get_content_models_list($pid); foreach ($content_models as $content_model) { if ($content_model != 'fedora-system:FedoraObject-3.0') { $ret = $content_model; break; } } } return $ret; } /** * Ingests a Content Model from a file to the specified pid/dsid . * Returns false on failure. * * @param string $pid * @param string $name * @param string $modelDsid * @param string $file * @return ContentModel $cm */ public static function ingestFromFile($pid, $name, $modelDsid, $file) { $ret = FALSE; if (($cm = self::loadFromModel($pid, $modelDsid)) === FALSE && file_exists($file)) { $cm = new ContentModel(file_get_contents($file), $pid, $modelDsid); $rootEl = $cm->xml->getElementsByTagName('content_model')->item(0); $rootEl->setAttribute('name', $name); module_load_include('inc', 'islandora_repository', 'api/fedora_item'); $fedoraItem = new Fedora_Item($pid); $fedoraItem->add_datastream_from_string($cm->dumpXml(), $modelDsid, $name, 'text/xml', 'X'); $ret = $cm; } return $ret; } /** * Ingests a Content Model from an existing model to the specified pid/dsid . * Returns false on failure. * * @param string $pid * @param string $name * @param string $modelDsid * @param string $copy_model_pid * @return ContentModel $cm */ public static function ingestFromModel($pid, $name, $modelDsid, $copy_model_pid) { $ret = FALSE; if (($cm = self::loadFromModel($pid, $modelDsid)) === FALSE && ($copy_cm = self::loadFromModel($copy_model_pid)) !== FALSE && $copy_cm->validate()) { $newDom = $copy_cm->xml; $rootEl = $newDom->getElementsByTagName('content_model')->item(0); $rootEl->setAttribute('name', $name); $cm = new ContentModel($newDom, $pid, $modelDsid); module_load_include('inc', 'islandora_repository', 'api/fedora_item'); $fedoraItem = new Fedora_Item($pid); $fedoraItem->add_datastream_from_string($cm->dumpXml(), $modelDsid, $name, 'text/xml', 'X'); $ret = $cm; } return $ret; } /** * Ingests a minimum Content Model to the specified pid/dsid. * Returns false on failure. * * @param string $pid * @param string $name * @param string $modelDsid * @param string $defaultMimetype * @param string $ingestFromDsid * @param integer $ingestFormPage * @param boolean $ingestFormHideFileChooser * @param string $ingestFormModule * @param string $ingestFormModule * @param string $ingestFormFile * @param string $ingestFormClass * @param string $ingestFormMethod * @param string $ingestFormHandler * * @return ContentModel $cm */ public static function ingestBlankModel($pid, $name, $modelDsid, $defaultMimetype, $ingestFormDsid, $ingestFormPage, $ingestFormHideChooser, $ingestFormModule, $ingestFormModule, $ingestFormFile, $ingestFormClass, $ingestFormMethod, $ingestFormHandler) { $ret = FALSE; if (($cm = self::loadFromModel($pid, $modelDsid)) === FALSE) { $newDom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $newDom->formatOutput = TRUE; $rootEl = $newDom->createElement('content_model'); $rootEl->setAttribute('name', $name); $rootEl->setAttribute('xmlns', self::$XMLNS); $rootEl->setAttribute('xmlns:xsi', ''); $rootEl->setAttribute('xsi:schemaLocation', self::$XMLNS . ' ' . self::$SCHEMA_URI); $mimeEl = $newDom->createElement('mimetypes'); $typeEl = $newDom->createElement('type', $defaultMimetype); $mimeEl->appendChild($typeEl); $rootEl->appendChild($mimeEl); $ingestRulesEl = $newDom->createElement('ingest_rules'); $rootEl->appendChild($ingestRulesEl); $ingestFormEl = $newDom->createElement('ingest_form'); $ingestFormEl->setAttribute('dsid', $ingestFormDsid); $ingestFormEl->setAttribute('page', $ingestFormPage); if ($ingestFormHideChooser == 'true') { $ingestFormEl->setAttribute('hide_file_chooser', 'true'); } $builderEl = $newDom->createElement('form_builder_method'); $builderEl->setAttribute('module', $ingestFormModule); $builderEl->setAttribute('file', $ingestFormFile); $builderEl->setAttribute('class', $ingestFormClass); $builderEl->setAttribute('method', $ingestFormMethod); $builderEl->setAttribute('handler', $ingestFormHandler); $ingestFormEl->appendChild($builderEl); $elementsEl = $newDom->createElement('form_elements'); $ingestFormEl->appendChild($elementsEl); $rootEl->appendChild($ingestFormEl); $newDom->appendChild($rootEl); $cm = new ContentModel($newDom, $pid, $modelDsid); module_load_include('inc', 'islandora_repository', 'api/fedora_item'); $fedoraItem = new Fedora_Item($pid); $fedoraItem->add_datastream_from_string($cm->dumpXml(), $modelDsid, $name, 'text/xml', 'X'); $ret = $cm; } return $ret; } /** * Constructs a ContentModel object from the PID of the model in Fedora. * If DSID is specified it will use that datastream as the model, otherwise it will * use the default (usually ISLANDORACM). PID_NAMESPACE and name can also be initialized * from the collection policy. * Returns false on failure. * * NOTE: $name will be overwritten with the content model name found in the datastream * when the model is first validated.\ * * @param string $pid * @param string $dsid * @param string $pid_namespace * @param string $name * @return ContentModel $cm */ public static function loadFromModel($pid, $dsid = NULL, $pid_namespace = NULL, $name = NULL) { $ret = FALSE; module_load_include('inc', 'islandora_repository', 'api/fedora_item'); try { if (self::valid_pid($pid)) { $fedoraItem = new Fedora_Item($pid); if (!$name) { $name = $fedoraItem->objectProfile->objLabel; } $dsid = ($dsid != NULL && self::valid_dsid($dsid)) ? $dsid : ContentModel::getDefaultDSID(); $ds = $fedoraItem->get_datastream_dissemination($dsid); if (!empty($ds)) { $ret = new ContentModel($ds, $pid, $dsid, $pid_namespace, $name); } } } catch (SOAPException $e) { $ret = FALSE; } return $ret; } /** * Constructor * NOTE: Use the static constructor methods whenever possible. * * @param string $xmlStr * @param string $pid * @param string $dsid * @param string $pid_namespace * @param string $name * @return XMLDatastream $cm */ public function __construct($xmlStr, $pid = NULL, $dsid = NULL, $pid_namespace = NULL, $name = NULL) { parent::__construct($xmlStr, $pid, $dsid); $this->pid_namespace = $pid_namespace; $this->name = ($name == NULL) ? 'Islandora Content Model' : $name; $this->xpath = new DOMXPath($this->xml); $this->xpath->registerNamespace('cm', ''); } /** * Attempts to convert from the old XML schema to the new by * traversing the XML DOM and building a new DOM. When done * $this->xml is replaced by the newly created DOM.. * * @return void */ protected function convertFromOldSchema() { $sXml = simplexml_load_string($this->xml->saveXML()); $newDom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $newDom->formatOutput = TRUE; $rootEl = $newDom->createElement('content_model'); $rootEl->setAttribute('name', $sXml['name']); $rootEl->setAttribute('xmlns', self::$XMLNS); $rootEl->setAttribute('xmlns:xsi', ''); $rootEl->setAttribute('xsi:schemaLocation', self::$XMLNS . ' ' . self::$SCHEMA_URI); $mimeEl = $newDom->createElement('mimetypes'); foreach ($sXml->mimetypes->type as $mime) { $typeEl = $newDom->createElement('type', $mime); $mimeEl->appendChild($typeEl); } $rootEl->appendChild($mimeEl); $ingestRulesEl = $newDom->createElement('ingest_rules'); foreach ($sXml->ingest_rules->rule as $rule) { $ruleEl = $newDom->createElement('rule'); foreach ($rule->applies_to as $appTo) { $applToEl = $newDom->createElement('applies_to', trim($appTo)); $ruleEl->appendChild($applToEl); } if (isset($rule->methods->method) && count($rule->methods->method) > 0) { $methodsEl = $newDom->createElement('ingest_methods'); foreach ($rule->methods->method as $method) { $methodEl = $newDom->createElement('ingest_method'); $methodEl->setAttribute('module', $method->module); $methodEl->setAttribute('file', $method->file); $methodEl->setAttribute('class', $method->class_name); $methodEl->setAttribute('method', $method->method_name); $methodEl->setAttribute('dsid', $method->datastream_id); $methodEl->setAttribute('modified_files_ext', $method->modified_files_ext); if (isset($method->parameters)) { $paramsEl = $newDom->createElement('parameters'); foreach ($method->parameters->parameter as $param) { $paramEl = $newDom->createElement('parameter', $param); $paramEl->setAttribute('name', $param['name']); $paramsEl->appendChild($paramEl); } $methodEl->appendChild($paramsEl); } $methodsEl->appendChild($methodEl); } $ruleEl->appendChild($methodsEl); $ingestRulesEl->appendChild($ruleEl); } } $rootEl->appendChild($ingestRulesEl); if (isset($sXml->display_in_fieldset) && count($sXml->display_in_fieldset->datastream) > 0) { $datastreamsEl = $newDom->createElement('datastreams'); foreach ($sXml->display_in_fieldset->datastream as $ds) { $dsEl = $newDom->createElement('datastream'); $dsEl->setAttribute('dsid', $ds['id']); if (isset($ds->add_datastream_method)) { $add_ds_methodEl = $newDom->createElement('add_datastream_method'); $add_ds_methodEl->setAttribute('module', $ds->add_datastream_method->module); $add_ds_methodEl->setAttribute('file', $ds->add_datastream_method->file); $add_ds_methodEl->setAttribute('class', $ds->add_datastream_method->class_name); $add_ds_methodEl->setAttribute('method', $ds->add_datastream_method->method_name); $add_ds_methodEl->setAttribute('dsid', $ds->add_datastream_method->datastream_id); $add_ds_methodEl->setAttribute('modified_files_ext', $ds->add_datastream_method->modified_files_ext); if (isset($ds->add_datastream_method->parameters)) { $paramsEl = $newDom->createElement('parameters'); foreach ($ds->add_datastream_method->parameters->parameter as $param) { $paramEl = $newDom->createElement('parameter', $param); $paramEl->setAttribute('name', $param['name']); $paramsEl->appendChild($paramEl); } $add_ds_methodEl->appendChild($paramsEl); } $dsEl->appendChild($add_ds_methodEl); } foreach ($ds->method as $disp_meth) { $disp_methEl = $newDom->createElement('display_method'); $disp_methEl->setAttribute('module', $disp_meth->module); $disp_methEl->setAttribute('file', $disp_meth->file); $disp_methEl->setAttribute('class', $disp_meth->class_name); $disp_methEl->setAttribute('method', $disp_meth->method_name); $dsEl->appendChild($disp_methEl); } $datastreamsEl->appendChild($dsEl); } $rootEl->appendChild($datastreamsEl); } $ingest_formEl = $newDom->createElement('ingest_form'); $ingest_formEl->setAttribute('dsid', $sXml->ingest_form['dsid']); $ingest_formEl->setAttribute('page', $sXml->ingest_form['page']); if (isset($sXml->ingest_form['hide_file_chooser'])) { $ingest_formEl->setAttribute('hide_file_chooser', (strtolower($sXml->ingest_form['hide_file_chooser']) == 'true') ? 'true' : 'false'); } $form_builderEl = $newDom->createElement('form_builder_method'); $form_builderEl->setAttribute('module', $sXml->ingest_form->form_builder_method->module); $form_builderEl->setAttribute('file', $sXml->ingest_form->form_builder_method->file); $form_builderEl->setAttribute('class', $sXml->ingest_form->form_builder_method->class_name); $form_builderEl->setAttribute('method', $sXml->ingest_form->form_builder_method->method_name); $form_builderEl->setAttribute('handler', $sXml->ingest_form->form_builder_method->form_handler); $ingest_formEl->appendChild($form_builderEl); $form_elementsEl = $newDom->createElement('form_elements'); foreach ($sXml->ingest_form->form_elements->element as $element) { //I found an XML where the label was HTML.. this code will attempt to //walk the object setting the label to be the first string it finds. if (count(get_object_vars($element->label)) > 0) { $obj = $element->label; while ($obj != NULL && !is_string($obj)) { $keys = get_object_vars($obj); $obj = array_shift($keys); } $element->label = ($obj == NULL) ? '' : $obj; } $elEl = $newDom->createElement('element'); $elEl->setAttribute('label', $element->label); $elEl->setAttribute('name', $element->name); $elEl->setAttribute('type', $element->type); if (strtolower($element->required) == 'true') { $elEl->setAttribute('required', 'true'); } if (isset($element->description) && trim($element->description) != '') { $descEl = $newDom->createElement('description', trim($element->description)); $elEl->appendChild($descEl); } if (isset($element->authoritative_list)) { $authListEl = $newDom->createElement('authoritative_list'); foreach ($element->authoritative_list->item as $item) { $itemEl = $newDom->createElement('item', trim($item->value)); if (trim($item->value) != trim($item->field)) { $itemEl->setAttribute('field', trim($item->field)); } $authListEl->appendChild($itemEl); } $elEl->appendChild($authListEl); } $form_elementsEl->appendChild($elEl); } $ingest_formEl->appendChild($form_builderEl); $ingest_formEl->appendChild($form_elementsEl); $rootEl->appendChild($ingest_formEl); if (isset($sXml->edit_metadata) && trim($sXml->edit_metadata->build_form_method->module) != '' && trim($sXml->edit_metadata->build_form_method->file) != '' && trim($sXml->edit_metadata->build_form_method->class_name) != '' && trim($sXml->edit_metadata->build_form_method->method_name) != '' && trim($sXml->edit_metadata->submit_form_method->method_name) != '' && trim($sXml->edit_metadata->build_form_method['dsid']) != '' ) { $edit_metadata_methodEl = $newDom->createElement('edit_metadata_method'); $edit_metadata_methodEl->setAttribute('module', $sXml->edit_metadata->build_form_method->module); $edit_metadata_methodEl->setAttribute('file', $sXml->edit_metadata->build_form_method->file); $edit_metadata_methodEl->setAttribute('class', $sXml->edit_metadata->build_form_method->class_name); $edit_metadata_methodEl->setAttribute('method', $sXml->edit_metadata->build_form_method->method_name); $edit_metadata_methodEl->setAttribute('handler', $sXml->edit_metadata->submit_form_method->method_name); $edit_metadata_methodEl->setAttribute('dsid', $sXml->edit_metadata->build_form_method['dsid']); $rootEl->appendChild($edit_metadata_methodEl); } $newDom->appendChild($rootEl); $this->xml = DOMDocument::loadXML($newDom->saveXml()); } /** * Gets a list of service deployments that this model has. * * NOTE: Not currently being used. * * @return String[] $serviceDepPids */ public function getServices() { $query = 'select $object $title from <#ri> where ($object $title and $object $deploymentOf and $object and $object pid . '> and $object ) order by $title'; module_load_include('inc', 'islandora_repository', 'CollectionClass'); $collectionHelper = new CollectionClass(); $xml = simplexml_load_string($collectionHelper->getRelatedItems($this->pid, $query)); $results = array(); foreach ($xml->results->result as $result) { $pid = strval(($result->object['uri'])); $pid = substr($pid, strpos($pid, "/") + 1, strlen($pid)); $results[] = $pid; } return $results; } /** * Gets the name of the ContentModel * Returns false on failure. * * @return String $name */ public function getName() { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->name != NULL) { $ret = $this->name; } elseif ($this->validate()) { $rootEl = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('content_model')->item(0); $this->name = $rootEl->getAttribute('name'); $ret = $this->name; } return $ret; } /** * Gets the element corresponding to the datastream specified * in the element of the schema. * Returns FALSE on failure. * * @param $dsid * @return DOMElement $datastream */ private function getDSModel($dsid) { $ret = FALSE; if (self::valid_dsid($dsid) && $this->validate()) { $result = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('datastreams'); if ($result->length > 0) { $result = $result->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('datastream'); for ($i = 0; $ret == FALSE && $i < $result->length; $i++) { if ($result->item($i)->getAttribute('dsid') == $dsid) $ret = $result->item($i); } } } return $ret; } /** * Gets the DSID of the default datastream * from the element of the schema. * Returns FALSE on failure. * * @return String */ public function getDatastreamNameDSID() { $datastreams = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('datastreams'); $datastream = $datastreams->item(0); if ($datastreams->length > 0) { $datastream = $datastreams->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('datastream'); return $datastream->item(0)->getAttribute('dsid'); } } /** * Gets an array of form elements to use in the ingest form. The results of this array are passed * to the specified ingest form builder. The form builder can optionally not use the elements as defined * in the form builder if more complex forms or behaviour is required. * Each element has the following keys: 'label', 'type', 'required', 'description', and if defined, 'authoritative_list' and/or 'parameters' * * @return string[] $elements */ public function getIngestFormElements() { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $elements_array = array(); $form_elements_wrapper = $this->xml->getElementsbyTagName('ingest_form')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('form_elements'); if ($form_elements_wrapper->length == 0) { return $ret; } $elements = $this->xml->getElementsbyTagName('ingest_form')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('form_elements')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('element'); for ($i = 0; $i < $elements->length; $i++) { $desc = $elements->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('description'); $desc = ($desc->length > 0) ? $desc->item(0)->nodeValue : ''; $label = $elements->item($i)->getAttribute('label'); if ($label == NULL) { $label = $elements->item($i)->getAttribute('name'); } $element = array('name' => $elements->item($i)->getAttribute('name'), 'label' => $label, 'type' => $elements->item($i)->getAttribute('type'), 'required' => ($elements->item($i)->getAttribute('required') == 'true') ? TRUE : FALSE, 'description' => $desc ); $auth_list = $elements->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('authoritative_list'); if ($auth_list->length > 0) { $list = array(); $items = $auth_list->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('item'); for ($j = 0; $j < $items->length; $j++) { $field = $items->item($j)->attributes->getNamedItem('field'); $list[$items->item($j)->nodeValue] = ($field !