrame(dialog)
single_date_frame.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)
single_date_layout = QHBoxLayout(single_date_frame)
single_date_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
single_date_radio_btn = QRadioButton(single_date_frame)
single_date_edit = QDateEdit(QDate.currentDate(), single_date_frame)
range_date_frame = QFrame(dialog)
range_date_frame.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)
range_date_layout = QHBoxLayout(range_date_frame)
range_date_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
range_date_radio_btn = QRadioButton(range_date_frame)
begin_date_edit = QDateEdit(QDate.currentDate(), range_date_frame)
end_date_edit = QDateEdit(QDate.currentDate(), range_date_frame)
to_label = QLabel(" to ", range_date_frame)
to_label.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)
def on_ok_button_clicked():
checked_button = radio_button_group.checkedButton()
if checked_button == single_date_radio_btn:
new_selection = [single_date_edit.date().toString("yyyy")]
elif checked_button == range_date_radio_btn:
new_selection = [begin_date_edit.date().toString("yyyy") + "-" + end_date_edit.date().toString("yyyy")]
self.selected_options.__setattr__(option_name.lower(), (is_selected, option_type, option_name, new_selection))
button_box = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel, dialog)
button_box.rejected.connect(lambda: dialog.close())
def on_custom_dir_clicked(self):
"""Handles the signal emitted when the choose custom directory button is clicked"""
dir_path = GeneralUtils.choose_directory()
if dir_path: self.custom_dir_edit.setText(dir_path)
def select_all_vendors(self):
"""Checks all vendors in the vendors list view"""
for i in range(self.vendor_list_model.rowCount()):
def deselect_all_vendors(self):
"""Un-checks all vendors in the vendors list view"""
for i in range(self.vendor_list_model.rowCount()):
def fetch_special_data(self):
"""Fetches reports based on the selected options in the UI"""
if self.total_processes > 0:
GeneralUtils.show_message(f"Waiting for pending processes to complete...")
if self.settings.show_debug_messages: print(f"Waiting for pending processes to complete...")
if len(self.vendors) == 0:
GeneralUtils.show_message("Vendor list is empty")
if self.begin_date > self.end_date:
GeneralUtils.show_message("\'Begin Date\' is earlier than \'End Date\'")
self.selected_data = []
selected_report_types = [self.selected_report_type.value]
self.is_yearly_fetch = False
custom_dir = self.custom_dir_edit.text()
self.save_dir = custom_dir if custom_dir else self.settings.other_directory
for i in range(self.vendor_list_model.rowCount()):
if self.vendor_list_model.item(i).checkState() == Qt.Checked:
request_data = RequestData(self.vendors[i], selected_report_types, self.begin_date, self.end_date,
self.save_dir, self.settings, self.selected_options)
if len(self.selected_data) == 0:
GeneralUtils.show_message("No vendor selected")
self.start_progress_dialog("Fetch Special Reports Progress")
self.retry_data = []
self.total_processes = len(self.selected_data)
self.started_processes = 0
concurrent_vendors = self.settings.concurrent_vendors
while self.started_processes < len(self.selected_data) and self.started_processes < concurrent_vendors:
request_data = self.selected_data[self.started_processes]
self.started_processes += 1
class VendorWorker(QObject):
"""This does all the work for a vendor when fetching reports
:param worker_id: The ID to identify this worker (vendor_name)
:param request_data: The request data for this request
worker_finished_signal = pyqtSignal(str)
def __init__(self, worker_id: str, request_data: RequestData):
self.worker_id = worker_id
self.request_data = request_data
self.vendor = request_data.vendor
self.target_report_types = request_data.target_report_types
self.show_debug = request_data.settings.show_debug_messages
self.concurrent_reports = request_data.settings.concurrent_reports
self.request_interval = request_data.settings.request_interval
self.request_timeout = request_data.settings.request_timeout
self.user_agent = request_data.settings.user_agent
self.reports_to_process = []
self.started_processes = 0
self.completed_processes = 0
self.total_processes = 0
self.process_result = ProcessResult(self.vendor)
self.report_process_results = []
self.report_workers = {} # <k = worker_id, v = (ReportWorker, Thread)>
self.is_cancelling = False
def work(self):
"""Processes the vendor's requests
Requests the vendor's supported reports before requesting only the supported reports
if self.show_debug: print(f"{self.vendor.name}: Fetching supported reports")
request_query = {}
if self.vendor.customer_id.strip(): request_query["customer_id"] = self.vendor.customer_id
if self.vendor.requestor_id.strip(): request_query["requestor_id"] = self.vendor.requestor_id
if self.vendor.api_key.strip(): request_query["api_key"] = self.vendor.api_key
if self.vendor.platform.strip(): request_query["platform"] = self.vendor.platform
request_url = self.vendor.base_url
# Some vendors only work if they think a web browser is making the request...
response = requests.get(request_url, request_query, headers={'User-Agent': self.user_agent},
if self.show_debug: print(response.url)
if response.status_code == 200:
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.FAILED
self.process_result.message = f"Unexpected HTTP status code received: {response.status_code}"
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.FAILED
self.process_result.message = f"Request timed out after {self.request_timeout} second(s)"
if self.show_debug: print(f"{self.vendor.name}: Request timed out")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.FAILED
self.process_result.message = f"Request Exception: {e}"
if self.show_debug: print(f"{self.vendor.name}: Request Exception: {e}")
if len(self.report_workers) == 0: self.notify_worker_finished()
def process_response(self, response: requests.Response):
"""Processes the response from a REST request
Requests the target reports that are supported by the vendor
if self.is_cancelling:
self.process_result.message = "Target reports not processed"
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.CANCELLED
json_response = response.json()
exceptions = self.check_for_exception(json_response)
if len(exceptions) > 0:
self.process_result.message = exception_models_to_message(exceptions)
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.FAILED
json_dicts = []
if type(json_response) is dict: # This should never be a dict by the standard, but some vendors......
json_dicts = json_response["Report_Items"] if "Report_Items" in json_response else [] # Report_Items???
