<?php /** * @file * This file defines the hooks that fedora_repository (islandora) * makes available. */ /** * Implements hook_islandora_tabs(). * This hook lets one add tabs to the object page in Islandora. * * @param array $content_models * An Array of content model objects. A content model is only included * if the object actualy exists with a ISLANDORACM datastream. * @param string $pid * The Fedora PID of the object who's page is firing the hook. * @param int $page_number * Page number for collection views. * * @return array * $tabset a tab definition. */ function hook_islandora_tabs($content_models, $pid, $page_number) { $tabset['A TAB'] = array( '#type' => 'tabpage', '#title' => t('A TITLE'), '#content' => 'content') ); return $tabset; } /** * Implements hook_postprocess_solution_pack(). * This hook fires after the batch job to ingest a solution pack finishes. * * @param string $module * Name of the module that spcified the solution pack. */ function hook_fedora_repository_postprocess_solution_pack($module) { // Do something that requires the objects to be ingested ie. add XACML. return; } /** * Implements hook_required_fedora_objects(). * This hook lets one add objects to the repository through the * solution pack interface. * * @return array * array( 'path-to-foxml-file', 'pid', 'dsid', 'path-to-datastream-file', * int dsversion, boolean required) */ function hook_required_fedora_objects() { return array( 'fedora_repository' => array( 'module' => 'fedora_repository', 'title' => 'Islandora Core', 'objects' => array( array( 'pid' => 'islandora:collectionCModel', 'label' => 'Islandora Collection Content Model', 'dsid' => 'ISLANDORACM', 'datastream_file' => "./$module_path/content_models/COLLECTIONCM.xml", 'dsversion' => 2, 'cmodel' => 'fedora-system:ContentModel-3.0', ), array( 'pid' => 'islandora:root', 'label' => 'Islandora Top-level Collection', 'cmodel' => 'islandora:collectionCModel', 'datastreams' => array( array( 'dsid' => 'COLLECTION_POLICY', 'datastream_file' => "./$module_path/collection_policies/COLLECTION-COLLECTION POLICY.xml", ), array( 'dsid' => 'TN', 'datastream_file' => "./$module_path/images/Gnome-emblem-photos.png", 'mimetype' => 'image/png', ), ), ), ), ), ); }