<?php /** * @file * Admin and callback functions for solution pack management. */ /** * Get the information about required object. * * @param string $module * An optional string, identifying a module for which to get the required * object information. * * @return array * An associative array of info describing the required objects. If $module * is not provided (or is NULL), then we provide the info for all modules. If * $module is provided and we have info for the given module, only the info * for that module is provided. If $module is provided and we have no info * for the given module, we throw an exception. */ function islandora_solution_packs_get_required_objects($module = NULL) { // Should make this statically cache, after figuring out how exactly it // should be called... We occasionally load a module and attempt to install // it's object right away (in the same request)... This would require // resetting of the cache. Let's just not cache for now... $required_objects = array(); if (!$required_objects) { $connection = islandora_get_tuque_connection(); $required_objects = module_invoke_all('islandora_required_objects', $connection); } if ($module !== NULL) { if (isset($required_objects[$module])) { return $required_objects[$module]; } else { watchdog('islandora', 'Attempted to get required objects for %module... %module does not appear to have any required objects. Clear caches?', array( '%module' => $module, )); throw new Exception(t('Module "@module" has no required objects!', array( '@module' => $module, ))); } } else { return $required_objects; } } /** * Solution pack admin page callback. * * @return array * Renderable array of all solution pack forms for required objects. */ function islandora_solution_packs_admin() { module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'includes/utilities'); if (!islandora_describe_repository()) { islandora_display_repository_inaccessible_message(); return ''; } drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'islandora') . '/css/islandora.admin.css'); $output = array(); $enabled_solution_packs = islandora_solution_packs_get_required_objects(); foreach ($enabled_solution_packs as $solution_pack_module => $solution_pack_info) { // @todo We should probably get the title of the solution pack from the // systems table for consistency in the interface. $solution_pack_name = $solution_pack_info['title']; $objects = array_filter($solution_pack_info['objects']); $output[$solution_pack_module] = drupal_get_form('islandora_solution_pack_form_' . $solution_pack_module, $solution_pack_module, $solution_pack_name, $objects); } return $output; } /** * A solution pack form for the given module. * * It lists all the given objects and their status, allowing the user to * re-ingest them. * * @param array $form * The Drupal form definition. * @param array $form_state * The Drupal form state. * @param string $solution_pack_module * The module which requires the given objects. * @param string $solution_pack_name * The name of the solution pack to display to the users. * @param array $objects * An array of NewFedoraObjects which describe the state in which objects * should exist. * * @return array * The Drupal form definition. */ function islandora_solution_pack_form(array $form, array &$form_state, $solution_pack_module, $solution_pack_name, $objects = array()) { // The order is important in terms of severity of the status, where higher // index indicates the status is more serious, this will be used to determine // what messages get displayed to the user. $ok_image = theme_image(array('path' => 'misc/watchdog-ok.png', 'attributes' => array())); $warning_image = theme_image(array('path' => 'misc/watchdog-warning.png', 'attributes' => array())); $status_info = array( 'up_to_date' => array( 'solution_pack' => t('All required objects are installed and up-to-date.'), 'image' => $ok_image, 'button' => t("Force reinstall objects"), ), 'modified_datastream' => array( 'solution_pack' => t('Some objects must be reinstalled. See objects list for details.'), 'image' => $warning_image, 'button' => t("Reinstall objects"), ), 'out_of_date' => array( 'solution_pack' => t('Some objects must be reinstalled. See objects list for details.'), 'image' => $warning_image, 'button' => t("Reinstall objects"), ), 'missing_datastream' => array( 'solution_pack' => t('Some objects must be reinstalled. See objects list for details.'), 'image' => $warning_image, 'button' => t("Reinstall objects"), ), 'missing' => array( 'solution_pack' => t('Some objects