== NULL) ? $field->nodeValue : $items->item($j)->nodeValue; } $element['authoritative_list'] = $list; } $params = $elements->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('parameters'); $list = array(); if ($params->length > 0) { $items = $params->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('parameter'); for ($j = 0; $j < $items->length; $j++) { $value = $items->item($j)->nodeValue; $list[$items->item($j)->getAttribute('name')] = (strtolower($value) == 'true' ? TRUE : (strtolower($value) == 'false' ? FALSE : $value)); } } $element['parameters'] = $list; $elements_array[] = $element; } $ret = $elements_array; } return $ret; } /** * Decrements an ingest form element in the list of elements. * Updates the "order". This method is simply an overload to the incIngestFormElement * which has a direction parameter. * * TODO: Might be useful to move multiple places at once, or define * a method to move to an absolute position. * * @param String $name * @return boolean $success */ public function decIngestFormElement($name) { return $this->incIngestFormElement($name, 'dec'); } /** * Increments (or decrements) ingest form element in the list of elements. * Updates the "order". The $reorder parameter accepts 'inc' or 'dec' to * specify the direction to move (defaults to increment.) * * TODO: Might be useful to move multiple places at once, or define * a method to move to an absolute position. * * @param String $name * @param String $reorder * @return boolean $success */ public function incIngestFormElement($name, $reorder = 'inc') { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $elementsEl = $this->xml->getElementsbyTagName('ingest_form')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('form_elements')->item(0); $elements = $elementsEl->getElementsByTagName('element'); $found = FALSE; $ref_el = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $found === FALSE && $i < $elements->length; $i++) { if ($elements->item($i)->getAttribute('name') == trim($name)) { if ($reorder == 'inc') { $found = $elements->item($i); $ref_el = ($i > 0) ? $elements->item($i - 1) : FALSE; } else { $found = ($i + 1 < $elements->length) ? $elements->item($i + 1) : FALSE; $ref_el = $elements->item($i); } } } if ($found !== FALSE) { $elementsEl->removeChild($found); $elementsEl->insertBefore($found, $ref_el); $ret = TRUE; } } return $ret; } /** * Removes an ingest form element from the list of ingest form elements. * @param String $name * @return boolean $success */ public function removeIngestFormElement($name) { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $elementsEl = $this->xml->getElementsbyTagName('ingest_form')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('form_elements')->item(0); $elements = $elementsEl->getElementsByTagName('element'); $found = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $found === FALSE && $i < $elements->length; $i++) { if ($elements->item($i)->getAttribute('name') == trim($name)) { $found = $elements->item($i); } } if ($found !== FALSE) { $elementsEl->removeChild($found); $ret = TRUE; } } return $ret; } /** * Sets a parameter of an ingest form element. If the value of the element is FALSE the parameter * will be removed entirely (if you want to store false as a value, then send the String "false"). * * @param String $elementName * @param String $paramName * @param String $paramValue * @return boolean success */ public function setIngestFormElementParam($name, $paramName, $paramValue) { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $elements = $this->xml->getElementsbyTagName('ingest_form')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('form_elements')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('element'); $element = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $element === FALSE && $i < $elements->length; $i++) { if ($elements->item($i)->getAttribute('name') == $name) { $element = $elements->item($i); } } if ($element !== FALSE) { $paramsEl = $element->getElementsByTagName('parameters'); if ($paramsEl->length == 0) { if ($paramValue !== FALSE) { $paramsEl = $this->xml->createElement('parameters'); $element->appendChild($paramsEl); } else { $ret = TRUE; } } else { $paramsEl = $paramsEl->item(0); } if (!$ret) { $params = $paramsEl->getElementsByTagName('parameter'); $found = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $found === FALSE && $i < $params->length; $i++) { if ($params->item($i)->getAttribute('name') == $paramName) { $found = $params->item($i); } } if ($paramValue === FALSE) { if ($found !== FALSE) { $paramsEl->removeChild($found); if ($params->length == 0) { $element->removeChild($paramsEl); } } $ret = TRUE; } else { if ($found !== FALSE) { $found->nodeValue = $paramValue; } else { $paramEl = $this->xml->createElement('parameter', $paramValue); $paramEl->setAttribute('name', $paramName); $paramsEl->appendChild($paramEl); } $ret = TRUE; } } } } return $ret; } /** * Gets a list of all parameters that belong to the specified ingest form element. * * @param String $elementName * @return boolean success */ public function getIngestFormElementParams($name) { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $elements = $this->xml->getElementsbyTagName('ingest_form')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('form_elements')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('element'); $element = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $element === FALSE && $i < $elements->length; $i++) { if ($elements->item($i)->getAttribute('name') == $name) { $element = $elements->item($i); } } if ($element !== FALSE) { $ret = array(); $paramsEl = $element->getElementsByTagName('parameters'); if ($paramsEl->length > 0) { $params = $paramsEl->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('parameter'); for ($i = 0; $i < $params->length; $i++) { $ret[$params->item($i)->getAttribute('name')] = $params->item($i)->nodeValue; } } } } return $ret; } /** * Edits the ingest form element specified. * NOTE: The element name can not be changed. To update an elements name * it must be deleted and added with the new name. * * @param String $name * @param String $label * @param String $type * @param boolean $required * @param String description * @return boolean success */ public function editIngestFormElement($name, $label, $type, $required, $description) { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $elements = $this->xml->getElementsbyTagName('ingest_form')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('form_elements')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('element'); $found = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $found === FALSE && $i < $elements->length; $i++) { if ($elements->item($i)->getAttribute('name') == $name) { $found = $elements->item($i); } } $found->setAttribute('name', $name); $found->setAttribute('type', $type); $found->setAttribute('required', $required ? 'true' : 'false'); if (trim($label) != '' && trim($label) != trim($name)) { $found->setAttribute('label', $label); } elseif ($found->getAttribute('label') != '') { $found->removeAttribute('label'); } $descEl = $found->getElementsByTagName('description'); if (trim($description) != '') { if ($descEl->length > 0) { $descEl = $descEl->item(0); $descEl->nodeValue = $description; } else { $descEl = $this->xml->createElement('description', $description); $found->appendChild($descEl); } } elseif ($descEl->length > 0) { $found->removeChild($descEl->item(0)); } if ($found->getAttribute('type') != 'select' && $found->getAttribute('type') != 'radio') { $authList = $found->getElementsByTagName('authoritative_list'); if ($authList->length > 0) { $found->removeChild($authList->item(0)); } } $ret = TRUE; } return $ret; } /** * Add an ingest form element to the model. * * @param String $name * @param String $label * @param String $type * @param boolean $required * @param String $description * @return boolean $success */ public function addIngestFormElement($name, $label, $type, $required, $description = '') { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $elements = $this->xml->getElementsbyTagName('ingest_form')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('form_elements')->item(0); $elementEl = $this->xml->createElement('element'); $elementEl->setAttribute('name', $name); $elementEl->setAttribute('type', $type); $elementEl->setAttribute('required', $requiredi ? 