# Some other vendor might implement it in a different way..........................
elif type(json_response) is list:
json_dicts = json_response
if len(json_dicts) == 0:
raise Exception("JSON is empty")
supported_report_types = []
self.reports_to_process = []
for json_dict in json_dicts:
supported_report = SupportedReportModel.from_json(json_dict)
if supported_report.report_id in self.target_report_types:
unsupported_report_types = list(set(self.target_report_types) - set(supported_report_types))
self.process_result.message = "Supported by vendor: "
self.process_result.message += ", ".join(self.reports_to_process)
self.process_result.message += "\nUnsupported: "
self.process_result.message += ", ".join(unsupported_report_types)
if len(self.reports_to_process) == 0: return
self.total_processes = len(self.reports_to_process)
self.started_processes = 0
while self.started_processes < self.total_processes and self.started_processes < self.concurrent_reports:
QThread.currentThread().sleep(self.request_interval) # Avoid spamming vendor's server
if self.is_cancelling:
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.CANCELLED
self.started_processes += 1
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.FAILED
self.process_result.message = f"JSON Exception: {e}"
if self.show_debug: print(f"{self.vendor.name}: JSON Exception: {e.msg}")
except Exception as e:
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.FAILED
self.process_result.message = str(e)
if self.show_debug: print(f"{self.vendor.name}: Exception: {e}")
def fetch_report(self, report_type: str):
"""Initiates the process to fetch a report
:param report_type: The target report type
worker_id = report_type
if worker_id in self.report_workers: return # Avoid fetching a report twice, app will crash!!
report_worker = ReportWorker(worker_id, report_type, self.request_data)
report_thread = QThread()
self.report_workers[worker_id] = report_worker, report_thread
def check_for_exception(self, json_response) -> list:
"""Checks a JSON response for exception models
:param json_response: The JSON response to be processed
exceptions = []
if type(json_response) is dict:
if "Exception" in json_response:
# raise Exception(f"Code: {exception.code}, Message: {exception.message}")
code = int(json_response["Code"]) if "Code" in json_response else ""
message = json_response["Message"] if "Message" in json_response else ""
data = json_response["Data"] if "Data" in json_response else ""
severity = json_response["Severity"] if "Severity" in json_response else ""
if code:
exceptions.append(ExceptionModel(code, message, severity, data))
elif type(json_response) is list:
for json_dict in json_response:
exception = ExceptionModel.from_json(json_dict)
if exception.code:
return exceptions
def notify_worker_finished(self):
"""Notifies any listeners that this worker has finished"""
def on_report_worker_finished(self, worker_id: str):
"""Handles the signal emmited when a report worker has finished
:param worker_id: The report worker's worker id
self.completed_processes += 1
thread: QThread
worker: ReportWorker
worker, thread = self.report_workers[worker_id]
self.report_workers.pop(worker_id, None)
if self.started_processes < self.total_processes and not self.is_cancelling:
QThread.currentThread().sleep(self.request_interval) # Avoid spamming vendor's server
self.started_processes += 1
if len(self.report_workers) == 0: self.notify_worker_finished()
def set_cancelling(self):
"""Sets the worker to a cancelling state"""
self.is_cancelling = True
class ReportWorker(QObject):
"""This does all the work for a report
:param worker_id: The ID to identify this worker (vendor_name-report_type)
:param report_type: The report type to be processed
:param request_data: The request data for this request
worker_finished_signal = pyqtSignal(str)
def __init__(self, worker_id: str, report_type: str, request_data: RequestData):
self.worker_id = worker_id
self.report_type = report_type
self.vendor = request_data.vendor
self.begin_date = request_data.begin_date
self.end_date = request_data.end_date
self.show_debug = request_data.settings.show_debug_messages
self.request_timeout = request_data.settings.request_timeout
self.user_agent = request_data.settings.user_agent
self.save_dir = request_data.save_location
self.special_options = request_data.special_options
self.is_yearly = self.save_dir == request_data.settings.yearly_directory
self.is_special = self.special_options is not None
self.is_master = self.report_type in MASTER_REPORTS
self.process_result = ProcessResult(self.vendor, self.report_type)
self.retried_request = False
def work(self):
"""Processes the report request"""
if self.show_debug: print(f"{self.vendor.name}-{self.report_type}: Fetching Report")
if self.show_debug: print(f"{self.vendor.name}-{self.report_type}: Done")
def make_request(self):
"""Sends the request fetch a report"""
request_query = {}
if self.vendor.customer_id.strip(): request_query["customer_id"] = self.vendor.customer_id
if self.vendor.requestor_id.strip(): request_query["requestor_id"] = self.vendor.requestor_id
if self.vendor.api_key.strip(): request_query["api_key"] = self.vendor.api_key
if self.vendor.platform.strip(): request_query["platform"] = self.vendor.platform
request_query["begin_date"] = self.begin_date.toString("yyyy-MM")
request_query["end_date"] = self.end_date.toString("yyyy-MM")
attributes_to_show = ""
if self.is_special:
attr_count = 0
special_options_dict = self.special_options.__dict__
for option in special_options_dict:
value = special_options_dict[option]
is_selected, option_type, option_name, option_parameters = value
if is_selected:
if option_type == SpecialOptionType.AP or option_type == SpecialOptionType.ADP\
or option_type == SpecialOptionType.POS:
if option_parameters[0] != DEFAULT_SPECIAL_OPTION_VALUE:
request_query[option] = "|".join(option_parameters)
elif option_type == SpecialOptionType.POB:
request_query[option] = "True"
if option_type == SpecialOptionType.AP or option_type == SpecialOptionType.ADP\
or option_type == SpecialOptionType.AO:
if attr_count == 0:
attributes_to_show += option_name
attr_count += 1
elif attr_count > 0:
attributes_to_show += f"|{option_name}"
attr_count += 1
elif self.is_yearly and self.is_master:
major_report_type = get_major_report_type(self.report_type)
if major_report_type == MajorReportType.PLATFORM:
attributes_to_show = "|".join(PLATFORM_REPORTS_ATTRIBUTES)
elif major_report_type == MajorReportType.DATABASE:
attributes_to_show = "|".join(DATABASE_REPORTS_ATTRIBUTES)
elif major_report_type == MajorReportType.TITLE:
attributes_to_show = "|".join(TITLE_REPORTS_ATTRIBUTES)
elif major_report_type == MajorReportType.ITEM:
attributes_to_show = "|".join(ITEM_REPORTS_ATTRIBUTES)
request_query["include_parent_details"] = True
request_query["include_component_details"] = True
if attributes_to_show: request_query["attributes_to_show"] = attributes_to_show
request_url = f"{self.vendor.base_url}/{self.report_type.lower()}"
