* drupal hook
* calls the fedora_repositorys_admin form
function fedora_repository_menu() {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'formClass');
$admin_menu = new formClass();
return $admin_menu->createMenu();
* Implements hook_help().
* drupal hook to show help
* @param string $path
* The path to supply the help for.
* @param type $arg
* @return string
* The help string apropriate to the given path.
function fedora_repository_help($path, $arg) {
switch ($path) {
case 'admin/modules#description' :
return t('Grabs a list of items from a collection in Drupal that are presented on the home page.');
case 'node/add#fedora_repository' :
return t('Use this page to grab a list of items from a Fedora collection.');
* fedora repository purge object
* @param type $pid
* @param type $name
* @return type
function fedora_repository_purge_object($pid = NULL, $name = NULL) {
if (!user_access('purge objects and datastreams')) {
drupal_set_message(t('You do not have access to add a datastream to this object.'), 'error');
return '';
if ($pid == NULL) {
drupal_set_message(t('You must specify an object pid to purge an object.'), 'error');
return '';
$output = t('Are you sure you wish to purge object %name %pid!
This cannot be undone
', array(
'%name' => $name,
'%pid' => $pid)
$output .= drupal_get_form('fedora_repository_purge_object_form', $pid);
return $output;
* fedora repository ingest object
* @param type $collection_pid
* @param type $collection_label
* @param type $content_model
* @return type
function fedora_repository_ingest_object($collection_pid=NULL, $collection_label = NULL, $content_model = NULL) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_utils');
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ObjectHelper');
if (!user_access('ingest new fedora objects')) {
drupal_set_message(t('You do not have permission to ingest.'), 'error');
return '';
if (!valid_pid($collection_pid)) {
if (valid_pid(urldecode($collection_pid))) {
$collection_pid = urldecode($collection_pid);
else {
drupal_set_message(t("This collection PID @collection_pid is not valid", check_plain($collection_pid)), 'error');
return ' ';
if ($collection_pid == NULL) {
drupal_set_message(t('You must specify a collection object pid to ingest an object.'), 'error');
return '';
$output = drupal_get_form('fedora_repository_ingest_form', $collection_pid, $collection_label, $content_model);
$breadcrumbs = array();
$object_helper = new ObjectHelper();
$object_helper->getBreadcrumbs($collection_pid, $breadcrumbs);
return $output;
* fedora repository ingest form submit
* @global type $base_url
* @global type $user
* @param array $form
* @param array $form_state
function fedora_repository_ingest_form_submit(array $form, array &$form_state) {
// Only validate the form if the submit button was pressed (other buttons may be used for AHAH.
if ($form_state['ahah_submission']) {
$form_state['submitted'] = FALSE;
if ($form_state['storage']['xml'] && module_exists('islandora_content_model_forms')) {
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora_content_model_forms', 'IngestObjectMetadataForm');
$xml_form = new IngestObjectMetadataForm();
$xml_form->submit($form, $form_state);
elseif (strpos($form_state['clicked_button']['#id'], 'edit-submit') === 0) {
global $base_url;
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'CollectionClass');
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'CollectionPolicy');
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ContentModel');
$contentModelPid = ContentModel::getPidFromIdentifier($form_state['values']['models']);
$contentModelDsid = ContentModel::getDSIDFromIdentifier($form_state['values']['models']);
$err = TRUE;
$redirect = TRUE;
if (($cp = CollectionPolicy::loadFromCollection($form_state['values']['collection_pid'])) !== FALSE) {
$relationship = $cp->getRelationship();
if (($cm = ContentModel::loadFromModel($contentModelPid, $contentModelDsid)) !== FALSE) {
$pid = $cp->getNextPid($contentModelDsid);
global $user;
$form_state['values']['user_id'] = $user->name;
$form_state['values']['pid'] = $pid;
$form_state['values']['content_model_pid'] = $contentModelPid;
$form_state['values']['relationship'] = $relationship;
$err = (!$cm->execFormHandler($form_state['values'], $form_state));
// Empty this variable.
$_SESSION['fedora_ingest_files'] = '';
$attr = $cm->getIngestFormAttributes();
$redirect = $attr['redirect'];
if ($redirect) {
$form_state['storage'] = NULL;
if ($redirect) {
$form_state['redirect'] = ($err) ? ' ' : url("fedora/repository/{$form_state['values']['collection_pid']}");
* fedora repository ingest form validate
* @param type $form
* @param type $form_state
* @return type
function fedora_repository_ingest_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
// Only validate the form if the submit button was pressed (other buttons may be used for AHAH.
if ($form_state['ahah_submission']) {
$form_state['submitted'] = FALSE;
if (strpos($form_state['clicked_button']['#id'], 'edit-submit') === 0 && $form_state['ahah_submission'] != 1) {
switch ($form_state['storage']['step']) {
case 1:
$form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;
case 2:
// XML based form.
if ($form_state['storage']['xml']) {
module_load_include('inc', 'xml_form_api', 'XMLForm');
$xml_form = new XMLForm($form_state);
$xml_form->validate($form, $form_state);
// Get the uploaded file.