'true' : 'false'); if (trim($label) != '' && trim($label) != trim($name)) { $elementEl->setAttribute('label', $label); } if (trim($description) != '') { $descEl = $this->xml->createElement('description', $description); $elementEl->appendChild($descEl); } $elements->appendChild($elementEl); $ret = TRUE; } return $ret; } /** * Decrements an authority list item from a form element in the list of elements. * Updates the "order". This method is simply an overload to the incAuthListItem * which has a direction parameter. * * @param String $elementName * @param String $value * @return boolean $success */ public function decAuthListItem($elementName, $value) { return $this->incAuthListItem($elementName, $value, 'dec'); } /** * Increments (or decrements) an authority list item from a form element in the list of elements. * Updates the "order". * * @param String $elementName * @param String $value * @param String $direction * @return boolean $success */ public function incAuthListItem($elementName, $value, $reorder = 'inc') { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $elements = $this->xml->getElementsbyTagName('ingest_form')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('form_elements')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('element'); $found = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $found === FALSE && $i < $elements->length; $i++) { if ($elements->item($i)->getAttribute('name') == $elementName) { $found = $elements->item($i); } } if ($found !== FALSE) { $authListEl = $found->getElementsByTagName('authoritative_list'); if ($authListEl->length > 0) { $authListEl = $authListEl->item(0); $items = $authListEl->getElementsByTagName('item'); $found = FALSE; $ref_el = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $found === FALSE && $i < $items->length; $i++) { if ($items->item($i)->nodeValue == $value) { if ($reorder == 'inc') { $ref_el = ($i > 0) ? $items->item($i - 1) : FALSE; $found = $items->item($i); } else { $ref_el = $items->item($i); $found = ($i + 1 < $items->length) ? $items->item($i + 1) : FALSE; } } } if ($found !== FALSE && $ref_el !== FALSE) { $authListEl->removeChild($found); $authListEl->insertBefore($found, $ref_el); $ret = TRUE; } } } } return $ret; } /** * Removes an authority list item from a form element. * @param String $elementName * @param String $value * @return boolean $success */ public function removeAuthListItem($elementName, $value) { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $elements = $this->xml->getElementsbyTagName('ingest_form')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('form_elements')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('element'); $found = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $found === FALSE && $i < $elements->length; $i++) { if ($elements->item($i)->getAttribute('name') == $elementName) { $found = $elements->item($i); } } if ($found !== FALSE) { $authListEl = $found->getElementsByTagName('authoritative_list'); if ($authListEl->length > 0) { $authListEl = $authListEl->item(0); $items = $authListEl->getElementsByTagName('item'); $found = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $found === FALSE && $i < $items->length; $i++) { if ($items->item($i)->nodeValue == $value) { $found = $items->item($i); } } if ($found !== FALSE) { if ($items->length == 1) { $found->removeChild($authListEl); } else { $authListEl->removeChild($found); } $ret = TRUE; } } } } return $ret; } /** * Adds an authority list item to a form element. * @param String $elementName * @param String $value * @param String $label (optional) * @return boolean $success */ public function addAuthListItem($elementName, $value, $label = '') { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $elements = $this->xml->getElementsbyTagName('ingest_form')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('form_elements')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('element'); $found = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $found === FALSE && $i < $elements->length; $i++) { if ($elements->item($i)->getAttribute('name') == $elementName) { $found = $elements->item($i); } } if ($found !== FALSE) { $authListEl = $found->getElementsByTagName('authoritative_list'); if ($authListEl->length == 0) { $authListEl = $this->xml->createElement('authoritative_list'); $found->appendChild($authListEl); } else { $authListEl = $authListEl->item(0); } $items = $authListEl->getElementsByTagName('item'); $found = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $found == FALSE && $i < $items->length; $i++) { if ($items->item($i)->nodeValue == $value) { $found = TRUE; } } if (!$found) { $itemEl = $this->xml->createElement('item', trim($value)); if (trim($label) != '' && trim($label) != trim($value)) { $itemEl->setAttribute('field', trim($label)); } $authListEl->appendChild($itemEl); $ret = TRUE; } } } return $ret; } /** * Builds an ingest form using the method specified in element of * Returns FALSE on failure. * * @param &$form * @param &$form_state * @return string identifier */ public function buildIngestForm(&$form, &$form_state) { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $docRoot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $file = (isset($form_state['values']['ingest-file-location']) ? $form_state['values']['ingest-file-location'] : ''); $fullpath = $file; $form['step'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => (isset($form_state['values']['step']) ? $form_state['values']['step'] : 0) + 1, ); $form['ingest-file-location'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $file, ); $form['content_model_name'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => 'ISLANDORACM', ); $form['models'] = array(//content models available '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $form_state['values']['models'], ); $form['fullpath'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $fullpath, ); $form['#attributes']['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data'; $form['indicator']['ingest-file-location'] = array( '#type' => 'file', '#title' => t('Upload Document'), '#size' => 48, '#description' => t('Full text'), ); $ingest_form = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('ingest_form')->item(0); if (!empty($ingest_form)) { if (strtolower($ingest_form->getAttribute('hide_file_chooser')) == 'true') { $form['indicator']['ingest-file-location']['#type'] = 'hidden'; } } $dsid = $ingest_form->getAttribute('dsid'); $method = $ingest_form->getElementsByTagName('form_builder_method')->item(0); $module = $method->getAttribute('module'); $path = drupal_get_path('module', !empty($module) ? $module : 'islandora_repository') . '/' . $method->getAttribute('file'); if (!file_exists($path)) { self::$errors[] = 'Build Ingest Form: file \'' . $path . '\' does not exist.'; } else { @require_once($path); $className = $method->getAttribute('class'); $methodName = ($method->getAttribute('method')); if (!class_exists($className)) { self::$errors[] = 'Build Ingest Form: class \'' . $className . ' does not exist.'; } else { $class = new $className; $elements_array = $this->getIngestFormElements(); if (method_exists($class, $methodName)) { $ret = $class->$methodName($form, $elements_array, $form_state); } else { self::$errors[] = 'Build Ingest Form: method \'' . $className . '->' . $methodName . '\' does not exist.'; } } } } return $ret; } /** * Builds an edit metadata form using the method specified in the element * The DSID specified must match the DSID attribute of . Returns FALSE on failure. * * @param string $dsid * @return $form */ public function buildEditMetadataForm($pid, $dsid) { $ret = FALSE; if (self::valid_dsid($dsid) && $this->validate()) { $method = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('edit_metadata_method'); if ($method->length > 0 && $method->item(0)->getAttribute('dsid') == $dsid) { $method = $method->item(0); $module = $method->getAttribute('module'); $path = drupal_get_path('module', !empty($module) ? $module : 'islandora_repository') . '/' . $method->getAttribute('file'); if (!file_exists($path)) { self::$errors[] = 'Build Edit Metadata Form: file \'' . $path . '\' does not exist.'; } else { @require_once($path ); $className = $method->getAttribute('class'); $methodName = ($method->getAttribute('method')); if (!class_exists($className)) { self::$errors[] = 'Build Edit Metadata Form: class \'' . $className . '\' does not exist.'; } else { $class = new $className($pid); if (!method_exists($class, $methodName)) { self::$errors[] = 'Build Edit Metadata Form: method \'' . $className . '->' . $methodName . '\' does not exist.'; } else { $ret = $class->$methodName(); } } } } } return $ret; } /** * Handles the edit metadata form using the handler specified in the element * Returns FALSE on failure. * * @param &$form_id * @param &$form_values * @param &$soap_client * @return $result */ public function handleEditMetadataForm(&$form_id, &$form_state, &$soap_client) { global $base_url; $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $method = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('edit_metadata_method'); if ($method->length > 0) { $method = $method->item(0); $module = $method->getAttribute('module'); $path = drupal_get_path('module', !empty($module) ? $module : 'islandora_repository') . '/' . $method->getAttribute('file'); if (!file_exists($path)) { self::$errors[] = 'Handle Edit Metadata Form: file \'' . $path . '\' does not exist.'; } else { @require_once($path); $className = $method->getAttribute('class'); $methodName = ($method->getAttribute('handler')); if (!class_exists($className)) { self::$errors[] = 'Handle Edit Metadata Form: class \'' . $className . '\' does not exist.'; } else { $class = new $className($form_state['values']['pid']); if (!method_exists($class, $methodName)) { self::$errors[] = 'Handle Edit Metadata Form: metho \'' . $className . '->' . $methodName . '\' does not exist.'; } else { $ret = $class->$methodName($form_id, $form_state['values'], $soap_client); } } } } else { // Assume DC form if none is specified. module_load_include('inc', 'islandora_repository', 'formClass'); $metaDataForm = new formClass(); $ret = $metaDataForm->updateMetaData($form_state['values']['form_id'], $form_state['values'], $soap_client); $form_state['storage'] = NULL; $form_state['redirect'] = $base_url . '/fedora/repository/' . $form_state['values']['pid']; } } return $ret; } /** * Gets an associative array describing the edit metadata method. * Array has the following keys: 'file', 'class', 'method', 'handler', 'dsid' * @return String[] $method */ public function getEditMetadataMethod() { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $method = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('content_model')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('edit_metadata_method'); if ($method->length > 0) { $method = $method->item(0); $ret = array('module' => $method->getAttribute('module') == '' ? 