<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="Roots">
  <description>Roots Coding Standards</description>

  <!-- Scan these files -->

  <!-- Show colors in console -->
  <arg value="-colors"/>

  <!-- Show sniff codes in all reports -->
  <arg value="s"/>

  <!-- Use PSR-2 as a base -->
  <rule ref="PSR2"/>

  <!-- Exclusions below are for resources/views/ folder -->

  <!-- Allow php files without any PHP in them -->
  <rule ref="Internal.NoCodeFound">

  <!-- Allow braces on same line for named functions -->
  <rule ref="Squiz.Functions.MultiLineFunctionDeclaration.BraceOnSameLine">

  <!-- Allow closing braces to be on the same line -->
  <rule ref="Squiz.WhiteSpace.ScopeClosingBrace">

  <!-- Disable newline after opening brace -->
  <rule ref="Squiz.ControlStructures.ControlSignature.NewlineAfterOpenBrace">

  <!-- Allow multiple PHP statements in the same line -->
  <rule ref="Generic.Formatting.DisallowMultipleStatements.SameLine">

  <!-- Disable PSR-2 indentation rules that are buggy with 2 spaces -->
  <rule ref="PSR2.ControlStructures.SwitchDeclaration.BreakIndent">

  <!-- Don't require a blank line after the last `use` -->
  <rule ref="PSR2.Namespaces.UseDeclaration.SpaceAfterLastUse">

  <!-- Allow long lines -->
  <rule ref="Generic.Files.LineLength.TooLong">

  <!-- Ignore indentation rules -->
  <rule ref="Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent">

  <!-- Allow PHP closing tags -->
  <rule ref="PSR2.Files.ClosingTag.NotAllowed">