<?php // $Id$ // this is a bit of a hack. It iterates through the // form and assigns a dummy value to any field in the $post // data that is marked as #required. This is so that the // AHAH method can still function with required fields that // are first passed to the core form validation function. function _dummy_post_info($form, $post, $key = '') { $children = element_children($form); if (count($children) > 0) { foreach ($children as $key) { $post = _dummy_post_info($form[$key], $post, $key); } } if ($key!='' && isset($form['#required']) && $form['#required'] == TRUE && trim($post[$key]) == '') { $post[$key] = 'not empty'; } return $post; } function _ife_find_people_element($form, &$keys = array()) { if (isset($form['#type']) && $form['#type'] == 'people') { return $form['people']; } $children = element_children($form); foreach ($children as $key) { $found = _ife_find_people_element($form[$key], $keys); if ($found !== FALSE) { $keys[] = $key; return $found; } } return FALSE; } function ife_people_ahah() { if (!isset($_POST['form_build_id'])) return; $form_state = array('storage' => NULL, 'submitted' => FALSE); $form_build_id = $_POST['form_build_id']; $form = form_get_cache($form_build_id, $form_state); $args = $form['#parameters']; $form_id = array_shift($args); $form['#post'] = $_POST; $form['#redirect'] = FALSE; $form['#programmed'] = FALSE; $_POST = _dummy_post_info($form, $_POST); $form_state['post'] = $_POST; $form['#post'] = $_POST; drupal_process_form($form_id, $form, $form_state); //ob_start(); echo '<pre>'; echo $_POST['form_build_id']."\n"; var_dump($form_state); echo '</pre>'; $dump = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $form = drupal_rebuild_form($form_id, $form_state, $args, $form_build_id); $qt_form = _ife_find_people_element($form); unset($qt_form['#prefix'], $qt_form['#suffix']); // Prevent duplicate wrappers. $javascript = drupal_add_js(NULL, NULL, 'header'); drupal_json(array( 'status' => TRUE, 'data' => $dump . theme('status_messages') . drupal_render($qt_form), 'settings' => call_user_func_array('array_merge_recursive', $javascript['setting']), )); } /** * Submit handler for the "Remove Person" button. */ function ife_remove_person_submit($form, &$form_state) { // Get the tab delta for the clicked button. $delta = $form_state['clicked_button']['#parents'][2]; $keys=array(); $qt_form = _ife_find_people_element($form, $keys); $peopleVals = &$form_state['values']; while (count($keys) > 0) { $key = array_pop($keys); if (isset($peopleVals[$key])) { $peopleVals = &$peopleVals[$key]; } } $people = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($peopleVals['people'] as $key => $val) { if ($key != $delta) { $people[] = $val; } $i++; } // ob_start(); var_dump($form_state['clicked_button']['#parents'][1]); var_dump($people); $dump = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // watchdog('people_field','<pre>'.$dump.'</pre>',array(),WATCHDOG_NOTICE); unset($form_state['submit_handlers']); form_execute_handlers('submit', $form, $form_state); $form_state['storage']['people'] = $people; $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE; } /** * Submit handler for the "Add Person" button. */ function ife_add_person_submit($form, &$form_state) { $people = array(); $keys = array(); $qt_form = _ife_find_people_element($form, $keys); $peopleVals = &$form_state['values']; while (count($keys) > 0) { $key = array_pop($keys); if (isset($peopleVals[$key])) { $peopleVals = &$peopleVals[$key]; } } if (!is_array($peopleVals['people'])) $peopleVals['people'] = array(); foreach ($peopleVals['people'] as $val) { $people[] = $val; } //only add new person if we are not adding from repository. $elName = isset($qt_form['entity0']['#parents'][0])?