<?php namespace Aldine; /** * Theme customizer */ add_action('customize_register', function (\WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize) { // Add postMessage support $wp_customize->get_setting('blogname')->transport = 'postMessage'; $wp_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial('blogname', [ 'selector' => '.branding h1 a', 'render_callback' => function () { bloginfo('name'); } ]); // Add settings foreach ([ [ 'slug' => 'primary', 'hex' => '#b01109', 'label' => __('Primary Color', 'aldine'), 'description' => __('Primary color, used for links and other primary elements.', 'aldine'), ], [ 'slug' => 'accent', 'hex' => '#015d75', 'label' => __('Accent Color', 'aldine'), 'description' => __('Accent color, used for flourishes and secondary elements.', 'aldine'), ], [ 'slug' => 'primary_fg', 'hex' => '#ffffff', 'label' => __('Primary Foreground Color', 'aldine'), 'description' => __('Used for text on a primary background.', 'aldine'), ], [ 'slug' => 'accent_fg', 'hex' => '#ffffff', 'label' => __('Accent Foreground Color', 'aldine'), 'description' => __('Used for text on an accent color background.', 'aldine'), ], ] as $color) { $wp_customize->add_setting("pb_network_color_{$color['slug']}", [ 'type' => 'option', 'default' => $color['hex'], ]); $wp_customize->add_control(new \WP_Customize_Color_Control( $wp_customize, "pb_network_color_{$color['slug']}", [ 'label' => $color['label'], 'section' => 'colors', 'description' => $color['description'], 'settings' => "pb_network_color_{$color['slug']}", ] )); } $wp_customize->add_section('pb_network_social', [ 'title' => __('Social Media', 'aldine'), 'priority' => 30, ]); $wp_customize->add_setting('pb_network_facebook', [ 'type' => 'option', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw', ]); $wp_customize->add_control('pb_network_facebook', [ 'label' => __('Facebook', 'aldine'), 'section' => 'pb_network_social', 'settings' => 'pb_network_facebook', ]); $wp_customize->add_setting('pb_network_twitter', [ 'type' => 'option', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw', ]); $wp_customize->add_control('pb_network_twitter', [ 'label' => __('Twitter', 'aldine'), 'section' => 'pb_network_social', 'settings' => 'pb_network_twitter', ]); if (function_exists('pb_meets_minimum_requirements') && pb_meets_minimum_requirements()) { $wp_customize->add_section('pb_front_page_catalog', [ 'title' => __('Front Page Catalog', 'aldine'), 'priority' => 25, ]); $wp_customize->add_setting('pb_front_page_catalog', [ 'type' => 'option', ]); $wp_customize->add_control('pb_front_page_catalog', [ 'label' => __('Show Front Page Catalog', 'aldine'), 'section' => 'pb_front_page_catalog', 'settings' => 'pb_front_page_catalog', 'type' => 'checkbox' ]); $wp_customize->add_setting('pb_front_page_catalog_title', [ 'type' => 'option', 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field' ]); $wp_customize->add_control('pb_front_page_catalog_title', [ 'label' => __('Front Page Catalog Title', 'aldine'), 'section' => 'pb_front_page_catalog', 'settings' => 'pb_front_page_catalog_title', ]); } $wp_customize->add_section('pb_network_contact_form', [ 'title' => __('Contact Form', 'aldine'), 'priority' => 25, ]); $wp_customize->add_setting('pb_network_contact_form', [ 'type' => 'option', ]); $wp_customize->add_control('pb_network_contact_form', [ 'label' => __('Show Contact Form', 'aldine'), 'section' => 'pb_network_contact_form', 'settings' => 'pb_network_contact_form', 'type' => 'checkbox' ]); $wp_customize->add_setting('pb_network_contact_form_title', [ 'type' => 'option', 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field' ]); $wp_customize->add_control('pb_network_contact_form_title', [ 'label' => __('Contact Form Title', 'aldine'), 'section' => 'pb_network_contact_form', 'settings' => 'pb_network_contact_form_title', ]); }); /** * Customizer JS */ add_action('customize_preview_init', function () { wp_enqueue_script('aldine/customizer.js', asset_path('scripts/customizer.js'), ['customize-preview'], null, true); wp_localize_script('aldine/customizer.js', 'SAGE_DIST_PATH', get_theme_file_uri() . '/dist/'); });