'islandora_repository' : $method->getAttribute('module'), 'file' => $method->getAttribute('file'), 'class' => $method->getAttribute('class'), 'method' => $method->getAttribute('method'), 'handler' => $method->getAttribute('handler'), 'dsid' => $method->getAttribute('dsid') ); } } return $ret; } /** * Removes the edit data method from the Content Model. * @return boolean $success */ public function removeEditMetadataMethod() { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $rootEl = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('content_model')->item(0); $method = $rootEl->getElementsByTagName('edit_metadata_method'); if ($method->length > 0) { $rootEl->removeChild($method->item(0)); $ret = TRUE; } } return $ret; } /** * Update the Edit Metadata Method defined in the Content Model * @param String $module * @param String $file * @param String $class * @param String $method * @param String $handler * @param String $dsid * @return boolean $success */ public function updateEditMetadataMethod($module, $file, $class, $method, $handler, $dsid) { $ret = FALSE; if (self::valid_dsid($dsid) && $this->validate()) { $methodEl = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('content_model')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('edit_metadata_method'); if ($methodEl->length > 0) { $methodEl = $methodEl->item(0); } else { $methodEl = $this->xml->createElement('edit_metadata_method'); $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('content_model')->item(0)->appendChild($methodEl); } $methodEl->setAttribute('module', $module); $methodEl->setAttribute('file', $file); $methodEl->setAttribute('class', $class); $methodEl->setAttribute('method', $method); $methodEl->setAttribute('handler', $handler); $methodEl->setAttribute('dsid', $dsid); $ret = TRUE; } return $ret; } /** * Executes the add datastream method for the specified datastream on the specified file. * Returns FALSE on failure. * * @param string $dsid * @param string $filen * @return $result */ public function execAddDatastreamMethods($dsid, $file) { $ret = FALSE; if (self::valid_dsid($dsid) && $this->validate() && ($ds = $this->getDSModel($dsid)) !== FALSE) { $addMethod = $ds->getElementsByTagName('add_datastream_method'); if ($addMethod->length > 0) { $addMethod = $addMethod->item(0); $paramArray = array(); $params = $addMethod->getElementsByTagName('parameters'); if ($params->length > 0) { $params = $params->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('parameter'); for ($i = 0; $i < $params->length; $i++) { $paramsArray[$params->item($i)->getAttribute('name')] = $params->item($i)->nodeValue; } } $module = $addMethod->getAttribute('module'); $path = drupal_get_path('module', !empty($module) ? $module : 'islandora_repository') . '/' . $addMethod->getAttribute('file'); if (!file_exists($path)) { self::$errors[] = 'Execute Add Datastream Methods: file \'' . $path . '\' does not exist.'; } else { @require_once($path); $className = $addMethod->getAttribute('class'); $methodName = $addMethod->getAttribute('method'); if (!class_exists($className)) { self::$errors[] = 'Execute Add Datastream Methods: class \'' . $className . '\' does not exist.'; } else { $class = new $className; if (!method_exists($class, $methodName)) { self::$errors[] = 'Execute Add Datastream Methods: method \'' . $className . '->' . $methodName . '\' does not exist.'; } else { $ret = $class->$methodName($paramsArray, $addMethod->getAttribute('dsid'), $file, $addMethod->getAttribute('modified_files_ext')); } } } } } return $ret; } /** * Executes the ingest rules that apply to the specified file/mimetype. * Returns FALSE on failure. * * If $preview is TRUE, then only execute rules with * a parameter 'preview'. Used to generate previews for the file chooser. * * @param string $file * @param string $mimetype * @param boolean $preview * @return $result */ public function execIngestRules($file, $mimetype, $preview = FALSE) { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $ret = TRUE; $rules = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('ingest_rules')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('rule'); for ($i = 0; $i < $rules->length; $i++) { $rule = $rules->item($i); $types = $rule->getElementsbyTagName('applies_to'); $valid_types = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < $types->length; $j++) { $valid_types[] = trim($types->item($j)->nodeValue); } if (in_array($mimetype, $valid_types)) { $methods = $rule->getElementsByTagName('ingest_methods'); if ($methods->length > 0) { $methods = $methods->item(0)->getElementsbyTagName('ingest_method'); for ($j = 0; $j < $methods->length; $j++) { $method = $methods->item($j); $param_array = array(); $params = $method->getElementsByTagName('parameters'); $param_array['model_pid'] = $this->pid; if ($params->length > 0) { $params = $params->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('parameter'); for ($k = 0; $k < $params->length; $k++) $param_array[$params->item($k)->getAttribute('name')] = $params->item($k)->nodeValue; } if (!$preview || isset($param_array['preview'])) { $module = $method->getAttribute('module'); $path = drupal_get_path('module', !empty($module) ? $module : 'islandora_repository') . '/' . $method->getAttribute('file'); if (!file_exists($path) || substr_compare($path, 'islandora_repository/', -strlen('islandora_repository/'), strlen('islandora_repository/')) === 0) { self::$errors[] = 'Execute Ingest Rules: file \'' . $path . '\' does not exist.'; $ret = FALSE; } else { require_once($path); $className = $method->getAttribute('class'); $methodName = ($method->getAttribute('method')); if (!class_exists($className)) { self::$errors[] = 'Execute Ingest Rules: class \'' . $className . '\' does not exist.'; $ret = FALSE; } else $class = new $className; if (!method_exists($class, $methodName)) { self::$errors[] = 'Execute Ingest Rules: method \'' . $className . '->' . $methodName . '\' does not exist.'; $ret = FALSE; } else { $status = $class->$methodName($param_array, $method->getAttribute('dsid'), $file, $method->getAttribute('modified_files_ext')); if ($status !== TRUE) { $ret = FALSE; } } } } } } } } } return $ret; } /** * Executes the form handler from the element of . * * @param &$formData * @param &$form_state * @return boolean $success */ public function execFormHandler(&$data, &$form_state) { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $method = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('ingest_form')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('form_builder_method')->item(0); $module = $method->getAttribute('module'); $path = drupal_get_path('module', !empty($module) ? $module : 'islandora_repository') . '/' . $method->getAttribute('file'); if (!file_exists($path)) { self::$errors[] = 'Execute Form Handler: file \'' . $path . '\' does not exist.'; } else { require_once($path); $className = $method->getAttribute('class'); $methodName = ($method->getAttribute('handler')); if (!class_exists($className)) { self::$errors[] = 'Execute Form Handler: class \'' . $className . '\' does not exist.'; } else { $class = new $className; if (!method_exists($class, $methodName)) { self::$errors[] = 'Execute Form Handler: method \'' . $className . '->' . $methodName . '\' does not exist.'; } else { $class->$methodName($data, $form_state); $ret = TRUE; } } } } return $ret; } /** * Gets a list of valid mimetypes that can apply to this model. * Returns FALSE on failure. * * @return string[] $mimetypes */ public function getMimetypes() { //only proceed if the xml is valid. if ($this->validate()) { if ($this->mimes === NULL) { $result = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('mimetypes'); $result = $result->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('type'); $mimes = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $result->length; $i++) { $mimes[] = trim($result->item($i)->nodeValue); } $this->mimes = $mimes; } return $this->mimes; } } /** * Calls all defined display methods for the ContentModel. * The PID specified is passed to the constructor of the display * class(es) specified in the Content Model. * * @param string $pid * @return string $output */ public function displayExtraFieldset($pid, $page_number) { $output = ''; if ($this->validate()) { $datastreams = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('datastreams'); if ($datastreams->length > 0) { $datastreams = $datastreams->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('datastream'); for ($i = 0; $i < $datastreams->length; $i++) { $ds = $datastreams->item($i); if ($ds->attributes->getNamedItem('display_in_fieldset') == NULL || strtolower($ds->getAttribute('display_in_fieldset')) != 'false') { $dispMethods = $ds->getElementsByTagName('display_method'); for ($j = 0; $j < $dispMethods->length; $j++) { $method = $dispMethods->item($j); $module = $method->getAttribute('module'); $path = drupal_get_path('module', !empty($module) ? $module : 'islandora_repository') . '/' . $method->getAttribute('file'); if (!file_exists($path)) { self::$errors[] = 'Execute Form Handler: file \'' . $path . '\' does not exist.'; } else { require_once($path); $className = $method->getAttribute('class'); $methodName = ($method->getAttribute('method')); if (!class_exists($className)) { self::$errors[] = 'Execute Form Handler: class \'' . $className . '\' does not exist.'; } else { $class = new $className($pid); if (!method_exists($class, $methodName)) { self::$errors[] = 'Execute Form Handler: method \'' . $className . '->' . $methodName . '\' does not exist.'; } else { $output = $class->$methodName($page_number); } } } } } } } } return $output; } /** * Gets a list of datastreams from the ContentModel * (not including the QDC ds if it is listed). * Returns FALSE on failure. * * @return string[] $datastreams */ public function listDatastreams() { $ds_array = array(); if ($this->validate()) { $datastreams = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('datastreams'); if ($datastreams->length > 0) { $datastreams = $datastreams->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('datastream'); for ($i = 0; $i < $datastreams->length; $i++) { $dsName = $datastreams->item($i)->getAttribute('dsid'); // if ($dsName != 'QDC') // { $ds_array[] = $dsName; // } } } } return $ds_array; } /** * Adds an allowed mimetype to the model. * * @param String $type * @return boolean $success */ public function addMimetype($type) { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $mimetypesEl = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('mimetypes')->item(0); $types = $mimetypesEl->getElementsByTagName('type'); $found = FALSE; for ($i = 0; !$found && $i < $types->length; $i++) { if ($types->item($i)->nodeValue == $type) $found = TRUE; } if (!$found) { $newTypeEl = $this->xml->createElement('type', $type); $mimetypesEl->appendChild($newTypeEl); $ret = TRUE; } } return $ret; } /** * Removes an allowed mimetype from the model. * * @param String $type * @return boolean $success */ public function removeMimetype($type) { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $mimetypesEl = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('mimetypes')->item(0); $types = $mimetypesEl->getElementsByTagName('type'); $found = FALSE; for ($i = 0; !$found && $i < $types->length; $i++) { if ($types->item($i)->nodeValue == $type) $found = $types->item($i); } if ($found !== FALSE && $types->length > 1) { $mimetypesEl->removeChild($found); $ret = TRUE; } } return $ret; } /** * getDisplayMethods ?? * @param type $ds * @return type */ public function getDisplayMethods($ds) { $ret = FALSE; if (($ds = $this->getDSModel($ds)) !== FALSE) { $ret = array(); $dispMethods = $ds->getElementsByTagName('display_method'); for ($i = 0; $i < $dispMethods->length; $i++) { $ret[] = array('module' => $dispMethods->item($i)->getAttribute('module') == '' ? 'islandora_repository' : $dispMethods->item($i)->getAttribute('module'), 'file' => $dispMethods->item($i)->getAttribute('file'), 'class' => $dispMethods->item($i)->getAttribute('class'), 'method' => $dispMethods->item($i)->getAttribute('method'), 'default' => ($dispMethods->item($i)->attributes->getNamedItem('default') !== NULL ? strtolower($dispMethods->item($i)->getAttribute('default')) == 'true' : FALSE)); } } return $ret; } /** * addDs ?? * @param type $dsid * @param type $display_in_fieldset * @return boolean */ public function addDs($dsid, $display_in_fieldset = FALSE) { $ret = FALSE; if (self::valid_dsid($dsid) && ($ds = $this->getDSModel($dsid)) === FALSE) { $datastreamsEl = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('datastreams'); if ($datastreamsEl->length > 0) { $datastreamsEl = $datastreamsEl->item(0); } else { $datastreamsEl = $this->xml->createElement('datastreams'); $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('content_model')->item(0)->appendChild($datastreamsEl); } $dsEl = $this->xml->createElement('datastream'); $dsEl->setAttribute('dsid', $dsid); if ($display_in_fieldset == TRUE) { $dsEl->setAttribute('display_in_fieldset', 'true'); } $datastreamsEl->appendChild($dsEl); $ret = TRUE; } return $ret; } /** * removeDs ?? * @param type $dsid * @return boolean */ public function removeDs($dsid) { $ret = FALSE; if (self::valid_dsid($dsid) && ($ds = $this->getDSModel($dsid)) !== FALSE) { $datastreamsEl = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('datastreams')->item(0); $datastreamsEl->removeChild($ds); $ret = TRUE; } return $ret; } /** * displayInFieldset ?? * @param type $dsid * @return type */ public function displayInFieldset($dsid) { $ret = FALSE; if (self::valid_dsid($dsid) && ($ds = $this->getDSModel($dsid)) !== FALSE) { $ret = strtolower($ds->getAttribute('display_in_fieldset')) == 'true'; } return $ret; } /** * setDisplayInFieldset ?? * @param type $dsid * @param type $value * @return boolean */ public function setDisplayInFieldset($dsid, $value = TRUE) { $ret = FALSE; if (self::valid_dsid($dsid) && ($ds = $this->getDSModel($dsid)) !== FALSE) { if ($value == FALSE && $ds->attributes->getNamedItem('display_in_fieldset') !== NULL) { $ds->removeAttribute('display_in_fieldset'); $ret = TRUE; } elseif ($value == TRUE) { $ds->setAttribute('display_in_fieldset', 'true'); $ret = TRUE; } } return $ret; } /** * setDefaultDispMeth ?? * @param type $dsid * @param type $module * @param type $file * @param type $class * @param type $method * @return boolean */ public function setDefaultDispMeth($dsid, $module, $file, $class, $method) { $ret = FALSE; if (self::valid_dsid($dsid) && ($ds = $this->getDSModel($dsid)) !== FALSE) { $found = FALSE; $dispMethods = $ds->getElementsByTagName('display_method'); for ($i = 0; !$found && $i < $dispMethods->length; $i++) { if ($module == ($dispMethods->item($i)->getAttribute('module') == '' ? 'islandora_repository' : $dispMethods->item($i)->getAttribute('module')) && $file == $dispMethods->item($i)->getAttribute('file') && $class == $dispMethods->item($i)->getAttribute('class') && $method == $dispMethods->item($i)->getAttribute('method')) { $found = $dispMethods->item($i); } } if ($found !== FALSE) { for ($i = 0; $i < $dispMethods->length; $i++) { if ($dispMethods->item($i)->attributes->getNamedItem('default') !== NULL) { $dispMethods->item($i)->removeAttribute('default'); } } $found->setAttribute('default', 'true'); $ret = TRUE; } } return $ret; } /** * removeDispMeth ?? * @param type $dsid * @param type $module * @param type $file * @param type $class * @param type $method * @return boolean */ public function removeDispMeth($dsid, $module, $file, $class, $method) { $ret = FALSE; if (self::valid_dsid($dsid) && ($ds = $this->getDSModel($dsid)) !== FALSE) { $found = FALSE; $dispMethods = $ds->getElementsByTagName('display_method'); for ($i = 0; !$found && $i < $dispMethods->length; $i++) { if ($module == ($dispMethods->item($i)->getAttribute('module') == '' ? 'islandora_repository' : $dispMethods->item($i)->getAttribute('module') == '') && $file == $dispMethods->item($i)->getAttribute('file') && $class == $dispMethods->item($i)->getAttribute('class') && $method == $dispMethods->item($i)->getAttribute('method')) { $found = $dispMethods->item($i); } } if ($found !== FALSE) { $ds->removeChild($found); $ret = TRUE; } } return $ret; } /** * addDispMeth ?? * @param type $dsid * @param type $module * @param type $file * @param type $class * @param type $method * @param type $default * @return boolean */ public function addDispMeth($dsid, $module, $file, $class, $method, $default = FALSE) { $ret = FALSE; if (self::valid_dsid($dsid) && ($ds = $this->getDSModel($dsid)) !