USING THE TRAVIS AFTER-FAILURE SCRIPT ************************************* The Travis after-failure script dumps several files to per-repository branches on if one of the Travis builds fails. Most of this process is automated, but it still requires some work to implement in a repository: - An encrypted global variable in .travis.yml representing the password of the islandora-logger Github user. - A line to run in the after-failure section of .travis.yml. - A new branch of islandora_travis_logger, using the repository name. THE ENCRYPTED GLOBAL VARIABLE ***************************** Encrypted global variables can be generated using the travis ruby gem. To find the appropriate encryption key for your repository, run the following: ```bash sudo gem install travis # Assuming travis isn't installed travis encrypt -r account/repository LOGGER_PW=islandora-logger-password ``` Where: - `account/repository` represents the repository slug, e.g. Islandora/islandora. - `islandora-logger-password` represents the password for the islandora-logger account, in plaintext. The output of this will be a string of encrypted data in quotes, preceded by the word 'secure', looking something like: ``` secure: ".... a giant string of encrypted data ...." ``` Paste this line into .travis.yml's `env/global` section, so that it looks like: ``` env: matrix: - MATRIX_VARIABLES="GO_HERE" global: - secure: ".... a giant string of encrypted data ...." ``` THE LINE TO RUN THE AFTER-FAILURE SCRIPT **************************************** At the end of your .travis.yml, after the `script` section, add the following: ``` after-failure: - $ISLANDORA_DIR/tests/scripts/ # Where $ISLANDORA_DIR represents the path to the Islandora module; this has # likely already been set in before_install in order to run ``` THE NEW ISLANDORA_TRAVIS_LOGS BRANCH ************************************ Really very simple ... just add a new branch to git:// with your repository name.