marcgac MARC Code List for Geographic Areas Network Development and MARC Standards Office info:lc/vocabulary/gacs info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-af Afghanistan a-af info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f Africa f Islamic countries Sahel info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fc Africa, Central fc Central Africa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fe Africa, Eastern fe Africa, East British East Africa East Africa Eastern Africa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fq Africa, French-speaking Equatorial fq Chad, Lake Africa, Equatorial French Equatorial Africa French-speaking Equatorial Africa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ff Africa, North ff Africa, Northwest Northwest Africa Islamic Empire Rome Roman Empire North Africa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fh Africa, Northeast fh Africa, Italian East East African Horn Italian East Africa Northeast Africa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fs Africa, Southern fs Southern Africa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fb Africa, Sub-Saharan fb Sub-Saharan Africa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fw Africa, West fw Africa, French-speaking West French-speaking West Africa French West Africa Africa, Northwest Northwest Africa Ghana (Empire) Mali (Empire) British West Africa West Africa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-al Alabama n-us-al info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-ak Alaska n-us-ak info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-aa Albania e-aa People's Socialist Republic of Albania info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cn-ab Alberta n-cn-ab info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-ae Algeria f-ae People's Democratic Republic of Algeria info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ea Alps ea info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/sa Amazon River sa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/poas American Samoa poas Samoa, American info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/aa Amur River (China and Russia) aa Hei Ho (China and Russia) Heilong Jiang (China and Russia) Reka Amur (China and Russia) Sakhalin Ula (China and Russia) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/sn Andes sn Andean Area info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-an Andorra e-an info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-ao Angola f-ao Kongo Kingdom Congo (Kingdom) People's Republic of Angola Portuguese West Africa West Africa, Portuguese info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwxa Anguilla nwxa Coded [nwxi] (Saint Kitts and Nevis) before Mar. 1988 Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-an Anhui Sheng (China) a-cc-an Anhwei Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/t Antarctic Ocean t info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/t Antarctica t Coded also [t-ay] (Antarctica) before Mar. 1988 Polar regions South Shetland Islands (Antarctica) Coded [lsfk] (Falkland Islands) before Mar. 1998 Antarctic regions South Pole info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwaq Antigua and Barbuda nwaq Antigua Barbuda Coded [nwbc] (Barbuda) before Mar. 1988 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwla Antilles, Lesser nwla West Indies, French French West Indies Lesser Antilles info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-usa Appalachian Mountains n-usa Appalachian Mountains, Southern Appalachian Region Blue Ridge Mountains info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ma Arab countries ma Arabic countries info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ar Arabian Peninsula ar Persian Gulf States Arabia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/au Arabian Sea au Oman, Gulf of Gulf of Oman info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/r Arctic Ocean r Barents Sea Beaufort Sea info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/r Arctic regions r Polar regions Northeast Passage Northwest Passage North Pole info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/s-ag Argentina s-ag info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-az Arizona n-us-az info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-ar Arkansas n-us-ar Ozark Mountains info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ai Armenia (Republic) a-ai Coded [e-ur-ai] (Armenia (Republic)) before June 1998 Armenia Transcaucasia Coded [e-ur-ai] (Armenia (Republic)), [e-ur-aj] (Azerbaijan), [e-ur-gs] (Georgia (Republic)) before June 1998] Armenian S.S.R. info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwaw Aruba nwaw Coded [nwco] (Curaçao) before Sept. 2002 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/lsai Ascension Island (Atlantic Ocean) lsai info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/u-ac Ashmore and Cartier Islands u-ac info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a Asia a Islamic countries Orient East info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ac Asia, Central ac Central Asia Soviet Central Asia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/l Atlantic Ocean l Islands of the Atlantic info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fa Atlas Mountains fa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/u Australasia u info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/u-at Australia u-at Norfolk Island info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/u-at-ac Australian Capital Territory u-at-ac Coded [u-at-ne] (New South Wales) before Sept. 2002 A.C.T. Federal Capital Territory info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-au Austria e-au Pannonia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-aj Azerbaijan a-aj Coded [e-ur-aj] (Azerbaijan) before June 1998 Transcaucasia Coded [e-ur-ai] (Armenia (Republic)), [e-ur-aj] (Azerbaijan), [e-ur-gs] (Georgia (Republic)) before June 1998] Azerbaijan S.S.R. info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/lnaz Azores lnaz Açores info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwbf Bahamas nwbf info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ba Bahrain a-ba Bahrein info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ed Balkan Peninsula ed Europe, Southeastern Southeastern Europe info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/eb Baltic States eb info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-bg Bangladesh a-bg East Pakistan (Pakistan) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwbb Barbados nwbb info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-pe Beijing (China) a-cc-pe Peiping (China) Peking (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-bw Belarus e-bw Coded [e-ur-bw] (Belarus) before June 1998 Kievan Rus Coded [e-ur] (Soviet Union) before June 1998 Belorussian S.S.R. Byelorussian S.S.R. White Russia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-be Belgium e-be info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ncbh Belize ncbh British Honduras info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/el Benelux countries el Low countries info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ab Bengal, Bay of ab Bay of Bengal info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-dm Benin f-dm Dahomey People's Republic of Benin info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/lnbm Bermuda Islands lnbm info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-bt Bhutan a-bt info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/mb Black Sea mb info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ccp Bo Hai (China) a-ccp Bohai (China : Gulf) Chihli, Gulf of (China) Po Gulf (China) Po Hai (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/s-bo Bolivia s-bo info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwbn Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles) nwbn Coded [nwco] (Curaçao) before Sept. 200 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-bn Borneo a-bn