$object->id)),'error'); return ""; } $ext = $mime_class->getExtension($object['OBJ']->mimeType); $file_name = str_replace(':', '-', $object->id); $original_file = file_save_data($object['OBJ']->content, 'temporary://' . $file_name . 'OBJ.' . $ext); $tn_file = file_copy($original_file, 'temporary://' . $file_name . 'TN.' . $ext); if (islandora_basic_image_create_derivative($tn_file, 200, 200)) { islandora_basic_image_add_datastream($object, 'TN', $tn_file); } $medium_file = file_copy($original_file, 'temporary://' . $file_name . 'MEDIUM.' . $ext); if (islandora_basic_image_create_derivative($medium_file, 500, 700)) { islandora_basic_image_add_datastream($object, 'MEDIUM_SIZE', $medium_file); } } /** * * @param object $file * stdclass */ function islandora_basic_image_create_derivative($file, $width, $height) { $real_path = drupal_realpath($file->uri); $image = image_load($real_path); if (!empty($image)) { $scale = image_scale($image, $width, $height, TRUE); if($scale){ return image_save($image); } } return FALSE; } /** * adds a datastream and deletes the tmp file from local file system * @param object $object * @param string $dsid * @param object $file */ function islandora_basic_image_add_datastream($object, $dsid, $file) { try { $ds = $object->constructDatastream($dsid, 'M'); $ds->label = $dsid; $ds->mimeType = $object['OBJ']->mimeType; $ds->setContentFromFile(drupal_realpath($file->uri)); $object->ingestDatastream($ds); file_delete($file); } catch (exception $e) { drupal_set_message(t('@message', array('@message' => check_plain($e->getMessage()))), 'error'); } }