getStorage('action')->load('delete_media'); if ($action) { $action->delete(); } } /** * Replaces 'entity_bundle' conditions with 'islandora_entity_bundle'. * * This prevents plugin naming collisions between islandora and ctools. */ function islandora_update_8002(&$sandbox) { // Find contexts that have the old 'entity_bundle' condition. $results = \Drupal::entityQuery('context')->condition('', 'entity_bundle')->execute(); if (empty($results)) { return; } // Set each context config to use 'islandora_entity_bundle' instead. foreach ($results as $result) { $config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable("context.context.$result"); $condition = $config->get('conditions.entity_bundle'); $condition['id'] = 'islandora_entity_bundle'; $config->set('conditions.islandora_entity_bundle', $condition); $config->clear('conditions.entity_bundle'); $config->save(); } // Force drupal to reload the config. \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.condition')->clearCachedDefinitions(); } /** * Deletes the islandora_version_count table. * * We never implemented the functionality. */ function islandora_update_8003(&$sandbox) { \Drupal::service('database') ->schema() ->dropTable('islandora_version_count'); } /** * Renames migration source keys -> ids. */ function islandora_update_8004() { $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory(); $config = $config_factory->getEditable('migrate_plus.migration.islandora__tags'); if ($config) { if (!$config->get('source.ids')) { $config->set('source.ids', $config->get('source.keys')); $config->clear('source.keys'); $config->save(TRUE); } } } /** * Makes migrate_tags an array. */ function islandora_update_8005() { $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory(); $config_factory->getEditable('migrate_plus.migration.islandora__tags')->delete(); $config = $config_factory->getEditable('migrate_plus.migration.islandora_tags'); if ($config) { if (!is_array($config->get('migration_tags'))) { $config->set('migration_tags', [$config->get('migration_tags')]); $config->save(TRUE); } if (!$config->get('source.ids')) { $config->set('source.ids', $config->get('source.keys')); $config->clear('source.keys'); $config->save(TRUE); } } } /** * Adds adds previously hardcoded namespaces to configuration. */ function islandora_update_8006() { update_jsonld_included_namespaces(); } /** * Used by install and update_8006 to add namespaces to jsonld.settings.yml. */ function update_jsonld_included_namespaces() { $namespaces = [ [ 'prefix' => 'ldp', 'namespace' => '', ], [ 'prefix' => 'dc11', 'namespace' => '', ], [ 'prefix' => 'dcterms', 'namespace' => '', ], [ 'prefix' => 'nfo', 'namespace' => '', ], [ 'prefix' => 'ebucore', 'namespace' => '', ], [ 'prefix' => 'fedora', 'namespace' => '', ], [ 'prefix' => 'owl', 'namespace' => '', ], [ 'prefix' => 'ore', 'namespace' => '', ], [ 'prefix' => 'rdf', 'namespace' => '', ], [ 'prefix' => 'rdau', 'namespace' => '', ], [ 'prefix' => 'islandora', 'namespace' => '', ], [ 'prefix' => 'pcdm', 'namespace' => '', ], [ 'prefix' => 'use', 'namespace' => '', ], [ 'prefix' => 'iana', 'namespace' => '', ], [ 'prefix' => 'premis', 'namespace' => '', ], [ 'prefix' => 'premis3', 'namespace' => '', ], [ 'prefix' => 'co', 'namespace' => '', ], ]; $config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('jsonld.settings'); if ($config && !is_array($config->get('rdf_namespaces'))) { $config->set('rdf_namespaces', $namespaces); $config->save(TRUE); } else { \Drupal::logger('islandora') ->warning("Could not find required jsonld.settings to add default RDF namespaces."); } } /** * Ensure that ctools is enabled. */ function islandora_update_8007() { $module_handler = \Drupal::moduleHandler(); if ($module_handler->moduleExists('ctools')) { return t('The "@module_name" module is already enabled, no action necessary.', [ '@module_name' => 'ctools', ]); } /** @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleInstallerInterface $installer */ $installer = \Drupal::service('module_installer'); try { if ($installer->install(['ctools'], TRUE)) { return t('The "@module_name" module was enabled successfully.', [ '@module_name' => 'ctools', ]); } } catch (ExtensionNameLengthException | MissingDependencyException $e) { throw new UpdateException('Failed; ensure that the ctools module is available in the Drupal installation.', 0, $e); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new UpdateException('Failed; encountered an exception while trying to enable ctools.', 0, $e); } // Theoretically impossible to hit, as ModuleInstaller::install() only returns // TRUE (or throws/propagates an exception), but... probably a good idea to // have the here, just in case? throw new UpdateException('Failed; hit the end of the update hook implementation, which is not expected.'); } /** * Set config to no redirect after media save. */ function islandora_update_8008() { $config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('islandora.settings'); if ($config) { $config->set('redirect_after_media_save', FALSE); $config->save(TRUE); return t('A new configuration option, "Redirect after media save" is now available. It has been turned off to preserve existing behaviour. To enable this setting visit Configuration > Islandora > Core Settings.'); } }