# Some vendors only work if they think a web browser is making the request...
response = requests.get(request_url, request_query, headers={'User-Agent': self.user_agent},
if self.show_debug: print(response.url)
if response.status_code == 200:
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.FAILED
self.process_result.message = f"Unexpected HTTP status code received: {response.status_code}"
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.FAILED
self.process_result.message = f"Request timed out after {self.request_timeout} second(s)"
if self.show_debug: print(f"{self.vendor.name}: Request timed out")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.FAILED
self.process_result.message = f"Request Exception: {e}"
if self.show_debug: print(
f"{self.vendor.name}-{self.report_type}: Request Exception: {e}")
def process_response(self, response: requests.Response):
"""Processes the response from a request
Converts the receoved JSON to a SUSHI Report Model
:param response: The received response
json_string = response.text
if self.is_yearly: self.save_json_file(json_string)
json_dict = json.loads(json_string)
report_model = ReportModel.from_json(json_dict)
if len(report_model.report_items) > 0 or len(report_model.exceptions) > 0:
self.process_result.message = exception_models_to_message(report_model.exceptions)
self.process_result.message = "Report items not received. No exception received."
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.FAILED
if e.msg == "Expecting value":
self.process_result.message = f"Vendor did not return any data"
self.process_result.message = f"JSON Exception: {e.msg}"
if self.show_debug: print(
f"{self.vendor.name}-{self.report_type}: JSON Exception: {e.msg}")
except RetryLaterException as e:
if not self.retried_request:
if self.show_debug:
print(f"{self.vendor.name}-{self.report_type}: Retry Later Exception: {e}")
print(f"{self.vendor.name}-{self.report_type}: Retrying in {RETRY_WAIT_TIME} seconds...")
QThread.currentThread().sleep(RETRY_WAIT_TIME) # Wait some time before retrying request
self.retried_request = True
self.process_result.message = "Retry later exception received"
message = exception_models_to_message(e.exceptions)
if message: self.process_result.message += "\n\n" + message
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.FAILED
self.process_result.retry = True
if self.show_debug: print(
f"{self.vendor.name}-{self.report_type}: Retry Later Exception: {e}")
except ReportHeaderMissingException as e:
self.process_result.message = "Report_Header not received, no file was created"
message = exception_models_to_message(e.exceptions)
if message: self.process_result.message += "\n\n" + message
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.FAILED
if self.show_debug: print(
f"{self.vendor.name}-{self.report_type}: Report Header Missing Exception: {e}")
except UnacceptableCodeException as e:
self.process_result.message = "Unsupported exception code received"
message = exception_models_to_message(e.exceptions)
if message: self.process_result.message += "\n\n" + message
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.FAILED
if self.show_debug: print(
f"{self.vendor.name}-{self.report_type}: Unsupported Code Exception: {e}")
except Exception as e:
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.FAILED
self.process_result.message = str(e)
if self.show_debug: print(f"{self.vendor.name}-{self.report_type}: Exception: {e}")
def process_report_model(self, report_model: ReportModel):
"""Processes the report model into a TSV report
:param report_model: The report model
report_type = report_model.report_header.report_id
major_report_type = report_model.report_header.major_report_type
report_items = report_model.report_items
report_rows = []
file_dir = f"{self.save_dir}{self.begin_date.toString('yyyy')}/{self.vendor.name}/"
file_name = f"{self.begin_date.toString('yyyy')}_{self.vendor.name}_{report_type}.tsv"
file_path = f"{file_dir}{file_name}"
if self.show_debug: print(f"{self.vendor.name}-{self.report_type}: Processing report")
for report_item in report_items:
metric_row_dict = {} # <k = metric_type, v = ReportRow> Some metric_types have a list of components
# Some Item report metric_types have a list of components
components = [] # list({component_values_as_dict})
performance: PerformanceModel
for performance in report_item.performances:
begin_month = QDate.fromString(performance.period.begin_date, "yyyy-MM-dd").toString("MMM-yyyy")
instance: InstanceModel
for instance in performance.instances:
metric_type = instance.metric_type
if metric_type not in metric_row_dict:
metric_row = ReportRow(self.begin_date, self.end_date)
metric_row.metric_type = metric_type
metric_row_dict[metric_type] = metric_row
metric_row = metric_row_dict[metric_type]
if major_report_type == MajorReportType.PLATFORM:
report_item: PlatformReportItemModel
if report_item.platform: metric_row.platform = report_item.platform
if report_item.data_type: metric_row.data_type = report_item.data_type
if report_item.access_method: metric_row.access_method = report_item.access_method
elif major_report_type == MajorReportType.DATABASE:
report_item: DatabaseReportItemModel
if report_item.database: metric_row.database = report_item.database
if report_item.publisher: metric_row.publisher = report_item.publisher
if report_item.platform: metric_row.platform = report_item.platform
if report_item.data_type: metric_row.data_type = report_item.data_type
if report_item.access_method: metric_row.access_method = report_item.access_method
pub_id_str = ""
for pub_id in report_item.publisher_ids:
pub_id_str += f"{pub_id.item_type}:{pub_id.value}; "
if pub_id_str: metric_row.publisher_id = pub_id_str
for item_id in report_item.item_ids:
if item_id.item_type == "Proprietary" or item_id.item_type == "Proprietary_ID":
