{#{{ dd(content) }}#}
set node_classes = [
  node.isPromoted() ? 'node-promoted',
  node.isSticky() ? 'node-sticky',
  not node.isPublished() ? 'node-unpublished',
  view_mode ? 'node-view-mode-' ~ view_mode|clean_class,
<article{{ attributes.addClass(node_classes) }}>
{{ title_prefix }}
  {% if not page %}
    <h2{{ title_attributes.addClass('node-title') }}>
      <a href="{{ url }}" rel="bookmark">{{ label }}</a>
  {% endif %}
{{ title_suffix }}

{% if display_submitted %}
  <header class="node-header clear">
    {% if node_author_pic %}
      <div class="author-picture">{{ author_picture }}</div>
    {% endif %}
    <div{{ author_attributes.addClass('node-submitted-details') }}>
      {% set createdDate = node.getCreatedTime|date('j F Y') %}
      {% trans %}<span><i class="ficon-user submitted-icons"></i> {{ author_name }}</span><span><i class="ficon-calendar submitted-icons"></i> {{ createdDate }}</span>{% endtrans %}
      {% if node_tags %}
      {% if content.field_tags %}
        <span><i class="ficon-tag submitted-icons"></i>
        {% for item in content.field_tags %}
          {% if item['#title'] %}
            <a href="{{ item['#url']}}">{{ item['#title']  }}</a>{{ ',' }}
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
      {% endif %}
      {% endif %}
      {{ metadata }}
{% endif %}
  <div{{ content_attributes.addClass('node-content clear') }}>
{#Dummy Content#}
{#<h3>Rob's dummy content</h3>#}
<section class="citation-block">
  <div class="icon"><i class="ficon-file"></i></div>
  <div class="data-citation"><h3>{{ label }}</h3>
      Elit consequatur quasi expedita sint consectetur. Ipsa obcaecati sed dolores exercitationem iste Voluptate ipsam nihil aperiam numquam asperiores Sequi iste ad commodi eligendi sunt? Amet possimus ratione est exercitationem blanditiis?
<table class="rdm_metadata">
    {% if content.field_rdm_creator[0] is not empty %}
    <tr id="creator">
      <th class="label" scope="row">Creator(s):</th>
        <div>{{ content.field_rdm_creator }}</div>
    {% endif %}
    {% if content.field_rdm_description[0] is not empty %}
    <tr id="description">
      <th class="label" scope="row">Description:</th>
        <div>{{ content.field_rdm_description[0] }}</div>
    {% endif %}
    {% if content.field_rdm_contributors[0] is not empty %}
    <tr id="contibutors">
      <th class="label" scope="row">Contributor(s):</th>
        <div>{{ content.field_rdm_contributors }}</div>
    {% endif %}
    {% if content.field_subjects[0] is not empty %}
    <tr id="subjects">
      <th class="label" scope="row">Subjects:</th>
        <div>{{ content.field_subjects }}</div>
    {% endif %}
    {% if content.field_rdm_field_of_research[0] is not empty %}
    <tr id="research_field">
      <th class="label" scope="row">Field of Research:</th>
        <div>{{ content.field_rdm_field_of_research }}</div>
    {% endif %}
    {% if content.field_rdm_publication_title[0] is not empty %}
    <tr id="title">
      <th class="label" scope="row">Title:</th>
        <div>{{ content.field_rdm_publication_title }}</div>
    {% endif %}
    {% if content.field_gemini_uri[0] is not empty %}
    <tr id="uri">
      <th class="label" scope="row">Fedora URI:</th>
        <div>{{ content.field_gemini_uri }}</div>
    {% endif %}
    {% if content.field_rdm_publication_link[0] is not empty %}
    <tr id="publication_link">
      <th class="label" scope="row">Publication Link:</th>
        <div>{{ content.field_rdm_publication_link }}</div>
    {% endif %}
    {% if content.field_organization[0] is not empty %}
    <tr id="organization">
      <th class="label" scope="row">Organization:</th>
        <div>{{ content.field_organization }}</div>
    {% endif %}
{{ content.content_moderation_control }}
{{ content.links }}
{{ content.group_dataset }}

<span>(below this will be hidden)</span>
    {{ content }}