## Submit a feature request or bug report - [ ] I've read the [guidelines for Contributing to Roots Projects](https://github.com/roots/guidelines/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) - [ ] This is a feature request - [ ] This is a bug report - [ ] This request isn't a duplicate of an [existing issue](https://github.com/roots/sage/issues) - [ ] I've read the [docs](https://roots.io/sage/docs) and [NPM Debugging Guidelines post](https://discourse.roots.io/t/npm-debugging-guidelines-failed-npm-install-bower-install-or-gulp-build-read-this/3060) and followed them (if applicable) - [ ] This is not a personal support request that should be posted on the [Roots Discourse](https://discourse.roots.io/c/sage) forums --- **What is the current behavior?** X **What is the expected or desired behavior?** X --- ## Bug report **Please provide steps to reproduce, including full log output:** X **Please describe your local environment:** WordPress version: X OS: X NPM/Node version: X **Where did the bug happen? Development or remote servers?** X **Is there a related [Discourse](https://discourse.roots.io/) thread or were any utilized (please link them)?** X --- ## Feature Request **Please provide use cases for changing the current behavior:** X **Other relevant information:** X