metric_row.proprietary_id = item_id.value
elif major_report_type == MajorReportType.TITLE:
report_item: TitleReportItemModel
if report_item.title: metric_row.title = report_item.title
if report_item.publisher: metric_row.publisher = report_item.publisher
if report_item.platform: metric_row.platform = report_item.platform
if report_item.data_type: metric_row.data_type = report_item.data_type
if report_item.section_type: metric_row.section_type = report_item.section_type
if report_item.yop: metric_row.yop = report_item.yop
if report_item.access_type: metric_row.access_type = report_item.access_type
if report_item.access_method: metric_row.access_method = report_item.access_method
pub_id_str = ""
for pub_id in report_item.publisher_ids:
pub_id_str += f"{pub_id.item_type}:{pub_id.value}; "
if pub_id_str: metric_row.publisher_id = pub_id_str
item_id: TypeValueModel
for item_id in report_item.item_ids:
item_type = item_id.item_type
if item_type == "DOI":
metric_row.doi = item_id.value
elif item_type == "Proprietary" or item_type == "Proprietary_ID":
metric_row.proprietary_id = item_id.value
elif item_type == "ISBN":
metric_row.isbn = item_id.value
elif item_type == "Print_ISSN":
metric_row.print_issn = item_id.value
elif item_type == "Online_ISSN":
metric_row.online_issn = item_id.value
elif item_type == "Linking_ISSN":
metric_row.linking_issn = item_id.value
elif item_type == "URI":
metric_row.uri = item_id.value
elif major_report_type == MajorReportType.ITEM:
report_item: ItemReportItemModel
if report_item.item: metric_row.item = report_item.item
if report_item.publisher: metric_row.publisher = report_item.publisher
if report_item.platform: metric_row.platform = report_item.platform
if report_item.data_type: metric_row.data_type = report_item.data_type
if report_item.yop: metric_row.yop = report_item.yop
if report_item.access_type: metric_row.access_type = report_item.access_type
if report_item.access_method: metric_row.access_method = report_item.access_method
# Publisher ID
pub_id_str = ""
for pub_id in report_item.publisher_ids:
pub_id_str += f"{pub_id.item_type}:{pub_id.value}; "
if pub_id_str: metric_row.publisher_id = pub_id_str
# Authors
authors_str = ""
item_contributor: ItemContributorModel
for item_contributor in report_item.item_contributors:
if item_contributor.item_type == "Author":
authors_str += f"{item_contributor.name}"
if item_contributor.identifier:
authors_str += f" ({item_contributor.identifier})"
authors_str += "; "
if authors_str: metric_row.authors = authors_str.rstrip("; ")
# Publication date
item_date: TypeValueModel
for item_date in report_item.item_dates:
if item_date.item_type == "Publication_Date":
metric_row.publication_date = item_date.value
# Article version
item_attribute: TypeValueModel
for item_attribute in report_item.item_attributes:
if item_attribute.item_type == "Article_Version":
metric_row.article_version = item_attribute.value
# Base IDs
item_id: TypeValueModel
for item_id in report_item.item_ids:
item_type = item_id.item_type
if item_type == "DOI":
metric_row.doi = item_id.value
elif item_type == "Proprietary" or item_type == "Proprietary_ID":
metric_row.proprietary_id = item_id.value
elif item_type == "ISBN":
metric_row.isbn = item_id.value
elif item_type == "Print_ISSN":
metric_row.print_issn = item_id.value
elif item_type == "Online_ISSN":
metric_row.online_issn = item_id.value
elif item_type == "Linking_ISSN":
metric_row.linking_issn = item_id.value
elif item_type == "URI":
metric_row.uri = item_id.value
# Parent
if report_item.item_parent is not None:
item_parent: ItemParentModel
item_parent = report_item.item_parent
if item_parent.item_name: metric_row.parent_title = item_parent.item_name
if item_parent.data_type: metric_row.parent_data_type = item_parent.data_type
# Authors
authors_str = ""
item_contributor: ItemContributorModel
for item_contributor in report_item.item_contributors:
if item_contributor.item_type == "Author":
authors_str += f"{item_contributor.name}"
if item_contributor.identifier:
authors_str += f" ({item_contributor.identifier})"
authors_str += "; "
authors_str.rstrip("; ")
if authors_str: metric_row.authors = authors_str
# Publication date
item_date: TypeValueModel
for item_date in item_parent.item_dates:
if item_date.item_type == "Publication_Date" or item_date.item_type == "Pub_Date":
metric_row.parent_publication_date = item_date.value
# Article version
item_attribute: TypeValueModel
for item_attribute in item_parent.item_attributes:
if item_attribute.item_type == "Article_Version":
metric_row.parent_article_version = item_attribute.value
# Parent IDs
item_id: TypeValueModel
for item_id in item_parent.item_ids:
item_type = item_id.item_type
if item_type == "DOI":
metric_row.parent_doi = item_id.value
elif item_type == "Proprietary" or item_type == "Proprietary_ID":
metric_row.parent_proprietary_id = item_id.value
elif item_type == "ISBN":
metric_row.parent_isbn = item_id.value
elif item_type == "Print_ISSN":
metric_row.parent_print_issn = item_id.value
elif item_type == "Online_ISSN":
metric_row.parent_online_issn = item_id.value
elif item_type == "URI":
metric_row.parent_uri = item_id.value
if self.show_debug: print(
f"{self.vendor.name}-{self.report_type}: Unexpected report type")
month_counts = metric_row.month_counts
month_counts[begin_month] += instance.count
metric_row.total_count += instance.count
if major_report_type == MajorReportType.ITEM:
# Item Components
item_component: ItemComponentModel
for item_component in report_item.item_components:
component_dict = {
"component_title": "",
"component_authors": "",
"component_publication_date": "",
"component_data_type": "",
"component_doi": "",
"component_proprietary_id": "",
"component_isbn": "",
"component_print_issn": "",
"component_online_issn": "",
"component_uri": ""
