config('reserve.default_hours')->get('data'); $hours = reserve_hours(); // Select box options. $options = array(); $options['9999'] = t('Select the time'); $options['0000'] = t('Midnight - start of day'); foreach ($hours as $hour) { $time = $hour['time']; $display = t($hour['display']); if ($time != '0000') { $options[$time] = $display; } } $options['2400'] = t('Midnight - end of day'); // Get saved default hours. if (!$default_hours) { for ($x = 0; $x < 28; $x++) { $default_hours[$x] = '9999'; } } $days = array( t('Sunday'), t('Monday'), t('Tuesday'), t('Wednesday'), t('Thursday'), t('Friday'), t('Saturday'), ); $form['#tree'] = TRUE; for ($day = 0; $day < 7; $day++) { $day_hours = array(); $day_hours[] = $default_hours[($day * 4)]; $day_hours[] = $default_hours[($day * 4) + 1]; $day_hours[] = $default_hours[($day * 4) + 2]; $day_hours[] = $default_hours[($day * 4) + 3]; $display_hours = reserve_hours_display($day_hours); $form['day_' . $day] = array( '#type' => 'details', '#title' => $days[$day] . ' (' . $display_hours . ')', '#open' => FALSE, '#weight' => -90 + ($day * 10), ); $form['day_' . $day]['first_shift_open_' . $day] = array( '#title' => t('First shift open'), '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $default_hours[($day * 4)], '#weight' => -90 + ($day * 10) + 1, ); $form['day_' . $day]['first_shift_close_' . $day] = array( '#title' => t('First shift close'), '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $default_hours[($day * 4) + 1], '#weight' => -90 + ($day * 10) + 2, ); $form['day_' . $day]['second_shift_open_' . $day] = array( '#title' => t('Second shift open'), '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $default_hours[($day * 4) + 2], '#weight' => -90 + ($day * 10) + 3, ); $form['day_' . $day]['second_shift_close_' . $day] = array( '#title' => t('Second shift close'), '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $default_hours[($day * 4) + 3], '#weight' => -90 + ($day * 10) + 4, ); } $form['save'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save configuration'), '#weight' => 100, '#name' => 'save', ); $form['reset'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Reset to defaults'), '#weight' => 101, '#name' => 'reset', ); return $form; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function validateForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $values = $form_state->getValues(); $days = array( t('Sunday'), t('Monday'), t('Tuesday'), t('Wednesday'), t('Thursday'), t('Friday'), t('Saturday'), ); if ($form_state->getTriggeringElement()['#name'] == 'save') { for ($day = 0; $day < 7; $day++) { $open = TRUE; $second_shift = FALSE; $first_shift_open = $values['day_' . $day]['first_shift_open_' . $day]; $first_shift_close = $values['day_' . $day]['first_shift_close_' . $day]; $second_shift_open = $values['day_' . $day]['second_shift_open_' . $day]; $second_shift_close = $values['day_' . $day]['second_shift_close_' . $day]; $int_first_shift_open = intval($values['day_' . $day]['first_shift_open_' . $day]); $int_first_shift_close = intval($values['day_' . $day]['first_shift_close_' . $day]); $int_second_shift_open = intval($values['day_' . $day]['second_shift_open_' . $day]); $int_second_shift_close = intval($values['day_' . $day]['second_shift_close_' . $day]); // Closed. if (($int_first_shift_open == 9999) && ($int_first_shift_close == 9999) && ($int_second_shift_open == 9999) && ($int_second_shift_close == 9999)) { $open = FALSE; } // First shift. if ($open) { if ($int_first_shift_open == 9999) { $field = $form_state->getCompleteForm()['day_' . $day]['first_shift_open_' . $day]; $message = t('%day - First shift open is required.', array('%day' => $days[$day])); $form_state->setError($field, $message); } elseif ($int_first_shift_close == 9999) { $field = $form_state->getCompleteForm()['day_' . $day]['first_shift_close_' . $day]; $message = t('%day - First shift close is required.', array('%day' => $days[$day])); $form_state->setError($field, $message); } elseif ($int_first_shift_open >= $int_first_shift_close) { $field = $form_state->getCompleteForm()['day_' . $day]['first_shift_close_' . $day]; $message = t('%day - First shift close must be later than first shift open.', array('%day' => $days[$day])); $form_state->setError($field, $message); } } // Second shift. if ($open) { if (($int_second_shift_open != 9999) || ($int_second_shift_close != 