<?php /** * @file * Tests for things that test tests. Madness. */ /** * A test DatastreamValidator for the DatastreamValidatorResultTestCase. */ class TestDatastreamValidator extends DatastreamValidator { /** * Assertion that adds a TRUE result. */ protected function assertSomethingSuccessfully() { $this->addResult(TRUE, 'yay you did it', $this->getAssertionCall()); } /** * Assertion that adds a FALSE result. */ protected function assertSomethingFailed() { $this->addResult(FALSE, 'boo you failed', $this->getAssertionCall()); } } /** * Tests the ability of DatastreamValidators to produce correct results. */ class DatastreamValidatorResultTestCase extends IslandoraWebTestCase { /** * Returns the info for this test case. * * @see DrupalWebTestCase::getInfo() */ public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Datastream Validator Result Tests', 'description' => 'Unit tests for datastream validation result functionality.', 'group' => 'Islandora', ); } /** * Sets up the test. * * @see DrupalWebTestCase::setUp() */ public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array_keys(module_invoke_all('permission'))); $this->drupalLogin($user); $object = $this->ingestConstructedObject(); $validator = new TestDatastreamValidator($object, 'DC'); $this->validator_results = $validator->getResults(); } /** * Generates a generic DatastreamValidatorResult and grabs its properties. */ public function testDatastreamValidatorResult() { $result = new IslandoraTestUtilityResult(TRUE, 'true', array()); $this->assertEqual($result->getMessage(), 'true', "Result message generated correctly.", 'Islandora'); $this->assertEqual($result->getType(), TRUE, "Result type generated correctly.", 'Islandora'); $this->assertEqual($result->getCaller(), array(), "Result caller generated correctly.", 'Islandora'); } /** * Gets the results of TestDatastreamValidator and confirms only 2 exist. */ public function testTestDatastreamValidatorResultCount() { $this->assertTrue(isset($this->validator_results[0]), "First of two expected results found.", 'Islandora'); $this->assertTrue(isset($this->validator_results[1]), "Second of two expected results found.", 'Islandora'); $this->assertFalse(isset($this->validator_results[2]), "No other unexpected results found.", 'Islandora'); } /** * Confirms the messages from TestDatastreamValidator. */ public function testTestDatastreamValidatorMessages() { if (isset($this->validator_results[0]) && isset($this->validator_results[1])) { $this->assertEqual($this->validator_results[0]->getMessage(), 'yay you did it', "Appropriate pass message returned.", 'Islandora'); $this->assertEqual($this->validator_results[1]->getMessage(), 'boo you failed', "Appropriate fail message returned.", 'Islandora'); } } /** * Confirms the types from TestDatastreamValidator. */ public function testTestDatastreamValidatorTypes() { if (isset($this->validator_results[0]) && isset($this->validator_results[1])) { $this->assertEqual($this->validator_results[0]->getType(), TRUE, "Appropriate pass type of TRUE returned.", 'Islandora'); $this->assertEqual($this->validator_results[1]->getType(), FALSE, "Appropriate fail type of FALSE returned.", 'Islandora'); } } /** * Confirms the useful information from TestDatastreamValidator. */ public function testTestDatastreamValidatorCallers() { if (isset($this->validator_results[0]) && isset($this->validator_results[1])) { // Grab the callers. $first_caller = $this->validator_results[0]->getCaller(); $second_caller = $this->validator_results[1]->getCaller(); // Assert the 'file' key. $this->assertTrue(substr($first_caller['file'], -48) === '/islandora/tests/datastream_validator_tests.test', "Appropriate pass caller file returned.", 'Islandora'); $this->assertTrue(substr($first_caller['file'], -48) === substr($second_caller['file'], -48), "Fail caller file matches the pass caller file.", 'Islandora'); $this->assertTrue($first_caller['function'] === 'TestDatastreamValidator->assertSomethingSuccessfully()', "Correct pass caller function returned (actual: {$first_caller['function']}; expected: TestDatastreamValidator->assertSomethingSuccessfully()).", 'Islandora'); $this->assertTrue($second_caller['function'] === 'TestDatastreamValidator->assertSomethingFailed()', "Correct fail caller function returned (actual: {$second_caller['function']}; expected: TestDatastreamValidator->assertSomethingFailed()).", 