$validators = array();
$ifl = 'ingest-file-location';
$fileObject = NULL;
// Check if it's already there; this is what upload_element provides.
if (is_a($form_state['values'][$ifl], 'stdClass') && property_exists($form_state['values'][$ifl], '')) {
$fileObject = $form_state['values'][$ifl];
elseif (!empty($_FILES['files']['name'][$ifl])) {
$fileObject = file_save_upload($ifl, $validators);
if ($fileObject !== NULL && property_exists($fileObject, 'filepath')) {
file_move($fileObject->filepath, 0, 'FILE_EXISTS_RENAME');
$form_state['values'][$ifl] = $fileObject->filepath;
if (isset($form_state['values'][$ifl]) && file_exists($form_state['values'][$ifl])) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ContentModel');
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'MimeClass');
$file = $form_state['values'][$ifl];
$contentModelPid = ContentModel::getPidFromIdentifier($form_state['values']['models']);
$contentModelDsid = ContentModel::getDSIDFromIdentifier($form_state['values']['models']);
if (($cm = ContentModel::loadFromModel($contentModelPid, $contentModelDsid)) !== FALSE) {
$allowedMimeTypes = $cm->getMimetypes();
$mimetype = new MimeClass();
$dformat = $mimetype->getType($file);
if (!empty($file)) {
if (!in_array($dformat, $allowedMimeTypes)) {
t('The uploaded file\'s mimetype (@mime) is not associated with this Content Model. The allowed types are: @allowed', array(
'@mime' => $dformat,
'@allowed' => implode(', ', $allowedMimeTypes),
elseif (!$cm->execIngestRules($file, $dformat)) {
drupal_set_message(t('Error following Content Model Rules'), 'error');
foreach (ContentModel::$errors as $err) {
drupal_set_message(check_plain($err), 'error');
$form_state['rebuild'] = FALSE;
* fedora repository ingest form
* @param type $form_state
* @param type $collection_pid
* @param type $collection_label
* @param type $content_model
* @return type
function fedora_repository_ingest_form(&$form_state, $collection_pid, $collection_label = NULL, $content_model = NULL) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'formClass');
// For the sake of easily maintaining the module in different core versions create our own form_values variable.
if (empty($form_state['storage']['step'])) {
$form_state['storage']['step'] = 1;
$ingest_form = new formClass();
$form_state['storage']['content_model'] = $content_model;
$form_state['storage']['collection_pid'] = $collection_pid;
$form = $ingest_form->createIngestForm($collection_pid, $collection_label, $form_state);
return $form;
* fedora repository purge object form
* @global type $base_url
* @param type $form_state
* @param type $pid
* @param type $referrer
* @return mixed
* NULL or the form array.
function fedora_repository_purge_object_form(&$form_state, $pid, $referrer = NULL) {
global $base_url;
if (!user_access('purge objects and datastreams')) {
return NULL;
if ($pid == NULL) {
return NULL;
$form['pid'] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => "$pid",
if (!strstr(drupal_get_destination(), urlencode('fedora/repository'))) {
$form['referrer'] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => $referrer,
if (!isset($form_state['storage']['confirm'])) {
// Do your normal $form definition here.
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'image_button',
'#src' => drupal_get_path('module', 'fedora_repository') . '/images/purge_big.png',
'#value' => t('Purge'),
'#suffix' => 'Purge this object',
return $form;
else {
/* ALSO do $form definition here. Your final submit handler
* (after user clicks Yes, I Confirm)
* will only see $form_state info defined here.
* Form you create here passed as param1 to confirm_form*/
// Had better luck leaving off last param 'name'.
