configuration = $configuration; $this->backUpDrupalFilter(); } /** * Stores the content of the Drupal Filter for later restoration. */ public function restoreDrupalFilter() { $file = $this->configuration['drupal_filter_file']; if (isset($this->originalDrupalFilterContent)) { file_put_contents($file, $this->originalDrupalFilterContent); } elseif (file_exists($file)) { // Remove if there was never an original. drupal_unlink($file); } } /** * Sets up a drupal filter that can read for the tests users table. */ public function setUpDrupalFilter() { $connection_info = Database::getConnectionInfo('default'); $drupal_filter_dom = new DomDocument(); $drupal_filter_dom->loadXML($this->originalDrupalFilterContent); $server = $connection_info['default']['host']; $dbname = $connection_info['default']['database']; $user = $connection_info['default']['username']; $password = $connection_info['default']['password']; $port = $connection_info['default']['port'] ? $connection_info['default']['port'] : '3306'; $prefix = $connection_info['default']['prefix']['default']; $filter_drupal_connection_node = $drupal_filter_dom->getElementsByTagName('FilterDrupal_Connection')->item(0); $first_connection_node = $drupal_filter_dom->getElementsByTagName('connection')->item(0); $connection_node = $filter_drupal_connection_node->insertBefore($drupal_filter_dom->createElement('connection'), $first_connection_node); $connection_node->setAttributeNode(new DOMAttr('server', $server)); $connection_node->setAttributeNode(new DOMAttr('dbname', $dbname)); $connection_node->setAttributeNode(new DOMAttr('user', $user)); $connection_node->setAttributeNode(new DOMAttr('password', $password)); $connection_node->setAttributeNode(new DOMAttr('port', $port)); $sql_node = $connection_node->appendChild(new DOMElement('sql')); $sql_node->appendChild($drupal_filter_dom->createTextNode("SELECT DISTINCT u.uid AS userid, AS Name, u.pass AS Pass, AS Role FROM ({$prefix}users u LEFT JOIN {$prefix}users_roles ON u.uid={$prefix}users_roles.uid) LEFT JOIN {$prefix}role r ON r.rid={$prefix}users_roles.rid WHERE AND u.pass=?;")); file_put_contents($this->configuration['drupal_filter_file'], $drupal_filter_dom->saveXML()); } /** * Stores the content of the Drupal Filter for later restoration. */ protected function backUpDrupalFilter() { if (file_exists($this->configuration['drupal_filter_file'])) { $this->originalDrupalFilterContent = file_get_contents($this->configuration['drupal_filter_file']); } else { throw new Exception('Failed to find the required Drupal Filter configuration file.'); } } } /** * A result from a utility method; $type defines TRUE/FALSE as pass/fail. */ class IslandoraTestUtilityResult { /** * The message for this result. * * @var string */ protected $message; /** * The caller for this result. * * @var array */ protected $caller; /** * The type of result this is - TRUE for pass, FALSE for fail. * * @var bool */ protected $type; /** * Constructs an IslandoraTestUtilityResult. * * @param bool $type * Whether this result should indicate a pass (TRUE) or fail (FALSE). * @param string $message * The message that will be used by this result. * @param array $caller * The caller for this result. */ public function __construct($type, $message, array $caller) { $this->message = $message; $this->caller = $caller; $this->type = $type; } /** * Get the message for this result. * * @return string * The message for this result. */ public function getMessage() { return $this->message; } /** * Get the caller for this result. * * @return string * The caller for this result. */ public function getCaller() { return $this->caller; } /** * Get the type of result. * * @return bool * The type of pass (TRUE for pass, FALSE for fail). */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } /** * Abstraction for test utility classes. * * This is to be implemented in any class that wants to have test utility * functionality (i.e. that wants to pass back results to tests). Check out the * datastream validator class for a good example of how this is implemented. */ abstract class IslandoraTestUtilityClass { /** * An array of IslandoraTestUtilityResults. * * These should be generated using $this->addResult. * * @var IslandoraTestUtilityResult[] */ public $results = array(); /** * Returns an array of IslandoraTestUtilityResults. * * The particular testing implementation you are using should use this to * parse results from utilities and pass them through. * * @return IslandoraTestUtilityResult[] * The results. */ abstract public function getResults(); /** * Adds a result to $this->results. * * @param bool $type * The type of result (TRUE for pass, FALSE for fail). * @param string $message * The message to put in the result. */ abstract public function addResult($type, $message); /** * Gets the caller of the method that passed a result. * * @return array * Array representing the true caller. */ abstract public function getAssertionCall(); } class IslandoraTestUtilities extends IslandoraTestUtilityClass { protected $configuration; protected $params; public $results = array(); protected $repository; /** * Constructs an IslandoraTestUtilities object. * * @param array $configuration * The parsed test configuration. * @param