<?php /** * @file * Tests to see if the hooks get called when appropriate. * * In the test module 'islandora_hooks_test' there are implementations * of hooks being tested. These implementations modifies the session, and * that's how we test if the hook gets called. * * To make sense of these tests reference islandora_hooks_test.module. */ class IslandoraIngestsTestCase extends IslandoraWebTestCase { /** * Gets info to display to describe this test. * * @see IslandoraWebTestCase::getInfo() */ public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Islandora Ingestion', 'description' => 'Ensure that the ingest forms function correctly.', 'group' => 'Islandora', ); } /** * Creates an admin user and a connection to a fedora repository. * * @see IslandoraWebTestCase::setUp() */ public function setUp() { parent::setUp('islandora_ingest_test'); $this->repository = $this->admin->repository; $this->purgeTestObjects(); } /** * Free any objects/resources created for this test. * * @see IslandoraWebTestCase::tearDown() */ public function tearDown() { $this->purgeTestObjects(); unset($this->repository); parent::tearDown(); } /** * Purge any objects created by the test's in this class. */ public function purgeTestObjects() { $objects = array( 'test:test', ); foreach ($objects as $object) { try { $object = $this->repository->getObject($object); $this->repository->purgeObject($object->id); } catch (Exception $e) { // Meh... Either it didn't exist or the purge failed. } } } /** * Test Ingest Steps. */ public function testIngest() { // Login the Admin user. $this->drupalLogin($this->admin); // First step in form. $this->drupalGet('test/ingest'); // Default model selected, has no additional steps. $this->assertFieldByName('ingest', 'Ingest'); // Select a model with additional steps. $edit = array( 'model' => 'test:testcmodel', ); $this->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, $edit, 'model'); // Form now reflexts multiple steps. $this->assertFieldByName('label', ''); $this->assertFieldByName('next', 'Next'); // Move to next step. $edit = array( 'label' => 'foobar', 'model' => 'test:testcmodel', ); $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Next')); $this->assertFieldByName('form_step_id', 'islandora_ingest_test_testcmodel'); $this->assertFieldByName('ingest', 'Ingest'); // Move back to first step. $this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Previous')); // Try a different model that has an additional step. $edit = array( 'model' => 'test:testcmodel2', ); $this->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, $edit, 'model'); $edit = array( 'label' => 'foobar', 'model' => 'test:testcmodel2', ); $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Next')); $this->assertFieldByName('form_step_id', 'islandora_ingest_test_testcmodel2'); $this->assertFieldByName('ingest', 'Ingest'); // Ingest the thing. $this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Ingest')); // Test that the thing got made. $object = islandora_object_load('test:test'); $this->assertEqual($object->label, 'foobar', 'Ingest Object matches submitted form values.'); $this->assertEqual($object->models, array('test:testcmodel2', 'fedora-system:FedoraObject-3.0'), 'Ingest Object matches submitted form values.'); } }