return confirm_form($form, 'Confirm Purge Object', $referrer, 'Are you sure you want to delete this object? This action cannot be undone.', 'Delete', 'Cancel');
return $form;
* add stream
* @param type $collection_pid
* @param type $collectionName
* @return type
function add_stream($collection_pid=NULL, $collectionName=NULL) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_utils');
if (!valid_pid($collection_pid)) {
drupal_set_message(t("This PID is not valid!"), 'error');
return ' ';
if (!user_access('ingest new fedora objects')) {
drupal_set_message(t('You do not have permission to ingest.'), 'error');
return '';
if ($collection_pid == NULL) {
drupal_set_message(t('You must specify an collection object pid to ingest an object.'), 'error');
return '';
$output .= drupal_get_form('fedora_repository_add_stream_form', $pid);
return $output;
* add stream form submit
* @global type $base_url
* @param type $form
* @param type $form_state
* @return type
function add_stream_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
global $base_url;
if (!empty($form_state['submit']) && $form_state['submit'] == 'OK') {
$form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ObjectHelper');
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_item');
$pathToModule = drupal_get_path('module', 'fedora_repository');
$pid = $form_state['values']['pid'];
$dsid = $form_state['values']['stream_id'];
$dsLabel = $form_state['values']['stream_label'] . substr($form_state['storage']['stream_url'], strrpos($form_state['storage']['stream_url'], '.')); // Add the file extention to the end of the label.;
try {
$item = new Fedora_Item($pid);
$item->add_datastream_from_url($form_state['storage']['stream_url'], $dsid, $dsLabel, $form_state['storage']['ds_mimetype'], $form_state['storage']['control_group']);
if ($file = $form_state['values']['add-stream-file-location']) {
$object_helper = new ObjectHelper();
$object_helper->get_and_do_datastream_rules($pid, $dsid, $file);
} catch (exception $e) {
drupal_set_message(t('@message', array('@message' => check_plain($e->getMessage()))), 'error');
unset($form_state['storage']); //Using storage; need to unset it for forms to work properly...
$form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;
* add stream form
* @param type $form_state
* @param type $pid
* @return type
function add_stream_form(&$form_state, $pid) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'formClass');
$addDataStreamForm = new formClass();
return $addDataStreamForm->createAddDataStreamForm($pid, $form_state);
* add stream form validate
* @param type $form
* @param type $form_state
* @return type
function add_stream_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'MimeClass');
if ($form_state['clicked_button']['#value'] == 'OK') {
$form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;
$dsid = $form_state['values']['stream_id'];
$dsLabel = $form_state['values']['stream_label'];
if (strlen($dsid) > 64) {
form_set_error('', t('Data stream ID cannot be more than 64 characters.'));
return FALSE;
elseif (!(preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]/", $dsid))) {
form_set_error('', t("Data stream ID (@dsid) has to start with a letter.", array('@dsid' => $dsid)));
return FALSE;
elseif (strlen($dsLabel) > 64) {
form_set_error('', t('Data stream Label cannot be more than 64 characters.'));
return FALSE;
elseif (strpos($dsLabel, '/') !== FALSE) {
form_set_error('', t('Data stream Label cannot contain a "/".'));
return FALSE;
$validators = array(
// 'file_validate_is_image' => array(),
// 'file_validate_image_resolution' => array('85x85'),
// 'file_validate_size' => array(30 * 1024),
$controlGroup = $form_state['storage']['control_group'] = $form_state['values']['control_group'];
if ((($controlGroup && in_array($controlGroup, array('X', 'M'))) || !$controlGroup) && (($fileObject = file_save_upload('add-stream-file-location', $validators)))) {
// Move the uploaded file to Drupal's files directory.
$file_path = $fileObject->filepath;
file_move($file_path, 0, FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
$form_state['values']['add-stream-file-location'] = $file_path;
$form_state['storage']['stream_url'] = file_create_url($file_path);
elseif ($controlGroup && in_array($controlGroup, array('M', 'R', 'E')) && ($ref = $form_state['values']['ds_reference'])) {
$form_state['storage']['stream_url'] = $form_state['values']['ds_reference'];
else {
form_set_error('', t('No file given when "X" or "M", or no reference given when "M", "R" or "E".'));
$mimeClass = new MimeClass();
$mimetype = $form_state['storage']['ds_mimetype'] = $mimeClass->getType($form_state['storage']['stream_url']);
if (!$controlGroup) {
if ($mimetype == 'text/xml') {
$form_state['storage']['control_group'] = 'X';
else {
$form_state['storage']['control_group'] = 'M';
// TODO: Add error checking here.
$form_state['rebuild'] = FALSE;
* fedora repository purge stream
* @global type $user
* @param type $pid
* @param type $dsId
* @param type $name
* @return type
function fedora_repository_purge_stream($pid = NULL, $dsId = NULL, $name = NULL) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ObjectHelper');
global $user;
if ($pid == NULL || $dsId == NULL) {
drupal_set_message(t('You must specify an object pid and DataStream ID to purge a datastream'), 'error');
return ' ';
if (!fedora_repository_access(OBJECTHELPER :: $PURGE_FEDORA_OBJECTSANDSTREAMS, $pid, $user)) {
drupal_set_message(t("You do not have access to Fedora objects within the attempted namespace or you do not have permission to purge objects."), 'error');
return ' ';
$output = t('Are you sure you wish to purge this datastream %name
', array(
'%name' => $name)
$output .= drupal_get_form('fedora_repository_purge_stream_form', $pid, $dsId);
return $output;
* Validates the purge object form.