'Islandora'); $this->assertTrue($first_caller['line'] === 16, "Correct pass line number returned (actual: {$first_caller['line']}; expected: 16).", 'Islandora'); $this->assertTrue($second_caller['line'] === 23, "Correct fail line number returned (actual: {$second_caller['line']}; expected: 23).", 'Islandora'); } } } /** * Procedurally generated tests for DatastreamValidators. */ class PrefixDatastreamValidatorTestCase extends IslandoraWebTestCase { /** * The path to the datastream validator files. * * @var string */ protected $path; /** * Returns the info for this test case. * * @see DrupalWebTestCase::getInfo() */ public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Datastream File Validation Tests', 'description' => 'Tests each file in the islandora/tests/fixtures/datastream_validator_files folder against the appropriate DatastreamValidator class (see the README.md in the tests folder for details).', 'group' => 'Islandora', ); } /** * Sets up the test. * * @see DrupalWebTestCase::setUp() */ public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->path = DRUPAL_ROOT . drupal_get_path('module', 'islandora') . "/tests/fixtures/datastream_validator_files/"; } /** * Confirms that a DatastreamValidator class exists for given filename. * * @param string $filename * The file to grab the DatastreamValidator prefix from. * * @return bool * TRUE if such a class exists; FALSE otherwise. */ protected function confirmValidatorClass($filename) { $prefix = $this->getPrefix($filename); if (!class_exists("{$prefix}DatastreamValidator")) { $this->fail("No such DatastreamValidator exists for the prefix $prefix (filename: $filename)."); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Confirms that a file exists at the given path. * * Bundled with lovely return values and fail messages. * * @param string $path * The path to the file. * * @return bool * TRUE if the file exists, FALSE otherwise. */ protected function confirmValidatorFile($path) { if (!file_exists($path)) { $this->fail("No such file exists at path $path."); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Gets the intended prefix from a filename. * * Uses the portion of the filename before the first period. * * @param string $filename * The filename to get the prefix for. * * @return string * The intended prefix. */ protected function getPrefix($filename) { return array_shift(explode('.', $filename)); } /** * Create an object with a datastream generated from the given filename. * * @param string $filename * The filename to use when adding a datastream. * * @return IslandoraFedoraObject * The created object. */ protected function createObjectWithDatastream($filename) { $prefix = $this->getPrefix($filename); if (!$this->confirmValidatorClass($filename) && !$this->confirmValidatorFile($this->path . $filename)) { return FALSE; } $datastreams = array(array( 'dsid' => $prefix, 'path' => $this->path . $filename, 'control_group' => 'M', ), ); $object = $this->ingestConstructedObject(array(), $datastreams); return $object; } /** * Procedurally test each file in $this->path against a datastream validator. * * Check the README.md in this folder for details. */ public function testDatastreamValidators() { // Grab everything in the validator files folder except for .ini files. $files = array_intersect(glob("{$this->path}/*"), glob("{$this->path}/*.ini")); foreach ($files as $file) { $prefix = $this->getPrefix($file); // If createObjectWithDatastream fails, we don't want to continue. We'll // task it with returning fail messages rather than do so here. $object = $this->createObjectWithDatastream($file); if ($object !== FALSE) { // Generate an appropriate validator. $validator_name = "{$prefix}DatastreamValidator"; // If the file is paired with an .ini, use it as the third param. if (file_exists("{$this->path}$file.ini")) { $validator = new $validator_name($object, $prefix, parse_ini_file("{$this->path}$file.ini")); } else { $validator = new $validator_name($object, $prefix); } // Get the results, check for fails. $results = $validator->getResults(); $fails = FALSE; foreach ($results as $result) { if (!$result->getType()) { $fails = TRUE; $caller = $result->getCaller(); $this->fail("Failed to validate the test file $file against the assertion {$caller['function']}."); } } // If there were no fails, say that the file passed validation. if (!$fails) { $this->pass("Test file $file validated successfully."); } } } } }