$qt_form['entity0']['#parents'][0]:null; if ($elName == null || !isset($form_state['clicked_button']['#post'][$elName]['add_from_repository']) || trim($form_state['clicked_button']['#post'][$elName]['add_from_repository']) == '') { $people[] = array('name' => '', 'date'=>'', 'role' => '', 'subject' => ''); } unset($form_state['submit_handlers']); form_execute_handlers('submit', $form, $form_state); $form_state['storage']['people'] = $people; $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE; } /** * Submit handler for the "Add Person" button. */ function ife_add_org_submit($form, &$form_state) { $people = array(); $keys = array(); $qt_form = _ife_find_people_element($form, $keys); $peopleVals = &$form_state['values']; while (count($keys) > 0) { $key = array_pop($keys); if (isset($peopleVals[$key])) { $peopleVals = &$peopleVals[$key]; } } if (!is_array($peopleVals['people'])) $peopleVals['people'] = array(); foreach ($peopleVals['people'] as $val) { $people[]=$val; } $people[] = array('role' => '', 'organization' => ''); unset($form_state['submit_handlers']); form_execute_handlers('submit', $form, $form_state); $form_state['storage']['people'] = $people; //$form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE; } /** * Submit handler for the "Add Person" button. */ function ife_add_conf_submit($form, &$form_state) { $people = array(); $keys=array(); $qt_form = _ife_find_people_element($form, $keys); $peopleVals = &$form_state['values']; while (count($keys) > 0) { $key = array_pop($keys); if (isset($peopleVals[$key])) { $peopleVals=&$peopleVals[$key]; } } if (!is_array($peopleVals['people'])) $peopleVals['people'] = array(); foreach ($peopleVals['people'] as $val) { $people[] = $val; } $people[] = array('role' => '', 'conference' => '', 'subject' => ''); unset($form_state['submit_handlers']); form_execute_handlers('submit', $form, $form_state); $form_state['storage']['people'] = $people; //$form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE; } function theme_people($element) { drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'islandora_form_elements') .'/js/people_ahah.js'); if (!empty($element['#collapsible'])) { drupal_add_js('misc/collapse.js'); if (!isset($element['#attributes']['class'])) { $element['#attributes']['class'] = ''; } $element['#attributes']['class'] .= ' collapsible'; if (!empty($element['#collapsed'])) { $element['#attributes']['class'] .= ' collapsed'; } } return '<fieldset'. drupal_attributes($element['#attributes']) .'>'. ($element['#title'] ? '<legend>'. $element['#title'] .'</legend>' : '') . (isset($element['#description']) && $element['#description'] ? '<div class="description">'. $element['#description'] .'</div>' : '') . (!empty($element['#children']) ? $element['#children'] : '') . "</fieldset>\n"; } function theme_people_items($form) { $rows = array(); $headers = array( t('Entity Name'), t('Role'), t('Operations'), ); foreach (element_children($form) as $key) { if (isset($form[$key]['organization'])) { $form[$key]['weight']['#attributes']['class'] = 'ife-people-weight'; // Build the table row. $row = array( 'data' => array( array('data' => drupal_render($form[$key]['organization']), 'class' => 'ife-person-name container-inline'), array('data' => drupal_render($form[$key]['role']).drupal_render($form[$key]['subject']), 'class' => 'ife-person-role'), array('data' => drupal_render($form[$key]['remove']), 'class' => 'ife-person-remove'), ), ); } elseif (isset($form[$key]['conference'])) { $form[$key]['weight']['#attributes']['class'] = 'ife-people-weight'; // Build the table row. $row = array( 'data' => array( array('data' => drupal_render($form[$key]['conference']).'<br clear="all"/>'. drupal_render($form[$key]['date']), 'class' => 'ife-person-name container-inline' ), array('data' => drupal_render($form[$key]['role']).drupal_render($form[$key]['subject']), 'class' => 'ife-person-role'), array('data' => drupal_render($form[$key]['remove']), 'class' => 'ife-person-remove'), ), ); } else { $form[$key]['weight']['#attributes']['class'] = 'ife-people-weight'; // Build the table row. $row = array( 'data' => array( array('data' => drupal_render($form[$key]['name']) .'<br clear="all"/>'. drupal_render($form[$key]['date']), 'class' => 'ife-person-name container-inline'), array('data' => drupal_render($form[$key]['role']).drupal_render($form[$key]['subject']), 'class' => 'ife-person-role'), array('data' => drupal_render($form[$key]['remove']), 'class' => 'ife-person-remove'), ), ); } // Add additional attributes to the row, such as a class for this row. if (isset($form[$key]['#attributes'])) { $row = array_merge($row, $form[$key]['#attributes']); } $rows[] = $row; } $output = theme('table', $headers, $rows, array('id' => 'ife-peoplelist-table')); $output .= drupal_render($form); // Add our JS file, which has some Drupal core JS overrides, and ensures ahah behaviours get re-attached drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'islandora_form_elements') .'/css/people.css'); return $output; }