<?php /** * @file * This file contains the admin (confirmation) form and callback functions to purge an object. */ /** * Gives the option of deleting or purging and object. * * The default behaviour is to purge the object to reduce maintenance. * If a solution pack wants to change this behaviour and have the object set to deleted then * it can respond to the 'islandora_pre_purge_object' hook with an array containing the pair * 'delete' => TRUE. * Once the object has been deleted/purged then a second call lets the solution packs know that * the object has been dealt with. In this call the object id and content models are sent out so * that the solution packs can act on this news. There is no guarantee that the object still exists * and so the object object isn't sent. * * @param string $object_id * ID of the object * @return type */ function islandora_purge_object_submit($form, &$form_state) { $object_id = $form_state['values']['pid']; $collection = $form_state['values']['col']; // purge object islandora_object_purge($object_id); drupal_goto($collection); } function islandora_purge_object($form, &$form_state, $object) { module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'includes/datastream'); $parent = islandora_datastream_get_parents($object); $key = array_keys($parent); if (count($key) > 0) { $redirect = "islandora/object/$key[0]"; } else { $redirect = "islandora"; } $form['pid'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $object->id); $form['col'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $redirect); return confirm_form($form, t('Are you sure you want to delete %title?', array('%title' => $object->label)), "islandora/object/$object->id", t('This action cannot be undone.'), t('Delete'), t('Cancel') ); } function islandora_purge_datastream($form, &$form_state, $object, $datastream_id) { module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'includes/datastream'); $datastream = $object->getDatastream($datastream_id); $redirect = "islandora/object/$object->id"; $form['pid'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $object->id); $form['dsid'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $datastream_id); $form['col'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $redirect); return confirm_form($form, t('Are you sure you want to delete the %dsid datastream?', array('%dsid' => $datastream->id)), "islandora/object/$object->id", t('This action cannot be undone.'), t('Delete'), t('Cancel') ); } /** * Gives the option of purging or deleting a datastream. * * The default behaviour is to purge the datastream but this can be overridden using the * 'islandora_pre_purge_datastream' hook. The returned array can include a 'block' => TRUE * pair which will prevent the datastream from being deleted if it particularly needed for * a certain function. Returning 'delete' => TRUE will cause the datastream to be put into * a deleted state. * * @param string $object_id * ID of the object * @param string $datastream_id * ID of the datastream * */ function islandora_purge_datastream_submit($form, &$form_state) { $object_id = $form_state['values']['pid']; $datastream_id = $form_state['values']['dsid']; if (!isset($datastream_id)) { drupal_set_message(t('Cannot remove datastream, datastream id not set')); return; } $object = islandora_object_load($object_id); if (!isset($object)) { drupal_set_message(t('Could not remove object, object not found')); return; } //notify modules of pending deletion so we can update rels etc $arr = module_invoke_all('islandora_pre_purge_datastream', $object[$datastream_id]); if (isset($arr['block']) && $arr['block']) { drupal_set_message(t('Purging of the %d datastream was blocked', array('%d' => $datastream_id)), 'warning'); return; } if (isset($arr['delete']) && $arr['delete']) { try { $object[$datastream_id]->state = 'D'; } catch (Exception $e) { drupal_set_message(t('Error deleting %s datastream from Islandora object %o %e', array('%s' => $datastream_id, '%o' => $object->id, '%e' => $e)), 'error'); return; } } else { try { $object->purgeDatastream($datastream_id); } catch (Exception $e) { drupal_set_message(t('Error purging %s datastream from Islandora object %o %e', array('%s' => $datastream_id, '%o' => $object_id, '%e' => $e)), 'error'); return; } } //notify modules post deletion module_invoke_all('islandora_post_purge_datastream', $object, $datastream_id); drupal_set_message(t('%d datastream sucessfully purged from Islandora object %o', array('%d' => $datastream_id, '%o' => $object->label))); drupal_goto('islandora/object/' . $object->id); }