info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-bn Bosnia and Hercegovina e-bn Coded [e-yu] (Yugoslavia) before Oct. 1992 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-bs Botswana f-bs Bechuanaland info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/lsbv Bouvet Island lsbv info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/s-bl Brazil s-bl info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cn-bc British Columbia n-cn-bc Canada, Western Western Canada Northwest, Pacific Northwest (U.S.) Pacific Northwest info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/i-bi British Indian Ocean Territory i-bi Diego Garcia (British Indian Ocean Territory) Chagos Islands Indian Ocean Territory, British info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwvb British Virgin Islands nwvb Virgin Islands Coded [nwvr] (Virgin Islands) before Mar. 1988 Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands (Great Britain) Virgin Islands (Presidency) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-bx Brunei a-bx info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-bu Bulgaria e-bu Macedonia Macedonia (Bulgaria) People's Republic of Bulgaria info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-uv Burkina Faso f-uv Upper Volta info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-br Burma a-br Shan States Myanmar info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-bd Burundi f-bd Ruanda-Urundi German East Africa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-ca California n-us-ca Pacific States info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cb Cambodia a-cb Kampuchea Khmer Republic info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-cm Cameroon f-cm Adamawa (Emirate) Cameroons, French Cameroons, Southern Cameroun French Cameroons Southern Cameroons info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cn Canada n-cn Canada, Eastern Eastern Canada Canada, Northern Northern Canada Northwest, Canadian Canadian Northwest West (Canada) Saint Lawrence River info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nccz Canal Zone nccz Panama Canal Zone info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/lnca Canary Islands lnca info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/lncv Cape Verde lncv Cabo Verde Republic of Cape Verde info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/cc Caribbean Area cc Spanish Main Caribbean Sea Region Circumcaribbean Coded [cr] (Circumcaribbean) before Mar. 1988 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/cc Caribbean Sea cc info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/poci Caroline Islands poci info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ak Caspian Sea ak info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-urk Caucasus e-urk info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-urr Caucasus, Northern (Russia) e-urr North Caucasus (Russia) Northern Caucasus (Russia) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwcj Cayman Islands nwcj info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-cx Central African Republic f-cx Central African Empire Ubangi Shari info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nc Central America nc America, Central Middle America Coded [cm] (Middle America) before Mar. 1988 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/u-atc Central Australia u-atc Coded [u-at] (Australia) before September 2005 Australia, Central info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-urc Central Chernozem Region (Russia) e-urc Central Black Earth Region (Russia) Central Black Soil Region (Russia) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-cd Chad f-cd Tibesti Mountains info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/s-cl Chile s-cl info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc China a-cc Manchuria (China) Mainland China People's Republic of China info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-cq Chongqing (China) a-cc-cq Coded [a-cc-sz] (Szechuan Province (China)) before Sept. 2000 Ch'ung-ch'ing shih (China) Chungking (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/i-xa Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) i-xa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/i-xb Cocos (Keeling) Islands i-xb Keeling Islands info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/q Cold regions q info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/s-ck Colombia s-ck info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-co Colorado n-us-co info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/b Commonwealth countries b British Commonwealth countries British Dominions Commonwealth nations info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/i-cq Comoros i-cq Comoro Islands Îles Comores info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-cf Congo (Brazzaville) f-cf Kongo Kingdom Congo (Kingdom) Brazzaville French Congo Middle Congo info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-cg Congo (Democratic Republic) f-cg Kongo Kingdom Congo (Kingdom) Belgian Congo Congo (Kinshasa) Congo (Leopoldville) Zaire info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fg Congo River fg info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-ct Connecticut n-us-ct info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/pocw Cook Islands pocw info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/u-cs Coral Sea Islands u-cs info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nccr Costa Rica nccr info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-iv Côte d'Ivoire f-iv Ivory Coast info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-ci Croatia e-ci Coded [e-yu] (Yugoslavia) before Oct. 1992] People's Republic of Croatia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwcu Cuba nwcu info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwco Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles) nwco info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cy Cyprus a-cy info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-xr Czech Republic [e-xr] e-xr Coded [e-cs] (Czechoslovakia) before May 1993 Czech Socialist Republic (Czechoslovakia) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-cs Czechoslovakia e-cs Includes the Czech Republic and Slovakia treated collectively info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/eo Danube River eo info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/zd Deep space zd info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-de Delaware n-us-de info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-dk Denmark e-dk info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/dd Developed countries dd Advanced countries Economically advanced countries First World Industrialized countries info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/d Developing countries d Emerging nations Third World Underdeveloped areas info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-ft Djibouti f-ft Afars and Issas, French Territory of the French Somaliland French Territory of the Afars and Issas Somaliland, French info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwdq Dominica nwdq info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwdr Dominican Republic nwdr info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/x Earth x info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-usr East (U.S.) n-usr info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ae East Asia ae Asia, East East (Far East) Far East info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/an East China Sea an info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-em East Timor a-em Coded [a-pt] (Portuguese Timor) before April 21, 1980; coded [a-io] (Indonesia) from 1980-Sept. 2002] Lesser Sunda Islands (Indonesia and East Timor) Sunda Islands, Lesser (Indonesia and East Timor) Timor Island Portuguese Timor Timor, East Timor, Portuguese Timor Timur info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/poea Easter Island poea Isla de Pascua Pascua Island info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/u-ate