ingest fedoraAdmin 2010-05-25T12:52:58.656Z Created with Admin GUI "New Object" command addDatastream ISLANDORACM fedoraAdmin 2010-05-25T12:53:38.788Z DatastreamsPane generated this logMessage. ingest fedoraAdmin 2010-09-16T16:13:13.388Z Ingested from local file /Users/aoneill/fedora_repository/content_models/islandora_mapCModel.xml modifyDatastreamByValue ISLANDORACM fedoraAdmin 2010-09-16T16:13:49.927Z This DS-COMPOSITE-MODEL datastream is included as a starting point to assist in the creation of a content model. The DS-COMPOSITE-MODEL should define the datastreams that are required for any objects conforming to this content model. For more information about content models, see: For examples of completed content model objects, see the demonstration objects included with your Fedora distribution, such as: demo:CMImage, demo:UVA_STD_IMAGE, demo:DualResImageCollection, demo:TEI_TO_PDFDOC, and demo:XML_TO_HTMLDOC. For more information about the demonstration objects, see:
Islandora Map Content Model islandora:mapCModel image/tiff image/tif plugins/ ShowMapStreamsInFieldSets showJPG image/tiff image/tif plugins/ ImageManipulation createJP2 jp2 JP2 plugins/ DemoFormBuilder buildQDCForm handleQDCForm dc:title textfield The name given to the resource true dc:creator textfield An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource such as a person, organization or service. false dc:subject select Subject false image image photograph photograph presentation presentation art art dc:description textarea Description of the Image true dc:publisher textfield An entity, (including persons, organizations, or services), responsible for making the resource available. false dc:contributor textfield An entity responsible for contributing to the content of the resource such as a person, organization or service. false dc:date textfield Temporal scope of the content if known. Date format is YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 1890,1910-10,or 2007-10-23) false dc:type textfield Genre of the content of the resource. Examples include: home page, novel, poem, working paper, technical report, essay, dictionary. false dc:source textfield A reference to a resource from which the present resource is derived. false dc:identifier textfield A unique reference to the resource; In this instance, the accession number or collection number. false dc:language select The language of the intellectual content of the resource. false eng English fre French dc:relation textfield Reference to a related resource. false dc:rights textarea Information about intellectual property rights, copyright, and various property rights. false image/tiff image/tif image/tiff image/tif The name given to the resource An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource such as a person, organization or service. Subject image photograph presentation art Description of the Image An entity, (including persons, organizations, or services), responsible for making the resource available. An entity responsible for contributing to the content of the resource such as a person, organization or service. Temporal scope of the content if known. Date format is YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 1890,1910-10,or 2007-10-23) Genre of the content of the resource. Examples include: home page, novel, poem, working paper, technical report, essay, dictionary. A reference to a resource from which the present resource is derived. A unique reference to the resource; In this instance, the accession number or collection number. The language of the intellectual content of the resource. English French Reference to a related resource. Information about intellectual property rights, copyright, and various property rights.