
 * @file
 * The default object view.
 * This is a template for objects that do not have a module to registered to
 * build their display.
 * islandora_object is a fedora tuque Object
 *    $object->label             - The label for this object.
 *    $object->id                - The identifier of the object.
 *    $object->state             - The state of this object.
 *    $object->createdDate       - The date the object was ingested.
 *    $object->lastModifiedDate  - The date teh object was last mofified.
 * to get the contents of a datastream
 *    $object['dsid']->content
 * to test if a datastream exists isset($object['dsid'])
 * to iterate over datastreams:
 * foreach ($object as $ds) {
 *   $ds->label, etc
 * }
 * each $ds in the above loop has the following properties:
 *    $ds->label             - The label for this datastream.
 *    $ds->id                - The identifier of the datastream.
 *    $ds->controlGroup      - The control group of the datastream. This
 *        property is read-only. This will return one of: "X", "M", "R", or "E".
 *    $ds->versionable       -  This defines if the datastream will be versioned
 *        or not. This is boolean.
 *    $ds->state             -  The state of the datastream. This will be one
 *        of: "A", "I", "D".
 *    $ds->mimetype          - The mimetype of the datastrem.
 *    $ds->format            - The format of the datastream
 *    $ds->size              - The size of the datastream
 *    $ds->checksum          - The checksum of the datastream
 *    $ds->checksumType      - The type of checksum for the datastream.
 *    $ds->createdDate->format("Y-m-d") - The created date with an option to use
 *                                        a format of your choice
 *    $ds->content           - The content of the datastream
 *    $ds->url               - The URL. This is only valid for R and E
 *                             datastreams.
 * $dublin_core is a DublinCore object
 * which is an array of elements, such as dc.title
 * and each element has an array of values.
 * dc.title can have none, one or many titles
 * this is the case for all dc elements.
 * we can get a list of datastreams by doing
 * foreach ($object as $ds) {
 * do something here
 * }
<div class="islandora-object islandora">
  <h2><?php print t('Details'); ?></h2>

  <?php if (isset($variables['islandora_thumbnail_url'])): ?>
    <dl class="islandora-object-tn">
        <img src="<?php print $variables['islandora_thumbnail_url']; ?>"/>
  <?php endif; ?>
  <div class="islandora-default-metadata">
    <?php print $description; ?>
    <?php print $metadata; ?>
<fieldset class="collapsible collapsed" style="display: block; clear:both">
<legend><span class="fieldset-legend"><?php print t('File details'); ?></span></legend>
  <div class="fieldset-wrapper">
    <th><?php print t('ID'); ?></th>
    <th><?php print t('Label'); ?></th>
    <th><?php print t('Size'); ?></th>
    <th><?php print t('Mimetype'); ?></th>
    <th><?php print t('Created'); ?></th>
  <?php foreach($datastreams as $key => $value): ?>
      <td><?php if(isset($value['id'])): ?><?php print $value['id']; ?><?php
     endif; ?></td>
      <td><?php if(isset($value['label_link'])): ?><?php print $value['label_link']; ?><?php
     endif; ?></td>
      <td><?php if(isset($value['size'])): ?><?php print $value['size']; ?><?php
     endif; ?></td>
      <td><?php if(isset($value['mimetype'])): ?><?php print $value['mimetype']; ?><?php
     endif; ?></td>
      <td><?php if(isset($value['created_date'])): ?><?php print $value['created_date']; ?><?php
     endif; ?></td>
  <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php if ($parent_collections): ?>
    <h2><?php print t('In collections'); ?></h2>
      <?php foreach ($parent_collections as $collection): ?>
        <li><?php print l($collection->label, "islandora/object/{$collection->id}"); ?></li>
      <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>