Eastern Australia u-ate Coded [u-at] (Australia) before September 2005 Australia, Eastern info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/xa Eastern Hemisphere xa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/s-ec Ecuador s-ec info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-ua Egypt f-ua United Arab Republic info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nces El Salvador nces Salvador info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-uk-en England e-uk-en Brownsea Island (England) Isle of Wight (England) Wight, Isle of info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-eg Equatorial Guinea f-eg Fernando Po (Equatorial Guinea) Bioco (Equatorial Guinea) Bioko (Equatorial Guinea) Macias Nguema (Equatorial Guinea) Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Spanish Río Muni Spanish Guinea info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-ea Eritrea f-ea Coded [f-et] (Ethiopia) before Nov. 1993 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-er Estonia e-er Coded [e-ur-er] (Estonia) before June 1998 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-et Ethiopia f-et Abyssinia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/me Eurasia me Asia and Europe (treated collectively) Europe and Asia (treated collectively) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e Europe e European Economic Community countries European Union countries Holy Roman Empire Rome Roman Empire info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ec Europe, Central ec Central Europe Europe, East Central Coded [et] (Europe, East Central) before Mar. 1988 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ee Europe, Eastern ee Carpathian Mountains Communist countries Coded [v] (Communist countries) before June 1998 Eastern Europe Europe, East Central Coded [et] (Europe, East Central) before Mar. 1988 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/en Europe, Northern en Northern Europe info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/es Europe, Southern es Southern Europe info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ew Europe, Western ew Western Europe info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/lsfk Falkland Islands lsfk South Orkney Islands Malvinas Islands info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/lnfa Faroe Islands lnfa Faeroe Islands info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/pofj Fiji pofj info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-fi Finland e-fi Lapland info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-fr France e-fr Corsica (France) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/h French Community h Communauté francaise French Union info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/s-fg French Guiana s-fg Guiana, French info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/pofp French Polynesia pofp Austral Islands (French Polynesia) Tubuai Islands (French Polynesia) Gambier Islands (French Polynesia) Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia) Archipel des Marquises (French Polynesia) Îles Marquises de Mendoça (French Polynesia) Islas Marquesas de Mendoza (French Polynesia) Mendaña (French Polynesia) Society Islands (French Polynesia) Tuamotu Archipelago (French Polynesia) Oceania, French Polynesia, French info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-fu Fujian Sheng (China) a-cc-fu Fukien Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-go Gabon f-go info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/pogg Galapagos Islands pogg info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-gm Gambia f-gm info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-ka Gansu Sheng (China) [a-cc-ka] a-cc-ka Kansu Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/awgz Gaza Strip awgz Palestine info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-ga Georgia n-us-ga info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-gs Georgia (Republic) a-gs Coded [e-ur-gs] (Georgia (Republic)) before June 1998 Transcaucasia Coded [e-ur-ai] (Armenia (Republic)), [e-ur-aj] (Azerbaijan), [e-ur-gs] (Georgia (Republic)) before June 1998] Georgia (Soviet Union) Georgian S.S.R. info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-gx Germany e-gx For Germany as a whole regardless of time period; includes Germany (East) and Germany (West) as a whole between 1949 and 1990] Berlin (Germany) Coded [e-gx] (Germany) for Berlin as a whole; [e-ge] (Germany (East)) for East Berlin; or [e-gw] (Germany (West)) for West Berlin before Jan. 1991] East Berlin West Berlin Germany, Northern Northern Germany Prussia (Germany) Germany, Southern Southern Germany info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-ge Germany (East) e-ge For the eastern part of Germany before 1949 or after 1990 and for the German Democratic Republic between 1949-1990] Democratic German Republic East Germany German Democratic Republic Germany, Eastern info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-gw Germany (West) e-gw For the western part of Germany before 1949 or after 1990 and for the Federal Republic of Germany between 1949-1990 Federal German Republic German Federal Republic Germany, Western West Germany info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-gh Ghana f-gh Togoland Togoland (British) British Togoland Ashanti Gold Coast info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-gi Gibraltar e-gi Gibraltar, Strait of Strait of Gibraltar info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-uk Great Britain e-uk British Isles United Kingdom info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-uk-ui Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies e-uk-ui Alderney (Channel Islands) Calf of Man (Isle of Man) Channel Islands Guernsey (Channel Islands) Isle of Man Man, Isle of Jersey (Channel Islands) Island Dependencies of Great Britain United Kingdom Miscellaneous Island Dependencies info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nl Great Lakes (North America) nl info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/np Great Plains np info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fr Great Rift Valley fr Rift Valley info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-gr Greece e-gr Aegean Islands (Greece and Turkey) Islands of the Aegean Aegean Sea Crete (Greece) Dodekanesos (Greece) Macedonia Macedonia (Greece) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-gl Greenland n-gl info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwgd Grenada nwgd Grenadines (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwgp Guadeloupe nwgp Marie-Galante (Guadeloupe) Saint-Barthélemy Coded [nwsb] (Saint-Barthelemy) before Mar. 1988 Saint Bartholomew Saint Barts St. Barthélémy info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/pogu Guam pogu info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-kn Guangdong Sheng (China) a-cc-kn Kwangtung Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-kc Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu (China) a-cc-kc Kuang-hsi Chuang tsu tzu chih ch'ü (China) Kwangsi Chuang Autonomous Region info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ncgt Guatemala ncgt info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-gv Guinea f-gv French Guinea Guinea, French Guinée Republique de Guinée info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-pg Guinea-Bissau f-pg Guinea, Portuguese Portuguese Guinea info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-kw Guizhou Sheng (China) a-cc-kw Kweichow Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/s-gy Guyana s-gy British Guiana Guiana, British info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-ha Hainan Sheng (China) a-cc-ha Coded [a-cc-kn] (Kwangtung Province (China)) before June 1998 Hainan Island (China) Hainan Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwht Haiti nwht info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-hi Hawaii n-us-hi Sunbelt States info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/i-hm Heard and McDonald Islands