(function($) { if (Drupal.jsEnabled) { $(document).ready(function() { $('#edit-mods-people-add-from-repository').blur(function () { if ($('#edit-mods-people-add-from-repository').val() != '') { $('#edit-mods-people-add-person').mousedown(); } }); if (Drupal.ahah != undefined) { /** * Override of Drupal.ahah.prototype.success. The only difference is that we * allow for new Drupal.settings. */ Drupal.ahah.prototype.success = function (response, status) { $('#edit-mods-people-add-from-repository').val(''); var wrapper = $(this.wrapper); var form = $(this.element).parents('form'); // Manually insert HTML into the jQuery object, using $() directly crashes // Safari with long string lengths. http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/1152 var new_content = $('<div></div>').html(response.data); // Restore the previous action and target to the form. form.attr('action', this.form_action); this.form_target ? form.attr('target', this.form_target) : form.removeAttr('target'); this.form_encattr ? form.attr('target', this.form_encattr) : form.removeAttr('encattr'); // Remove the progress element. if (this.progress.element) { $(this.progress.element).remove(); } if (this.progress.object) { this.progress.object.stopMonitoring(); } $(this.element).removeClass('progress-disabled').attr('disabled', false); // Add the new content to the page. Drupal.freezeHeight(); if (this.method == 'replace') { wrapper.empty().append(new_content); } else { wrapper[this.method](new_content); } $('.datepicker').datepicker({ buttonImage: '/misc/date.png', constrainInput: false, showOn: 'button', changeMonth: true, changeYear: true }); // Immediately hide the new content if we're using any effects. if (this.showEffect != 'show') { new_content.hide(); } // Determine what effect use and what content will receive the effect, then // show the new content. For browser compatibility, Safari is excluded from // using effects on table rows. if (($.browser.safari && $("tr.ahah-new-content", new_content).size() > 0)) { new_content.show(); } else if ($('.ahah-new-content', new_content).size() > 0) { $('.ahah-new-content', new_content).hide(); new_content.show(); $(".ahah-new-content", new_content)[this.showEffect](this.showSpeed); } else if (this.showEffect != 'show') { new_content[this.showEffect](this.showSpeed); } // Merge in new and changed settings, if any. if (response.settings) { $.extend(Drupal.settings, response.settings); } // Attach all javascript behaviors to the new content, if it was successfully // added to the page, this if statement allows #ahah[wrapper] to be optional. if (new_content.parents('html').length > 0) { Drupal.attachBehaviors(new_content); } Drupal.unfreezeHeight(); }; } }); } })(jQuery);