#!/bin/bash # Get the end portion of the TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG for the branch name. IFS=/ read -a DELIMITED_SLUG <<< "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" export CURRENT_REPO=${DELIMITED_SLUG[1]} git config --global user.name islandora-logger git config --global user.email noreply@islandora.ca # Git business cd $HOME/drupal-* export VERBOSE_DIR=`pwd`/sites/default/files/simpletest/verbose git clone -b $CURRENT_REPO https://islandora-logger:$LOGGER_PW@github.com/Islandora/islandora_travis_logs.git cd islandora_travis_logs git checkout -B $CURRENT_REPO # Out with the old (anything older than a week) #for i in `find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type d -mtime +7 -print` #do # rm -rf $i #done # In with the new #mkdir $TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER rm -rf ./* cp $VERBOSE_DIR/* ./ cp $HOME/islandora_tomcat/logs/* ./ cp /tmp/drush_webserver.log ./ git add -A git commit -m "Job: $TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER Commit: $TRAVIS_COMMIT" git push origin $CURRENT_REPO --quiet