i-hm Heard Island (Heard and McDonald Islands) McDonald Island (Heard and McDonald Islands) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-hp Hebei Sheng (China) a-cc-hp Ho-pei sheng (China) Hopeh Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-he Heilongjiang Sheng (China) a-cc-he Heilungkiang Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-ho Henan Sheng (China) a-cc-ho Honan Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ah Himalaya Mountains ah info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwhi Hispaniola nwhi info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ncho Honduras ncho info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-hk Hong Kong (China) a-cc-hk Coded [a-hk] (Hong Kong) before June 1998 Hong Kong Hong Kong (China : Special Administrative Region) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-hh Hubei Sheng (China) a-cc-hh Hu-pei (China) Hupeh Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cnh Hudson Bay n-cnh info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-hu Hunan Sheng (China) a-cc-hu Hunan Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-hu Hungary e-hu Pannonia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-ic Iceland e-ic info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-id Idaho n-us-id info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-il Illinois n-us-il info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ii India a-ii Andaman and Nicobar Islands (India) French India India, French Jammu and Kashmir (India) Kashmir Kashmir and Jammu (India) Lakshadweep (India) Laccadive, Minicoy, and Amindivi Islands (India) Sikkim (India) Coded [a-sk] (Sikkim) before Mar. 1988 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/i Indian Ocean i Islands of the Indian Ocean Timor Sea info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-in Indiana n-us-in info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ai Indochina ai French Indochina info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-io Indonesia a-io Celebes (Indonesia) Sulawesi (Indonesia) Java (Indonesia) Kalimantan Barat (Indonesia) Lesser Sunda Islands (Indonesia and East Timor) Madura Island (Indonesia) Maluku (Indonesia) Moluccas (Indonesia) Papua (Indonesia) Irian Barat (Indonesia) Irian Jaya (Indonesia) West Irian West New Guinea Sunda Islands, Lesser (Indonesia and East Timor) Sumatra (Indonesia) Timor Island Dutch East Indies Netherlands East Indies info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-im Inner Mongolia (China) a-cc-im Mongolia (Inner Mongolia) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/m Intercontinental areas (Eastern Hemisphere) m info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/c Intercontinental areas (Western Hemisphere) c info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-ia Iowa n-us-ia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ir Iran a-ir Armenia Persia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-iq Iraq a-iq Babylonia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-ie Ireland e-ie Aran Islands (Ireland) British Isles Eire Ireland (Eire) Irish Republic Republic of Ireland info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-is Israel a-is Jerusalem Palestine info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-it Italy e-it Sardinia (Italy) Sicily (Italy) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwjm Jamaica nwjm info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/lnjn Jan Mayen Island lnjn info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ja Japan a-ja Okinawa Island (Japan) Coded [a-ok] (Okinawa) before 1984] Ryukyu Islands Ryukyu Islands, Southern Coded [pory] (Ryukyu Islands, Southern) before 1984 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-ku Jiangsu Sheng (China) a-cc-ku Kiangsu Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-ki Jiangxi Sheng (China) a-cc-ki Kiangsi Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-kr Jilin Sheng (China) a-cc-kr Kirin Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/poji Johnston Island poji info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-jo Jordan a-jo Transjordan info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/zju Jupiter (Planet) zju info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-ks Kansas n-us-ks info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-kz Kazakhstan a-kz Coded [e-ur-kz] (Kazakhstan) before June 1998 Kazakh S.S.R. Kazakstan info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-ky Kentucky n-us-ky info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-ke Kenya f-ke East Africa Protectorate info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/poki Kermadec Islands poki info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/pokb Kiribati pokb Coded [pogn] (Gilbert and Ellice Islands) or [poln] (Line Islands) before Mar. 1988 Banaba (Kiribati) Ocean Island (Kiribati) Canton and Enderbury Islands Coded [pocp] (Canton and Enderbury Islands) before Mar. 1988 Enderbury and Canton Islands Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony Coded [pogn] (Gilbert and Ellice Islands) before Mar. 1988 Kiritimati (Kiribati) Christmas Island (Pacific Ocean) Phoenix Islands (Kiribati) Gilbert Islands info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-kr Korea a-kr info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-kn Korea (North) a-kn Korean People's Republic North Korea info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ko Korea (South) a-ko Korea (Republic) South Korea info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-kv Kosovo e-kv Coded [e-rb] (Serbia) before May 2008 and [e-yu] (Serbia and Montenegro) before April 2007 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cck Kunlun Mountains (China and India) a-cck Kwenlun Mountains info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ku Kuwait a-ku info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-kg Kyrgyzstan a-kg Coded [e-ur-kg] (Kyrgystan) before June 1998 Kirghiz S.S.R. info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nl Lake States nl Great Lakes States info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ls Laos a-ls info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/cl Latin America cl Neotropics info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-lv Latvia e-lv Coded [e-ur-lv] (Latvia) before June 1998 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-le Lebanon a-le info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwli Leeward Islands (West Indies) nwli info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-lo Lesotho f-lo Basutoland info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-lp Liaoning Sheng (China) a-cc-lp Liaoning Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-lb Liberia f-lb info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-ly Libya f-ly Tibesti Mountains info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-lh Liechtenstein e-lh info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/poln Line Islands poln info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-li Lithuania e-li Coded [e-ur-li] (Lithuania) before March 1998 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-la Louisiana n-us-la info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-lu Luxembourg e-lu info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-mh Macau (China : Special Administrative Region) a-cc-mh Coded [a-mh] (Macao) before May 29, 2000 Macao info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-xn Macedonia (Republic)] e-xn Coded [e-yu] (Yugoslavia) before Oct. 1992 Macedonia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-mg Madagascar f-mg Malagasy Republic info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/lnma Madeira Islands lnma Selvagens Islands (Madeira Islands) Salvage Islands (Madeira Islands) Salvages (Madeira Islands) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-me Maine n-us-me info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-mw Malawi f-mw Rhodesia and Nyasaland Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Nyasaland