object = $object; } /** * Returns the extended object. */ public function getExtendable() { return $this->object; } /** * Makes protected properties of the extendable accessible. */ protected function &property($name) { $var =& $this->object->property($name); return $var; } /** * Invokes any method on the extended object, including protected methods. * * @param string $name * The method name. * @param array $args * An array of arguments to pass to the method. */ protected function call($name, array $args = array()) { return $this->object->call($name, $args); } } } if (!class_exists('FacesExtendable', FALSE)) { /** * An extendable base class. */ abstract class FacesExtendable { protected $facesMethods = array(); protected $faces = array(); protected $facesIncludes = array(); protected $facesClassInstances = array(); static protected $facesIncluded = array(); /** * Wraps calls to module_load_include() to prevent multiple inclusions. * * @see module_load_include() */ protected static function load_include($args) { $args += array('type' => 'inc', 'module' => '', 'name' => NULL); $key = implode(':', $args); if (!isset(self::$facesIncluded[$key])) { self::$facesIncluded[$key] = TRUE; module_load_include($args['type'], $args['module'], $args['name']); } } /** * Magic method: Invoke the dynamically implemented methods. */ public function __call($name, $arguments = array()) { if (isset($this->facesMethods[$name])) { $method = $this->facesMethods[$name]; // Include code, if necessary. if (isset($this->facesIncludes[$name])) { self::load_include($this->facesIncludes[$name]); $this->facesIncludes[$name] = NULL; } if (isset($method[0])) { // We always pass the object reference and the name of the method. $arguments[] = $this; $arguments[] = $name; return call_user_func_array($method[0], $arguments); } // Call the method on the extender object, but don't use extender() // for performance reasons. if (!isset($this->facesClassInstances[$method[1]])) { $this->facesClassInstances[$method[1]] = new $method[1]($this); } return call_user_func_array(array($this->facesClassInstances[$method[1]], $name), $arguments); } $class = check_plain(get_class($this)); throw new FacesExtendableException("There is no method $name for this instance of the class $class."); } /** * Returns the extender object for the given class. * * May be used to explicitly invoke a specific extender, e.g. a function * overriding a method may use that to explicitly invoke the original * extender. */ public function extender($class) { if (!isset($this->facesClassInstances[$class])) { $this->facesClassInstances[$class] = new $class($this); } return $this->facesClassInstances[$class]; } /** * Returns whether the object can face as the given interface. * * Returns whether the object can face as the given interface, thus it * returns TRUE if this object has been extended by an appropriate * implementation. * * @param $interface * (optional) An interface to test for. If it's omitted, all interfaces * that the object can be faced as are returned. * * @return bool * Whether the object can face as the interface or an array of interface * names. */ public function facesAs($interface = NULL) { if (!isset($interface)) { return array_values($this->faces); } return in_array($interface, $this->faces) || $this instanceof $interface; } /** * Extend the object by a class to implement the given interfaces. * * @param $interface * The interface name or an array of interface names. * @param $className * The extender class, which has to implement the FacesExtenderInterface. * @param array $includes * An optional array describing the file to include before invoking the * class. The array entries known are 'type', 'module', and 'name' * matching the parameters of module_load_include(). Only 'module' is * required as 'type' defaults to 'inc' and 'name' to NULL. */ public function extendByClass($interface, $className, array $includes = array()) { $parents = class_implements($className); if (!in_array('FacesExtenderInterface', $parents)) { throw new FacesExtendableException("The class " . check_plain($className) . " doesn't implement the FacesExtenderInterface."); } $interfaces = is_array($interface) ? $interface : array($interface); foreach ($interfaces as $interface) { if (!in_array($interface, $parents)) { throw new FacesExtendableException("The class " . check_plain($className) . " doesn't implement the interface " . check_plain($interface) . "."); } $this->faces[$interface] = $interface; $this->faces += class_implements($interface); $face_methods = get_class_methods($interface); $this->addIncludes($face_methods, $includes); foreach ($face_methods as $method) { $this->facesMethods[$method] = array(1 => $className); } } } /** * Extend the object by the given functions to implement the given * interface. There has to be an implementation function for each method of * the interface. * * @param $interface * The interface name or FALSE to extend the object without a given * interface. * @param array $callbacks * An array, where the keys are methods of the given interface and the * values the callback functions to use. * @param array $includes * An optional array to describe files to include before invoking the * callbacks. You may pass a single array describing one include for all * callbacks or an array of arrays, keyed by the method names. Look at the * extendByClass() $include parameter for more details about how to * describe a single file. */ public function extend($interface, array $callbacks = array(), array $includes = array()) { //UPEI added line below $interface = class_exists($interface) ? $interface : FALSE; $face_methods = $interface ? get_class_methods($interface) : array_keys($callbacks); if ($interface) { if (array_diff($face_methods, array_keys($callbacks))) { throw new FacesExtendableException("Missing methods for implementing the interface " . check_plain($interface) . "."); } $this->faces[$interface] = $interface; $this->faces += class_implements($interface); } $this->addIncludes($face_methods, $includes); foreach ($face_methods as $method) { $this->facesMethods[$method] = array(0 => $callbacks[$method]); } } /** * Override the implementation of an extended method. * * @param array $callbacks * An array of methods of the interface, that should be overridden, where * the keys are methods to override and the values the callback functions * to use. * @param array $includes * An optional array to describe files to include before invoking the * callbacks. You may pass a single array describing one include for all * callbacks or an array of arrays, keyed by the method names. Look at the * extendByClass() $include parameter for more details about how to * describe a single file. */ public function override(array $callbacks = array(), array $includes = array()) { if (array_diff_key($callbacks, $this->facesMethods)) { throw new FacesExtendableException("A not implemented method is to be overridden."); } $this->addIncludes(array_keys($callbacks), $includes); foreach ($callbacks as $method => $callback) { $this->facesMethods[$method] = array(0 => $callback); } } /** * Adds in include files for the given methods while removing any old files. * * If a single include file is described, it's added for all methods. */ protected function addIncludes($methods, $includes) { $includes = isset($includes['module']) && is_string($includes['module']) ? array_fill_keys($methods, $includes) : $includes; $this->facesIncludes = $includes + array_diff_key($this->facesIncludes, array_flip($methods)); } /** * Only serialize what is really necessary. */ public function __sleep() { return array('facesMethods', 'faces', 'facesIncludes'); } /** * Destroys all references to created instances. * * Destroys all references to created instances so that PHP's garbage * collection can do its work. This is needed as PHP's gc has troubles with * circular references until PHP < 5.3. */ public function destroy() { // Avoid circular references. $this->facesClassInstances = array(); } /** * Makes protected properties accessible. */ public function &property($name) { if (property_exists($this, $name)) { return $this->$name; } } /** * Invokes any method. * * This also allows to pass arguments by reference, so it may be used to * pass arguments by reference to dynamically extended methods. * * @param string $name * The method name. * @param array $args * An array of arguments to pass to the method. */ public function call($name, array $args = array()) { if (method_exists($this, $name)) { return call_user_func_array(array($this, $name), $args); } return $this->__call($name, $args); } } }