== FALSE) { $dispMethEl = $this->xml->createElement('display_method'); $dispMethEl->setAttribute('module', $module); $dispMethEl->setAttribute('file', $file); $dispMethEl->setAttribute('class', $class); $dispMethEl->setAttribute('method', $method); if ($default == TRUE) { $dispMethEl->setAttribute('default', TRUE); } $ds->appendChild($dispMethEl); $ret = TRUE; } return $ret; } /** * getAddDsMethod ?? * @param type $ds * @return type */ public function getAddDsMethod($ds) { $ret = FALSE; if (($ds = $this->getDSModel($ds)) !== FALSE) { $addDsMethod = $ds->getElementsByTagName('add_datastream_method'); if ($addDsMethod !== FALSE && $addDsMethod->length > 0) { $ret = array('module' => $addDsMethod->item(0)->getAttribute('module') == '' ? 'islandora_repository' : $addDsMethod->item(0)->getAttribute('module'), 'file' => $addDsMethod->item(0)->getAttribute('file'), 'class' => $addDsMethod->item(0)->getAttribute('class'), 'method' => $addDsMethod->item(0)->getAttribute('method'), 'modified_files_ext' => $addDsMethod->item(0)->getAttribute('modified_files_ext'), 'dsid' => $addDsMethod->item(0)->getAttribute('dsid') ); } } return $ret; } /** * getIngestRule ?? * @param type $rule_id * @return type */ public function getIngestRule($rule_id) { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $rules = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('ingest_rules')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('rule'); if ($rule_id < $rules->length) $ret = $rules->item($rule_id); } return $ret; } /** * removeAppliesTo ?? * @param type $rule_id * @param type $type * @return boolean */ public function removeAppliesTo($rule_id, $type) { $ret = FALSE; if (($rule = $this->getIngestRule($rule_id)) !== FALSE) { $applies = $rule->getElementsByTagName('applies_to'); $found = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $found === FALSE && $i < $applies->length; $i++) { if ($type == $applies->item($i)->nodeValue) { $found = $applies->item($i); } } if ($found) { $rule->removeChild($found); $ret = TRUE; } } return $ret; } /** * addAppliesTo ?? * @param type $rule_id * @param type $type * @return boolean */ public function addAppliesTo($rule_id, $type) { $ret = FALSE; if (($rule = $this->getIngestRule($rule_id)) !== FALSE) { $applies = $rule->getElementsByTagName('applies_to'); $found = FALSE; for ($i = 0; !$found && $i < $applies->length; $i++) { $found = ($type == $applies->item($i)->nodeValue); } if (!$found) { $newAppliesTo = $this->xml->createElement('applies_to', $type); $rule->insertBefore($newAppliesTo, $rule->getElementsByTagName('ingest_methods')->item(0)); $ret = TRUE; } } return $ret; } /** * addIngestMethods ?? * @param type $rule_id * @param type $module * @param type $file * @param type $class * @param type $method * @param type $dsid * @param type $modified_files_ext * @return boolean */ public function addIngestMethod($rule_id, $module, $file, $class, $method, $dsid, $modified_files_ext) { $ret = FALSE; if (self::valid_dsid($dsid) && ($rule = $this->getIngestRule($rule_id)) !== FALSE) { $methodsEl = $rule->getElementsByTagName('ingest_methods')->item(0); $meth = $this->xml->createElement('ingest_method'); $meth->setAttribute('module', $module); $meth->setAttribute('file', $file); $meth->setAttribute('class', $class); $meth->setAttribute('method', $method); $meth->setAttribute('dsid', $dsid); $meth->setAttribute('modified_files_ext', $modified_files_ext); $methodsEl->appendChild($meth); $ret = TRUE; } return $ret; } /** * removeIngestMethod ?? * @param type $rule_id * @param type $module * @param type $file * @param type $class * @param type $method * @return boolean */ public function removeIngestMethod($rule_id, $module, $file, $class, $method) { $ret = FALSE; if (($rule = $this->getIngestRule($rule_id)) !== FALSE) { $found = FALSE; $methodsEl = $rule->getElementsByTagName('ingest_methods')->item(0); $methods = $methodsEl->getElementsByTagName('ingest_method'); for ($i = 0; !$found && $i < $methods->length; $i++) { if ($methods->item($i)->getAttribute('module') == $module && $methods->item($i)->getAttribute('file') == $file && $methods->item($i)->getAttribute('class') == $class && $methods->item($i)->getAttribute('method') == $method) { $found = $methods->item($i); } } if ($found !== FALSE && $methods->length > 1) { $methodsEl->removeChild($found); $ret = TRUE; } } return $ret; } /** * addIngestMethodParam ?? * @param type $rule_id * @param type $module * @param type $file * @param type $class * @param type $method * @param type $name * @param type $value * @return boolean */ public function addIngestMethodParam($rule_id, $module, $file, $class, $method, $name, $value) { $ret = FALSE; if (($rule = $this->getIngestRule($rule_id)) !== FALSE) { $methods = $rule->getElementsByTagName('ingest_methods')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('ingest_method'); $found = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $found === FALSE && $i < $methods->length; $i++) { if (($methods->item($i)->getAttribute('module') == '' ? 'islandora_repository' : $methods->item($i)->getAttribute('module')) == $module && $methods->item($i)->getAttribute('file') == $file && $methods->item($i)->getAttribute('class') == $class && $methods->item($i)->getAttribute('method') == $method) { $found = $methods->item($i); } } if ($found !== FALSE) { $paramsEl = $found->getElementsByTagName('parameters'); if ($paramsEl->length == 0) { $paramsEl = $found->appendChild($this->xml->createElement('parameters')); } else { $paramsEl = $paramsEl->item(0); } $params = $paramsEl->getElementsByTagName('parameter'); $found = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $found === FALSE && $i < $params->length; $i++) { if ($params->item($i)->getAttribute('name') == $name) { $found = $params->item($i); } } if ($found === FALSE) { $param = $this->xml->createElement('parameter', $value); $param->setAttribute('name', $name); $paramsEl->appendChild($param); $ret = TRUE; } } } return $ret; } /** * removeIngestMethodParam ?? * @param type $rule_id * @param type $module * @param type $file * @param type $class * @param type $method * @param type $name * @return boolean */ public function removeIngestMethodParam($rule_id, $module, $file, $class, $method, $name) { $ret = FALSE; if (($rule = $this->getIngestRule($rule_id)) !== FALSE) { $found = FALSE; $methodsEl = $rule->getElementsByTagName('ingest_methods')->item(0); $methods = $methodsEl->getElementsByTagName('ingest_method'); for ($i = 0; !$found && $i < $methods->length; $i++) { if (( trim($methods->item($i)->getAttribute('module')) == $module || (trim($methods->item($i)->getAttribute('module')) == '' && $module == 'islandora_repository')) && trim($methods->item($i)->getAttribute('file')) == $file && trim($methods->item($i)->getAttribute('class')) == $class && trim($methods->item($i)->getAttribute('method')) == $method) { $found = $methods->item($i); } } if ($found !== FALSE) { $methodEl = $found; $paramsEl = $found->getElementsByTagName('parameters'); if ($paramsEl->length > 0) { $paramsEl = $paramsEl->item(0); $params = $paramsEl->getElementsByTagName('parameter'); $found = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $found === FALSE && $i < $params->length; $i++) { if ($params->item($i)->getAttribute('name') == $name) { $found = $params->item($i); } } if ($found !== FALSE) { $paramsEl->removeChild($found); if ($params->length == 0) { $methodEl->removeChild($paramsEl); } $ret = TRUE; } } } } return $ret; } /** * removeIngestRule ?? * @param type $rule_id * @return type */ public function removeIngestRule($rule_id) { $ret = FALSE; if (($rule = $this->getIngestRule($rule_id)) !== FALSE) { $ret = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('ingest_rules')->item(0)->removeChild($rule); } return $ret; } /** * addIngestRule ?? * @param type $applies_to * @param type $module * @param type $file * @param type $class * @param type $method * @param type $dsid * @param type $modified_files_ext * @return type */ public function addIngestRule($applies_to, $module, $file, $class, $method, $dsid, $modified_files_ext) { $ret = FALSE; if (self::valid_dsid($dsid) && $this->validate()) { $ingestRulesEl = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('ingest_rules')->item(0); $rule = $this->xml->createElement('rule'); $ingestMethodsEl = $this->xml->createElement('ingest_methods'); $rule->appendChild($ingestMethodsEl); $ingestRulesEl->appendChild($rule); $newRuleId = $ingestRulesEl->getElementsByTagName('rule')->length - 1; $ret = ($this->addAppliesTo($newRuleId, $applies_to) && $this->addIngestMethod($newRuleId, $module, $file, $class, $method, $dsid, $modified_files_ext)); } return $ret; } /** * getIngestRules ?? * @return type */ public function getIngestRules() { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $ret = array(); $rules = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('ingest_rules')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('rule'); for ($i = 0; $i < $rules->length; $i++) { $rule = array('applies_to' => array(), 'ingest_methods' => array()); $applies_to = $rules->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('applies_to'); for ($j = 0; $j < $applies_to->length; $j++) { $rule['applies_to'][] = trim($applies_to->item($j)->nodeValue); } $methods = $rules->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('ingest_methods')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('ingest_method'); for ($j = 0; $j < $methods->length; $j++) { $method = array('module' => $methods->item($j)->getAttribute('module') == '' ? 