* @param array $form
* The form to validate.
* @param array $form_state
* The state of the form to validate
function fedora_repository_purge_object_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_collection');
$pid = $form_state['values']['pid'];
$object_helper = new ObjectHelper();
$content_models = $object_helper->get_content_models_list($pid);
foreach ($content_models as $content_model) {
if ($content_model->pid == 'islandora:collectionCModel') {
$member_pids = get_related_items_as_array($pid, 'isMemberOfCollection');
if (is_array($member_pids) && ! empty($member_pids)) {
form_set_error('new_collection_pid', t("Please purge all members of this collection before deleting the collection itself."));
* fedora repository purge object form submit
* @param type $form
* The submited form.
* @param type $form_state
* The state of the submitted form.
function fedora_repository_purge_object_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ConnectionHelper');
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_utils');
$pid = $form_state['values']['pid'];
$parents = get_parent_collections_from_pid($pid);
if (!isset($form_state['storage']['confirm'])) {
/* This will cause the form to be rebuilt,
* entering the confirm part of the form.*/
$form_state['storage']['confirm'] = TRUE;
// Along with this.
$form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;
else {
/* This is where you do your processing after
* they have pressed the confirm button.*/
$params = array(
"pid" => $pid,
"logMessage" => "Purged",
"force" => "",
try {
$soap_helper = new ConnectionHelper();
$client = $soap_helper->getSoapClient(variable_get('fedora_soap_manage_url', 'http://localhost:8080/fedora/wsdl?api=API-M'));
$object = $client->__soapCall('purgeObject', array($params));
} catch (exception $e) {
if (preg_match('/org\.fcrepo\.server\.security\.xacml\.pep\.AuthzDeniedException/', $e->getMessage())) {
drupal_set_message(t('Error: Insufficient permissions to purge object.'), 'error');
else {
drupal_set_message(t('@message', array('@message' => check_plain($e->getMessage()))), 'error');
// Set the form's redirect to its first identifiable parent collection.
$form_state['redirect'] = "fedora/repository/$parents[0]/";
* fedora repository purge stream form
* @param type $form_state
* @param type $pid
* @param type $dsId
* @return type
function fedora_repository_purge_stream_form(&$form_state, $pid, $dsId) {
$form['pid'] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => "$pid",
$form['dsid'] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => "$dsId",
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Purge'),
return $form;
* fedora repository purge stream form submit
* @global type $base_url
* @param type $form
* @param array $form_state
function fedora_repository_purge_stream_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
global $base_url;
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_item');
$pid = $form_state['values']['pid'];
$item = new Fedora_Item($pid);
$dsid = $form_state['values']['dsid'];
try {
} catch (exception $e) {
drupal_set_message(t('@message', array('@message' => check_plain($e->getMessage()))), 'error');
$form_state['redirect'] = "fedora/repository/$pid";
* @param unknown_type $form_state
* @param unknown_type $pid
* @param unknown_type $dsid
* @param unknown_type $label
function fedora_repository_download_datastream_form(&$form_state, $pid, $dsid, $label) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ObjectHelper');
$form = array(
'#action' => url("fedora/repository/object_download/$pid/$dsid/$label"),
'submit' => array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Download'),
if (user_access(ObjectHelper::$EDIT_FEDORA_METADATA)) {
$item = new Fedora_Item($pid);
$versions = $item->get_datastream_history($dsid);
$version_array = array();
if (is_array($versions)) {
foreach ($versions as $version) {
$version_array[] = $version->createDate;
else {
$version_array[] = $versions->createDate;
if (count($version_array) > 1) {
$form['#attributes'] = array(
'onsubmit' => 'this.action="' . $form['#action'] . '/" + this.version.value;',
$form['version'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => array_combine($version_array, $version_array),
return $form;
* fedora repository replace stream
* @param type $pid
* @param type $dsId
* @param type $dsLabel
* @param type $collectionName
* @return string
function fedora_repository_replace_stream($pid, $dsId, $dsLabel = '', $collectionName = NULL) {
if ($pid == NULL || $dsId == NULL) {
drupal_set_message(t('You must specify an pid and dsId to replace.'), 'error');
return '';
$output = drupal_get_form('fedora_repository_replace_stream_form', $pid, $dsId, $dsLabel);
return $output;
* fedora repository replace stream form
* @param type $form_state
* @param type $pid
* @param type $dsId
* @param type $dsLabel
* @return type
function fedora_repository_replace_stream_form(&$form_state, $pid, $dsId, $dsLabel) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'formClass');
$replaceDataStreamForm = new formClass();
return $replaceDataStreamForm->createReplaceDataStreamForm($pid, $dsId, $dsLabel, $form_state);
* fedora repository replace stream form validate
* @param type $form
* @param type $form_state
* @return type
function fedora_repository_replace_stream_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
// If a file was uploaded, process it.
if (isset($_FILES['files']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['files']['tmp_name']['file'])) {
// Attempt to save the uploaded file.
