array( 'label' => t('Node'), 'equals group' => t('Node'), ), ); } /** * Implements hook_rules_file_info() on behalf of the node module. */ function rules_node_file_info() { return array('modules/node.eval'); } /** * Implements hook_rules_event_info() on behalf of the node module. */ function rules_node_event_info() { $items = array( 'node_insert' => array( 'label' => t('After saving new content'), 'category' => 'node', 'variables' => rules_events_node_variables(t('created content')), 'access callback' => 'rules_node_integration_access', 'class' => 'RulesNodeEventHandler', ), 'node_update' => array( 'label' => t('After updating existing content'), 'category' => 'node', 'variables' => rules_events_node_variables(t('updated content'), TRUE), 'access callback' => 'rules_node_integration_access', 'class' => 'RulesNodeEventHandler', ), 'node_presave' => array( 'label' => t('Before saving content'), 'category' => 'node', 'variables' => rules_events_node_variables(t('saved content'), TRUE), 'access callback' => 'rules_node_integration_access', 'class' => 'RulesNodeEventHandler', ), 'node_view' => array( 'label' => t('Content is viewed'), 'category' => 'node', 'help' => t("Note that if drupal's page cache is enabled, this event won't be generated for pages served from cache."), 'variables' => rules_events_node_variables(t('viewed content')) + array( 'view_mode' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => t('view mode'), 'options list' => 'rules_get_entity_view_modes', // Add the entity-type for the options list callback. 'options list entity type' => 'node', ), ), 'access callback' => 'rules_node_integration_access', 'class' => 'RulesNodeEventHandler', ), 'node_delete' => array( 'label' => t('After deleting content'), 'category' => 'node', 'variables' => rules_events_node_variables(t('deleted content')), 'access callback' => 'rules_node_integration_access', 'class' => 'RulesNodeEventHandler', ), ); // Specify that on presave the node is saved anyway. $items['node_presave']['variables']['node']['skip save'] = TRUE; return $items; } /** * Returns some parameter suitable for using it with a node. */ function rules_events_node_variables($node_label, $update = FALSE) { $args = array( 'node' => array('type' => 'node', 'label' => $node_label), ); if ($update) { $args += array( 'node_unchanged' => array( 'type' => 'node', 'label' => t('unchanged content'), 'handler' => 'rules_events_entity_unchanged', ), ); } return $args; } /** * Implements hook_rules_action_info() on behalf of the node module. */ function rules_node_action_info() { $defaults = array( 'parameter' => array( 'node' => array('type' => 'node', 'label' => t('Content'), 'save' => TRUE), ), 'category' => 'node', 'access callback' => 'rules_node_admin_access', ); // Add support for hand-picked core actions. $core_actions = node_action_info(); $actions = array('node_publish_action', 'node_unpublish_action', 'node_make_sticky_action', 'node_make_unsticky_action', 'node_promote_action', 'node_unpromote_action'); foreach ($actions as $base) { $action_name = str_replace('_action', '', $base); $items[$action_name] = $defaults + array( 'label' => $core_actions[$base]['label'], 'base' => $base, ); } return $items; } /** * Node integration access callback. */ function rules_node_integration_access($type, $name) { if ($type == 'event' || $type == 'condition') { return entity_access('view', 'node'); } } /** * Node integration admin access callback. */ function rules_node_admin_access() { return user_access('administer nodes'); } /** * Event handler support node bundle event settings. */ class RulesNodeEventHandler extends RulesEventHandlerEntityBundle { /** * Returns the label to use for the bundle property. * * @return string */ protected function getBundlePropertyLabel() { return t('type'); } } /** * @} End of "addtogroup rules" */