info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/am Malaya am Malay Peninsula info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-my Malaysia a-my Sabah British North Borneo North Borneo Sarawak Straits Settlements info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/i-xc Maldives i-xc info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-ml Mali f-ml Songhai Empire French Sudan Sudan, French info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-mm Malta e-mm info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cn-mb Manitoba n-cn-mb info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/poxd Mariana Islands poxd Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Northern Mariana Islands info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cnm Maritime Provinces n-cnm info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/zma Mars (Planet) zma Red Planet info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/poxe Marshall Islands poxe Bikini Atoll (Marshall Islands) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwmq Martinique nwmq info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-md Maryland n-us-md Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.) Washington Region info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-m Massachusetts n-us-m info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-mu Mauritania f-mu info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/i-mf Mauritius i-mf info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/i-my Mayotte i-my Coded [i-cq] (Comoros) before Mar. 1988 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/mm Mediterranean Region mm Byzantine Empire info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/mm Mediterranean Sea mm Adriatic Sea Gibraltar, Strait of Strait of Gibraltar Islands of the Mediterranean info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ag Mekong River ag Dza-chu Lan-ts'ang Chiang Lancang Jiang Song Tíên Giang info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/pome Melanesia pome info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/zme Mercury (Planet) zme info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-mx Mexico n-mx Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico) Colorado River Delta (Mexico) Middle America Coded [cm] (Middle America) before Mar. 1988 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nm Mexico, Gulf of nm Gulf of Mexico info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-mi Michigan n-us-mi info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/pott Micronesia pott info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/pomi Micronesia (Federated States) pomi Coded [pott] (Micronesia) before Mar. 1988 Chuuk (Micronesia) Truk (Micronesia) Kosrae (Micronesia) Kusaie (Micronesia) Pohnpei (Micronesia) Ponape (Micronesia) Yap (Micronesia) Federated States of Micronesia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-usl Middle Atlantic States n-usl Middle States info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/aw Middle East aw Islamic Empire Latin Orient Rome Roman Empire Asia, Southwestern Asia, Western East (Near East) Eastern Mediterranean Levant Mediterranean Region, Eastern Mideast Near East info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-usc Middle West n-usc Northwest, Old Midwest North Central States info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/poxf Midway Islands poxf info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-mn Minnesota n-us-mn info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-ms Mississippi n-us-ms info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-usm Mississippi River n-usm info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-mo Missouri n-us-mo Ozark Mountains info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-uss Missouri River n-uss info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-mv Moldova e-mv Coded [e-ur-mv] (Moldova) before June 1998 Moldavia Moldavian S.S.R. info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-mc Monaco e-mc info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-mp Mongolia a-mp Mongolian People's Republic Outer Mongolia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-mt Montana n-us-mt info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-mo Montenegro e-mo Coded [e-yu] (Yugoslavia) before April 2007 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwmj Montserrat nwmj info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/zmo Moon zmo info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-mr Morocco f-mr Ifni Coded [f-if] (Ifni) before Mar. 1988 Tangier (Morocco) French Morocco info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-mz Mozambique f-mz East Africa, Portuguese German East Africa People's Republic of Mozambique Portuguese East Africa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-sx Namibia f-sx Africa, Southwest South-West Africa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ponu Nauru ponu Pleasant Island info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-nb Nebraska n-us-nb info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-np Nepal a-np info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/zne Neptune (Planet) zne info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-ne Netherlands e-ne Holland info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwna Netherlands Antilles nwna Dutch West Indies Netherlands West Indies West Indies, Dutch info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-nv Nevada n-us-nv info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cn-nk New Brunswick n-cn-nk info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ponl New Caledonia ponl Loyalty Islands (New Caledonia) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-usn New England n-usn info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-nw New Guinea a-nw New Guinea Island info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-nh New Hampshire n-us-nh info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-nj New Jersey n-us-nj info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-nm New Mexico n-us-nm info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/u-at-ne New South Wales u-at-ne info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-ny New York (State) n-us-ny info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/u-nz New Zealand u-nz info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cn-nf Newfoundland and Labrador n-cn-nf Labrador (N.L.) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ncnq Nicaragua ncnq info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-ng Niger f-ng Songhai Empire Tibesti Mountains info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fi Niger River fi info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-nr Nigeria f-nr Adamawa (Emirate) Songhai Empire Biafra Coded [f-by] (Biafra) before Mar. 1988 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fl Nile River fl info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-nn Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu (China) a-cc-nn Ninghsia Province (China) Ningsia Hui Autonomous Region (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/poxh Niue poxh info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n North America n America New France Pacific Coast (North America) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ln North Atlantic Ocean ln Baltic Sea Bermuda Triangle English Channel Fundy, Bay of Bay of Fundy Georges Bank Irish Sea North Sea Norwegian Sea Skagerrak (Denmark and Norway) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-nc North Carolina n-us-nc info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-nd North Dakota n-us-nd info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/pn North Pacific Ocean pn Alaska, Gulf of (Alaska) Gulf of Alaska (Alaska) Bering Sea Philippine Sea Pacific Ocean, North info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-use Northeastern States n-use Northeast (U.S.) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/u-atn Northern Australia u-atn Coded [u-at] (Australia) before September 2005 Australia, Northern info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/xb Northern Hemisphere xb info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-uk-ni Northern Ireland e-uk-ni Ireland, Northern info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/u-at-no Northern Territory u-at-no Carpentaria, Gulf of (N.T. and Qld.) Coded [ps] (South Pacific Ocean) before June 1998 Gulf of Carpentaria (N.T. and Qld.) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cn-nt Northwest Territories n-cn-nt info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-no Norway e-no Lapland info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cn-ns Nova Scotia n-cn-ns info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cn-nu Nunavut n-cn-nu info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/po Oceania po Oceanica info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-oh Ohio n-us-oh info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-uso Ohio River n-uso info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-ok Oklahoma n-us-ok Indian Territory Ozark Mountains info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-mk Oman a-mk Arabia, Southern Muscat and Oman info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cn-on Ontario n-cn-on info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-or Oregon n-us-or Pacific States info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/zo Outer space zo Space, Outer info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/p Pacific Ocean p Pacific Area info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-pk Pakistan a-pk Azad Kashmir Azad Jammu and Kashmir Kashmir West Pakistan info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/popl Palau popl Coded [poci] (Caroline Islands) before Mar. 1988 Belau Pelew Republic of Palau info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ncpn Panama ncpn info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-pp Papua New Guinea a-pp Admiralty Islands (Papua New Guinea) Bismarck Archipelago (Papua New Guinea) Bougainville Island (Papua New Guinea) D'Entrecasteaux Islands (Papua New Guinea) Louisiade Archipelago (Papua New Guinea) New Britain Island (Papua New Guinea) New Guinea (Territory) New Ireland Island (Papua New Guinea) Papua Trobriand Islands (Papua New Guinea) Woodlark Islands (Papua New Guinea) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/aopf Paracel Islands aopf Hoàng Sa Hsi-sha Islands Xisha Islands info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/s-py Paraguay s-py info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-pa Pennsylvania n-us-pa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ap Persian Gulf ap info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/s-pe Peru s-pe info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ph Philippines a-ph Eastern Samar (Philippines) Luzon (Philippines) Mindanao Island (Philippines) Negros Island (Philippines) Northern Samar (Philippines) Panay Island (Philippines) Samar (Philippines) Philippine Islands info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/popc Pitcairn Island popc info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/zpl Pluto (Planet) zpl info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-pl Poland e-pl info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/pops Polynesia pops info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-po Portugal e-po Iberian Peninsula Coded [ei] (Iberian Peninsula) before Mar. 1988 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cnp Prairie Provinces n-cnp Canada, Western Western Canada info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cn-pi Prince Edward Island n-cn-pi info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwpr Puerto Rico nwpr info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ep Pyrenees ep Pirineos info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-qa Qatar a-qa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-ts Qinghai Sheng (China) a-cc-ts Tsinghai Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cn-qu Québec (Province) n-cn-qu info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/u-at-qn Queensland u-at-qn Carpentaria, Gulf of (N.T. and Qld.) Coded [ps] (South Pacific Ocean) before June 1998 Gulf of Carpentaria (N.T. and Qld.) Great Barrier Reef (Qld.) Torres Strait Islands (Qld.) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/mr Red Sea mr Aden, Gulf of Gulf of Aden Aqaba, Gulf of Gulf of Aqaba info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/i-re Réunion i-re info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/er Rhine River er info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-ri Rhode Island n-us-ri info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/su Rio de la Plata (Argentina and Uruguay) su La Plata River (Argentina and Uruguay) Plata, Rio de la (Argentina and Uruguay) Plate River (Argentina and Uruguay) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nr Rocky Mountains nr info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-rm Romania e-rm Moldavia Rumania info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-ru Russia (Federation) e-ru Coded [e-ur-ru] (Russia (Federation)) before June 1998 Kievan Rus Coded [e-ur] (Soviet Union) before June 1998 Kuril Islands (Russia) Coded [e-ur-ru] (Russia Federation) before June 1998 Chishima-retto (Russia) Kurile Islands (Russia) Kuril'skie ostrova (Russia) Non-Chernozem Region (Russia) Coded [e-ur-ru] (Russia Federation) before June 1998 Non-Black Earth Region (Russia) Russia, Northern Coded [e-ur-ru] (Russia (Federation)) before June 1998 Northern Russia Northern Soviet Union Soviet Union, Northern Sakha (Russia) Àkutskaíà A.S.S.R. (Russia) Yakutia (Russia) Volgo-Viatskii Region (Russia) Coded [e-urv] (Volgo-Viatskii Region, RSFSR) before Mar. 1988 R.S.F.S.R. Russian Republic Russian S.F.S.R. Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-urf Russian Far East (Russia) e-urf Far East (Russia) Far Eastern Region (Russia) Soviet Far East (Russia) Coded [e-uro] (Soviet Central Asia) before 1994 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-rw Rwanda f-rw Ruanda-Urundi German East Africa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwsd Saba (Netherlands Antilles) nwsd info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fd Sahara fd Sahara Desert info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/lsxj Saint Helena lsxj St. Helena info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwxi Saint Kitts and Nevis nwxi Nevis Saint Kitts Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla Saint Christopher and Nevis info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwxk Saint Lucia nwxk St. Lucia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwst Saint Martin (West Indies) nwst Sint Maarten (West Indies) St. Martin (West Indies) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-xl Saint Pierre and Miquelon n-xl Miquelon Iles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon St. Pierre and Miquelon info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwxm Saint Vincent and the Grenadines nwxm Grenadines (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada) Saint Vincent St. Vincent info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/pows Samoa pows Western Samoa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/posh Samoan Islands posh Samoa (Islands) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-sm San Marino e-sm info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-sf Sao Tome and Principe f-sf São Thomé e Pr¡ncipe info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cn-sn Saskatchewan n-cn-sn info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/zsa Saturn (Planet) zsa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-su Saudi Arabia a-su info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ev Scandinavia ev info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-uk-st Scotland e-uk-st Shetland (Scotland) Orkney (Scotland) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-sg Senegal f-sg info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-rb Serbia e-rb Coded [e-yu] (Yugoslavia) before April 2007 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/i-se Seychelles i-se info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-ss Shaanxi Sheng (China) a-cc-ss Shensi Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-sp Shandong Sheng (China) a-cc-sp Shantung Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-sm Shanghai (China) a-cc-sm info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-sh Shanxi Sheng (China) a-cc-sh Shansi Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-urs Siberia (Russia) e-urs Siberia, Northeastern (Russia) Siberia, Northwestern (Russia) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-ure Siberia, Eastern (Russia) e-ure East Siberian Region (Russia) Eastern Siberia (Russia) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-urw Siberia, Western (Russia) e-urw Western Siberia (Russia) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-sz Sichuan Sheng (China) a-cc-sz Szechwan Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-sl Sierra Leone f-sl info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-si Singapore a-si Straits Settlements info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nweu Sint Eustatius (Netherlands Antilles) nweu Saint Eustatius (Netherlands Antilles) St. Eustatius (Netherlands Antilles) Statia (Netherlands Antilles) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-xo Slovakia e-xo Coded [e-cs] (Czechoslovakia) before May 1993 Slovak Socialist Republic (Czechoslovakia) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-xv Slovenia e-xv Coded [e-yu] (Yugoslavia) before Oct. 1992 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/zs Solar system zs info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/pobp Solomon Islands pobp Coded also [posn] (Solomon Islands) before Mar. 1988 Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands) Santa Cruz Islands (Solomon Islands) Coded [posc] (Santa Cruz Islands) before Mar. 1988 British Solomon Islands info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-so Somalia f-so British Somaliland Italian Somaliland Somali Republic info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-sa South Africa f-sa Bophuthatswana (South Africa) Homelands (South Africa) Prince Edward Islands Froides, Îles Îles Froides Africa, South Union of South Africa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/s South America s America info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/az South Asia az East Indies Indies, East Asia, South info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ls South Atlantic Ocean ls Guinea, Gulf of Gulf of Guinea info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/u-at-sa South Australia u-at-sa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-sc South Carolina n-us-sc info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ao South China Sea ao Islands of the South China Sea info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-sd South Dakota n-us-sd info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/lsxs South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands lsxs Coded [lsfk] (Falkland Islands) before Oct. 1992 Sandwich Islands, South Coded [lsfk] (Falkland Islands) before Oct. 1992 South Sandwich Islands Coded [lsfk] (Falkland Islands) before Oct. 1992 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ps South Pacific Ocean ps Arafura Sea Pacific Ocean, South info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/as Southeast Asia as East Indies Indies, East Malay Archipelagon Asia, Southeastern Southeastern Asia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/xc Southern Hemisphere xc info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-usu Southern States n-usu Confederate States of America Cumberland Mountains Gulf States South Atlantic States Atlantic States, South Southwest, Old Southwestern States Sunbelt States info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-ust Southwest, New n-ust Southwestern States Sunbelt States info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-ur Soviet Union e-ur Communist countries Coded [v] (Communist countries) before June 1998 Russia Russian Empire Soviet Union, Southern Southern Soviet Union Soviet Union, Western Western Soviet Union Commonwealth of Independent States countries Former Soviet republics U.S.S.R. info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-urn Soviet Union, Northwestern e-urn Northwestern Soviet Union info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-sp Spain e-sp Balearic Islands (Spain) Iberian Peninsula Coded [ei] (Iberian Peninsula) before Mar. 1988 Islamic Empire info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-sh Spanish North Africa f-sh Ceuta (Spain) Melilla (Spain) Spanish Territories in Northern Morocco info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/aoxp Spratly Islands aoxp Nansha Islands Shinnan Islands info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ce Sri Lanka a-ce Ceylon info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-sj Sudan f-sj Anglo-Egyptian Sudan info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fn Sudan (Region) fn info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fu Suez Canal (Egypt) fu info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/zsu Sun zsu info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/s-sr Suriname s-sr Dutch Guiana Guiana, Dutch Surinam info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/lnsb Svalbard (Norway) lnsb Bear Island (Norway) Bjørnøya (Norway) Spitsbergen Island (Norway) West Spitsbergen (Norway) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwsv Swan Islands (Honduras) nwsv info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-sq Swaziland f-sq info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-sw Sweden e-sw Lapland info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-sz Switzerland e-sz info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-sy Syria a-sy United Arab Republic info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ch Taiwan a-ch Pescadores Islands Pratas Islands Formosa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ta Tajikistan a-ta Coded [e-ur-ta] (Tajikistan) before June 1998 Tadzik Soviet Socialist Republic Tajik S.S.R. info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-tz Tanzania f-tz Pemba Island (Tanzania) Huthera (Tanzania) Tanganyika Zanzibar German East Africa info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/u-at-tm Tasmania u-at-tm info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-tn Tennessee n-us-tn info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/i-fs Terres australes et antarctiques françaises i-fs Kerguelen Islands Desolation Islands Îles Kerguélen French Southern and Antarctic Lands French Southern Indian Ocean Islands Indian Ocean Islands, French T.A.A.F. info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-tx Texas n-us-tx info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-th Thailand a-th Malay Peninsula Siam info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/af Thailand, Gulf of af Gulf of Thailand Siam, Gulf of info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-tn Tianjin (China) a-cc-tn Tientsin (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-ti Tibet (China) a-cc-ti Tibetan Autonomous Region (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/at Tien Shan at Thian Shan Tian Shan Tien Mountains info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-tg Togo f-tg Togoland French Togoland Togoland (French) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/potl Tokelau potl Union Islands info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/poto Tonga poto Friendly Islands Tonga Islands info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwtr Trinidad and Tobago nwtr Tobago Trinidad info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/lstd Tristan da Cunha