$file = file_save_upload('file', array(), file_directory_path());
// set error is file was not uploaded
if (!$file) {
form_set_error('file', 'Error uploading file.');
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* TODO: need a better way to get mimetypes
$doc = new DOMDocument();
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'MimeClass');
$mime = new MimeClass();
$mimetype = $form_state['storage']['mime_type'] = $mime->getType($file->filepath);
if ($mimetype == 'text/xml' && !DOMDocument::load($file->filepath)) {
form_set_error('file', 'Invalid XML format. (XML could not be parsed)');
// set files to form_state, to process when form is submitted
$form_state['values']['file'] = $file;
elseif (!$form_state['values']['ds_reference']) {
form_set_error('', 'Need either a file or a reference!');
* fedora repository replace stream form submit
* @global type $base_url
* @param type $form
* @param array $form_state
function fedora_repository_replace_stream_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$file = $form_state['values']['file'];
$pid = $form_state['values']['pid'];
$dsid = $form_state['values']['dsId'];
$dsLabel = $form_state['values']['dsLabel'];
$streamUrl = ($file !== NULL) ?
url($form_state['values']['reference'], array('absolute' => TRUE));
// Remove the original file extension from the label and add the new one
// use strrpos to get the last dot
if (($indexOfDot = strrpos($dsLabel, '.')) !== FALSE) {
$dsLabel = substr($dsLabel, 0, $indexOfDot) .
substr($streamUrl, strrpos($streamUrl, '.')); // Add the file extention to the end of the label.
$dformat = $form_state['storage']['mime_type'];
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_item');
$item = new Fedora_Item($pid);
$item->modify_datastream($streamUrl, $dsid, $dsLabel, $dformat);
$form_state['redirect'] = 'fedora/repository/' . $pid;
* fedora repository edit qdc page
* @global type $user
* @param type $pid
* @param type $dsId
* @return type
function fedora_repository_edit_qdc_page($pid = NULL, $dsId = NULL) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ObjectHelper');
global $user;
if ($pid == NULL || $dsId == NULL) {
drupal_set_message(t('You must specify an object pid and a Dublin Core DataStream ID to edit metadata'), 'error');
return ' ';
if (!fedora_repository_access(OBJECTHELPER :: $EDIT_FEDORA_METADATA, $pid, $user)) {
drupal_set_message(t("You do not have access to Fedora objects within the attempted namespace or you do not have permission to edit meta data for this object."), 'error');
return ' ';
$output = drupal_get_form('fedora_repository_edit_qdc_form', $pid, $dsId);
return $output;
* fedora repository edit qdc form
* @global type $user
* @param type $form_state
* @param type $pid
* @param type $dsId
* @return type
function fedora_repository_edit_qdc_form(&$form_state, $pid, $dsId = NULL) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ContentModel');
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ObjectHelper');
if ($pid == NULL) {
drupal_set_message(t('You must specify an object pid!'), 'error');
global $user;
if (!fedora_repository_access(OBJECTHELPER :: $EDIT_FEDORA_METADATA, $pid, $user)) {
drupal_set_message(t("You do not have access to Fedora objects within the attempted namespace or you do not have permission to edit meta data for this object."), 'error');
return ' ';
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'formClass');
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ConnectionHelper');
$soapHelper = new ConnectionHelper();
$client = $soapHelper->getSoapClient(variable_get('fedora_soap_url', 'http://localhost:8080/fedora/services/access?wsdl'));
// Check if there is a custom edit metadata function defined in the content model.
$output = '';
if (($cm = ContentModel::loadFromObject($pid)) !== FALSE) {
$output = $cm->buildEditMetadataForm($pid, $dsId);
if (empty($output)) {
// There is no custom function, so just load the standard QDC form.
$metaDataForm = new formClass();
//currently we only edit the dc metadata. If you defined a custom form with a custom handler you are sol for now.
