{# /** * @file * Magazine+'s theme implementation to display a single page. * * The doctype, html, head and body tags are not in this template. Instead they * can be found in the html.html.twig template normally located in the * core/modules/system directory. * * Available variables: * * General utility variables: * - base_path: The base URL path of the Drupal installation. Will usually be * "/" unless you have installed Drupal in a sub-directory. * - is_front: A flag indicating if the current page is the front page. * - logged_in: A flag indicating if the user is registered and signed in. * - is_admin: A flag indicating if the user has permission to access * administration pages. * * Site identity: * - front_page: The URL of the front page. Use this instead of base_path when * linking to the front page. This includes the language domain or prefix. * - logo: The url of the logo image, as defined in theme settings. * - site_name: The name of the site. This is empty when displaying the site * name has been disabled in the theme settings. * - site_slogan: The slogan of the site. This is empty when displaying the site * slogan has been disabled in theme settings. * Page content (in order of occurrence in the default page.html.twig): * - node: Fully loaded node, if there is an automatically-loaded node * associated with the page and the node ID is the second argument in the * page's path (e.g. node/12345 and node/12345/revisions, but not * comment/reply/12345). * * Regions: * - page.slideout: Items for the Slideout region. * - page.pre_header: Items for the Pre Header region. * - page.header_top_highlighted_first: Items for the Header Top Highlighted First region. * - page.header_top_highlighted_second: Items for the Header Top Highlighted Second region. * - page.header_top_first: Items for the Header Top First region. * - page.header_top_second: Items for the Header Top Second region. * - page.header_first: Items for the Header First region. * - page.header: Items for the Header Second region. * - page.header_third: Items for the Header Third region. * - page.banner: Items for the Banner region. * - page.content_top: Items for the Content Top region. * - page.content_top_highlighted: Items for the Content Top Highlighted region. * - page.content: Items for the Content region. * - page.sidebar_first: Items for the First Sidebar region. * - page.sidebar_second: Items for the Second Sidebar region. * - page.content_bottom_first: Items for the Content Bottom First region. * - page.content_bottom_second: Items for the Content Bottom Second region. * - page.featured_top: Items for the Featured Top region. * - page.featured: Items for the Featured region. * - page.featured_bottom: Items for the Featured Bottom region. * - page.sub_featured: Items for the Sub Featured region. * - page.breadcrumb: Items for the Breadcrumb region. * - page.highlighted: Items for the Highlighted region. * - page.pre_content_first: Items for the Pre Content First region. * - page.pre_content_second: Items for the Pre Content Second region. * - page.footer_top_first: Items for the Footer Top First region. * - page.footer_top_second: Items for the Footer Top Second region. * - page.footer_first: Items for the Footer First region. * - page.footer_second: Items for the Footer Second region. * - page.footer_third: Items for the Footer Third region. * - page.footer_fourth: Items for the Footer Fourth region. * - page.footer_fifth: Items for the Footer Fifth region. * - page.footer_bottom_first: Items for the Footer Bottom First region. * - page.footer_bottom_second: Items for the Footer Bottom Second region. * - page.sub_footer_first: Items for the Subfooter First region. * - page.footer: Items for the Subfooter Second region. * * @see template_preprocess_page() * @see html.html.twig */ #} {#{{dump()}}#} {% if page.slideout %} {# slideout #} <div class="clearfix slideout {{ slideout_background_color }}{{ (slideout_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (slideout_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> {# slideout__container #} <div class="clearfix slideout__container"> <div class="slideout__section"> {{ page.slideout }} </div> </div> {# EOF:slideout__container #} </div> {# EOF: slideout #} {# EOF: slideout-toggle #} <button class="slideout-toggle slideout-toggle--fixed"><i class="fa fa-align-justify"></i></button> {# EOF: slideout-toggle #} {% endif %} {# page-container #} <div class="page-container"> {% if page.pre_header %} {# pre-header #} <div class="clearfix pre-header {{ pre_header_background_color }} {{ pre_header_separator }}{{ (pre_header_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (pre_header_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> <div class="{{ pre_header_layout_container }}"> {# pre-header__container #} <div class="clearfix