are missing and must be installed. See objects list for details.'), 'image' => $warning_image, 'button' => t("Install objects"), ), ); $status_severities = array_keys($status_info); $solution_pack_status_severity = array_search('up_to_date', $status_severities); $table_rows = array(); foreach ($objects as $object) { $object_status = islandora_check_object_status($object); $object_status_info = $status_info[$object_status['status']]; $object_status_severity = array_search($object_status['status'], $status_severities); // The solution pack status severity will be the highest severity of // the objects. $solution_pack_status_severity = max($solution_pack_status_severity, $object_status_severity); $exists = $object_status['status'] != 'missing'; $label = $exists ? l($object->label, "islandora/object/{$object->id}") : $object->label; $status_msg = "{$object_status_info['image']} {$object_status['status_friendly']}"; $table_rows[] = array($label, $object->id, $status_msg); } $solution_pack_status = $status_severities[$solution_pack_status_severity]; $solution_pack_status_info = $status_info[$solution_pack_status]; return array( 'solution_pack' => array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#collapsible' => FALSE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('islandora-solution-pack-fieldset')), 'solution_pack_module' => array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $solution_pack_module, ), 'solution_pack_name' => array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $solution_pack_name, ), 'objects' => array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $objects, ), 'solution_pack_label' => array( '#markup' => $solution_pack_name, '#prefix' => '<h3>', '#suffix' => '</h3>', ), 'install_status' => array( '#markup' => t('<strong>Object status:</strong> !image !status', array( '!image' => $solution_pack_status_info['image'], '!status' => $solution_pack_status_info['solution_pack'], )), '#prefix' => '<div class="islandora-solution-pack-install-status">', '#suffix' => '</div>', ), 'table' => array( '#type' => 'item', '#markup' => theme('table', array( 'header' => array(t('Label'), t('PID'), t('Status')), 'rows' => $table_rows)), ), 'submit' => array( '#type' => 'submit', '#name' => $solution_pack_module, '#value' => $solution_pack_status_info['button'], '#attributes' => array('class' => array('islandora-solution-pack-submit')), ), ), ); } /** * Submit handler for solution pack form. * * @param array $form * The form submitted. * @param array $form_state * The state of the form submited. */ function islandora_solution_pack_form_submit(array $form, array &$form_state) { $solution_pack_module = $form_state['values']['solution_pack_module']; $batch = islandora_solution_pack_get_batch($solution_pack_module); batch_set($batch); // Hook to let solution pack objects be modified. // Not using module_invoke so solution packs can be expanded by other modules. // @todo shouldn't we send the object list along as well? module_invoke_all('islandora_postprocess_solution_pack', $solution_pack_module); } /** * Get the batch definition to reinstall all the objects for a given module. * * @param string $module * The name of the modules of which to grab the required objects for to setup * the batch. * * @return array * An array defining a batch which can be passed on to batch_set(). */ function islandora_solution_pack_get_batch($module) { $batch = array( 'title' => t('Installing / Updating solution pack objects'), 'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'islandora') . '/includes/solution_packs.inc', 'operations' => array(), ); $info = islandora_solution_packs_get_required_objects($module); foreach ($info['objects'] as $object) { $batch['operations'][] = array('islandora_solution_pack_batch_operation_reingest_object', array($object)); } return $batch; } /** * Batch operation to ingest/reingest required object(s). * * @param AbstractObject $object * The object to ingest/reingest. * @param array $context * The context of this batch operation. */ function islandora_solution_pack_batch_operation_reingest_object(AbstractObject $object, array &$context) { $existing_object = islandora_object_load($object->id); $deleted = FALSE; if ($existing_object) { $deleted = islandora_delete_object($existing_object); if (!