
 * @file
 * Tests that datastream versions code works as intended

class IslandoraDatastreamVersionTestCase extends IslandoraWebTestCase {

   * Gets info to display to describe this test.
   * @see IslandoraWebTestCase::getInfo()
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Islandora Datastream Versions',
      'description' => 'Tests the functionality related to datastream versions in Islandora.',
      'group' => 'Islandora',

   * Create an object with many datastram versions.
   * @see IslandoraWebTestCase::setUp()
  public function setUp() {

    $this->pid = $this->randomName() . ":" . $this->randomName();
    $tuque = islandora_get_tuque_connection();
    $object = $tuque->repository->constructObject($this->pid);
    $object = $tuque->repository->ingestObject($object);
    $this->dsid = $this->randomName();
    $ds = $object->constructDatastream($this->dsid);
    $ds->label = 'Test';
    $ds->content = 'test';

    // Create three versions.
    $ds->mimetype = 'application/pdf';
    $ds->label = 'jaaaaa maaaan';
    $ds->content = 'Tests... are the bests.';

   * Free any objects/resources created for this test.
   * @see IslandoraWebTestCase::tearDown()
  public function tearDown() {
    $tuque = islandora_get_tuque_connection();


   * Check if the user can see datastream versions in the datastream table.
  public function testSeeDatastreamVersions() {
    $user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array(
      'view fedora repository objects',
      'ingest fedora objects',
      'view old datastream versions',
      'add fedora datastreams',
    $encoded_pid = urlencode($this->pid);

   * Check that users without permission cannot see datastream versions.
  public function testNotSeeDatastreamVersions() {
    $user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array(
      'view fedora repository objects',
      'ingest fedora objects',
      'add fedora datastreams',
    $encoded_pid = urlencode($this->pid);

   * Check that users without permission cannot see datastream version pages.
  public function testDatastreamVersionPermissions() {

   * Check that the proper infomration is displayed on the ds version page.
  public function testDatastreamVersionPage() {
    $user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array(
      'view old datastream versions',
    $this->assertText("jaaaaa maaaan");

    $encoded_pid = urlencode($this->pid);

   * Make sure the correct content is displayed for each datastream version.
  public function testDatastreamVersionContent() {
    $user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array(
      'view old datastream versions',
    $content = $this->drupalGetContent();
    if ($content != 'test') {
      $this->fail("Incorrect datastream content");
    $content = $this->drupalGetContent();
    if ($content != 'test') {
      $this->fail("Incorrect datastream content");
    $content = $this->drupalGetContent();
    if ($content != 'test') {
      $this->fail("Incorrect datastream content");
    $content = $this->drupalGetContent();
    if ($content != 'Tests... are the bests.') {
      $this->fail("Incorrect datastream content");

   * Make sure you can delete datastream versions.
  public function testDatastreamVersionDelete() {
    $user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array(
      'view old datastream versions',
      'delete fedora objects and datastreams',

    $encoded_pid = urlencode($this->pid);

    $this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Delete'));

   * Make sure you can't delete versions that don't exist/have only 1 version.
  public function testDatastreamVersionDeleteEdgeCase() {
    $user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array(
      'view old datastream versions',
      'delete fedora objects and datastreams',