'islandora_repository' : $methods->item($j)->getAttribute('module'), 'file' => $methods->item($j)->getAttribute('file'), 'class' => $methods->item($j)->getAttribute('class'), 'method' => $methods->item($j)->getAttribute('method'), 'dsid' => $methods->item($j)->getAttribute('dsid'), 'modified_files_ext' => $methods->item($j)->getAttribute('modified_files_ext'), 'parameters' => array()); $params = $methods->item($j)->getElementsByTagName('parameters'); if ($params->length > 0) { $params = $params->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('parameter'); for ($k = 0; $k < $params->length; $k++) { $method['parameters'][$params->item($k)->getAttribute('name')] = $params->item($k)->nodeValue; } } $rule['ingest_methods'][] = $method; } $ret[] = $rule; } } return $ret; } /** * getIngestFormAttributes ?? * @return type */ public function getIngestFormAttributes() { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $ingest_formEl = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('ingest_form')->item(0); $ret = array('dsid' => $ingest_formEl->getAttribute('dsid'), 'page' => $ingest_formEl->getAttribute('page'), 'hide_file_chooser' => strtolower($ingest_formEl->getAttribute('hide_file_chooser')) == 'true', 'redirect' => strtolower($ingest_formEl->getAttribute('redirect')) == 'false' ? FALSE : TRUE); } return $ret; } /** * editIngestFormAttributes ?? * @param type $dsid * @param type $page * @param type $hide_file_chooser * @param type $redirect * @return boolean */ public function editIngestFormAttributes($dsid, $page, $hide_file_chooser = FALSE, $redirect = TRUE) { $ret = FALSE; if (self::valid_dsid($dsid) && $this->validate()) { $ingest_formEl = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('ingest_form')->item(0); $ingest_formEl->setAttribute('dsid', $dsid); $ingest_formEl->setAttribute('page', $page); if (!$redirect) { $ingest_formEl->setAttribute('redirect', 'false'); } else { $ingest_formEl->removeAttribute('redirect'); } if ($hide_file_chooser) { $ingest_formEl->setAttribute('hide_file_chooser', 'true'); } else { $ingest_formEl->removeAttribute('hide_file_chooser'); } $ret = TRUE; } return $ret; } /** * getIngestFormBuilderMethod * @return type */ public function getIngestFormBuilderMethod() { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $method = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('ingest_form')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('form_builder_method')->item(0); $ret = array('module' => ($method->getAttribute('module') == '' ? 'islandora_repository' : $method->getAttribute('module')), 'file' => $method->getAttribute('file'), 'class' => $method->getAttribute('class'), 'method' => $method->getAttribute('method'), 'handler' => $method->getAttribute('handler')); } return $ret; } /** * editIngestFormBuilderMethod ?? * @param type $module * @param type $file * @param type $class * @param type $method * @param type $handler * @return boolean */ public function editIngestFormBuilderMethod($module, $file, $class, $method, $handler) { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->validate()) { $methodEl = $this->xml->getElementsByTagName('ingest_form')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('form_builder_method')->item(0); $methodEl->setAttribute('module', $module); $methodEl->setAttribute('file', $file); $methodEl->setAttribute('class', $class); $methodEl->setAttribute('method', $method); $methodEl->setAttribute('handler', $handler); $ret = TRUE; } return $ret; } /** * Find the form element with name $name. * * @param string $name * The name of the form element to find. * @return DOMElement * The form element $name, if found FALSE otherwise. */ public function getForm($name) { $result = $this->xpath->query("//cm:form[@name='$name']"); return $result->length == 1 ? $result->item(0) : FALSE; } /** * * @return array * An array of form names that exist in this content model. */ public function getFormNames() { if (!$this->validate()) { return FALSE; } $names = FALSE; $result = $this->xpath->query('//cm:forms/cm:form/@name'); // Select the name attribute of all forms. for ($i = 0; $i < $result->length; $i++) { $attribute = $result->item($i); $name = $attribute->value; $names[$name] = $name; } return $names; } /** * * @return array * An array of form names that exist in this content model. */ public function getIngestFormNames() { if (!$this->validate()) { return FALSE; } $result = $this->xpath->query('//cm:forms/cm:form[@ingest_class and @ingest_file and @ingest_module]/@name'); // Select the name attribute of all forms. for ($i = 0; $i < $result->length; $i++) { $attribute = $result->item($i); $name = $attribute->value; $names[$name] = $name; } return $names; } /** * * @return array * An array of form names that exist in this content model. */ public function getEditFormNames() { if (!$this->validate()) { return FALSE; } $result = $this->xpath->query('//cm:forms/cm:form[@edit_class and @edit_file and @edit_module]/@name'); // Select the name attribute of all forms. for ($i = 0; $i < $result->length; $i++) { $attribute = $result->item($i); $name = $attribute->value; $names[$name] = $name; } return $names; } /** * Removes the named form. * * @param string $name * Name of the form to remove. * * @return boolean * TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. */ public function removeForm($name) { $result = $this->xpath->query("//cm:form[@name='$name']"); if ($result->length == 1) { $form = $result->item(0); $form->parentNode->removeChild($form); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Adds the named form. * * @param string $element * Name of the form to add. * * @return boolean * TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. */ public function addForm($element) { $result = $this->xpath->query("//cm:forms"); if ($result->length == 0) { // Forms doesn't exist $forms = $this->xml->createElement('forms'); $element = $this->xml->importNode($element); $forms->appendChild($element); $result = $this->xpath->query("//cm:content_model"); $result->item(0)->appendChild($forms); return TRUE; } elseif ($result->length == 1) { $element = $this->xml->importNode($element); $result->item(0)->appendChild($element); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Edits a form element with attribute name='$name' from the 'forms' element. * * @param String $name */ public function editForm($name, $element) { if (!$this->validate()) { return FALSE; } $result = $this->xpath->query("//cm:form[@name='$name']"); if ($result->length == 1) { $form = $result->item(0); $result = $this->xpath->query("child::node()", $form); $element = $this->xml->importNode($element); for ($i = 0; $i < $result->length; $i++) { $child = $result->item($i); $element->appendChild($child); } $form->parentNode->replaceChild($element, $form); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * * @param $element_definition * @param $parent_element * @return */ public function addElementToForm($element, $parent_element) { $element = $this->xml->importNode($element, TRUE); $parent_element->appendChild($element); return TRUE; } /** * * @param $element_definition * @param $parent_element */ public function editFormElement($new_element, $edit_element) { $new_element = $this->xml->importNode($new_element, TRUE); $name = $new_element->tagName; $result = $new_element->getElementsByTagName('content'); if ($result->length == 1) { $new_content = $result->item(0); $result = $this->xpath->query("child::cm:content/child::node()", $edit_element); for ($i = 0; $i < $result->length; $i++) { $child = $result->item($i); $new_content->appendChild($child); } } $edit_element->parentNode->replaceChild($new_element, $edit_element); return TRUE; } /** * * @param $new_element * @param $element */ private function insertElementInPlace($new_element, $element) { $next = $element->nextSibling; if ($next) { $element->parentNode->insertBefore($new_element, $next); } else { $element->parentNode->appendChild($new_element); } } /** * * @param $form_element * @return */ public function incFormElement($form_element) { $prev = $form_element; $name = $prev->getAttribute('name'); while ($prev = $prev->previousSibling) { if (get_class($prev) == 'DOMElement') { $form_element->parentNode->insertBefore($form_element, $prev); break; } } return TRUE; } /** * * @param $form_element * @return */ public function decFormElement($form_element) { $next = $form_element; while ($next = $next->nextSibling) { if (get_class($next) == 'DOMElement') { $this->insertElementInPlace($form_element, $next); break; } } return TRUE; } }