$this->label($this->elementName), ), RulesLog::INFO, $this); $return = $this->__call('execute', empty($this->info['named parameter']) ? $args : array($args)); // Get the (partially) wrapped arguments. $args = $state->currentArguments; if (is_array($return)) { foreach ($return as $name => $data) { // Add provided variables. if (isset($this->info['provides'][$name])) { $var_name = isset($this->settings[$name . ':var']) ? $this->settings[$name . ':var'] : $name; if (!$state->varInfo($var_name)) { $state->addVariable($var_name, $data, $this->info['provides'][$name]); rules_log('Added the provided variable %name of type %type', array('%name' => $var_name, '%type' => $this->info['provides'][$name]['type']), RulesLog::INFO, $this); if (!empty($this->info['provides'][$name]['save']) && $state->variables[$var_name] instanceof EntityMetadataWrapper) { $state->saveChanges($var_name, $state->variables[$var_name]); } } } // Support updating variables by returning the values. elseif (!isset($this->info['provides'][$name])) { // Update the data value using the wrapper. if (isset($args[$name]) && $args[$name] instanceof EntityMetadataWrapper) { try { $args[$name]->set($data); } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) { throw new RulesEvaluationException('Unable to update the argument for parameter %name: %error', array('%name' => $name, '%error' => $e->getMessage()), $this); } } elseif (array_key_exists($name, $args)) { // Map back to the source variable name and update it. $var_name = !empty($this->settings[$name . ':select']) ? str_replace('-', '_', $this->settings[$name . ':select']) : $name; $state->variables[$var_name] = $data; } } } } // Save parameters as defined in the parameter info. if ($return !== FALSE) { foreach ($this->info['parameter'] as $name => $info) { if (!empty($info['save']) && $args[$name] instanceof EntityMetadataWrapper) { if (isset($this->settings[$name . ':select'])) { $state->saveChanges($this->settings[$name . ':select'], $args[$name]); } else { // Wrapper has been configured via direct input, so just save. rules_log('Saved argument of type %type for parameter %name.', array('%name' => $name, '%type' => $args[$name]->type())); $args[$name]->save(); } } } } } } /** * Implements a rules condition. */ class RulesCondition extends RulesAbstractPlugin implements RulesConditionInterface { /** * @var string */ protected $itemName = 'condition'; /** * @var bool */ protected $negate = FALSE; public function providesVariables() { return array(); } public function negate($negate = TRUE) { $this->negate = (bool) $negate; return $this; } public function isNegated() { return $this->negate; } protected function executeCallback(array $args, RulesState $state = NULL) { $return = (bool) $this->__call('execute', empty($this->info['named parameter']) ? $args : array($args)); $return = $this->negate ? !$return : $return; rules_log('The condition %name evaluated to %bool', array( '%name' => $this->label($this->elementName), '%bool' => $return ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE', ), RulesLog::INFO, $this); return $return; } public function __sleep() { return parent::__sleep() + array('negate' => 'negate'); } /** * Just return the boolean result. */ protected function returnVariables(RulesState $state, $result = NULL) { return $result; } protected function exportToArray() { $not = $this->negate ? 'NOT ' : ''; $export = $this->exportSettings(); // Abbreviate the export making "USING" implicit. return array($not . $this->elementName => isset($export['USING']) ? $export['USING'] : array()); } public function import(array $export) { $this->elementName = rules_array_key($export); if (strpos($this->elementName, 'NOT ') === 0) { $this->elementName = substr($this->elementName, 4); $this->negate = TRUE; } // After setting the element name, setup the element again so the right // element info is loaded. $this->setUp(); // Re-add 'USING' which has been removed for abbreviation. $this->importSettings(array('USING' => reset($export))); } public function label() { $label = parent::label(); return $this->negate ? t('NOT !condition', array('!condition' => $label)) : $label; } } /** * An actual rule. * * Note: A rule also implements the RulesActionInterface (inherited). */ class Rule extends RulesActionContainer { protected $conditions = NULL; /** * @var string */ protected $itemName = 'rule'; /** * @var string */ public $label = 'unlabeled'; public function __construct($variables = array(), $providesVars = array()) { parent::__construct($variables, $providesVars); // Initialize the conditions container. if (!isset($this->conditions)) { $this->conditions = rules_and(); // Don't use