9999)) { $second_shift = TRUE; } } if ($second_shift) { if (($int_first_shift_open == 9999) && ($int_first_shift_close == 9999)) { $field = 'day_' . $day . '][second_shift_open_' . $day; $field = $form_state->getCompleteForm()['day_' . $day]['second_shift_open_' . $day]; $message = t('%day - Cannot have a second shift without a first shift.', array('%day' => $days[$day])); $form_state->setError($field, $message); } elseif ($int_second_shift_open == 9999) { $field = $form_state->getCompleteForm()['day_' . $day]['second_shift_open_' . $day]; $message = t('%day - Second shift open is missing.', array('%day' => $days[$day])); $form_state->setError($field, $message); } elseif ($int_second_shift_close == 9999) { $field = $form_state->getCompleteForm()['day_' . $day]['second_shift_close_' . $day]; $message = t('%day - Second shift close is missing.', array('%day' => $days[$day])); $form_state->setError($field, $message); } elseif ($int_second_shift_open <= $int_first_shift_close) { $field = $form_state->getCompleteForm()['day_' . $day]['second_shift_open_' . $day]; $message = t('%day - Second shift open must be later than first shift close.', array('%day' => $days[$day])); $form_state->setError($field, $message); } elseif ($int_second_shift_open >= $int_second_shift_close) { $field = $form_state->getCompleteForm()['day_' . $day]['second_shift_close_' . $day]; $message = t('%day - Second shift close must be later than second shift opten.', array('%day' => $days[$day])); $form_state->setError($field, $message); } } } } } /** * Form submission handler. * * @param array $form * An associative array containing the structure of the form. * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state * The current state of the form. */ public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $values = $form_state->getValues(); $default_hours = array(); if ($form_state->getTriggeringElement()['#name'] == 'save') { for ($day = 0; $day < 7; $day++) { $default_hours[] = $values['day_' . $day]['first_shift_open_' . $day]; $default_hours[] = $values['day_' . $day]['first_shift_close_' . $day]; $default_hours[] = $values['day_' . $day]['second_shift_open_' . $day]; $default_hours[] = $values['day_' . $day]['second_shift_close_' . $day]; } $confirmation = t(RESERVE_SAVE_CONFIRMATION_MSG); } if ($form_state->getTriggeringElement()['#name'] == 'reset') { for ($day = 0; $day < 7; $day++) { $default_hours[] = '9999'; $default_hours[] = '9999'; $default_hours[] = '9999'; $default_hours[] = '9999'; } $confirmation = t(RESERVE_RESET_CONFIRMATION_MSG); } // Update monthly hours based on changes to defaults. $monthly_hours = \Drupal::config('reserve.monthly_hours')->get('data'); foreach ($monthly_hours as $yyyy_mm => $mo_hours) { // this shouldnt be required; but just here until i figure out where monthly hours is being corrupted if (!is_array($mo_hours)) { unset($monthly_hours[$yyyy_mm]); continue; } $month = intval(substr($yyyy_mm, 5)); $year = substr($yyyy_mm, 0, 4); // Days in the month. $days = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, (int) $year)); $updated_mo_hours = array(); for ($day = 0; $day < $days; $day++) { $default_ind = $mo_hours[($day * 5)]; if ($default_ind == 'D') { // Update monthly hours with default day of week hours. // Day of the week. $dow = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day + 1, (int) $year)); $updated_mo_hours[($day * 5)] = 'D'; $updated_mo_hours[($day * 5) + 1] = $default_hours[($dow * 4)]; $updated_mo_hours[($day * 5) + 2] = $default_hours[($dow * 4) + 1]; $updated_mo_hours[($day * 5) + 3] = $default_hours[($dow * 4) + 2]; $updated_mo_hours[($day * 5) + 4] = $default_hours[($dow * 4) + 3]; } elseif ($default_ind == 'O') { // Leave monthly hours unchanged. $updated_mo_hours[($day * 5)] = 'O'; $updated_mo_hours[($day * 5) + 1] = $mo_hours[($day * 5) + 1]; $updated_mo_hours[($day * 5) + 2] = $mo_hours[($day * 5) + 2]; $updated_mo_hours[($day * 5) + 3] = $mo_hours[($day * 5) + 3]; $updated_mo_hours[($day * 5) + 4] = $mo_hours[($day * 5) + 4]; } } $monthly_hours[$yyyy_mm] = $updated_mo_hours; } $this->config('reserve.default_hours') ->set('data', $default_hours) ->save(); drupal_set_message($confirmation); // save updated monthly override hours $this->config('reserve.monthly_hours') ->set('data', $monthly_hours) ->save(); drupal_set_message(t('Daily overrides updated with new defaults.')); } }