Drupal.behaviors.roblib_search_eds = { attach: function(context, settings) { $url = settings.roblib_search_eds.search_url; jQuery.getJSON($url, function(data) { var items = []; var numberOfDocs = 0; try { numberOfDocs = data.records.length; } catch (err) { // do nothing leave docLength at 0 } if(numberOfDocs < 1){ jQuery('#' + 'roblib-search-content-eds').empty().append('No Results'); jQuery('.' + 'pane-roblib-search-eds-roblib-search-eds-results').hide(); } else { var counter = 0; var divs = new Array(); var content = new Array(); jQuery.each(data.records, function(key, val) { id = 'roblib-search-eds-' + counter; edsPopulatePopupDivs(content, val, counter); divs[counter++] = id; if (typeof val.Items !== 'undefined') { items.push('
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