array $params * Any additional parameters the method called may need to function. */ public function __construct($configuration, array $params = array()) { $this->configuration = $configuration; $this->params = $params; $connection = new RepositoryConnection($this->configuration['fedora_url'], $this->configuration['admin_user'], $this->configuration['admin_pass']); $api = new FedoraApi($connection); $this->repository = new FedoraRepository($api, new SimpleCache()); } /** * Returns an array of IslandoraTestUtilityResults. * * @return IslandoraTestUtilityResult[] * The results. */ public function getResults() { return $this->results; } /** * Adds a result to $this->results. * * @param bool $type * The type of result (TRUE for pass, FALSE for fail). * @param string $message * The message to put in the result. */ public function addResult($type, $message) { $result = new IslandoraTestUtilityResult($type, $message, $this->getAssertionCall()); $this->results[] = $result; } /** * Cycles through backtrace until the first non-assertion method is found. * * This is a manipulated version of DrupalWebTestCase::getAssertionCall(). * We use it here so that we can pass back assertion calls from * DatastreamValidator assertions instead of less useful TestCase functions. * * @return array * Array representing the true caller. */ public function getAssertionCall() { $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); array_shift($backtrace); return _drupal_get_last_caller($backtrace); } /** * Asserts that the given datastreams exist correctly on the object. * * @param AbstractObject $object * The object to check. * @param array $datastreams * An array of strings containing datastream names. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, FALSE on fail. */ public function assertDatastreams($object, array $datastreams) { if (!is_object($object)) { $this->addResult(FALSE, "Failed. Object passed in is invalid.", 'Islandora'); } else { $missing_datastreams = array_diff_key(array_flip($datastreams), $object->repository->api->a->listDatastreams($object->id)); if (!empty($missing_datastreams)) { $this->addResult(FALSE, "Failed to find datastream(s) " . implode(', ', array_flip($missing_datastreams)) . " in object {$object->id}."); return FALSE; } $this->addResult(TRUE, "Found required datastream(s) in object {$object->id}"); return TRUE; } } /** * Asserts that the given datastreams do not exist on the object. * * @param AbstractObject $object * The object to check. * @param array $datastreams * An array of datastreams to confirm not present. */ public function assertNoDatastreams($object, array $datastreams) { if (!is_object($object)) { $this->addResult(FALSE, "Failed. Object passed in is invalid.", 'Islandora'); return; } $found_datastreams = array_intersect_key(array_flip($datastreams), $object->repository->api->a->listDatastreams($object->id)); if (!empty($found_datastreams)) { $this->addResult(FALSE, "Found unwanted datastream(s)" . implode(', ', array_flip($found_datastreams)) . " in object {$object->id}."); return FALSE; } $this->addResult(TRUE, "Unwanted datastream(s) not found in object {$object->id}"); return TRUE; } /** * Attempts to validate an array of datastreams, generally via binary checks. * * Datastream validation classes exist in, and can be added to, the file * '', which is found in this folder. Datastream * validator classes use the naming convention 'PrefixDatastreamValidator', * and that 'Prefix' is what this function uses to determine what class to * instantiate. * * $param IslandoraFedoraObject $object * The object to load datastreams from. * $param array $datastreams * An array of arrays that pair DSIDs, DatastreamValidator class prefixes, * and optional params. You can check some of the existing implementations * for examples. */ public function validateDatastreams($object, array $datastreams) { if (!is_object($object)) { $this->addResult(FALSE, "Datastream validation failed; Object passed in is invalid.", 'Islandora'); return; } module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'tests/includes/datastream_validators'); foreach ($datastreams as $datastream) { // Let's give them conventional names. $dsid = $datastream[0]; $prefix = $datastream[1]; $params = array(); if (isset($datastream[2])) { $params = $datastream[2]; } // Legacy tests were created before the CamelCase conventions of the class // system now in place. So, we need to automagically seek out prefixes // that start with a lower-case letter and convert them to the proper // format (rather than fixing every single legacy test). if (ctype_lower(substr($prefix, 0, 1))) { // Handle the case where the prefix is "image". if ($prefix === 'image') { $prefix = 'Image'; } // Handle the case where the prefix is "text". elseif ($prefix === 'text') { $prefix = 'Text'; } // All other cases involve just converting everything to caps. else { $prefix = strtoupper($prefix); } } // Instantiate the appropriate class, and grab the results. $class_name = "{$prefix}DatastreamValidator"; if (class_exists($class_name)) { $validator = new $class_name($object, $dsid, $params); foreach ($validator->getResults() as $result) { $this->addResult($result->getType(), $result->getMessage()); } } else { $this->addResult(FALSE, "No DatastreamValidator class was found with the name '$class_name'; are you sure the prefix given to IslandoraWebTestCase->validateDatastreams() was entered correctly, or that such a validator exists?", 'Islandora'); } } } /** * Constructs and ingests a Fedora object and datastream(s) via tuque. * * All keys inside the parameter arrays for this function are optional. it * can be run simply by calling the method with no arguments. * * If your test case supports logged in Drupal users, IslandoraTestUtilities * can be instantiated with $params['logged_in_user'] as that user object, and * this method will set the owner of the ingested object as that user by * default. * * @param array $properties * An array containing object information using these keys: * 'label' - The object label; randomized if not set. * 'pid' - 'namespace:pid', or just 'namespace' to generate the suffix. * 'models' - An array that can contain multiple content model PIDs, or a * string containing a single content model PID. * 'owner' - The object's owner. Defaults to the currently logged-in user, * if available. It is recommended to set this to a value that can be found * in $this->users; otherwise, this object will have to be manually deleted. * 'parent' - The PID of the parent collection. * @param array $datastreams * An array containing zero or more datastream arrays that use the keys: * 'dsid' - the datastream ID; randomized if not set. * 'path' - The path to the file to use; defaults to fixtures/test.jpg. * 'control_group' - The single-letter control group identifier. * 'mimetype' - The datastream's mimetype. * * @return bool|array * FALSE if the object ingest failed, or the object array if successful. */ public function ingestConstructedObject(array $properties = array(), array $datastreams = array()) { if (!isset($properties['pid'])) { $properties['pid'] = "islandora"; } $object = $this->repository->constructObject($properties['pid']); // Set the object properties before ingesting it. if (isset($properties['label'])) { $object->label = $properties['label']; } else { $properties['label'] = DrupalUnitTestCase::randomName(); $object->label = $properties['label']; } if (isset($properties['owner'])) { $object->owner = $properties['owner']; } elseif (isset($this->params['logged_in_user'])) { $object->owner = $this->params['logged_in_user']->name; } if (isset($properties['models'])) { try { $object->models = (array) $properties['models']; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->addResult(FALSE, "Encountered an exception when trying to add content models to {$object->id}: $e"); return FALSE; } } // Chuck in some datastreams. if (!empty($datastreams)) { foreach ($datastreams as $datastream) { if (!isset($datastream['dsid'])) { $datastream['dsid'] = DrupalUnitTestCase::randomName(); } if (!isset($datastream['path'])) { $datastream['path'] = drupal_get_path('module', 'islandora') . '/tests/fixtures/test.jpg'; } if (!isset($datastream['control_group'])) { $new_datastream = $object->constructDatastream($datastream['dsid']); } else { $new_datastream = $object->constructDatastream($datastream['dsid'], $datastream['control_group']); } $new_datastream->label = $datastream['dsid']; if (isset($datastream['mimetype'])) { $new_datastream->mimetype = $datastream['mimetype']; } $new_datastream->setContentFromFile($datastream['path']); $object->ingestDatastream($new_datastream); } } $this->repository->ingestObject($object); if (!$object) { $this->addResult(FALSE, t("Failed to ingest object."), 'Islandora'); return FALSE; } else { $this->addResult(TRUE, t("Ingested object %object", array('%object' => $object->id)), 'Islandora'); } // Add a parent relationship, if necessary. if (isset($properties['parent'])) { $object->relationships->add(FEDORA_RELS_EXT_URI, 'isMemberOfCollection', $properties['parent']); } return $object; } /** * Deletes all objects created by the given user. * * To safeguard against leaving test objects in the repository, this is called * each time DrupalTestCase::run() calls tearDown(). This feature can be * toggled by setting $this->deleteObjectsOnTeardown to TRUE or FALSE. * * @param object $username * The user whose objects we'd like to remove. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ public function deleteUserCreatedObjects($username) { if ($username === $this->configuration['admin_user']) { $this->addResult(FALSE, "This function will under no circumstance attempt deletion of all objects owned by the configured Fedora admin user ({$this->configuration['admin_user']}), as this could irreparably damage the repository.", 'Islandora'); return FALSE; } $query = << WHERE { ?object "$username" } QUERY; $objects = $this->repository->ri->sparqlQuery($query); foreach ($objects as $object) { $loaded_object = islandora_object_load($object['object']['value']); $this->repository->api->m->purgeObject($loaded_object->id); if (islandora_object_load($object['object']['value'])) { $this->addResult(TRUE, "Object {$object['object']['value']} successfully removed from repository."); return TRUE; } $this->addResult(FALSE, "Unable to remove object {$object['object']['value']} from the repository."); return FALSE; } } }