lstd info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/w Tropics w Equator info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-ti Tunisia f-ti info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-tu Turkey a-tu Aegean Islands (Greece and Turkey) Islands of the Aegean Aegean Sea Armenia Asia Minor info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-tk Turkmenistan a-tk Coded [e-ur-tk] (Turkmenistan) before June 1998 Turkmen S.S.R. info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwtc Turks and Caicos Islands nwtc Caicos Islands info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/potv Tuvalu potv Coded [pogn] (Gilbert and Ellice Islands) before Mar. 1988 Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony Coded [pogn] (Gilbert and Ellice Islands) before Mar. 1988 Ellice Islands info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-ug Uganda f-ug info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-un Ukraine e-un Coded [e-ur-un] (Ukraine) before June 1998 Kievan Rus Coded [e-ur] (Soviet Union) before June 1998 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ts United Arab Emirates a-ts Abū Ẓaby (United Arab Emirates: Emirate) Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates : Emirate) Dubayy (United Arab Emirates : Emirate) Dubai Trucial States info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us United States n-us Atlantic Coast (U.S.) Atlantic States Saint Lawrence River Snowbelt States Frostbelt (U.S.) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwuc United States Miscellaneous Caribbean Islands nwuc Caribbean Island Dependencies of the United States Island Dependencies of the United States in the Caribbean info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/poup United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands poup Includes American Samoa, Guam, Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) treated collectively Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Pacific Islands (Ter.) Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Island Dependencies of the United States in the Pacific Pacific Island Dependencies of the United States info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-uru Ural Mountains (Russia) e-uru info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/zur Uranus (Planet) zur info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/s-uy Uruguay s-uy info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-ut Utah n-us-ut info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-uz Uzbekistan a-uz Coded [e-ur-uz] (Uzbekistan) before June 1998 Uzbek S.S.R. info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ponn Vanuatu ponn Banks Islands (Vanuatu) New Hebrides Republic of Vanuatu info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-vc Vatican City e-vc Holy See info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/s-ve Venezuela s-ve info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/zve Venus (Planet) zve info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-vt Vermont n-us-vt info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/u-at-vi Victoria u-at-vi info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-vt Vietnam a-vt Vietnam (Democratic Republic) Coded [a-vn] (Vietnam, North) before Mar. 1988 North Vietnam Vietnam, North Vietnam (Republic) Coded [a-vs] (Viet Nam, South) before Mar. 1988 South Vietnam Vietnam, South info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwvi Virgin Islands of the United States nwvi Virgin Islands Coded [nwvr] (Virgin Islands) before Mar. 1988 Virgin Islands (American) Virgin Islands (Danish) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-va Virginia n-us-va Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.) Washington Region info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-urp Volga River (Russia) e-urp info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fv Volta River (Ghana) fv info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/powk Wake Island powk info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-uk-wl Wales e-uk-wl info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/powf Wallis and Futuna Islands powf Futuna Islands (Wallis and Futuna Islands) Uvea Island (Wallis and Futuna Islands) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-dc Washington (D.C.) n-us-dc Washington Region District of Columbia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-wa Washington (State) n-us-wa Pacific States info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-usp West (U.S.) n-usp Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico) Great Basin Northwest, Pacific Northwest (U.S.) Pacific Northwest Northwestern States Far West (U.S.) Pacific and Mountain States Western States (U.S.) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/awba West Bank awba Coded [a-is] (Israel) and/or [a-jo] (Jordan) before Mar. 1988 Jerusalem Palestine Judaea and Samaria West Bank of the Jordan River info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nw West Indies nw Antilles, Greater Coded [nwga] (Greater Antilles) before Mar. 1988 Greater Antilles Coded [nwga] (Greater Antilles) before Mar. 1988 Indies, West info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-wv West Virginia n-us-wv info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/u-at-we Western Australia u-at-we Australia, Western info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/xd Western Hemisphere xd info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-ss Western Sahara f-ss Spanish Sahara info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/nwwi Windward Islands (West Indies) [nwwi] nwwi info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-wi Wisconsin n-us-wi info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-us-wy Wyoming n-us-wy info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ccs Xi River (China) a-ccs Hsi Chiang (China) Si Kiang (China) Si River (China) West River (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-su Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu (China) a-cc-su Hsin-chiang-wei-wy-erh tzu chin chü (China) Sinkiang Uighur Autonomous Region (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ccg Yangtze River (China) a-ccg Chang Chiang (China) Long River (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ccy Yellow River (China) a-ccy Hoang Ho (China) Huang Ho (China) Hwang Ho (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/ay Yellow Sea ay Huang Hai Kwang Sea info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-ye Yemen (Republic) a-ye Aden Coded [a-ys] (Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) before Oct. 1992] Aden (Protectorate) Coded [a-ys] (Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) before Oct. 1992 Arabia, Southern Federation of South Arabia South Arabia, Federation of Socotra (Yemen) Coded [i-xo] (Socotra Island) before Mar. 1988; Coded [a-ys] (Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) before Oct. 1992 Sokotra (Yemen) Arab Republic of Yemen People's Democratic Republic of Yemen Southern Yemen Yemen (Arab Republic) Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) Coded [a-ys] (Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) before Oct. 1992 info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/e-yu Yugoslavia e-yu Pannonia Former Yugoslav republics info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/n-cn-yk Yukon Territory n-cn-yk info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-yu Yunnan Sheng (China) a-cc-yu Yunnan Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/fz Zambezi River fz Rio Zambezi info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-za Zambia f-za Rhodesia Rhodesia and Nyasaland Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Northern Rhodesia info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/a-cc-ch Zhejiang Sheng (China) a-cc-ch Chekiang Province (China) info:lc/vocabulary/gacs/f-rh Zimbabwe f-rh Rhodesia Rhodesia and Nyasaland Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Rhodesia, Southern Southern Rhodesia