array('dateformat' => $format)), 'setting'); extract($variables); // $selected_category inside $variables isn't formed right to be pulled out as is with extract() $selected_category = NULL; // User information. $full_access = FALSE; $user_login_name = NULL; if ($user->uid) { $user_login_name = $user->name; $full_access = user_access('administer room reservations system') || user_access('edit any room reservation'); } // Determine which date has been selected by the user. foreach ($dates as $day) { if ($day['selected'] == TRUE) { $day_of_week = $day['day-of-week']; $month_number = $day['month-number']; $month = $day['month']; $xday = $day['day']; $year = $day['year']; $yyyymmdd = $day['yyyymmdd']; } } $calendar_text = check_markup(_room_reservations_get_variable('calendar_text')); $reserve_room_instructions_text = check_markup(_room_reservations_get_variable('reserve_instructions')); if (!$reserve_room_instructions_text) { $reserve_room_instructions_text = t('To reserve a room, click on the desired time/day in the calendar below. You will be asked to login.'); } // Room reservations container. $output = "
"; $output .= "
"; // Info box - user reservations, maps, link to policies. $output .= "
" . $reserve_room_instructions_text . '
'; // Calendar date. $date = format_date(strtotime($month . ' ' . $xday . ', ' . $year), 'custom', 'l, F d, Y'); $output .= '

' . t('Reservation Calendar') . '

' . '
' . $date . '  ' . $building_hours_display . '
'; // add new Day Selector as popup calendar since we now allow going out up to 6 months rather than 15 days. $form = drupal_get_form('room_reservations_admin_date_picker', $yyyymmdd); $output .= '
' . drupal_render($form) . '
'; // Reservation calendar grid: // // Each block on the grid is assigned one (or more) of the following classes: // // closed - the building is closed; // booked - the building is open and the time slot has been reserved; // open - the building is open, the time slot has not been reserved, but the user must login to reserve the time slot; // reservable - the building is open, the time slot has not been reserved and the user is able to reserve the time slot. // setup - buffer zones added before/after bookings to allow for setup/takedown (per category) // // Tabs. $output .= "
"; // If the user is logged in, the class for each unbooked time slot is 'reservable'. If the user is not logged in, the class is 'open'. // Only logged in users can click a block of time to open the reservation form. $unbooked_class = ($user->uid) ? 'reservable' : 'open'; // Create a tab for each room category. Each tab contains a grid of time slots and rooms. $i = 0; foreach ($categories as $category) { $table = array(); // Show the first tab and hide all others. if (!$selected_category) { $show = ($i == 0) ? 'show' : 'hide'; $i++; } else { $show = ($category['title'] == $selected_category) ? 'show' : 'hide'; } $id = strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]+/', '-', $category['title'])); $r = 0; $c = 0; // Date and building hours. $flipped = variable_get('room_reservations_calendar_flipped', 0); $orientclass = $flipped ? 'orient-horiz' : 'orient-vert'; // this is the main DIV wrapper for the "table" within each Category $output .= '
'; $table[$r][$c] = "
  • " . t('Room') . '
  • '; $r++; $table[$r][$c] = "
  • " . t('Capacity') . '
  • '; $r++; // Available hours column. foreach ($hours as $time_slot) { $time_display = ($time_slot['class'] == 'odd') ? t($time_slot['display']) : ""; $table[$r][$c] = "
  • ' . $time_display . '
  • '; $r++; } $table[$r][$c] = "'; $r++; $table[$r][$c] = "
  • " . t('Capacity') . '
  • '; $r++; // Count the number of rooms in the selected category. $rooms_per_category = 0; foreach ($rooms as $room) { $rid = $room['nid']; if ($room['reservations_room_category'][LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id'] == $category['nid']) { $rooms_per_category++; } } // Column for each room in the category. foreach ($rooms as $room) { $rid = $room['nid']; $room_name = $room['title']; $room_link = l($room_name, 'node/' . $rid); $room_desc = $room['body'] ? $room['body'][LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['safe_value'] : ""; // use qtip if we have it if (module_exists('qtip')) { $room_info = '' . $room_desc . '' . $room_link . ''; } else { $room_info = $room_link; } if ($room['reservations_room_category'][LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id'] == $category['nid']) { $c++; $r = 0; // Room name, capacity. //$output .= '
      '; //$output .= '
    • ' . $room_info . '
    • '; $table[$r][$c] = '
    • ' . $room_info . '
    • '; $r++; $table[$r][$c] = "
    • " . $room['reservations_room_capacity'][LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] . '