if item_component.item_name: component_dict["component_title"] = item_component.item_name
if item_component.data_type: component_dict["component_data_type"] = item_component.data_type
# Authors
authors_str = ""
item_contributor: ItemContributorModel
for item_contributor in item_component.item_contributors:
if item_contributor.item_type == "Author":
authors_str += f"{item_contributor.name}"
if item_contributor.identifier:
authors_str += f" ({item_contributor.identifier})"
authors_str += "; "
authors_str.rstrip("; ")
if authors_str: component_dict["component_authors"] = authors_str
# Publication date
item_date: TypeValueModel
for item_date in item_component.item_dates:
if item_date.item_type == "Publication_Date" or item_date.item_type == "Pub_Date":
component_dict["component_publication_date"] = item_date.value
# Component IDs
item_id: TypeValueModel
for item_id in item_component.item_ids:
item_type = item_id.item_type
if item_type == "DOI":
component_dict["component_doi"] = item_id.value
elif item_type == "Proprietary" or item_type == "Proprietary_ID":
component_dict["component_proprietary_id"] = item_id.value
elif item_type == "ISBN":
component_dict["component_isbn"] = item_id.value
elif item_type == "Print_ISSN":
component_dict["component_print_issn"] = item_id.value
elif item_type == "Online_ISSN":
component_dict["component_online_issn"] = item_id.value
elif item_type == "URI":
component_dict["component_uri"] = item_id.value
for metric_type in metric_row_dict:
metric_row = metric_row_dict[metric_type]
if major_report_type == MajorReportType.ITEM:
if len(components) > 0 and \
(metric_type == "Total_Item_Investigations" or metric_type == "Total_Item_Requests"):
for component in components:
row = copy.copy(metric_row)
row.component_title = component["component_title"]
row.component_authors = component["component_authors"]
row.component_publication_date = component["component_publication_date"]
row.component_data_type = component["component_data_type"]
row.component_doi = component["component_doi"]
row.component_proprietary_id = component["component_proprietary_id"]
row.component_isbn = component["component_isbn"]
row.component_print_issn = component["component_print_issn"]
row.component_online_issn = component["component_online_issn"]
row.component_uri = component["component_uri"]
report_rows = self.sort_rows(report_rows, major_report_type)
self.save_tsv_files(report_model.report_header, report_rows)
def sort_rows(self, report_rows: list, major_report_type: MajorReportType) -> list:
"""Sorts the rows of the report
:param report_rows: The report's rows
:param major_report_type: The major report type of this report type
if major_report_type == MajorReportType.PLATFORM:
return sorted(report_rows, key=lambda row: row.platform.lower())
elif major_report_type == MajorReportType.DATABASE:
return sorted(report_rows, key=lambda row: row.database.lower())
elif major_report_type == MajorReportType.TITLE:
return sorted(report_rows, key=lambda row: (row.title.lower(), row.yop))
elif major_report_type == MajorReportType.ITEM:
return sorted(report_rows, key=lambda row: row.item.lower())
def save_tsv_files(self, report_header, report_rows: list):
"""Saves the TSV file in the target directories
:param report_header: The SUSHI report header model
:param report_rows: The report's rows
report_type = report_header.report_id
major_report_type = report_header.major_report_type
if self.is_yearly:
file_dir = GeneralUtils.get_yearly_file_dir(self.save_dir, self.vendor.name, self.begin_date)
file_name = GeneralUtils.get_yearly_file_name(self.vendor.name, self.report_type, self.begin_date)
elif self.is_special:
file_dir = GeneralUtils.get_special_file_dir(self.save_dir, self.vendor.name)
file_name = GeneralUtils.get_special_file_name(self.vendor.name, self.report_type, self.begin_date,
file_dir = GeneralUtils.get_other_file_dir(self.save_dir, self.vendor.name)
file_name = GeneralUtils.get_other_file_name(self.vendor.name, self.report_type, self.begin_date,
# Save user tsv file
if not path.isdir(file_dir):
file_path = f"{file_dir}{file_name}"
file = open(file_path, 'w', encoding="utf-8", newline='')
if self.is_yearly and self.is_master:
self.add_report_header_to_file(report_header, file, False)
self.add_report_header_to_file(report_header, file, True)
if not self.add_report_rows_to_file(report_type, report_rows, file, False):
self.process_result.completion_status = CompletionStatus.WARNING
self.process_result.file_name = file_name
self.process_result.file_dir = file_dir
self.process_result.file_path = file_path
self.process_result.year = self.begin_date.toString('yyyy')
# Save protected tsv file
if self.is_yearly:
protected_file_dir = GeneralUtils.get_yearly_file_dir(PROTECTED_DATABASE_FILE_DIR, self.vendor.name,
if not path.isdir(protected_file_dir):
if platform.system() == "Windows":
ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetFileAttributesW(PROTECTED_DATABASE_FILE_DIR, 2) # Hide folder
protected_file_path = f"{protected_file_dir}{file_name}"
protected_file = open(protected_file_path, 'w', encoding="utf-8", newline='')
self.add_report_header_to_file(report_header, protected_file, True)
self.add_report_rows_to_file(report_type, report_rows, protected_file, True)
self.process_result.protected_file_path = protected_file_path
def add_report_header_to_file(self, report_header: ReportHeaderModel, file, include_attributes: bool):
"""Adds the report header to a TSV file
:param report_header: The report header model
:param file: The TSV file to write to
:param include_attributes: Include the Report_Attributes value
tsv_writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter='\t')
tsv_writer.writerow(["Report_Name", report_header.report_name])
tsv_writer.writerow(["Report_ID", report_header.report_id])
tsv_writer.writerow(["Release", report_header.release])