setParent() to avoid having it added to the children. $this->conditions->parent = $this; } } /** * Gets an iterator over all contained conditions. * * Note that this iterator also implements the ArrayAccess interface. * * @return RulesRecursiveElementIterator */ public function conditions() { return $this->conditions->getIterator(); } /** * Returns the "And" condition container, which contains all conditions of * this rule. * * @return RulesAnd */ public function conditionContainer() { return $this->conditions; } public function __sleep() { return parent::__sleep() + drupal_map_assoc(array('conditions', 'label')); } /** * Gets an iterator over all contained actions. * * Note that this iterator also implements the ArrayAccess interface. * * @return RulesRecursiveElementIterator */ public function actions() { return parent::getIterator(); } /** * Adds a condition. * * Pass either an instance of the RulesConditionInterface or the arguments as * needed by rules_condition(). * * @return $this */ public function condition($name, $settings = array()) { $this->conditions->condition($name, $settings); return $this; } public function sortChildren($deep = FALSE) { $this->conditions->sortChildren($deep); parent::sortChildren($deep); } public function evaluate(RulesState $state) { rules_log('Evaluating conditions of rule %label.', array('%label' => $this->label), RulesLog::INFO, $this); if ($this->conditions->evaluate($state)) { rules_log('Rule %label fires.', array('%label' => $this->label), RulesLog::INFO, $this, TRUE); parent::evaluate($state); rules_log('Rule %label has fired.', array('%label' => $this->label), RulesLog::INFO, $this, FALSE); } } /** * Fires the rule, i.e. evaluates the rule without checking its conditions. * * @see RulesPlugin::evaluate() */ public function fire(RulesState $state) { rules_log('Firing rule %label.', array('%label' => $this->label), RulesLog::INFO, $this); parent::evaluate($state); } public function integrityCheck() { parent::integrityCheck(); $this->conditions->integrityCheck(); return $this; } public function access() { return (!isset($this->conditions) || $this->conditions->access()) && parent::access(); } public function dependencies() { return array_keys(array_flip($this->conditions->dependencies()) + array_flip(parent::dependencies())); } public function destroy() { $this->conditions->destroy(); parent::destroy(); } /** * @return RulesRecursiveElementIterator */ public function getIterator() { $array = array_merge(array($this->conditions), $this->children); return new RulesRecursiveElementIterator($array); } protected function stateVariables($element = NULL) { // Don't add in provided action variables for the conditions. if (isset($element) && $element === $this->conditions) { return $this->availableVariables(); } $vars = parent::stateVariables($element); // Take variable info assertions of conditions into account. if ($assertions = $this->conditions->variableInfoAssertions()) { $vars = RulesData::addMetadataAssertions($vars, $assertions); } return $vars; } protected function exportFlat() { return $this->isRoot(); } protected function exportToArray() { $export = parent::exportToArray(); if (!$this->isRoot()) { $export[strtoupper($this->plugin())]['LABEL'] = $this->label; } return $export; } protected function exportChildren($key = NULL) { $export = array(); if ($this->conditions->children) { $export = $this->conditions->exportChildren('IF'); } return $export + parent::exportChildren('DO'); } public function import(array $export) { if (!$this->isRoot() && isset($export[strtoupper($this->plugin())]['LABEL'])) { $this->label = $export[strtoupper($this->plugin())]['LABEL']; } parent::import($export); } protected function importChildren($export, $key = NULL) { if (!empty($export['IF'])) { $this->conditions->importChildren($export, 'IF'); } parent::importChildren($export, 'DO'); } public function __clone() { parent::__clone(); $this->conditions = clone $this->conditions; $this->conditions->parent = $this; } /** * Overrides RulesPlugin::variableInfoAssertions(). * * Rules may not provide any variable info assertions, as Rules are only * conditionally executed. */ protected function variableInfoAssertions() { return array(); } /** * Overridden to ensure the whole Rule is deleted at once. */ public function delete($keep_children = FALSE) { parent::delete($keep_children); } /** * Overridden to expose the variables of all actions for embedded rules. */ public function providesVariables() { $provides = parent::providesVariables(); if (!