CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * summary * requirements * installation * configuration * customization * troubleshooting * faq * contact * sponsors SUMMARY ------- Islandora Fedora Repository Module For installation and customization instructions please see the documentation and the DuraSpace Wiki: All bugs, feature requests and improvement suggestions are tracked at the DuraSpace JIRA: REQUIREMENTS ------------ INSTALLATION ------------ CONFIGURATION ------------- The islandora_drupal_filter passes the username of 'anonymous' through to Fedora for unauthenticated Drupal Users. A user with the name of 'anonymous' may have XACML policies applied to them that are meant to be applied to Drupal users that are not logged in or vice-versa. This is a potential security issue that can be plugged by creating a user named 'anonymous' and restricting access to the account. Drupal's cron will can be ran to remove expired authentication tokens. CUSTOMIZATION ------------- TROUBLESHOOTING --------------- F.A.Q. ------ CONTACT ------- SPONSORS --------