tsv_writer.writerow(["Institution_Name", report_header.institution_name])
institution_ids_str = ""
for institution_id in report_header.institution_ids:
institution_ids_str += f"{institution_id.value}; "
tsv_writer.writerow(["Institution_ID", institution_ids_str.rstrip("; ")])
metric_types_str = ""
reporting_period_str = ""
report_filters_str = ""
for report_filter in report_header.report_filters:
if report_filter.name == "Metric_Type":
metric_types_str += f"{report_filter.value}; "
elif report_filter.name == "Begin_Date" or report_filter.name == "End_Date":
reporting_period_str += f"{report_filter.name}={report_filter.value}; "
report_filters_str += f"{report_filter.name}={report_filter.value}; "
tsv_writer.writerow(["Metric_Types", metric_types_str.replace("|", "; ").rstrip("; ")])
tsv_writer.writerow(["Report_Filters", report_filters_str.rstrip("; ")])
report_attributes_str = ""
if include_attributes:
for report_attribute in report_header.report_attributes:
report_attributes_str += f"{report_attribute.name}={report_attribute.value}; "
tsv_writer.writerow(["Report_Attributes", report_attributes_str.rstrip("; ")])
exceptions_str = ""
for exception in report_header.exceptions:
exceptions_str += f"{exception.code}: {exception.message} ({exception.data}); "
tsv_writer.writerow(["Exceptions", exceptions_str.rstrip("; ")])
tsv_writer.writerow(["Reporting_Period", reporting_period_str.rstrip("; ")])
tsv_writer.writerow(["Created", report_header.created])
tsv_writer.writerow(["Created_By", report_header.created_by])
def add_report_rows_to_file(self, report_type: str, report_rows: list, file, include_all_attributes: bool) -> bool:
"""Adds the report's rows to a TSV file
:param report_type: The report type
:param report_rows: The report's rows
:param file: The TSV file to write to
:param include_all_attributes: Option to include all possible attributes for this report type to the report
column_names = []
row_dicts = []
if report_type == "PR":
column_names += ["Platform"]
if self.is_special:
special_options_dict = self.special_options.__dict__
if special_options_dict["data_type"][0]: column_names.append("Data_Type")
if special_options_dict["access_method"][0]: column_names.append("Access_Method")
elif include_all_attributes:
row: ReportRow
for row in report_rows:
row_dict = {"Platform": row.platform}
if self.is_special:
special_options_dict = self.special_options.__dict__
if special_options_dict["data_type"][0]: row_dict["Data_Type"] = row.data_type
if special_options_dict["access_method"][0]: row_dict["Access_Method"] = row.access_method
if not special_options_dict["exclude_monthly_details"][0]:
if include_all_attributes:
row_dict["Data_Type"] = row.data_type
row_dict["Access_Method"] = row.access_method
row_dict.update({"Metric_Type": row.metric_type,
"Reporting_Period_Total": row.total_count})
elif report_type == "PR_P1":
column_names += ["Platform"]
row: ReportRow
for row in report_rows:
row_dict = {"Platform": row.platform,
"Metric_Type": row.metric_type,
"Reporting_Period_Total": row.total_count}
elif report_type == "DR":
column_names += ["Database", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "Proprietary_ID"]
if self.is_special:
special_options_dict = self.special_options.__dict__
if special_options_dict["data_type"][0]: column_names.append("Data_Type")
if special_options_dict["access_method"][0]: column_names.append("Access_Method")
elif include_all_attributes:
row: ReportRow
for row in report_rows:
row_dict = {"Database": row.database,
"Publisher": row.publisher,
"Publisher_ID": row.publisher_id,
"Platform": row.platform,
"Proprietary_ID": row.proprietary_id}
if self.is_special:
special_options_dict = self.special_options.__dict__
if special_options_dict["data_type"][0]: row_dict["Data_Type"] = row.data_type
if special_options_dict["access_method"][0]: row_dict["Access_Method"] = row.access_method
if not special_options_dict["exclude_monthly_details"][0]:
if include_all_attributes:
row_dict["Data_Type"] = row.data_type
row_dict["Access_Method"] = row.access_method
row_dict.update({"Metric_Type": row.metric_type,
"Reporting_Period_Total": row.total_count})
elif report_type == "DR_D1" or report_type == "DR_D2":
column_names += ["Database", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "Proprietary_ID"]
row: ReportRow
for row in report_rows:
row_dict = {"Database": row.database,
"Publisher": row.publisher,
"Publisher_ID": row.publisher_id,
"Platform": row.platform,
"Proprietary_ID": row.proprietary_id,
"Metric_Type": row.metric_type,
"Reporting_Period_Total": row.total_count}
elif report_type == "TR":
column_names += ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Proprietary_ID", "ISBN",
"Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "URI"]
if self.is_special:
special_options_dict = self.special_options.__dict__
if special_options_dict["data_type"][0]: column_names.append("Data_Type")
if special_options_dict["section_type"][0]: column_names.append("Section_Type")
if special_options_dict["yop"][0]: column_names.append("YOP")
if special_options_dict["access_type"][0]: column_names.append("Access_Type")
if special_options_dict["access_method"][0]: column_names.append("Access_Method")
elif include_all_attributes:
row: ReportRow
for row in report_rows:
row_dict = {"Title": row.title,
"Publisher": row.publisher,
"Publisher_ID": row.publisher_id,
"Platform": row.platform,
"DOI": row.doi,
"Proprietary_ID": row.proprietary_id,
"ISBN": row.isbn,
"Print_ISSN": row.print_issn,
"Online_ISSN": row.online_issn,
"URI": row.uri}
if self.is_special:
special_options_dict = self.special_options.__dict__
if special_options_dict["data_type"][0]: row_dict["Data_Type"] = row.data_type
if special_options_dict["section_type"][0]: row_dict["Section_Type"] = row.section_type