$this->isRoot()) { foreach ($this->actions() as $action) { $provides += $action->providesVariables(); } } return $provides; } public function resetInternalCache() { parent::resetInternalCache(); $this->conditions->resetInternalCache(); } } /** * Represents rules getting triggered by events. */ class RulesReactionRule extends Rule implements RulesTriggerableInterface { /** * @var string */ protected $itemName = 'reaction rule'; /** * @var array */ protected $events = array(); /** * @var array */ protected $eventSettings = array(); /** * Implements RulesTriggerableInterface::events(). */ public function events() { return $this->events; } /** * Implements RulesTriggerableInterface::removeEvent(). */ public function removeEvent($event) { if (($id = array_search($event, $this->events)) !== FALSE) { unset($this->events[$id]); } return $this; } /** * Implements RulesTriggerableInterface::event(). */ public function event($event_name, array $settings = NULL) { // Process any settings and determine the configured event's name. if ($settings) { $handler = rules_get_event_handler($event_name, $settings); if ($suffix = $handler->getEventNameSuffix()) { $event_name .= '--' . $suffix; $this->eventSettings[$event_name] = $settings; } else { // Do not store settings if there is no suffix. unset($this->eventSettings[$event_name]); } } if (array_search($event_name, $this->events) === FALSE) { $this->events[] = $event_name; } return $this; } /** * Implements RulesTriggerableInterface::getEventSettings(). */ public function getEventSettings($event_name) { if (isset($this->eventSettings[$event_name])) { return $this->eventSettings[$event_name]; } } public function integrityCheck() { parent::integrityCheck(); // Check integrity of the configured events. foreach ($this->events as $event_name) { $handler = rules_get_event_handler($event_name, $this->getEventSettings($event_name)); $handler->validate(); } return $this; } /** * Reaction rules can't add variables to the parent scope, so clone $state. */ public function evaluate(RulesState $state) { // Implement recursion prevention for reaction rules. if ($state->isBlocked($this)) { return rules_log('Not evaluating @plugin %label to prevent recursion.', array('%label' => $this->label(), '@plugin' => $this->plugin()), RulesLog::INFO, $this); } $state->block($this); $copy = clone $state; parent::evaluate($copy); $state->unblock($this); } public function access() { foreach ($this->events as $event_name) { $event_info = rules_get_event_info($event_name); if (!empty($event_info['access callback']) && !call_user_func($event_info['access callback'], 'event', $event_info['name'])) { return FALSE; } } return parent::access(); } public function dependencies() { $modules = array_flip(parent::dependencies()); foreach ($this->events as $event_name) { $event_info = rules_get_event_info($event_name); if (isset($event_info['module'])) { $modules[$event_info['module']] = TRUE; } } return array_keys($modules); } public function providesVariables() { return array(); } public function parameterInfo($optional = FALSE) { // If executed directly, all variables as defined by the event need to // be passed. return rules_filter_array($this->availableVariables(), 'handler', FALSE); } public function availableVariables() { if (!isset($this->availableVariables)) { if (isset($this->parent)) { // Return the event variables provided by the event set, once cached. $this->availableVariables = $this->parent->stateVariables(); } else { // The intersection of the variables provided by the events are // available. foreach ($this->events as $event_name) { $handler = rules_get_event_handler($event_name, $this->getEventSettings($event_name)); if (isset($this->availableVariables)) { $event_vars = $handler->availableVariables(); // Merge variable info by intersecting the variable-info keys also, // so we have only metadata available that is valid for all of the // provided variables. foreach (array_intersect_key($this->availableVariables, $event_vars) as $name => $variable_info) { $this->availableVariables[$name] = array_intersect_key($variable_info, $event_vars[$name]); } } else { $this->availableVariables = $handler->availableVariables(); } } $this->availableVariables = isset($this->availableVariables) ? RulesState::defaultVariables() + $this->availableVariables : RulesState::defaultVariables(); } } return $this->availableVariables; } public function __sleep() { return parent::__sleep() + drupal_map_assoc(array('events', 'eventSettings')); } protected function exportChildren($key = 'ON') { $export = array(); foreach ($this->events as $event_name) { $export[$key][$event_name] = (array) $this->getEventSettings($event_name); } return $export + parent::exportChildren(); } protected function importChildren($export, $key = 'ON') { // Detect and support old-style