$output = $metaDataForm->createMetaDataForm($pid, $dsId, $client, $form_state);
return $output;
* fedora repository edit qdc form validate
* @param type $form
* @param boolean $form_state
function fedora_repository_edit_qdc_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
if ($form_state['storage']['xml']) {
if ($form_state['storage']['step'] == 1) {
$form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;
module_load_include('inc', 'xml_form_api', 'XMLForm');
$xml_form = new XMLForm($form_state);
$xml_form->validate($form, $form_state);
* Check if there is a custom edit metadata function defined in the content model. If so,
* call it, if not do the submit action for the standard QDC metadata. Custom forms will
* need to implement their own equivalent to the FormClass->updateMetaData function
* @param array $form
* @param array $form_state
* @return
function fedora_repository_edit_qdc_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
if ($form_state['storage']['xml']) {
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora_content_model_forms', 'EditObjectMetadataForm');
$xml_form = new EditObjectMetadataForm();
$xml_form->submit($form, $form_state);
else {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ConnectionHelper');
global $base_url;
if (strstr($form_state['clicked_button']['#id'], 'edit-submit')) {
$soap_helper = new ConnectionHelper();
$client = $soap_helper->getSoapClient(variable_get('fedora_soap_manage_url', 'http://localhost:8080/fedora/wsdl?api=API-M'));
/* Check the content model for a custom
* edit metadata form submit function.*/
if (isset($form_state['values']['pid'])) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ContentModel');
if (($cm = ContentModel::loadFromObject($form_state['values']['pid'])) !== FALSE) {
return $cm->handleEditMetadataForm($form_state['values']['form_id'], $form_state, $client);
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'formClass');
$metaDataForm = new formClass();
$return_value = $metaDataForm->updateMetaData($form_state['values']['form_id'], $form_state['values'], $client);
$form_state['storage'] = NULL;
$form_state['redirect'] = $base_url . '/fedora/repository/' . $form_state['values']['pid'];
return $return_value;
* drupal hook
* creates a new permission than can be assigned to roles
function fedora_repository_perm() {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ObjectHelper');
return array(
* drupal hook
* determines if a user has access to what they are asking for
* @param type $op
* @param type $node
* @param type $account
* @return type
function fedora_repository_access($op, $node = NULL, $account = NULL) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ObjectHelper');
$objectHelper = new ObjectHelper();
return $objectHelper->fedora_repository_access($op, $node, $account);
* Grabs a stream from fedora sets the mimetype and returns it. $dsID is the
* datastream id.
* @param $pid String
* @param $dsID String
function makeObject($pid, $dsID) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ObjectHelper');
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_utils');
if (!valid_pid($pid)) {
drupal_set_message(t("Invalid PID!"), 'error');
return ' ';
if (!valid_dsid($dsID)) {
drupal_set_message(t("Invalid dsID!"), 'error');
return ' ';
if ($pid == NULL || $dsID == NULL) {
drupal_set_message(t("No pid or dsid given to create an object with."));
return ' ';
global $user, $conf;
if (!fedora_repository_access(OBJECTHELPER :: $OBJECT_HELPER_VIEW_FEDORA, $pid, $user)) {
drupal_set_message(t("You do not have access to Fedora objects within the attempted namespace."), 'error');
return ' ';
//Disable the page cache, so entire datastreams do not get thrown into the page cache.
$conf['cache'] = CACHE_DISABLED;
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ObjectHelper');
$objectHelper = new ObjectHelper();
$objectHelper->makeObject($pid, $dsID);
* Implementation of hook_islandora_tabs().
* @param $content_models array
* An array of ContentModel objects to which the current Fedora Object
* subscribes.
* @param $pid string
* A string containing the Fedora PID of the current Fedora Object.
* @param $page_number integer
* An integer for which page we should start on in the loaded object.
* @return array
* An array containing a tabset (an array of tabpages), renderable with
* drupal_render().
function fedora_repository_islandora_tabs($content_models, $pid, $page_number) {
$cmodels_tabs = array();
foreach ($content_models as $content_model) {
$content_model_fieldset = $content_model->displayExtraFieldset($pid, $page_number);
// Each content model may return either a tabpage array or plain HTML. If
// it is HTML, stick it in a tabpage.
if (is_array($content_model_fieldset)) {
$cmodels_tabs = array_merge($cmodels_tabs, $content_model_fieldset);
else {
$cmodels_tabs[$content_model->pid] = array(
'#type' => 'tabpage',
'#title' => $content_model->name,
'#content' => $content_model_fieldset,
//can disable showing the object details tab in admin UI
if (variable_get('fedora_repository_show_object_details_tab', TRUE)) {
// Add a 'manage object' tab for all objects, where detailed list of content is shown.
// XXX: Perhaps this should be extracted into its own object?
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'plugins/FedoraObjectDetailedContent');
$obj = new FedoraObjectDetailedContent($pid);
$object_details = $obj->showFieldSets();
$cmodels_tabs = array_merge($cmodels_tabs, $object_details);
return $cmodels_tabs;
* Implementation of hook_islandora_tabs_alter().