if special_options_dict["yop"][0]: row_dict["YOP"] = row.yop
if special_options_dict["access_type"][0]: row_dict["Access_Type"] = row.access_type
if special_options_dict["access_method"][0]: row_dict["Access_Method"] = row.access_method
if not special_options_dict["exclude_monthly_details"][0]:
if include_all_attributes:
row_dict["Data_Type"] = row.data_type
row_dict["Section_Type"] = row.section_type
row_dict["YOP"] = row.yop
row_dict["Access_Type"] = row.access_type
row_dict["Access_Method"] = row.access_method
row_dict.update({"Metric_Type": row.metric_type,
"Reporting_Period_Total": row.total_count})
elif report_type == "TR_B1" or report_type == "TR_B2":
column_names += ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Proprietary_ID", "ISBN",
"Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "URI", "YOP"]
row: ReportRow
for row in report_rows:
row_dict = {"Title": row.title,
"Publisher": row.publisher,
"Publisher_ID": row.publisher_id,
"Platform": row.platform,
"DOI": row.doi,
"Proprietary_ID": row.proprietary_id,
"ISBN": row.isbn,
"Print_ISSN": row.print_issn,
"Online_ISSN": row.online_issn,
"URI": row.uri,
"YOP": row.yop,
"Metric_Type": row.metric_type,
"Reporting_Period_Total": row.total_count}
elif report_type == "TR_B3":
column_names += ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Proprietary_ID", "ISBN",
"Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "URI", "YOP", "Access_Type"]
row: ReportRow
for row in report_rows:
row_dict = {"Title": row.title,
"Publisher": row.publisher,
"Publisher_ID": row.publisher_id,
"Platform": row.platform,
"DOI": row.doi,
"Proprietary_ID": row.proprietary_id,
"ISBN": row.isbn,
"Print_ISSN": row.print_issn,
"Online_ISSN": row.online_issn,
"URI": row.uri,
"YOP": row.yop,
"Access_Type": row.access_type,
"Metric_Type": row.metric_type,
"Reporting_Period_Total": row.total_count}
elif report_type == "TR_J1" or report_type == "TR_J2":
column_names += ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Proprietary_ID", "Print_ISSN",
"Online_ISSN", "URI"]
row: ReportRow
for row in report_rows:
row_dict = {"Title": row.title,
"Publisher": row.publisher,
"Publisher_ID": row.publisher_id,
"Platform": row.platform,
"DOI": row.doi,
"Proprietary_ID": row.proprietary_id,
"Print_ISSN": row.print_issn,
"Online_ISSN": row.online_issn,
"URI": row.uri,
"Metric_Type": row.metric_type,
"Reporting_Period_Total": row.total_count}
elif report_type == "TR_J3":
column_names += ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Proprietary_ID", "Print_ISSN",
"Online_ISSN", "URI", "Access_Type"]
row: ReportRow
for row in report_rows:
row_dict = {"Title": row.title,
"Publisher": row.publisher,
"Publisher_ID": row.publisher_id,
"Platform": row.platform,
"DOI": row.doi,
"Proprietary_ID": row.proprietary_id,
"Print_ISSN": row.print_issn,
"Online_ISSN": row.online_issn,
"URI": row.uri,
"Access_Type": row.access_type,
"Metric_Type": row.metric_type,
"Reporting_Period_Total": row.total_count}
elif report_type == "TR_J4":
column_names += ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Proprietary_ID", "Print_ISSN",
"Online_ISSN", "URI", "YOP"]
row: ReportRow
for row in report_rows:
row_dict = {"Title": row.title,
"Publisher": row.publisher,
"Publisher_ID": row.publisher_id,
"Platform": row.platform,
"DOI": row.doi,
"Proprietary_ID": row.proprietary_id,
"Print_ISSN": row.print_issn,
"Online_ISSN": row.online_issn,
"URI": row.uri,
"YOP": row.yop,
"Metric_Type": row.metric_type,
"Reporting_Period_Total": row.total_count}
elif report_type == "IR":
column_names += ["Item", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform"]
if self.is_special:
special_options_dict = self.special_options.__dict__
if special_options_dict["authors"][0]: column_names.append("Authors")
if special_options_dict["publication_date"][0]: column_names.append("Publication_Date")
if special_options_dict["article_version"][0]: column_names.append("Article_version")
elif include_all_attributes:
column_names += ["DOI", "Proprietary_ID", "ISBN", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "URI"]
if self.is_special:
special_options_dict = self.special_options.__dict__
if special_options_dict["include_parent_details"][0]:
column_names += ["Parent_Title", "Parent_Authors", "Parent_Publication_Date",
"Parent_Article_Version", "Parent_Data_Type", "Parent_DOI",
"Parent_Proprietary_ID", "Parent_ISBN", "Parent_Print_ISSN", "Parent_Online_ISSN",
if special_options_dict["include_component_details"][0]:
column_names += ["Component_Title", "Component_Authors", "Component_Publication_Date",
"Component_Data_Type", "Component_DOI", "Component_Proprietary_ID",
"Component_ISBN", "Component_Print_ISSN", "Component_Online_ISSN", "Component_URI"]
if special_options_dict["data_type"][0]: column_names.append("Data_Type")
if special_options_dict["yop"][0]: column_names.append("YOP")
if special_options_dict["access_type"][0]: column_names.append("Access_Type")
if special_options_dict["access_method"][0]: column_names.append("Access_Method")
elif include_all_attributes:
column_names += ["Parent_Title", "Parent_Authors", "Parent_Publication_Date", "Parent_Article_Version",
"Parent_Data_Type", "Parent_DOI", "Parent_Proprietary_ID", "Parent_ISBN",
"Parent_Print_ISSN", "Parent_Online_ISSN", "Parent_URI"]
column_names += ["Component_Title", "Component_Authors", "Component_Publication_Date",
"Component_Data_Type", "Component_DOI", "Component_Proprietary_ID", "Component_ISBN",
"Component_Print_ISSN", "Component_Online_ISSN", "Component_URI"]
row: ReportRow
for row in report_rows:
row_dict = {"Item": row.item,
"Publisher": row.publisher,
"Publisher_ID": row.publisher_id,
"Platform": row.platform,
"DOI": row.doi,
"Proprietary_ID": row.proprietary_id,
"ISBN": row.isbn,
"Print_ISSN": row.print_issn,
"Online_ISSN": row.online_issn,
"URI": row.uri}