exports: a numerically indexed array of // event names. if (isset($export[$key])) { if (is_string(reset($export[$key])) && is_numeric(key($export[$key]))) { $this->events = $export[$key]; } else { $this->events = array_keys($export[$key]); $this->eventSettings = array_filter($export[$key]); } } parent::importChildren($export); } /** * Overrides optimize(). */ public function optimize() { parent::optimize(); // No need to keep event settings for evaluation. $this->eventSettings = array(); } } /** * A logical AND. */ class RulesAnd extends RulesConditionContainer { /** * @var string */ protected $itemName = 'and'; public function evaluate(RulesState $state) { foreach ($this->children as $condition) { if (!$condition->evaluate($state)) { rules_log('%condition evaluated to %bool.', array( '%condition' => $this->label(), '%bool' => 'FALSE', )); return $this->negate; } } rules_log('%condition evaluated to %bool.', array( '%condition' => $this->label(), '%bool' => 'TRUE', )); return !$this->negate; } public function label() { return !empty($this->label) ? $this->label : ($this->negate ? t('NOT AND') : t('AND')); } } /** * A logical OR. */ class RulesOr extends RulesConditionContainer { /** * @var string */ protected $itemName = 'or'; public function evaluate(RulesState $state) { foreach ($this->children as $condition) { if ($condition->evaluate($state)) { rules_log('%condition evaluated to %bool.', array( '%condition' => $this->label(), '%bool' => 'TRUE', )); return !$this->negate; } } rules_log('%condition evaluated to %bool.', array( '%condition' => $this->label(), '%bool' => 'FALSE', )); return $this->negate; } public function label() { return !empty($this->label) ? $this->label : ($this->negate ? t('NOT OR') : t('OR')); } /** * Overrides RulesContainerPlugin::stateVariables(). * * Overridden to exclude all variable assertions as in an OR we cannot assert * the children are successfully evaluated. */ protected function stateVariables($element = NULL) { $vars = $this->availableVariables(); if (isset($element)) { // Add in variables provided by siblings executed before the element. foreach ($this->children as $child) { if ($child === $element) { break; } $vars += $child->providesVariables(); } } return $vars; } } /** * A loop element. */ class RulesLoop extends RulesActionContainer { /** * @var string */ protected $itemName = 'loop'; protected $listItemInfo; public function __construct($settings = array(), $variables = NULL) { $this->setUp(); $this->settings = (array) $settings + array( 'item:var' => 'list_item', 'item:label' => t('Current list item'), ); if (!empty($variables)) { $this->info['variables'] = $variables; } } public function pluginParameterInfo() { $info['list'] = array( 'type' => 'list', 'restriction' => 'selector', 'label' => t('List'), 'description' => t('The list to loop over. The loop will step through each item in the list, allowing further actions on them. See the online handbook for more information on how to use loops.', array('@url' => rules_external_help('loops'))), ); return $info; } public function integrityCheck() { parent::integrityCheck(); $this->checkVarName($this->settings['item:var']); } public function listItemInfo() { if (!isset($this->listItemInfo)) { if ($info = $this->getArgumentInfo('list')) { // Pass through the variable info keys like property info. $this->listItemInfo = array_intersect_key($info, array_flip(array('type', 'property info', 'bundle'))); $this->listItemInfo['type'] = isset($info['type']) ? entity_property_list_extract_type($info['type']) : 'unknown'; } else { $this->listItemInfo = array('type' => 'unknown'); } $this->listItemInfo['label'] = $this->settings['item:label']; } return $this->listItemInfo; } public function evaluate(RulesState $state) { try { $param_info = $this->pluginParameterInfo(); $list = $this->getArgument('list', $param_info['list'], $state); $item_var_info = $this->listItemInfo(); $item_var_name = $this->settings['item:var']; if (isset($this->settings['list:select'])) { rules_log('Looping over the list items of %selector', array('%selector' => $this->settings['list:select']), RulesLog::INFO, $this); } // Loop over the list and evaluate the children for each list item. foreach ($list as $key => $item) { // Use a separate state so variables are available in the loop only. $state2 = clone $state; $state2->addVariable($item_var_name, $list[$key], $item_var_info); parent::evaluate($state2); // Update variables from parent scope. foreach ($state->variables as $var_key => &$var_value) { if (array_key_exists($var_key, $state2->variables)) { $var_value = $state2->variables[$var_key]; } } } } catch (RulesEvaluationException $e) { rules_log($e->msg, $e->args, $e->severity); rules_log('Unable to evaluate %name.', array('%name' => $this->getPluginName()), RulesLog::WARN, $this); } } protected function stateVariables($element = NULL) { return array($this->settings['item:var'] => $this->listItemInfo()) + parent::stateVariables($element); } public function label() { return !empty($this->label) ? $this->label : t('Loop'); } protected function exportChildren($key = 'DO') { return parent::exportChildren($key); } protected function importChildren($export, $key = 'DO') { parent::importChildren($export, $key); } protected function exportSettings() { $export = parent::exportSettings(); $export['ITEM'][$this->settings['item:var']] = $this->settings['item:label']; return $export; } protected function importSettings($export) { parent::importSettings($export); if (isset($export['ITEM'])) { $this->settings['item:var'] = rules_array_key($export['ITEM']); $this->settings['item:label'] = reset($export['ITEM']); } } } /** * An action set component. */ class RulesActionSet extends RulesActionContainer { /** * @var string */ protected $itemName = 'action set'; } /** * A set of rules to execute upon defined variables. */ class RulesRuleSet extends RulesActionContainer { /** * @var string */ protected $itemName = 'rule set'; /** * @return RulesRuleSet */ public function rule($rule) { return $this->action($rule); } protected function exportChildren($key = 'RULES') { return parent::exportChildren($key); } protected function importChildren($export, $key = 'RULES') { parent::importChildren($export, $key); } } /** * This class is used for caching the rules to be evaluated per event. */ class RulesEventSet extends RulesRuleSet { /** * @var string */ protected $itemName = 'event set'; /** * Event sets may recurse as we block recursions on rule-level. * * @var bool */ public $recursion = TRUE; public function __construct($info = array()) { $this->setup(); $this->info = $info; } public function executeByArgs($args = array()) { rules_log('Reacting on event %label.', array('%label' => $this->info['label']), RulesLog::INFO, NULL, TRUE); $state = $this->setUpState($args); module_invoke_all('rules_config_execute', $this); $this->evaluate($state); $state->cleanUp($this); rules_log('Finished reacting on event %label.', array('%label' => $this->info['label']), RulesLog::INFO, NULL, FALSE); } /** * Rebuilds the event cache. * * We cache event-sets per event in order to allow efficient usage via * rules_invoke_event(). * * @see rules_get_cache() * @see rules_invoke_event() */ public static function rebuildEventCache() { // Set up the per-event cache. $events = rules_fetch_data('event_info'); $sets = array(); // Add all rules associated with this event to an EventSet for caching. $rules = rules_config_load_multiple(FALSE, array('plugin' => 'reaction rule', 'active' => TRUE)); foreach ($rules as $name => $rule) { foreach ($rule->events() as $event_name) { $event_base_name = rules_get_event_base_name($event_name); // Skip not defined events. if (empty($events[$event_base_name])) { continue; } // Create an event set if not yet done. if (!isset($sets[$event_name])) { $handler = rules_get_event_handler($event_name, $rule->getEventSettings($event_name)); // Start the event dispatcher for this event, if any. if ($handler instanceof RulesEventDispatcherInterface && !$handler->isWatching()) { $handler->startWatching(); } // Update the event info with the variables available based on the // event settings. $event_info = $events[$event_base_name]; $event_info['variables'] = $handler->availableVariables(); $sets[$event_name] = new RulesEventSet($event_info); $sets[$event_name]->name = $event_name; } // If a rule is marked as dirty, check if this still applies. if ($rule->dirty) { rules_config_update_dirty_flag($rule); } if (!$rule->dirty) { // Clone the rule to avoid modules getting the changed version from // the static cache. $sets[$event_name]->rule(clone $rule); } } } // Create cache items for all created sets. foreach ($sets as $event_name => $set) { $set->sortChildren(); $set->optimize(); // Allow modules to alter the cached event set. drupal_alter('rules_event_set', $event_name, $set); rules_set_cache('event_' . $event_name, $set); } // Cache a whitelist of configured events so we can use it to speed up later // calls. See rules_invoke_event(). rules_set_cache('rules_event_whitelist', array_flip(array_keys($sets))); } protected function stateVariables($element = NULL) { return $this->availableVariables(); } /** * Do not save since this class is for caching purposes only. * * @see RulesPlugin::save() */ public function save($name = NULL, $module = 'rules') { return FALSE; } }