$deleted) { $object_link = l($existing_object->label, "islandora/object/{$existing_object->id}"); drupal_set_message(filter_xss(t('Failed to purge existing object !object_link.', array( '!object_link' => $object_link, ))), 'error'); // Failed to purge don't attempt to ingest. return; } } // Object was deleted or did not exist. $pid = $object->id; $label = $object->label; $object_link = l($label, "islandora/object/{$pid}"); $object = islandora_add_object($object); $params = array( '@pid' => $pid, '@label' => $label, '!object_link' => $object_link, ); $msg = ''; if ($object) { if ($deleted) { $msg = t('Successfully reinstalled !object_link.', $params); } else { $msg = t('Successfully installed !object_link.', $params); } } elseif ($deleted) { $msg = t('Failed to reinstall @label, identified by @pid.', $params); } else { $msg = t('Failed to install @label, identified by @pid.', $params); } $status = $object ? 'status' : 'error'; drupal_set_message(filter_xss($msg), $status); } /** * Install the given solution pack. * * This is to be called from the solution pack's hook_install() and * hook_uninstall() functions. * * It provides a convient way to have a solution pack's required objects * ingested at install time. * * @param string $module * The name of the module that is calling this function in its * install/unistall hooks. * @param string $op * The operation to perform, either install or uninstall. * @param bool $force * Force the (un)installation of object. * * @todo Implement hook_modules_installed/hook_modules_uninstalled instead of * calling this function directly. * @todo Remove the second parameter and have two seperate functions. */ function islandora_install_solution_pack($module, $op = 'install', $force = FALSE) { if ($op == 'uninstall') { islandora_uninstall_solution_pack($module, $force); return; } $t = get_t(); // Some general replacements. $admin_link = l($t('Solution Pack admin'), 'admin/islandora/solution_packs'); $config_link = l($t('Islandora configuration'), 'admin/islandora/configure'); $t_params = array( '@module' => $module, '!config_link' => $config_link, '!admin_link' => $admin_link, ); drupal_load('module', 'islandora'); module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'includes/utilities'); drupal_load('module', $module); $info_file = drupal_get_path('module', $module) . "/{$module}.info"; $info_array = drupal_parse_info_file($info_file); $module_name = $info_array['name']; if (!islandora_describe_repository()) { $msg = $t('@module: Did not install any objects. Could not connect to the repository. Please check the settings on the !config_link page and install the required objects manually on the !admin_link page.', $t_params); drupal_set_message(filter_xss($msg), 'error'); return; } $connection = islandora_get_tuque_connection(); $required_objects = islandora_solution_packs_get_required_objects($module); $objects = $required_objects['objects']; $status_messages = array( 'up_to_date' => $t('The object already exists and is up-to-date.', $t_params), 'missing_datastream' => $t('The object already exists but is missing a datastream. Please reinstall the object on the !admin_link page.', $t_params), 'out_of_date' => $t('The object already exists but is out-of-date. Please update the object on the !admin_link page.', $t_params), 'modified_datastream' => $t('The object already exists but datastreams are modified. Please reinstall the object on the !admin_link page.', $t_params), ); foreach ($objects as $object) { $already_exists = islandora_object_load($object->id); $label = $object->label; $object_link = l($label, "islandora/object/{$object->id}"); $deleted = FALSE; if ($already_exists) { if (!$force) { $object_status = islandora_check_object_status($object); $here_params = array( '!summary' => $t("@module: Did not install !object_link.", array( '!object_link' => $object_link, ) + $t_params), '!description' => $status_messages[$object_status['status']], ); drupal_set_message(filter_xss(format_string('!summary !description', $here_params)), 'warning'); continue; } else { $deleted = islandora_delete_object($already_exists); } } if ($already_exists && $deleted || !