if self.is_special:
special_options_dict = self.special_options.__dict__
if special_options_dict["authors"][0]: row_dict["Authors"] = row.authors
if special_options_dict["publication_date"][0]: row_dict["Publication_Date"] = row.publication_date
if special_options_dict["article_version"][0]: row_dict["Article_version"] = row.article_version
if special_options_dict["include_parent_details"][0]:
row_dict.update({"Parent_Title": row.parent_title,
"Parent_Authors": row.parent_authors,
"Parent_Publication_Date": row.parent_publication_date,
"Parent_Article_Version": row.parent_article_version,
"Parent_Data_Type": row.parent_data_type,
"Parent_DOI": row.parent_doi,
"Parent_Proprietary_ID": row.parent_proprietary_id,
"Parent_ISBN": row.parent_isbn,
"Parent_Print_ISSN": row.parent_print_issn,
"Parent_Online_ISSN": row.parent_online_issn,
"Parent_URI": row.parent_uri})
if special_options_dict["include_component_details"][0]:
row_dict.update({"Component_Title": row.component_title,
"Component_Authors": row.component_authors,
"Component_Publication_Date": row.component_publication_date,
"Component_Data_Type": row.component_data_type,
"Component_DOI": row.component_doi,
"Component_Proprietary_ID": row.component_proprietary_id,
"Component_ISBN": row.component_isbn,
"Component_Print_ISSN": row.component_print_issn,
"Component_Online_ISSN": row.component_online_issn,
"Component_URI": row.component_uri})
if special_options_dict["data_type"][0]: row_dict["Data_Type"] = row.data_type
if special_options_dict["yop"][0]: row_dict["YOP"] = row.yop
if special_options_dict["access_type"][0]: row_dict["Access_Type"] = row.access_type
if special_options_dict["access_method"][0]: row_dict["Access_Method"] = row.access_method
if not special_options_dict["exclude_monthly_details"][0]:
if include_all_attributes:
row_dict["Authors"] = row.authors
row_dict["Publication_Date"] = row.publication_date
row_dict["Article_version"] = row.article_version
row_dict.update({"Parent_Title": row.parent_title,
"Parent_Authors": row.parent_authors,
"Parent_Publication_Date": row.parent_publication_date,
"Parent_Article_Version": row.parent_article_version,
"Parent_Data_Type": row.parent_data_type,
"Parent_DOI": row.parent_doi,
"Parent_Proprietary_ID": row.parent_proprietary_id,
"Parent_ISBN": row.parent_isbn,
"Parent_Print_ISSN": row.parent_print_issn,
"Parent_Online_ISSN": row.parent_online_issn,
"Parent_URI": row.parent_uri})
row_dict.update({"Component_Title": row.component_title,
"Component_Authors": row.component_authors,
"Component_Publication_Date": row.component_publication_date,
"Component_Data_Type": row.component_data_type,
"Component_DOI": row.component_doi,
"Component_Proprietary_ID": row.component_proprietary_id,
"Component_ISBN": row.component_isbn,
"Component_Print_ISSN": row.component_print_issn,
"Component_Online_ISSN": row.component_online_issn,
"Component_URI": row.component_uri})
row_dict["Data_Type"] = row.data_type
row_dict["YOP"] = row.yop
row_dict["Access_Type"] = row.access_type
row_dict["Access_Method"] = row.access_method
row_dict.update({"Metric_Type": row.metric_type,
"Reporting_Period_Total": row.total_count})
elif report_type == "IR_A1":
column_names += ["Item", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "Authors", "Publication_Date",
"Article_version", "DOI", "Proprietary_ID", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "URI",
"Parent_Title", "Parent_Authors", "Parent_Article_Version", "Parent_DOI",
"Parent_Proprietary_ID", "Parent_Print_ISSN", "Parent_Online_ISSN", "Parent_URI",
row: ReportRow
for row in report_rows:
row_dict = {"Item": row.item,
"Publisher": row.publisher,
"Publisher_ID": row.publisher_id,
"Platform": row.platform,
"Authors": row.authors,
"Publication_Date": row.publication_date,
"Article_version": row.article_version,
"DOI": row.doi,
"Proprietary_ID": row.proprietary_id,
"Print_ISSN": row.print_issn,
"Online_ISSN": row.online_issn,
"URI": row.uri,
"Parent_Title": row.parent_title,
"Parent_Authors": row.parent_authors,
"Parent_Article_Version": row.parent_article_version,
"Parent_DOI": row.parent_doi,
"Parent_Proprietary_ID": row.parent_proprietary_id,
"Parent_Print_ISSN": row.parent_print_issn,
"Parent_Online_ISSN": row.parent_online_issn,
"Parent_URI": row.parent_uri,
"Access_Type": row.access_type,
"Metric_Type": row.metric_type,
"Reporting_Period_Total": row.total_count}
elif report_type == "IR_M1":
column_names += ["Item", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Proprietary_ID", "URI"]
row: ReportRow
for row in report_rows:
row_dict = {"Item": row.item,
"Publisher": row.publisher,
"Publisher_ID": row.publisher_id,
"Platform": row.platform,
"DOI": row.doi,
"Proprietary_ID": row.proprietary_id,
"URI": row.uri,
"Metric_Type": row.metric_type,
"Reporting_Period_Total": row.total_count}
column_names += ["Metric_Type", "Reporting_Period_Total"]
if self.is_special:
special_options_dict = self.special_options.__dict__
if not special_options_dict["exclude_monthly_details"][0]:
column_names += get_month_years(self.begin_date, self.end_date)
column_names += get_month_years(self.begin_date, self.end_date)
tsv_dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(file, column_names, delimiter='\t')
if len(row_dicts) == 0:
return False
return True
def save_json_file(self, json_string: str):
"""Saves a raw JSON file of the report
:param json_string: The JSON string
file_dir = f"{PROTECTED_DATABASE_FILE_DIR}_json/{self.begin_date.toString('yyyy')}/{self.vendor.name}/"
file_name = f"{self.begin_date.toString('yyyy')}_{self.vendor.name}_{self.report_type}.json"
file_path = f"{file_dir}{file_name}"
if not path.isdir(file_dir):
json_file = open(file_path, 'w', encoding="utf-8")
def notify_worker_finished(self):
"""Notifies any listeners that this worker has finished"""
# El Psy Kongroo