    • '; // Populate each time slot. foreach ($hours as $time_slot) { $r++; $time = $time_slot['time']; $open = $time_slot['open']; // lets use slot class from reservation if it is set $slotclass = isset($reservations[$rid][$time_slot['time']]['class']) ? $reservations[$rid][$time_slot['time']]['class'] : $time_slot['class']; // to support min adv booking per cat; let's simply mark all slots as closed for dates not availble to this user for this cat if (!isset($datespercat[$category['nid']][$yyyymmdd])) { $open = false; } // Determine if the building is open or closed for this time slot. if ($open) { //$booked_class = ($reservations[$rid][$time]['booked']) ? 'booked' : $unbooked_class; $booked_class = ($reservations[$rid][$time]['booked']) ? '' : $unbooked_class; } else { $booked_class = 'closed'; } // The time slot can be reserved by the current user. $viewable_class = ''; $widthclass = ''; // BEGIN UPEI CHANGES if ($booked_class == 'reservable' && (($day_of_week != 'Saturday' && $day_of_week!= 'Sunday' && ($time_slot['time'] == '0830' || $time_slot['time'] == '1330')) || (($day_of_week == 'Saturday' || $day_of_week == 'Sunday') && $time_slot['time'] == '1230')) && (user_access('create room reservations standard') || user_access('create room reservations extended') || user_access('administer room reservations system'))) { $link = l( '', 'node/add/room-reservations-reservation/' . $month_number . '/' . $xday . '/' . $time_slot['time'] . '/' . $rid, array('html' => true) ); $viewable = ''; } // The time slot can be reserved by the current user, but the user must login first. elseif ($booked_class == 'open' && (($day_of_week != 'Saturday' && $day_of_week!= 'Sunday' && ($time_slot['time'] == '0830' || $time_slot['time'] == '1330')) || (($day_of_week == 'Saturday' || $day_of_week == 'Sunday') && $time_slot['time'] == '1230'))) { $link = ""; $viewable = ''; } // END UPEI CHANGES elseif ($booked_class == 'closed') { $link = ''; } else { // The time slot has a reservation that can be edited by the current user. $reservation = node_load($reservations[$rid][$time]['id']); $viewable_class = node_access('update', $reservation) ? 'viewable' : ''; //$viewable_class = (($full_access) || ($reservations[$rid][$time]['user'] == $user->uid)) ? 'viewable' : ''; if ($viewable_class == 'viewable') { $id = $reservations[$rid][$time]['id']; $link = $id ? l($reservations[$rid][$time]['name'], 'node/' . $id . '/edit', array('attributes' => array( 'title' => $reservations[$rid][$time]['name'], 'class' => 'booking-span') ) ) : ''; } // The time slot has a reservation that cannot be viewed by the current user. and we are NOT allowed to see the Title else if (isset($reservations[$rid][$time]['blocked']) && $reservations[$rid][$time]['blocked']) { $link = t('Booked'); } // The time slot has a reservation that cannot be edited by the current user. but we are allowed to see the Title else { $link = $reservations[$rid][$time]['name']; } $slots = isset($reservations[$rid][$time]['slots']) ? $reservations[$rid][$time]['slots'] : ''; $widthclass = $slots ? 'colspan' . $reservations[$rid][$time]['slots'] : ''; } // allow other modules to modify the $link drupal_alter('room_reservations_link', $link, $reservations[$rid][$time]); // allow other modules adding a custom class to slots $custom_class = ''; drupal_alter('room_reservations_custom_class', $custom_class, $reservations[$rid][$time]); // add div wrapper to display better $link = $link ? '
      ' . $link . '
      ' : ''; // we used book class to determine if linked or not; which we needed for pre/post slots as well as actual reservation slots // but we don't want to show booked class now for the slots which are just buffer slots if (stristr($slotclass, 'setup')) { $booked_class = ''; } $table[$r][$c] = "
    • " . $link . "
    • "; } // Room name and capacity. $r++; $table[$r][$c] = '
    • ' . $room_info . '
    • '; $r++; $table[$r][$c] = '
    • ' . $room['reservations_room_capacity'][LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] . '
    • '; } } // remove extra table labels based on admin setting $compressed = false; if (variable_get('room_reservations_compressed_labels', 0)) { $compressed = true; } // dump our table contents in std or flipped orientation if ($flipped) { $table = _room_reservations_transpose($table); $m = $r; $n = $c; } else { $m = $c; $n = $r; } for ($x = 0; $x <= $m; $x++){ if ($flipped && $compressed && ($x == 1 || $x == $m || $x == $m - 1)) continue; $output .= "
        "; for ($y = 0; $y <= $n; $y++) { if (!$flipped && $compressed && ($y == 1 || $y == $n || $y == $n - 1)) continue; $output .= $table[$y][$x]; } $output .= '
      '; } // end of main DIV wrapper for "table" $output .= '
    '; } // end of panelContainer that holds all tables for all Categories $output .= '
    '; $output .= '
    '; $output .= '
    '; return $output; } function room_reservations_admin_date_picker($form, &$form_state) { $yyyymmdd = $form_state['build_info']['args'][0]; $parts = explode('-', $yyyymmdd); if (user_access('create room reservations extended')) { $advancedays = variable_get('room_reservations_advance_extended', 180); } else { $advancedays = variable_get('room_reservations_advance_standard', 14); } $yearnow = date('Y'); $absdaynow = date('z'); $absdaydefault = date('z', mktime(0, 0, 0, $parts[1], $parts[2], $yearnow)); if ($absdaynow > $absdaydefault) { $yeardefault = $yearnow + 1; } else { $yeardefault = $yearnow; } $format = str_replace('y', 'Y', strtolower(variable_get('room_reservations_picker_format', 'y/m/d'))); $form['date'] = array( '#type' => 'date_popup', '#default_value' => $yeardefault . '-' . $parts[1] . '-' . $parts[2] . ' 00:00:00', '#date_type' => DATE_DATETIME, '#date_timezone' => date_default_timezone(), '#date_format' => $format, '#date_increment' => 1, '#date_year_range' => '-0:+1', '#datepicker_options' => array( 'minDate' => '+0d', 'maxDate' => $advancedays -1 . 'D', ) ); $form['#after_build'][] = '_room_reservations_admin_date_picker_afterbuild'; return $form; } function _room_reservations_admin_date_picker_afterbuild($form, &$form_state) { $form['date']['date']['#title'] = ''; $form['date']['date']['#description'] = t('click in box to select date'); return $form; } function _room_reservations_transpose($array) { array_unshift($array, null); return call_user_func_array('array_map', $array); }