#} {#
#} {#
#} {#
{# main #}
{% if page.content %} {{ page.content }} {% endif %}
{# EOF:main #}
{#sidebars#} {% if page.sidebar_first %} {% endif %} {% if page.sidebar_second %} {% endif %} {#end of sidebars#}
{# EOF:main-content #} {% if page.content_bottom_first or page.content_bottom_second %} {# content-bottom #}
{# content-bottom__container #}
{% if page.content_bottom_first %}
{# content-bottom-first #}
{{ page.content_bottom_first }}
{# EOF:content-bottom-first #}
{% endif %} {% if page.content_bottom_second %}
{# content-bottom-second #}
{{ page.content_bottom_second }}
{# EOF:content-bottom-second #}
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{# EOF:content-bottom__container #}
{# EOF: content-bottom #} {% endif %} {% if page.featured_top %} {# featured-top #} {# EOF: featured-top #} {% endif %} {% if page.featured %} {# featured #} {# EOF: featured #} {% endif %} {% if page.featured_bottom %} {# featured-bottom #} {# EOF: featured-bottom #} {% endif %} {% if page.sub_featured %} {# sub_featured #} {# EOF: sub_featured #} {% endif %} {% if page.footer_top_first or page.footer_top_second %} {# footer-top #} {# EOF: footer-top #} {% endif %} {% if page.footer_first or page.footer_second or page.footer_third or page.footer_fourth or page.footer_fifth %} {# footer #}
{% if scroll_to_top_display and scroll_to_top_region == "footer-to-top-enabled" %}
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{# EOF footer #} {% endif %} {% if page.footer_bottom_first or page.footer_bottom_second %} {# footer-bottom #} {# EOF: footer-bottom #} {% endif %} {% if page.sub_footer_first or page.footer %} {# subfooter #}
{% if scroll_to_top_display and scroll_to_top_region == "subfooter-to-top-enabled" %}
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{# subfooter__container #}
{% if page.sub_footer_first %}
{# subfooter-first #}
{{ page.sub_footer_first }}
{# EOF: subfooter-first #}
{% endif %} {% if page.footer %}
{# subfooter-second #}
{{ page.footer }}
{# EOF: subfooter-second #}
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{# EOF: subfooter__container #}
{# EOF:subfooter #} {% endif %}
{# EOF: page-container #}