uid == 0){ $user_string = 'anonymous'; $pass_string = 'anonymous'; } else { $user_string = $user->name; $pass_string = $user->pass; } if (!isset($url)) { $url = variable_get('islandora_base_url', 'http://localhost:8080/fedora'); } if(self::exists()) { $this->connection = new RepositoryConnection($url, $user_string, $pass_string); $this->connection->reuseConnection = TRUE; $this->api = new FedoraApi($this->connection); $this->cache = new SimpleCache(); $this->repository = new FedoraRepository($this->api, $this->cache); } } static function exists() { return class_exists('RepositoryConnection'); } static function getError() { $islandora_doc_link = l(t('Islandora documentation'), 'https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/ISLANDORA/Islandora'); $tuque_link = l(t('Tuque Fedora API'), 'http://github.com/islandora/tuque'); $message = t('Islandora requires the !tuque_url. Please install in /sites/all/libraries/tuque before continuing. See the !islandora_url.', array( '!tuque_url' => $tuque_link, '!islandora_url' => $islandora_doc_link)); drupal_set_message($message, 'error', FALSE); } } function islandora_object_load($object_id) { static $islandora_tuque = NULL; if(!$islandora_tuque) { $islandora_tuque = new IslandoraTuque(); } if(IslandoraTuque::exists()) { try { $fedora_object = $islandora_tuque->repository->getObject($object_id); } catch (Exception $e) { return NULL; } return $fedora_object; } else { IslandoraTuque::getError(); return NULL; } }