$already_exists) { $object = islandora_add_object($object); if ($object) { if ($deleted) { drupal_set_message(filter_xss($t('@module: Successfully reinstalled. !object_link.', array( '!object_link' => $object_link, ) + $t_params)), 'status'); } else { drupal_set_message(filter_xss($t('@module: Successfully installed. !object_link.', array( '!object_link' => $object_link, ) + $t_params)), 'status'); } } else { drupal_set_message($t('@module: Failed to install. @label.', array( '@label' => $label, ) + $t_params), 'warning'); } } else { drupal_set_message($t('@module: "@label" already exists and failed to be deleted.', array( '@label' => $label, ) + $t_params), 'warning'); } } } /** * Uninstalls the given solution pack. * * @param string $module * The solution pack to uninstall. * @param bool $force * Force the objects to be removed. * * @todo Implement hook_modules_uninstalled instead of calling this function * directly for each solution pack. */ function islandora_uninstall_solution_pack($module, $force = FALSE) { $t = get_t(); drupal_load('module', 'islandora'); module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'includes/utilities'); drupal_load('module', $module); $config_link = l($t('Islandora configuration'), 'admin/islandora/configure'); $info_file = drupal_get_path('module', $module) . "/{$module}.info"; $info_array = drupal_parse_info_file($info_file); $module_name = $info_array['name']; if (!islandora_describe_repository()) { $msg = $t('@module: Did not uninstall any objects. Could not connect to the repository. Please check the settings on the !config_link page and uninstall the required objects manually if necessary.', array( '@module' => $module_name, '!config_link' => $config_link, )); drupal_set_message(filter_xss($msg), 'error'); return; } $connection = islandora_get_tuque_connection(); $required_objects = islandora_solution_packs_get_required_objects($module); $objects = $required_objects['objects']; $filter = function($o) use($connection) { $param = "pid={$o->id}"; $query = $connection->api->a->findObjects('query', $param); return !empty($query['results']); }; $existing_objects = array_filter($objects, $filter); if (!$force) { foreach ($existing_objects as $object) { $object_link = l($object->label, "islandora/object/{$object->id}"); $msg = $t('@module: Did not remove !object_link. It may be used by other sites.', array( '!object_link' => $object_link, '@module' => $module_name, )); drupal_set_message(filter_xss($msg), 'warning'); } } else { foreach ($existing_objects as $object) { $params = array( '@id' => $object->id, '@module' => $module_name, ); islandora_delete_object($object); drupal_set_message($t('@module: Deleted @id.', $params)); } } } /** * Function to check the status of an object against an object model array. * * @param AbstractObject $object_definition * A new fedora object that defines what the object should contain. * * @return string * Returns one of the following values: * up_to_date, missing, missing_datastream or out_of_date * You can perform an appropriate action based on this value. * * @see islandora_solution_pack_form() * @see islandora_install_solution_pack() */ function islandora_check_object_status(AbstractObject $object_definition) { $existing_object = islandora_object_load($object_definition->id); if (!$existing_object) { return array('status' => 'missing', 'status_friendly' => t('Missing')); } $existing_datastreams = array_keys(iterator_to_array($existing_object)); $expected_datastreams = array_keys(iterator_to_array($object_definition)); $datastream_diff = array_diff($expected_datastreams, $existing_datastreams); if (!empty($datastream_diff)) { $status_friendly = format_plural(count($datastream_diff), 'Missing Datastream: %dsids.', 'Missing Datastreams: %dsids.', array('%dsids' => implode(', ', $datastream_diff))); return array( 'status' => 'missing_datastream', 'status_friendly' => $status_friendly, 'data' => $datastream_diff, ); } $is_xml_datastream = function($ds) { return $ds->mimetype == 'text/xml'; }; $xml_datastreams = array_filter(iterator_to_array($object_definition), $is_xml_datastream); $out_of_date_datastreams = array(); foreach ($xml_datastreams as $ds) { $installed_version = islandora_get_islandora_datastream_version($existing_object, $ds->id); $available_version = islandora_get_islandora_datastream_version($object_definition, $ds->id); if ($available_version > $installed_version) { $out_of_date_datastreams[] = $ds->id; } } if (count($out_of_date_datastreams)) { $status_friendly = format_plural(count($out_of_date_datastreams), 'Datastream out of date: %dsids.', 'Datastreams out of date: %dsids.', array('%dsids' => implode(', ', $out_of_date_datastreams))); return array( 'status' => 'out_of_date', 'status_friendly' => $status_friendly, 'data' => $out_of_date_datastreams, ); } // This is a pretty heavy function, but I'm not sure a better way. If we have // performance trouble, we should maybe remove this. $modified_datastreams = array(); foreach ($object_definition as $ds) { if ($ds->mimetype == 'text/xml' || $ds->mimetype == 'application/rdf+xml' || $ds->mimetype == 'application/xml') { // If