* @param &$tabs array
* The array of tabs/tabset to alter.
* @param $params array
* An associative array containing the parameters with which the original
* hook was called.
* @see fedora_repository_get_items()
function fedora_repository_islandora_tabs_alter(&$tabs, $params) {
//Deselect all other tabs if the fedora_object_details tab is supposed
// to be selected.
$object_details_key = 'fedora_object_details';
if ($tabs[$object_details_key]['#selected']) {
foreach (element_children($tabs) as $key) {
if ($key != $object_details_key) {
$tabs[$key]['#selected'] = FALSE;
* Menu callback for "fedora/repository".
* If user is allow, and we are given a PID and a sensical DSID, return the
* datastream via the makeObject() function; otherwise, call out to the PIDs'
* ContentModels and all Drupal modules for Islandora tabs.
* @global $user stdObject
* @param $pid string
* An optional string containing the PID of an object. (defaults to islandora:root)
* @param $dsId string
* An optional string containing the dsid of an object. ("-" will be ignored
* to allow later parameters without including one).
* @param $collection string
* The collection name... Deprecated.
* @param $page_number string/integer(?)
* A page number to start on... Seems to be going towards deprecation?
* @param $limit string/integer(?)
* Used to limit the number of results returned? Deprecated?
* @return string
* A string containing markup for the rendered tabs.
function fedora_repository_get_items($pid = NULL, $dsId = NULL, $collection = NULL, $page_number = NULL, $limit = NULL) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ObjectHelper');
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_utils');
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_item');
global $user;
if (!fedora_available()) {
drupal_set_message(t('The Fedora repository server is currently unavailable. Please contact the site administrator.'), 'warning', FALSE);
return '';
if (!risearch_available()) {
drupal_set_message(t('The Fedora resource index search is currently unavailable. Please contact the site administrator.'), 'warning', FALSE);
return '';
if ($pid == NULL) {
$pid = variable_get('fedora_repository_pid', 'islandora:root');
$item = new Fedora_Item($pid);
if (!$item->exists()) {
if ($pid & !valid_pid($pid)) {
drupal_set_message(t("Invalid PID!"), 'error');
return ' ';
if ($dsId & !valid_dsid($dsId)) {
drupal_set_message(t("Invalid dsID!"), 'error');
return ' ';
if (!fedora_repository_access(OBJECTHELPER::$OBJECT_HELPER_VIEW_FEDORA, $pid, $user)) {
if (user_access('access administration pages')) {
drupal_set_message(t("PIDs may be added to allowed namespaces, or all namespace restrictions removed !here", array('!here' => l('here', 'admin/settings/fedora_repository'))), 'warning');
return ' ';
$objectHelper = new ObjectHelper();
if ($pid == NULL) {
$pid = variable_get('fedora_repository_pid', 'islandora:root');
$headers = module_invoke_all('file_download', "/fedora/repository/$pid");
if (in_array(-1, $headers)) {
return ' ';
if ($dsId != NULL && $dsId != '-') { //if we have a dsID return the stream otherwise query for a collection of objects
//probably should check pid as well here.
return makeObject($pid, $dsId);
$breadcrumbs = array();
$objectHelper->getBreadcrumbs($pid, $breadcrumbs);
drupal_set_title(truncate_utf8($item->objectProfile->objLabel, 56, TRUE, TRUE));
$content_models = $objectHelper->get_content_models_list($pid);
//Get the tabs from all modules...
$hook_tabs = module_invoke_all('islandora_tabs', $content_models, $pid, $page_number);
$cmodels_tabs = array(
'#type' => 'tabset',
$cmodels_tabs += $hook_tabs;
//Assemble parameters, to pass during alter
$params = array(
'content_models' => $content_models,
'pid' => $pid,
'page' => $page_number,
//Allow returned tabs to be altered, before return.
drupal_alter('islandora_tabs', $cmodels_tabs, $params);
return tabs_render($cmodels_tabs);
* fedora repository urlencode string
* FIXME: URL-encoding is not the same as HTML/XML encoding...
* @param type $str
* @return type
function fedora_repository_urlencode_string($str) {
return htmlentities($str);
* Uses makeobject to get a stream. Sets the Content Disposition in the header so it suggests a filename
* and sends it as an attachment. This should prompt for a download of the object.
* @global type $user
* @param type $pid
* @param type $dsId
* @param type $label
* @param type $version
* @return type
function fedora_object_as_attachment($pid, $dsId, $label=NULL, $version=NULL) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ObjectHelper');
if ($pid == NULL || $dsId == NULL) {
drupal_set_message(t("no pid or dsid given to create an object with!"));
return ' ';
//Disable the page cache, so entire datastreams do not get thrown into the page cache.
