createContentType(['type' => 'page']); $this->createNode(['title' => 'Alpha']); $this->createNode(['title' => 'Beta']); $this->createNode(['title' => 'Gamma']); } /** * Tests output produced by the Twig extension. */ public function testOutput() { // Title block rendered through drupal_region() is cached by some reason. \Drupal::service('cache_tags.invalidator')->invalidateTags(['block_view']); $this->drupalGet(''); // Test default views display. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-view-default"]'; $xpath .= '//div[contains(@class, "view-twig-tweak-test") and contains(@class, "view-display-id-default")]'; $xpath .= '/div[@class = "view-content"]//ul[count(./li) = 3]/li'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath . '//a[contains(@href, "/node/1") and text() = "Alpha"]'); $this->assertByXpath($xpath . '//a[contains(@href, "/node/2") and text() = "Beta"]'); $this->assertByXpath($xpath . '//a[contains(@href, "/node/3") and text() = "Gamma"]'); // Test page_1 view display. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-view-page_1"]'; $xpath .= '//div[contains(@class, "view-twig-tweak-test") and contains(@class, "view-display-id-page_1")]'; $xpath .= '/div[@class = "view-content"]//ul[count(./li) = 3]/li'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath . '//a[contains(@href, "/node/1") and text() = "Alpha"]'); $this->assertByXpath($xpath . '//a[contains(@href, "/node/2") and text() = "Beta"]'); $this->assertByXpath($xpath . '//a[contains(@href, "/node/3") and text() = "Gamma"]'); // Test view argument. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-view-page_1-with-argument"]'; $xpath .= '//div[contains(@class, "view-twig-tweak-test")]'; $xpath .= '/div[@class = "view-content"]//ul[count(./li) = 1]/li'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath . '//a[contains(@href, "/node/1") and text() = "Alpha"]'); // Test view result. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-view-result" and text() = 3]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test block plugin. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-block"]'; $xpath .= '/img[contains(@src, "/core/themes/classy/logo.svg") and @alt="Home"]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test region. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-region"]'; $xpath .= '/div[contains(@class, "block-page-title-block") and h1[@class="page-title" and text() = "Log in"]]'; $xpath .= '/following-sibling::div[@class="messages messages--warning" and contains(., "Hi!")]'; $xpath .= '/following-sibling::div[contains(@class, "block-system-powered-by-block")]/span[. = "Powered by Drupal"]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test entity default view mode. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-entity-default"]'; $xpath .= '/article[contains(@class, "node") and not(contains(@class, "node--view-mode-teaser"))]'; $xpath .= '/h2/a/span[text() = "Alpha"]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test entity teaser view mode. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-entity-teaser"]'; $xpath .= '/article[contains(@class, "node") and contains(@class, "node--view-mode-teaser")]'; $xpath .= '/h2/a/span[text() = "Alpha"]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test loading entity from url. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-entity-from-url" and not(text())]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); $this->drupalGet('/node/2'); $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-entity-from-url"]'; $xpath .= '/article[contains(@class, "node")]'; $xpath .= '/h2/a/span[text() = "Beta"]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test field. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-field"]/div[contains(@class, "field--name-body")]/p[text() != ""]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test menu (default). $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-menu-default"]/ul[@class = "menu"]/li/a[text() = "Link 1"]/../ul[@class = "menu"]/li/ul[@class = "menu"]/li/a[text() = "Link 3"]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test menu (level). $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-menu-level"]/ul[@class = "menu"]/li/a[text() = "Link 2"]/../ul[@class = "menu"]/li/a[text() = "Link 3"]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test menu (depth). $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-menu-depth"]/ul[@class = "menu"]/li[not(ul)]/a[text() = "Link 1"]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test form. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-form"]/form[@class="system-cron-settings"]/input[@type = "submit" and @value = "Run cron"]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test token. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-token" and text() = "Drupal"]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test token with context. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-token-data" and text() = "Beta"]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test config. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-config" and text() = "Anonymous"]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test status message. $xpath = '//div[@class = "messages messages--warning" and contains(., "Hi!")]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test page title. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-title" and text() = "Beta"]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test URL. $url = Url::fromUserInput('/node/1', ['absolute' => TRUE])->toString(); $xpath = sprintf('//div[@class = "tt-url" and text() = "%s"]', $url); $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test token replacement. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-token-replace" and text() = "Site name: Drupal"]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test preg replacement. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-preg-replace" and text() = "FOO-bar"]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test image style. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-image-style" and contains(text(), "styles/thumbnail/public/images/ocean.jpg")]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test transliteration. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-transliterate" and contains(text(), "Privet!")]'; $this->assertByXpath($xpath); // Test text format. $xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-check-markup"]'; $this->assertEquals('bold strong', trim($this->xpath($xpath)[0]->getHtml())); } /** * Checks that an element specified by a the xpath exists on the current page. */ public function assertByXpath($xpath) { $this->assertSession()->elementExists('xpath', $xpath); } }