pre-header__container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="clearfix pre-header__section"> {{ page.pre_header }} </div> </div> </div> </div> {# EOF:pre-header__container #} </div> </div> {# EOF: pre-header #} {% endif %} {% if page.header_top_first or page.header_top_second or page.header_first or page.header or page.header_third or page.header_top_highlighted_first or page.header_top_highlighted_second %} {# header-container #} <div class="header-container"> {% if page.header_top_highlighted_first or page.header_top_highlighted_second %} {# header_top_highlighted #} <div class="clearfix header-top-highlighted {{ header_top_highlighted_background_color }}{{ (header_top_highlighted_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (header_top_highlighted_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> <div class="{{ header_top_highlighted_layout_container }}"> {# header_top_highlighted__container #} <div class="clearfix header-top-highlighted__container{{ (header_top_highlighted_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}" {% if header_top_highlighted_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ header_top_highlighted_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> <div class="row"> {% if page.header_top_highlighted_first %} <div class="{{ header_top_highlighted_first_grid_class }}"> {# header-top-highlighted-first #} <div class="clearfix header-top-highlighted__section header-top-highlighted-first"> {{ page.header_top_highlighted_first }} </div> {# EOF:header-top-highlighted-first #} </div> {% endif %} {% if page.header_top_highlighted_second %} <div class="{{ header_top_highlighted_second_grid_class }}"> {# header-top-highlighted-second #} <div class="clearfix header-top-highlighted__section header-top-highlighted-second"> {{ page.header_top_highlighted_second }} </div> {# EOF:header-top-highlighted-second #} </div> {% endif %} </div> </div> {# EOF:header-top-highlighted__container #} </div> </div> {# EOF: header-top-highlighted #} {% endif %} {% if page.header_top_first or page.header_top_second %} {# header-top #} <div class="hero clearfix header-top {{ header_top_background_color }}{{ (header_top_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (header_top_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> <div class="{{ header_top_layout_container }}"> {# header-top__container #} <div class="clearfix header-top__container{{ (header_top_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}" {% if header_top_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ header_top_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> <div class="row"> {% if page.header_top_first %} <div class="{{ header_top_first_grid_class }}"> {# header-top-first #} <div class="clearfix header-top__section header-top-first"> {{ page.header_top_first }} </div> {# EOF:header-top-first #} </div> {% endif %} {% if page.header_top_second %} <div class="{{ header_top_second_grid_class }}"> {# header-top-second #} <div class="clearfix header-top__section header-top-second"> {{ page.header_top_second }} </div> {# EOF:header-top-second #} </div> {% endif %} </div> </div> {# EOF: header-top__container #} </div> </div> {# EOF: header-top #} {% endif %} {% if page.header_first or page.header or page.header_third %} {# header #} <header role="banner" class="clearfix header {{ header_background_color }} {{ header_layout_container_class }} {{ header_layout_columns_class }}{{ (header_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (header_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> {% if mt_site_name or mt_logo %} <div class="onscroll-site-name-site-logo-container"> {% if mt_logo %} <div class="onscroll-logo"> <a href="{{ path('<front>') }}" title="{{ 'Home'|t }}" rel="home"><img class="img-responsive" src="{{ mt_logo }}" /></a> </div> {% endif %} {% if mt_site_name %} <div class="onscroll-site-name site-name"> <a href="{{ path('<front>') }}" title="{{ 'Home'|t }}" rel="home">{{ mt_site_name }}</a> </div> {% endif %} </div> {% endif %} <div class="{{ header_layout_container }}"> {# header__container #} <div class="clearfix header__container"> <div class="row"> {% if page.header_third %} <div class="{{ header_third_grid_class }}"> {# header-third #} <div class="clearfix header__section header-third"> {{ page.header_third }} </div> {# EOF:header-third #} </div> {% endif %} {% if page.header_first %} <div class="{{ header_first_grid_class }}"> {# header-first #} <div class="clearfix header__section header-first"> {{ page.header_first }} </div> {# EOF:header-first #} </div> {% endif %} {% if page.header %} <div class="{{ header_second_grid_class }}"> {# header-second #} <div class="clearfix header__section header-second"> {{ page.header }} </div> {# EOF:header-second #} </div> {% endif %} </div> </div> {# EOF: header__container #} </div> </header> {# EOF: header #} {% endif %} </div> {# EOF: header-container #} {% endif %} {% if page.banner %} {# banner #} <div class="clearfix banner {{ banner_background_color }}{{ (banner_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (banner_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> <div class="{{ banner_layout_container }}"> {# banner__container #} <div class="clearfix banner__container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="banner__section"> {{ page.banner }} </div> </div> </div> </div> {# EOF: banner__container #} </div> </div> {# EOF:banner #} {% endif %} {# page-start #} <div id="page-start" class="clearfix page-start"></div> {#{% if page.system_messages %}#} {#<div class="system-messages clearfix">#} {#<div class="container">#} {#<div class="row">#} {#<div class="col-md-12">#} {#{{ page.system_messages }}#} {#</div>#} {#</div>#} {#</div>#} {#</div>#} {#{% endif %}#} {% if page.highlighted_top %} {# highlighted-top #} <div class="clearfix highlighted-top {{ highlighted_top_background_color }} {{ highlighted_top_separator }}{{ (highlighted_top_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (highlighted_top_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> <div class="{{ highlighted_top_layout_container }}"> {# highlighted-top__container #} <div class="clearfix highlighted-top__container{{ (highlighted_top_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}" {% if highlighted_top_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ highlighted_top_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="clearfix highlighted-top__section"> {{ page.highlighted_top }} </div> </div> </div> </div> {# EOF:highlighted-top__container #} </div> </div> {# EOF: highlighted-top #} {% endif %} {% if page.highlighted %} {# highlighted #} <div class="clearfix highlighted {{ highlighted_background_color }} {{ highlighted_separator }}{{ (highlighted_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (highlighted_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> <div class="{{ highlighted_layout_container }}"> {# highlighted__container #} <div class="clearfix highlighted__container{{ (highlighted_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}" {% if highlighted_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ highlighted_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="clearfix highlighted__section"> {{ page.highlighted }} </div> </div> </div> </div> {# EOF:highlighted__container #} </div> </div> {# EOF: highlighted #} {% endif %} {% if page.content_top %} {# content-top #} <div class="clearfix content-top {{ content_top_background_color }}{{ (content_top_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (content_top_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> <div class="{{ content_top_layout_container }}"> {# content-top__container #} <div class="clearfix content-top__container{{ (content_top_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}" {% if content_top_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ content_top_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="content-top__section"> {{ page.content_top }} </div> </div> </div> </div> {# EOF:content-top__container #} </div> </div> {# EOF: content-top #} {% endif %} {% if page.content_top_highlighted %} {# content-top-highlighted #} <div class="clearfix content-top-highlighted {{ content_top_highlighted_background_color }} {{ content_top_highlighted_separator }}{{ (content_top_highlighted_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (content_top_highlighted_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> <div class="{{ content_top_highlighted_layout_container }}"> {# content-top-highlighted__container #} <div class="clearfix content-top-highlighted__container{{ (content_top_highlighted_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}" {% if content_top_highlighted_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ content_top_highlighted_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="content-top-highlighted__section"> {{ page.content_top_highlighted }} </div> </div> </div> </div> {# EOF:content-top-highlighted__container #} </div> </div> {# EOF: content-top-highlighted #} {% endif %} {% if page.pre_content_first or page.pre_content_second %} {# pre-content #} <div class="clearfix pre-content {{ pre_content_background_color }} {{ pre_content_separator }}{{ (pre_content_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (pre_content_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> <div class="{{ pre_content_layout_container }}"> {# pre-content__container #} <div class="clearfix pre-content__container{{ (pre_content_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}" {% if pre_content_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ pre_content_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> <div