$GLOBALS['conf']['cache'] = CACHE_DISABLED;
$objectHelper = new ObjectHelper();
$objectHelper->makeObject($pid, $dsId, TRUE, $label, FALSE, $version);
* repository page
* @param type $pid
* @param type $dsId
* @param type $collection
* @param type $pageNumber
* @return type
function repository_page($pid = NULL, $dsId = NULL, $collection = NULL, $pageNumber = NULL) {
//do security check at fedora_repository_get_items function as it has to be called there in case
//someone trys to come in a back door.
return fedora_repository_get_items($pid, $dsId, $collection, $pageNumber);
* repository service
* @global type $user
* @param type $pid
* @param type $servicePid
* @param type $serviceMethod
* @return type
function repository_service($pid = NULL, $servicePid = NULL, $serviceMethod = NULL) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_item');
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ObjectHelper');
global $user;
if (!fedora_repository_access(OBJECTHELPER::$OBJECT_HELPER_VIEW_FEDORA, $pid, $user)) {
//drupal_set_message(t("You do not have access to Fedora objects within the attempted namespace or access to Fedora denied"), 'error');
if (user_access('access administration pages')) {
drupal_set_message(t("PIDs may be added to allowed namespaces, or all namespace restrictions removed @here", array('@here' => l('here', 'admin/settings/fedora_repository'))), 'error');
return ' ';
if ($pid == NULL) {
$pid = variable_get('fedora_repository_pid', 'islandora:root');
$headers = module_invoke_all('file_download', "/fedora/repository/$pid");
if (in_array(-1, $headers)) {
return ' ';
$item = new Fedora_Item($pid);
if ($item !== FALSE) {
echo $item->get_dissemination($servicePid, $serviceMethod);
* fedora repository theme
* @return type
function fedora_repository_theme() {
return array(
'fedora_repository_time' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'element' => NULL
'fedora_repository_solution_packs_list' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'solution_packs' => NULL,
* fedora repository install demo page
* @return type
function fedora_repository_install_demos_page() {
$output = drupal_get_form('fedora_repository_demo_objects_form');
return $output;
* fedora repository demo objects form
* @return string
function fedora_repository_demo_objects_form() {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ObjectHelper');
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_item');
$form = array();
$existing_demos = array();
$form['install_demos'] = array(
'#title' => t('Islandora Demo Collections'),
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#description' => t('Install demo image and document collections and content models.'),
$demo_objects = array();
// Check if the top-level islandora collection exists. If not, display a button to ingest.
$form['install_demos']['demo_collections'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkboxes',
'#title' => t('Collections to ingest'),
'#options' => array(),
'#description' => t('Choose which demo collections you would like ingested into the repository.'),
foreach (array(
'islandora:collectionCModel' => 'Islandora default content models',
'islandora:root' => 'Islandora top-level collection',
'islandora:demos' => 'Islandora demos collection',
'islandora:largeimages' => 'Sample large image content model (requires Djatoka and Kakadu.)',
as $available_demo => $available_demo_desc) {
try {
$demo_objects[$available_demo] = new Fedora_Item($available_demo);
} catch (exception $e) {
if (empty($demo_objects[$available_demo]->objectProfile)) {
//The demo objects collection does not exist in the repository, display a button to ingest them.
$form['install_demos']['demo_collections']['#options'][$available_demo] = $available_demo_desc;
else {
array_push($existing_demos, $demo_objects[$available_demo]);
// Check if the SmileyStuff collectoin exists, and if it has a COLLECTION_VIEW datastream. If it doesn't then we can add it.
$smiley_stuff = new Fedora_Item('demo:SmileyStuff');
if (!empty($smiley_stuff->objectProfile)) {
$datastreams_list = $smiley_stuff->get_datastreams_list_as_array();
if (empty($datastreams_list['COLLECTION_VIEW'])) {
$form['install_demos']['demo_collections']['#options']['demo:SmileyStuff'] = 'Add Islandora Collection View to Fedora Smiley Stuff Collection';
else {
$demo_objects['demo:SmileyStuff'] = $smiley_stuff;
else {
$form['install_demos']['smileynote'] = array(
'#value' => '
If you install the ' . l('fedora demo objects', '') . ' Islandora can display them as a collection.
' ); } $form['install_demos']['ingest'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#name' => 'install_demos', '#value' => 'Install Selected Demos', '#disabled' => (empty($form['install_demos']['demo_collections']['#options'])) ? TRUE : FALSE, ); $form['existing_demos'] = array( '#prefix' => 'Demo collections already installed in this repository: