bootstrap: version: 3.3.7 css: base: #The CSS category. base is loaded before theme category bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css: { weight: 0 } #weight sets the order within the category above js: bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js: {} dependencies: - core/jquery global-styling: version: VERSION css: base: css/base/elements.css: { weight: 1 } css/base/layout.css: {} css/base/typography.css: {} component: css/components/alert.css: {} css/components/accordion.css: {} css/components/block.css: {} css/components/buttons.css: {} css/components/contact-info.css: {} css/components/dropdowns.css: {} css/components/highlights.css: {} css/components/more-links.css: {} css/components/fa-icons-list.css: {} css/components/forms.css: {} css/components/field-taxonomy-term.css: {} css/components/icons-list.css: {} css/components/social-links.css: {} css/components/social-media.css: {} css/components/item-list.css: {} css/components/inline-list.css: {} css/components/image-overlay.css: {} 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js/owl-carousel/assets/owl.theme.default.min.css: { weight: 0 } js: js/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.min.js: {} dependencies: - core/jquery owl-carousel-global: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/owl-carousel-global.css: {} dependencies: - magazineplus/owl-carousel - core/drupal - core/jquery.once owl-carousel-posts-init: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/view-posts-carousel.css: {} js: js/init/owl-carousel-posts-init.js: {} dependencies: - magazineplus/view-posts-grid-2 - magazineplus/owl-carousel-global - core/drupalSettings owl-carousel-square-posts-init: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/view-square-posts-carousel.css: {} js: js/init/owl-carousel-square-posts-init.js: {} dependencies: - magazineplus/owl-carousel-global - core/drupalSettings owl-carousel-posts-slider-init: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/view-posts-slider.css: {} js: js/init/owl-carousel-posts-slider-init.js: {} dependencies: - magazineplus/owl-carousel-global - 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version: VERSION js: js/init/main-slideshow-block-init.js: {} dependencies: - magazineplus/slider-revolution-global - core/drupal - core/jquery.once - core/drupalSettings view-grid-style-2: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/view-grid-style-2.css: {} view-products-grid: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/view-products-grid.css: {} view-posts-grid: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/view-posts-grid.css: {} view-posts-grid-2: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/view-posts-grid-2.css: {} view-latest-posts: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/view-latest-posts.css: {} view-featured-video: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/view-featured-video.css: {} view-popular-taxonomy: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/view-popular-taxonomy.css: {} view-testimonials-list: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/view-testimonials-list.css: {} view-posts-masonry: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/view-posts-masonry.css: {} js: js/init/isotope-posts-masonry-init.js: {} dependencies: - magazineplus/imagesloaded - magazineplus/isotope - core/drupal - core/jquery.once - core/jquery view-team-members-grid: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/view-team-members-grid.css: {} view-titles-list: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/view-titles-list.css: {} view-videos-grid: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/view-videos-grid.css: {} google-maps-init: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/google-map.css: {} js: js/init/google-map-init.js: {} dependencies: - magazineplus/google-maps-dynamic - core/jquery - core/drupalSettings - core/drupal - core/jquery.once imagesloaded: version: 3.2.0 js: js/imagesloaded/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js: {} dependencies: - core/jquery isotope: version: 2.2.2 js: js/isotope/isotope.pkgd.min.js: { scope: 'header' } dependencies: - core/jquery isotope-global: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/isotope-global.css: { weight: 1 } dependencies: - magazineplus/isotope tooltip: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/tooltip.css: {} js: js/init/tooltip-init.js: {} dependencies: - magazineplus/bootstrap - core/jquery count-to: version: 1.2.0 js: js/count-to/jquery.countTo.js: {} dependencies: - core/jquery - core/drupal - core/jquery.once count-to-init: version: VERSION js: js/init/count-to-init.js: {} dependencies: - magazineplus/count-to - magazineplus/waypoints node: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/node.css: {} node-article: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/node-article.css: {} node-post: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/node-post.css: {} theme: css/theme/post-print.css: { media: print } node-product: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/node-product.css: {} node-team-member: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/node-team-member.css: {} post-progress: version: VERSION css: component: 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component: css/components/background-image-block.css: {} fontawesome: version: 4.7.0 remote: // js: // {} license: name: MIT url: // gpl-compatible: true breadcrumb: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/breadcrumb.css: {} pager: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/pager.css: {} mini-pager: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/mini-pager.css: {} detailed-pager: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/detailed-pager.css: {} messages: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/messages.css: { preprocess: false } comments: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/comments.css: {} comment: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/comment.css: {} theme-settings: version: VERSION css: theme: css/components/theme-settings.css: {} maintenance-page: version: VERSION css: component: css/components/maintenance-page.css: {} local-stylesheets: version: VERSION css: base: css/base/local-base.css: { weight: 100 } component: css/components/local-components.css: { weight: 100 } theme: css/theme/local-theme.css: { weight: 150 } ##################### # Color Schemes # ##################### color-blue: version: VERSION css: theme: css/theme/color-blue.css: { weight: 100, preprocess: FALSE } color-khaki: version: VERSION css: theme: css/theme/color-khaki.css: { weight: 100, preprocess: FALSE } color-gold: version: VERSION css: theme: css/theme/color-gold.css: { weight: 100, preprocess: FALSE } color-gray: version: VERSION css: theme: css/theme/color-gray.css: { weight: 100, preprocess: FALSE } color-green: version: VERSION css: theme: css/theme/color-green.css: { weight: 100, preprocess: FALSE } color-lime: version: VERSION css: theme: css/theme/color-lime.css: { weight: 100, preprocess: FALSE } color-night-blue: version: VERSION css: theme: css/theme/color-night-blue.css: { weight: 100, preprocess: FALSE } color-orange: version: VERSION css: theme: css/theme/color-orange.css: { weight: 100, preprocess: FALSE } color-pink: version: VERSION css: theme: css/theme/color-pink.css: { weight: 100, preprocess: FALSE } color-purple: version: VERSION css: theme: css/theme/color-purple.css: { weight: 100, preprocess: FALSE } color-red: version: VERSION css: theme: css/theme/color-red.css: { weight: 100, preprocess: FALSE } #################### # Fonts collection # #################### fonts-id-01: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,300italic,300,400italic,700,700italic&subset=latin,greek: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-02: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700,900,400italic,700italic,900italic&subset=latin,greek: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-03: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin,greek: { type: external } license: name: Ubuntu Font Licence, 1.0 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-04: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin,greek: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-05: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,400italic,700,300,700italic&subset=latin-ext,latin,greek: { type: external } license: name: Apache License, version 2.0 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-06: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,400i,600,600i,700,700i,800,800i&subset=greek: { type: external } license: name: Apache License, version 2.0 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-07: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,400,700,900,300italic,400italic,700italic,900italic: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-08: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700italic,400,300,700&subset=latin-ext,latin,greek: { type: external } license: name: Apache License, version 2.0 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-09: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700,800,400italic,700italic,800italic&subset=latin,greek: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-10: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,300,700&subset=latin-ext,latin,greek: { type: external } license: name: Apache License, version 2.0 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-11: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700,500,300&subset=latin-ext,latin,greek: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-12: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,400,600,700,400italic,600italic,700italic&subset=latin-ext,latin,greek: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-14: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin-ext,latin,greek: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-15: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin-ext,latin,greek: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-16: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700,900&subset=latin-ext,latin,greek: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-17: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,300,700&subset=latin,latin-ext: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-18: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,400italic,700,700italic&subset=latin,greek,latin-ext: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-19: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700,400italic,700italic: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-20: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700,400italic,700italic: { type: external } license: name: Apache License, version 2.0 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-22: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700,400italic,700italic: { type: external } license: name: Apache License, version 2.0 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-23: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin,latin-ext: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-24: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700italic,400,700: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-25: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700italic,400,700,900&subset=latin,latin-ext: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-26: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin,latin-ext,greek: { type: external } license: name: Apache License, version 2.0 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-27: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,400italic,600,700,600italic: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-28: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,400italic,700,700italic: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-29: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,400italic,700,700italic: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-31: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,400italic,700,700italic,900&subset=latin,latin-ext: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-32: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-33: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: // { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-34: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin,latin-ext: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-35: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,400italic,700,700italic&subset=latin,latin-ext: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-36: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,latin-ext: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-37: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700,300,900&subset=latin,latin-ext: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-38: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,300italic,700&subset=latin,vietnamese,greek,cyrillic,latin-ext: { type: external } license: name: Apache License, version 2.0 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-39: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700&subset=latin,latin-ext,cyrillic: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-40: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,400italic,700,700italic&subset=latin,latin-ext: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-41: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,greek,cyrillic,latin-ext: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-42: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,400italic,700,700italic&subset=latin,greek,cyrillic: { type: external } license: name: Apache License, version 2.0 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-id-43: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,400,400i,500,500i,600,700&subset=latin-ext: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-sourcecodepro: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,latin-ext: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true fonts-pt-serif: version: VERSION remote: // css: theme: //,700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin,latin-ext: { type: external } license: name: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 url: // gpl-compatible: true