class="row"> {% if page.pre_content_first %} <div class="{{ pre_content_first_grid_class }}"> {# pre-content-first #} <div class="clearfix pre-content__section pre-content-first"> {{ page.pre_content_first }} </div> {# EOF:pre-content-first #} </div> {% endif %} {% if page.pre_content_second %} <div class="{{ pre_content_second_grid_class }}"> {# pre-content-second #} <div class="clearfix pre-content__section pre-content-second"> {{ page.pre_content_second }} </div> {# EOF:pre-content-second #} </div> {% endif %} </div> </div> {# EOF:pre-content__container #} </div> </div> {# EOF: pre-content #} {% endif %} {# main-content #} <div class="clearfix main-content region--dark-typography region--white-background {{ main_content_separator }}"> {#<div class="container">#} {#<div class="clearfix main-content__container">#} {#<div class="row">#} {#<section class="{{ main_grid_class }}">#} <div > <div> <div> <section> {# main #} <div class="clearfix main-content__section{{ (main_content_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}{{ (main_content_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (main_content_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}" {% if main_content_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ main_content_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> {% if page.content %} {{ page.content }} {% endif %} </div> {# EOF:main #} </section> {#sidebars#} {% if page.sidebar_first %} <aside class="{{ sidebar_first_grid_class }}"> {# sidebar-first #} <section class="sidebar__section sidebar-first clearfix{{ (sidebar_first_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}{{ (sidebar_first_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (sidebar_first_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}" {% if sidebar_first_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ sidebar_first_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> {{ page.sidebar_first }} </section> {# EOF:sidebar-first #} </aside> {% endif %} {% if page.sidebar_second %} <aside class="{{ sidebar_second_grid_class }}"> {# sidebar-second #} <section class="sidebar__section sidebar-second clearfix{{ (sidebar_second_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}{{ (sidebar_second_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (sidebar_second_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}" {% if sidebar_second_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ sidebar_second_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> {{ page.sidebar_second }} </section> {# EOF:sidebar-second #} </aside> {% endif %} {#end of sidebars#} </div> </div> </div> </div> {# EOF:main-content #} {% if page.content_bottom_first or page.content_bottom_second %} {# content-bottom #} <div class="clearfix content-bottom {{ content_bottom_background_color }} {{ content_bottom_separator }}{{ (content_bottom_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (content_bottom_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> <div class="{{ content_bottom_layout_container }}"> {# content-bottom__container #} <div class="clearfix content-bottom__container{{ (content_bottom_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}" {% if content_bottom_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ content_bottom_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> <div class="row"> {% if page.content_bottom_first %} <div class="{{ content_bottom_first_grid_class }}"> {# content-bottom-first #} <div class="clearfix content-bottom__section content-bottom-first"> {{ page.content_bottom_first }} </div> {# EOF:content-bottom-first #} </div> {% endif %} {% if page.content_bottom_second %} <div class="{{ content_bottom_second_grid_class }}"> {# content-bottom-second #} <div class="clearfix content-bottom__section content-bottom-second"> {{ page.content_bottom_second }} </div> {# EOF:content-bottom-second #} </div> {% endif %} </div> </div> {# EOF:content-bottom__container #} </div> </div> {# EOF: content-bottom #} {% endif %} {% if page.featured_top %} {# featured-top #} <div class="clearfix featured-top {{ featured_top_background_color }} {{ featured_top_separator }}{{ (featured_top_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (featured_top_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> <div class="{{ featured_top_layout_container }}"> {# featured-top__container #} <div class="clearfix featured-top__container{{ (featured_top_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}" {% if featured_top_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ featured_top_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="clearfix featured-top__section"> {{ page.featured_top }} </div> </div> </div> </div> {# EOF:featured-top__container #} </div> </div> {# EOF: featured-top #} {% endif %} {% if page.featured %} {# featured #} <div class="clearfix featured {{ featured_background_color }} {{ featured_separator }}{{ (featured_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (featured_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> <div class="{{ featured_layout_container }}"> {# featured__container #} <div class="clearfix featured__container{{ (featured_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}" {% if featured_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ featured_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="clearfix featured__section"> {{ page.featured }} </div> </div> </div> </div> {# EOF:featured__container #} </div> </div> {# EOF: featured #} {% endif %} {% if page.featured_bottom %} {# featured-bottom #} <div class="clearfix featured-bottom {{ featured_bottom_background_color }} {{ featured_bottom_separator }}{{ (featured_bottom_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (featured_bottom_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> <div class="{{ featured_bottom_layout_container }}"> {# featured-bottom__container #} <div class="clearfix featured-bottom__container{{ (featured_bottom_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}" {% if featured_bottom_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ featured_bottom_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="clearfix featured-bottom__section"> {{ page.featured_bottom }} </div> </div> </div> </div> {# EOF:featured-bottom__container #} </div> </div> {# EOF: featured-bottom #} {% endif %} {% if page.sub_featured %} {# sub_featured #} <div class="clearfix sub-featured {{ sub_featured_background_color }} {{ sub_featured_separator }}{{ (sub_featured_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (sub_featured_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> <div class="{{ sub_featured_layout_container }}"> {# sub_featured__container #} <div class="clearfix sub-featured__container{{ (sub_featured_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}" {% if sub_featured_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ sub_featured_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="clearfix sub-featured__section"> {{ page.sub_featured }} </div> </div> </div> </div> {# EOF:sub_featured__container #} </div> </div> {# EOF: sub_featured #} {% endif %} {% if page.footer_top_first or page.footer_top_second %} {# footer-top #} <div class="clearfix footer-top {{ footer_top_regions }} {{ footer_top_background_color }} {{ footer_top_separator }}{{ (footer_top_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (footer_top_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> <div class="{{ footer_top_layout_container }}"> {# footer-top__container #} <div class="clearfix footer-top__container{{ (footer_top_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}" {% if footer_top_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ footer_top_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> <div class="row"> {% if page.footer_top_first %} <div class="{{ footer_top_first_grid_class }}"> {# footer-top-first #} <div class="clearfix footer-top__section footer-top-first"> {{ page.footer_top_first }} </div> {# EOF:footer-top-first #} </div> {% endif %} {% if page.footer_top_second %} <div class="{{ footer_top_second_grid_class }}"> {# footer-top-second #} <div class="clearfix footer-top__section footer-top-second"> {{ page.footer_top_second }} </div> {# EOF:footer-top-second #} </div> {% endif %} </div> </div> {# EOF: footer-top__container #} </div> </div> {# EOF: footer-top #} {% endif %} {% if page.footer_first or page.footer_second or page.footer_third or page.footer_fourth or page.footer_fifth %} {# footer #} <footer class="clearfix footer {{ footer_background_color }} {{ footer_separator }} {{ scroll_to_top_region }}{{ (footer_blocks_paddings) ? ' region--no-block-paddings' : '' }}{{ (footer_region_paddings) ? ' region--no-paddings' : '' }}"> {% if scroll_to_top_display and scroll_to_top_region == "footer-to-top-enabled" %} <div class="to-top"><i class="fa {{ scroll_to_top_icon }}"></i></div> {% endif %} <div class="{{ footer_layout_container }}"> <div class="clearfix footer__container"> <div class="row"> {% if page.footer_first %} <div class="{{ footer_first_grid_class }}"> {# footer-first #} <div class="clearfix footer__section footer-first{{ (footer_animations == "enabled") ? ' fade' : '' }}" {% if footer_animations == "enabled" %} data-animate-effect="{{ footer_animation_effect }}" {% endif %}> {{ page.footer_first }} </div> {# EOF:footer-first #} </div> {% endif %} {% if page.footer_second %} <div class="{{ footer_second_grid_class }}"> {# footer-second #} <div class="clearfix footer__section footer-second{{ (footer_animations == "enabled") ? 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