the datastream is XML we use the domdocument C14N cannonicalization // function to test if they are equal, because the strings likely won't // be equal as Fedora does some XML mangling. In order for C14N to work // we need to replace the info:fedora namespace, as C14N hates it. // C14N also doesn't normalize whitespace at the end of lines and Fedora // will sometimes replace new-lines with white-space. So first we strip // leading/tailing white-space and replace all new-lines within the xml // document to account for Fedora's weird formatting. $xsl = new DOMDocument(); $xsl->load(drupal_get_path('module', 'islandora') . '/xml/strip_newlines_and_whitespace.xsl'); $xslt = new XSLTProcessor(); $xslt->importStyleSheet($xsl); $object_definition_dom = new DOMDocument(); $object_definition_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE; $object_definition_dom->loadXML(str_replace('info:', 'http://', $ds->content)); $object_definition_dom = $xslt->transformToDoc($object_definition_dom); $object_actual_dom = new DOMDocument(); $object_actual_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE; $object_actual_dom->loadXML(str_replace('info:', 'http://', $existing_object[$ds->id]->content)); $object_actual_dom = $xslt->transformToDoc($object_actual_dom); // Fedora changes the xml structure so we need to cannonize it. if ($object_actual_dom->C14N() != $object_definition_dom->C14N()) { $modified_datastreams[] = $ds->id; } } else { $object_definition_hash = md5($ds->content); $object_actual_hash = md5($existing_object[$ds->id]->content); if ($object_definition_hash != $object_actual_hash) { $modified_datastreams[] = $ds->id;; } } } if (count($modified_datastreams)) { $status_friendly = format_plural(count($modified_datastreams), 'Modified Datastream: %dsids.', 'Modified Datastreams: %dsids.', array('%dsids' => implode(', ', $modified_datastreams))); return array( 'status' => 'modified_datastream', 'data' => $modified_datastreams, 'status_friendly' => $status_friendly, ); } // If not anything else we can assume its up to date. return array('status' => 'up_to_date', 'status_friendly' => t('Up-to-date')); } /** * @defgroup viewer-functions * @{ * Helper functions to include viewers for solution packs. */ /** * A form construct to create a viewer selection table. * * The list of selectable viewers is limited by the $mimetype and the $model * parameters. When neither are given all defined viewers are listed. If only * $mimetype is given only viewers that support that mimetype will be listed, * the same goes for the $model parameter. If both are given, than any viewer * that supports either the give $mimetype or $model will be listed. * * @param string $variable_id * The ID of the Drupal variable to save the viewer settings in * @param string $mimetype * The table will be populated with viewers supporting this mimetype * @param string $model * The table will be populated with viewers supporting this content model * * @return array * A form api array which defines a themed table to select a viewer. */ function islandora_viewers_form($variable_id = NULL, $mimetype = NULL, $model = NULL) { $form = array(); $viewers = islandora_get_viewers($mimetype, $model); if (!empty($viewers)) { $no_viewer = array(); $no_viewer['none'] = array( 'label' => t('None'), 'description' => t("Don't use a viewer for this solution pack."), ); $viewers = array_merge_recursive($no_viewer, $viewers); } $viewers_config = variable_get($variable_id, array()); $form['viewers'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Viewers'), '#collapsible' => FALSE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, ); if (!empty($viewers)) { $form['viewers'][$variable_id] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#title' => t('Select a viewer'), '#description' => t('Preferred viewer for your solution pack. These may be provided by third-party modules.'), '#tree' => TRUE, '#theme' => 'islandora_viewers_table', ); foreach ($viewers as $name => $profile) { $options[$name] = ''; $form['viewers'][$variable_id]['name'][$name] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $name, ); $form['viewers'][$variable_id]['label'][$name] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#markup' => $profile['label'], ); $form['viewers'][$variable_id]['description'][$name] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#markup' => $profile['description'], ); $form['viewers'][$variable_id]['configuration'][$name] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#markup' => (isset($profile['configuration']) AND $profile['configuration'] != '') ? l(t('configure'), $profile['configuration']) : '', ); } $form['viewers'][$variable_id]['default'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#options' => isset($options) ? $options : array(), '#default_value' => !empty($viewers_config) ? $viewers_config['default'] : 'none', ); } else { $form['viewers'][$variable_id . '_no_viewers'] = array( '#markup' => t('No viewers detected.'), ); variable_del($variable_id); } return $form; } /** * Returns all defined viewers. * * The list of selectable viewers is limited by the $mimetype and the * $content_model parameters. When neither are given all defined viewers are * listed. If only $mimetype is given only viewers that support that mimetype * will be listed, the same goes for the $content_model parameter. If both are * given, than any viewer that supports either the give $mimetype or $model will * be listed. * * @param string $mimetype * Specify a mimetype to return only viewers that support this certain * mimetype. * @param string $content_model * Specify a content model to return only viewers that support the content * model. * * @return array * Viewer definitions, or FALSE if none are found. */ function islandora_get_viewers($mimetype = NULL, $content_model = NULL) { $viewers = array(); $defined_viewers = module_invoke_all('islandora_viewer_info'); // Filter viewers by MIME type. foreach ($defined_viewers as $key => $value) { $value['mimetype'] = isset($value['mimetype']) ? $value['mimetype'] : array(); $value['model'] = isset($value['model']) ? $value['model'] : array(); if (in_array($mimetype, $value['mimetype']) OR in_array($content_model, $value['model'])) { $viewers[$key] = $value; } } if (!empty($viewers)) { return $viewers; } return FALSE; } /** * Implements theme_hook(). */ function theme_islandora_viewers_table($variables) { $form = $variables['form']; $rows = array(); foreach ($form['name'] as $key => $element) { if (is_array($element) && element_child($key)) { $row = array(); $row[] = array('data' => drupal_render($form['default'][$key])); $row[] = array('data' => drupal_render($form['label'][$key])); $row[] = array('data' => drupal_render($form['description'][$key])); $row[] = array('data' => drupal_render($form['configuration'][$key])); $rows[] = array('data' => $row); } } $header = array(); $header[] = array('data' => t('Default')); $header[] = array('data' => t('Label')); $header[] = array('data' => t('Description')); $header[] = array('data' => t('Configuration')); $output = ''; $output .= theme('table', array( 'header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows, 'attributes' => array('id' => 'islandora-viewers-table'), )); $output .= drupal_render_children($form); return $output; } /** * Gather information and return a rendered viewer. * * @param array/string $params * Array or string with data the module needs in order to render a full viewer * @param string $variable_id * The id of the Drupal variable the viewer settings are saved in * @param AbstractObject $fedora_object * The tuque object representing the fedora object being displayed * * @return string * The callback to the viewer module. Returns a rendered viewer. Returns FALSE * if no viewer is set. */ function islandora_get_viewer($params = NULL, $variable_id = NULL, $fedora_object = NULL) { $settings = variable_get($variable_id, array()); if (!empty($settings) AND $settings['default'] !== 'none') { $viewer_id = islandora_get_viewer_id($variable_id); if ($viewer_id AND $params !== NULL) { $callback = islandora_get_viewer_callback($viewer_id); return $callback($params, $fedora_object); } } return FALSE; } /** * Get id of the enabled viewer. * * @param string $variable_id * The ID of the Drupal variable the viewer settings are saved in * * @return string * The enabled viewer id. Returns FALSE if no viewer config is set. */ function islandora_get_viewer_id($variable_id) { $viewers_config = variable_get($variable_id, array()); if (!empty($viewers_config)) { return $viewers_config['default']; } return FALSE; } /** * Get callback function for a viewer. * * @param string $viewer_id * The ID of a viewer. * * @return string * The callback function as a string as defined by the viewer. */ function islandora_get_viewer_callback($viewer_id = NULL) { if ($viewer_id !== NULL) { $viewers = module_invoke_all('islandora_viewer_info'); if (isset($viewers[$viewer_id]['callback'])) { return $viewers[$viewer_id]['callback']; } } return FALSE; } /** * @} End of "defgroup viewer-functions". */